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Celebrated across Thailand, the Songkra Festival is a holiday 1. welcomes the New Year with a countrywide water fight. It is also celebrated in other Asian countries like Cambodia and Laos, but the celebration in Thailand 2. (know) to be the most exciting.

Songkran was at first a time to visit families, clean away the old year and bring in a fresh one. Many Thais cleaned away the old year by 3. (wash) their homes and Buddhas around the house. They would collect the water than ran over the Buddhas and pour 4. onto the shouders of family members for good luck.

5. (final) the original purpose of the holiday became less important than the national water fight 6. (love) by Thais and foreigners today. The 7. (energy) people use whatever they can get their hand on and make each other wet with water.

Every year, 8. large number of tourist gather in Thailand to welcome the 9. (arrive) of Songkran. If you plan 10. (visit) Thailand, the days of Songkran are a great time to get to know Thai traditions.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年河南商丘市高三第二次模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


For centuries, everybody knows laughter is the best medicine. Besides bringing joy, the doctor also 1. (believe) that laughter helps release stress, which is the cause of many diseases.

The celebration of World Laughter Day is 2. (mean) to bring good health, joy and world peace. It is a special day that can 3. (celebrate)annually by anyone on the first Sunday of May. All people need to do is laugh aloud and wildly. The fun event was started 4.__ Indian physician, Dr, Madan Kataria.

His quest to make the world a happier place 5. (begin) in 1995, with the introduction of Laughter Yoga(大笑瑜伽课), a fitness class 6. people practice breathing exercise and uncontrolled laughter.

Though only five students attended the first class, this fun way of exercising soon began to spread and in a short time it began to be held 7. more than 70 countries around the world.

Members get together every day or twice a week 8. exercise by simply laughing out loud, waving their hands and making funny faces each other to keep the laughing going.

In 1998, in an attempt to spread the laughter to every person, the physician declared the first Sunday of every May World Laughter Day. Not 9. (surprise), it became an instant hit. To make it more fun, Dr. Kararia suggested 10. (organize) the celebrations in public places so that other people could join in. Some even awarded prizes to participants who could perform this feat in natural and effortless way.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年湖北长阳第一高级中学高二上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

On a hill 600 feet above the surrounding land, we watch the lines of rain move across the scene, the moon rise over the hills, and the stars appear in the sky. The views invite a long look from a comfortable chair in front of the wooden house.

Every window in our wooden house has a view, and the forest and lakes seldom look the same as the hour before. Each look reminds us where we are.

There is space for our three boys to play outside, to shoot arrows, collect tree seeds, build earth houses and climb trees.

Our kids have learned the names of the trees, and with the names have come familiarity and appreciation. As they tell all who show even a passing interest, maple (枫树) makes the best fighting sticks and white pines are the best climbing trees.

The air is clean and fresh. The water from the well has a pleasant taste, and it is perhaps the healthiest water our kids will ever drink. Though they have one glass a day of juice and the rest is water, they never say anything against that.

The seasons change just outside the door. We watch the maples turn every shade of yellow and red in the fall and note the poplars’ (杨树) putting out the first green leaves of spring. The rainbow smelt fills the local steam as the ice gradually disappears, and the wood frogs start to sing in pools after being frozen for the winter. A family of birds rules our skies and flies over the lake.

1.What can be learned from Paragraph 2?

A. The scenes are colorful and changeable.

B. There are many windows in the wooden house.

C. The views remind us that we are in a wooden house.

D. The lakes outside the windows are quite different in color.

2.By mentioning the names of the trees, the author aims to show that ___________ .

A. the kids like playing in trees

B. the kids are very familiar with trees

C. the kids have learned much knowledge

D. the kids find trees useful learning tools

3.What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean?

A. The change of seasons is easily felt.

B. The seasons make the scenes change.

C. The weather often changes in the forest.

D. The door is a good position to enjoy changing seasons.

4. What is the main purpose of the author writing the text?

A. To describe the beauty of the scene around the house.

B. To introduce her children’s happy life in the forest.

C. To show that living in the forest is healthful.

D. To share the joy of living in the nature.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年广东广州五校高二上学期期末联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


The smiling face of Santa Claus appears all across China. Local governments are decorating trees and lamp posts with lights and ornaments. 1. first glance visitors would think they were in Europe.

Despite the fact 2. most Chinese are not Christians, Christmas season has become increasingly popular.

"If you 3. (walk) around major Chinese cities 15 years ago, you wouldn’t have seen many signs of Christmas. However, if you were to visit those same Chinese cities again today, you`d be surprised to see signs of Christmas almost everywhere," says CaiJiming, 4. professor of Tsinghua University, who has served 5. an expert indeveloping China`s holiday schedule.

6. Christmas is not a public holiday, many Chinese cities are still getting into the Christmas spirit.

Cai says 7. e-mail inbox and cell phone have been flooded with messages 8. (wish)him a merry Christmas. The greetings have been coming in since the end of November.

