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Having a hobby does do good to you. It doesn’t matter what it is ______ it drives you to move forward.

A. if only B. in case

C. as long as D. in order that


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年甘肃天水市高一下学期第一次阶段测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The government set up a monument ________ the heroes who died in the war.

A. in need of B.in memory of

C. instead of D. in want of


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届甘肃省高三第一次诊断考试3月英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Tu Youyou, the 85-year-old Chinese pharmacologist(药理学家),received the Nobel Prize for medicine in Stockholm on December 10,2015. Tu is the first Chinese Nobel winner in physiology(生理学)or medicine. Also, in 2011, she became the first Chinese person to receive the US-based Lasker Award for clinical medicine.

Based on a fourth-century Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) text, together with her team, she managed to get artemisinin(青蒿素)from sweet wormwood through trial and error and developed an important drug that has significantly reduced death rates among patients suffering from malaria. Tu delivered a speech titled Artemisinin is a Gift from TCM to the World. She has urged more research into the benefits of traditional Chinese medicine and called for joint efforts worldwide to fight against malaria and develop more potential uses for TCM, which she called a "great treasure" with thousands of years' history and empirical knowledge. She said that by combining TCM with modem scientific technologies, "more potential can be discovered in searching for new drugs " .

According to the WHO, more than 240 million people in sub-Saharan Africa have benefited from artemisinin, and more than l. 5 million lives are estimated to have been saved since 2000 thanks to the drug. Apart from its contribution to the global fight against malaria, TCM played a vital role in the deadly outbreak of SARS across China in 2003.

Besides treating viruses, TCM has been most effective in diagnosing diseases, cultivating fitness, treating difficult multisource illnesses, and using nonmedical methods such as acupuncture (钟刺疗法) and breathing exercises.

However, TCM, which is based on a set of beliefs about human biology, is seldom understood or accepted by the West. Tu's success will bring more recognition and respect for TCM, experts say. The Western world should learn to appreciate the value of the treasures of TCM, which will lead to more basic scientific research into ancient TCM texts and ways to explore research findings worldwide.

1.In this passage the author mentions _ prize( s) that Tu Youyou received.

A. one B. two C. three D. four

2.The underlined word "malaria" in Paragraph 2 refers to "a kind of ".

A. medicine B. animal. C. plant D. disease

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A. This success may encourage Easterners to learn more about Chinese medicine.

B. Nothing remains to be done in researching into TCM theories and texts.

C. More research into the value of TCM should be carried out worldwide.

D. TCM only contributes to the fight against malaria and SARS in China.

4.What's the passage mainly about?

A. TCM is based on thousands of years of practice in China.

B. Nobel winner, Tu Youyou, strongly supports TCM research.

C. Artemisinin is now widely used to fight against Malaria.

D. Westerners will appreciate the value of the treasures of TCM.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届四川省高三12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

After having more than a few acquaintances online, it might come a blow to keen social networkers like Barack Obama, or even Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg himself.

According to a research, the average person has in fact twice as many online friends as physical ones. Users of social-networking sites have on average 121 online friends as compared with physical ones. The study also claims that people tend to be more open, confident and honest with their virtual friends than their “real” ones.

“For most people , the Internet is a way of keeping in touch with loved ones and friends, but for people who are isolated due to illness, it plays a more vital role, and can often act as a lifeline.” says Helen Oxley, a psychologist at Wythenshawe hospital.

“People with illnesses often rely on the Internet to facilitate(促进) friendships, since they blog and use networking sites as a way of dealing with their illness. It can foster a sense of social connection for those who frequently feel isolated, which is important to psychological well-being.”

In wider society, the ways in which friendships are formed are changing, with people recognizing that they can develop deep and meaningful connections with others that they’ve never met, and may never meet. About one in 10 people has either met their best friends online, or believes they can make lifelong friends on the Web.

The findings highlight how social introductions are also changing. Only five percent would ask for someone’s phone number, while 23 percent are now likely to ask for an email address or a full name with the intention of adding the person to their social network.

At the same time, however, a questionnaire completed by 4,427 suggests that 20 percent of parents believe their children’s education is affected by surfing the Net. They think their children are doing poorly at the school due to the amount of time they spend on non-educational websites.

1.The underlined word “it” in Para 1 most probably refers to ________.

A. people spending too much time surfing the Net

B. people relying on the Internet to connect with friends

C. people having more virtual friends than real ones

D. people making meaningful connections with strangers

2.We can infer from the text that________.

A. sick people can recover more quickly by surfing the Net

B. students get important information online

C. students who surf the net always perform not so well

D. people tend to trust their virtual friends more than their real ones

3.What percentage of parents believe that the Internet has a bad effect on their children?

A. About 5 percent. B. About 20 percent.

C. About 10 percent. D. About 23 percent.

4.In the following paragraph, the author will probably discuss ________.