In his view, Christmas seems like a "warm-up" for the 9. (true)important month-long Spring Festival, 10. begins on January 1st of the lunar year.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届广东广州高三1月模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空



I lifted my wet woollen gloves to my face and wiped the snowflakes from my eyes. I could not feel my nose and my ________ formed a thick fog in the air. The biting wind was making me

________ . I was fed up! I didn’t want to be here. I wanted to go home. But Mum and Dad had ________me to go for a Sunday afternoon walk in the park. I could see my ________ in the snowy path, like a trail of breadcrumbs (一串面包屑) in the forest showing me the way ________ .

I stopped and listened to my ________. I could ________ the wind crying like a homeless dog hungry for a delicious ________ . The once-green tree ________ which used to wave gently in the breeze, had become bare, and the grass was covered with a ________ blanket of fresh snow. Then I saw a broken spider’s web shining golden beneath a pale sun. My breath was like silky soft ________ floating up into the freezing cold air.

Suddenly there was Mum, ________ handing me a big cup of hot chocolate. Her big smile immediately ________ my heart.

“Here you are, Jo. This will keep you ________ ,” she said as she placed a comforting arm around my shoulders and ________ her cheek against mine.

I slowly took a mouthful of the hot ________ and felt it slowly dripping down my throat like lava (熔岩) ________ down a mountainside. My wet woollen gloves were now warm, not ________ . My breath warmed, and I was ________ fed up or cold. I was happy and ________ .

1.A. sweat B. breath C. tears D. words

2.A. hungry B. thirsty C. cold D. tired

3.A. forced B. forbidden C. allowed D. needed

4.A. shadow B. image C. shoes D. footprints

5.A. up B. inside C. home D. there

6.A. surroundings B. whispers C. heartbeat D. mind

7.A. see B. hear C. feel D. smell

8.A. chocolate B. drink C. bone D. snowball

9.A. roots B. branches C. trunks D. leaves

10.A. colourful B. shabby C. plain D. white

11.A. ice B. rain C. smoke D. light

12.A. finally B. cheerfully C. gradually D. unwillingly

13.A. melted B. impressed C. broke D. stopped

14.A. calm B. alive C. warm D. awake

15.A. raised B. felt C. dropped D. pressed

16.A. soup B. liquid C. meal D. cup

17.A. flowing B. walking C. jumping D. squeezing

18.A. damaged B. abandoned C. frozen D. worn

19.A. either B. sometimes C. no less D. no longer

20.A. surprised B. contented C. determined D. warm-hearted


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年广东惠来一中、揭东一中高二上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达



写作要点: 1. 真诚地与父母交流自己的真实感受:自己长大了,能处理自己的事情。

2. 正确对待父母的爱:理解父母,感激父母的爱

3. ……(至少再写一条自己的建议)

注意: 1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头语已为你写好。但不计入总词数;

Dear Li Hua,

I have read your letter. It is good that you feel grateful for your parents’ love. __________________________________________________________________________________



Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届河北枣强中学高三上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空



British families started going on holiday to the seaside around the middle of the 19th century. The __1. (invent) of the railways made this possible. The first holiday makers 2. (be) quite rich and went for their health and education. The seaside was a place to cure people of illness. And doctors recommended bathing in the sea and drinking sea water. At that time ordinary working people had very little time off work. 3. , in 1871 the government introduced four “Bank Holidays”, that is national holidays. This allowed people 4. (have) a day or two out now and then, 5. gave them a taste for leisure and seaside. At first, they went on a day trip, taking advantage 6. special trip tickets on the railways. By the 1880s, 7. (rise) incomes meant that many ordinary workers and their families could have holiday at the seaside. Welfare was reduced and cheap hotels 8. (build) for them. Holiday makers enjoy 9. (sit) on the beach, bathing in the sea and eating ice cream. Cheap entertainment was on offer and holiday makers went to have fun. Today 10. English seaside remains popular with more than 18 million holidays taken there each year.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届湖南益阳箴言中学高三上学期第三次模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空



History is one long story, or 1. (real), a lot of stories of competing narratives (叙述),

about the people who shaped the world we live in.

Family history can give people a sense of history that is much 2. personal than hearing about far‑off events about 3. (stranger). Telling your family history is a great way for the younger members of your family 4. (learn) some history and really understand and connect with it.

For example, it’s much more meaningful to discover 5. the Great Depression meant that your grandparents didn’t taste butter until 6. were in their teens than to hear an abstract fact that the Great Depression meant rationing (定量配给). You feel much more 7. (connect) to a story about your uncle’s experience of living in France than a book about it.

8. (tell) stories of people that you knew or ancestors 9. stories you know is a powerful way to help young people feel a connection to those who came before them, family and otherwise, linking the stories of the past 10. their own experience of the present and imaginings of the future.


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年湖南省长沙市高三二模英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

“I’d like to give my thanks to those ________ help my son was able to survive this terrible disease,” said the woman on TV.

A. with whose B. whose C. who D. with whom