A. how much time children spend on the Internet

B. how children learn about the world through the Net

C. how parents feel about their children’s studies

D. how children make use of the Internet to study


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江苏省南通市高三下学期第一次调研测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

There’s a case to be made, from things like Google search figures, that Robert Frost’s poem The Road Not Taken – you know, the one about two paths diverging (分开) in a wood – is the most popular in modern history. Yet people still can’t agree what it means. On the surface, it’s a fridge-magnet cliché (陈词滥调) on the importance of taking risks and choosing the road less travelled. But many argue it slyly mocks (暗讽) that American belief in the individual’s power to determine his or her future. After all, the poet admits that both paths look roughly similarly well-travelled. And how could he be sure he took the right one? He’ll never know where the other leads. Looking back at our life histories, we tell ourselves we faced important dilemmas and chose wisely. But maybe only because it’s too awful to admit we’re stumbling (跌跌撞撞地走) mapless among the trees, or that our choices don’t make much difference.

Two psychologists, Karalyn Enz and Jennifer Talarico, throw light on these matters in a new study with a title that nods to Frost: Forks In The Road. They sought to clarify how people think about “turning points” versus “transitions” in life. A turning point, by their definition, is a moment that changes your future – deciding to leave a job or marriage, say – but often isn’t visible from the outside, at least at first. “Transitions” involve big external changes: going to university, marrying, emigrating (迁出). Sometimes the two go together, as when you move to a new place and realize it’s where you belong. (“New Yorkers are born all over the country,” Delia Ephron said, “and then they come to New York and it hits them: oh, that’s who I am.”) But it’s turning points we remember as most significant, Enz and Talarico conclude, whether or not they also involve transitions.

The distinction is useful: it underlines how the most outwardly obvious life changes aren’t always those with the biggest impact. Hence the famous “focusing illusion”, which describes how we exaggerate (夸大) the importance of a single factor on happiness: you switch jobs, or spouses, only to discover you brought the same troublesome old you to the new situation. Before it became a joke, “midlife crisis” referred to a turning point that happens because your circumstances don’t change, when your old life stops feeling meaningful. Turning points can be caused by mundane (世俗的) things – the offhand remark that makes you realize you’re in the wrong life – or by nothing at all.

1.Why do some people think the poem makes fun of the American belief?

A. Because the two roads are more or less similar in the poet’s view.

B. Because Americans believe they can decide their future themselves.

C. Because Americans can find their way easily in a forest just with a map.

D. Because Americans surely know which road to take without consideration.

2.Which of the following can be considered as a transition?

A. Your experience of midlife crisis.

B. Your choice of the road to take.

C. Your decision to travel abroad.

D. Your move into a new flat.

3.What can we infer from this passage?

A. Turning points involving transitions are often remembered as most significant.

B. The biggest impact is often characterized with obvious outside changes.

C. A fundamental change is often affected by more than one single factor.

D. We can rid ourselves of the unpleasant past with the change of a job.

4.What’s the best title of the passage?

A. Is our fate in our own hands?

B. Must people make changes in life?

C. Should we choose the road less travelled?

D. Are turning points connected with transitions?


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江苏省南通市高三下学期第一次调研测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—Helen is going to Manchester for further education next month.

—I’m ______ because I have to stay at home and work.

A. green with envy B. white as a sheet

C. tickled pink D. black and blue


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年陕西西安长安区一中高二上期末英语卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.In North China, the weather in __________ (十一月) could be very cold.

2.The group is made up of local __________ (音乐家) who have been performing for several years.

3.When he __________ (进入) the classroom, the students began to study carefully.

4.____________ (幸运地), I passed my driving test yesterday.

5.Without money to buy food, he was forced to beg for a meal, driven by _________ (饥饿).

6.The ___________ (总统) is paying a private visit to his neighboring country.

7.He left a ____________ (留言) on the table before he went to explore the cave.

8.Old Joe kicked the bucket just two days before his ___________ (九十) birthday.

9.Europe is a continent full of attractions, among which ________ (德国的) capital is a must to visit.

10.Livelihood has been greatly ___________ (改善) since reform and opening.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年北京西城区高二上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

What are you doing? Don't you know it is ________ to read people's private letters without permission?

A. aggressive B. illegal C. reasonable D. secure


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届重庆市高三上学期第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


Once upon a time there was a farmer1. worked hard in the fields every day. One day, while he was ploughing the fields, he heard a 2. ( bump) sound. He saw a 3. lying by the trump. He picked it4. and found that it was a fat rabbit. He thought to5. , “Since it is so easy to get a rabbit like that, why should I work so hard all day long?” He threw his hoe away and 6. (lie) by the tree every day, 7. (dream) for more rabbits to come. When he finally realized his8. (foolish) and returned to his fields, he found that all his crops were 9. (die). This story tells that we should not wait for unexpected gains by trusting to chance and luck. Or, we should not hope to get rewards10. hard work. .

