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Canadian short story writer Alice Munro won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Eighty-two-year-old Munro is only the 13th woman to win the 112-year-old prize.
Munro didn’t publish her first collection of short stories until she was 37 years old, but her stories have always been well-received. Lots of her stories share similar themes and characters, but each story has its own twists and turns.
Even though she’s won Canada’s most famous literary award, the Giller Prize, twice, winning the Nobel Prize for Literature is the cherry on top of Munro’s career. “It brings this incredible recognition, both of her and her career, and of the dedication to the short story,” said one person.
Along with the well-respected title comes 1.3 million dollars. Munro said everything was “so surprising and wonderful” and that she was “dazed by all the attention and affection that has been coming my way.”
Munro knew she was in the running——she was named the second-most likely person to win this year’s prize, after Haruki Murakami (村上春树)of Japan——but she never thought that she would win.
Munro’s win also represents the long way Canadian writers have come. “When I began writing there was a very small community of Canadian writers and little attention was paid by the world. Now Canadian writers are read, admired and respected around the globe,” Munro said on Thursday.
She is technically not the first Canadian to win the Nobel Prize for Literature, but many like to think that she is. In 1976 Saul Bellow, who was born in Quebec but moved to Chicago when he was still a child, won the prize. Even though he was born in Canada, he is mostly considered to be an American writer.
“This is a win for us all. Canadians, by our very nature, are not very nationalistic,” said Geoffrey Taylor. “But things like this suddenly make you want to find a flag.”
She wasn’t sure if she would keep writing if she won the prize, saying that it would be “nice to go out with a bang. But this may change my mind.”
小题1:What is the feature of Munro’s stories?
A.They have their own complicated (复杂的)contents.
B.They have similar story backgrounds.
C.They have specific themes for children.
D.They have the same characters in each book.
小题2:For Munro, the Nobel Prize is an award for______.
A.her love for Canadian culture
B.her devotion to the short story
C.her special form of writing
D.her career of editing short stories
小题3:What is implied in the sixth paragraph?
A.Canadian writers paid little attention to the prize.
B.Canadian writers are just a small community.
C.Canadian writers have long been ignored.
D.Canadians have a long way to win the prize.
小题4:What does the passage mainly tell us?
A.How Alice Munro wins the Nobel Prize
B.An introduction to the Nobel Prize in Literature
C.Alice Munro wins the Nobel Prize in Literature
D.A world famous writer, Alice Munro


试题分析:加拿大短篇小说作家Alice Munro获得了诺贝尔文学奖。82岁的她是第13个获得此奖项的女性。虽然她出道比较晚,但她却凭借着独特的构思和韵味逐渐征服了读者的心。荣获诺奖后她并不确定是否继续写作,“这会改变我的想法”。
小题1:细节理解题。由“Lots of her stories share similar themes and characters, but each story has its own twists and turns.”可知她的每个故事都有自己的曲折。故选A。
小题2:细节理解题 。由““It brings this incredible recognition, both of her and her career, and of the dedication to the short story,” said one person.”可知,获得诺奖是对她对短篇故事的忠诚的最大褒奖。故选B。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Among professional basketball players,Jeremy Lin’s background is not typical.He graduated from Harvard University,which sends few players to the NBA,and he is the only Chinese­American NBA player.But when you watch him on the court,there is no doubt that he belongs there.He moves with speed and grace(魅力) that show years of faithful practice,which is fueled by a love for basketball.
The Family Effect
Lin’s enjoyment of basketball actually began in Taiwan,where his father started watching it.Lin’s father moved to U.S.,and his interest in the sport only grew.He passed on this love of basketball to his son,introducing him to the game at the age of five.The young Lin spent much of his youth playing basketball for fun.After each game,his parents would discuss not only his score but also his conduct toward other players.This taught Lin that character was more important than playing well,a lesson he still remembers.
Rise of a Star
In high school,Lin dreamed of playing in the NBA but did not really expect to do so.When he applied for college,he was not offered a single sports scholarship.However,after his admission to Harvard,he was offered a place on its college basketball team.During Lin’s time at Harvard,his basketball career began to take off.He scored 1,482 points,making him one of the highest scorers in Ivy League history.Eventually,the recognition he received led him to suspect that his NBA dream could come true.
When he first graduated,no professional teams offered Lin a contract(合约),but he was invited to play in the NBA Summer League.He played well and ended up eagerly signing a contract with the Golden State Warriors.
Life in the NBA
His journey in NBA did not go very well at first.He spent most of his time on the bench during the past two seasons.He constantly compared himself to other players and gave himself no time to rest up.For the first time in his life,he no longer enjoyed playing basketball.After a few very difficult months,he realized that much of his anxiety and stress came from self­centered desires like wanting to be famous.So he transformed his attitude.He never stopped practicing and never gave up any slim chance.
Now he has become the NBA’s latest phenomenon after leading the New York Knicks to seven straight wins.He stays_humble and thinks that the credit for the winning goes to everyone in his team.Knicks fans developed nicknames for him,such as “Linsanity”,“Lincredible”,and “Linderella”.The Associated Press called Lin “the most surprising story in the NBA”.
小题1:Which of the following is TRUE of Jeremy Lin?
A.He was born in U.S.
B.He was sure of his NBA dream in high school.
C.He loves playing basketball all the time.
D.He was coldly received when he first came to NBA.
小题2:The underlined phrase “stays humble” in the last paragraph means ________.
A.tries his bestB.is modest
C.keeps working hardD.faces the difficulties
小题3:What can we learn from Jeremy Lin?
A.Hard work brings success.
B.We must have a father like Jeremy’s.
C.A good university can help us realize our dreams.
D.Team honour is more important than our own success.
小题4:What is the best title for the text?
A.What Is Next for Jeremy Lin?
B.Jeremy Lin’s Tips for Success
C.Following Dreams and Finding Joy
D.Six NBA Teams Eyeing Jeremy Lin


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Jesse Owens was born in Alabama in the USA, in 1913. There were ten children in his family. Jesse was the youngest. He went to school in the city of Cleveland. At school he showed he had a special talent for athletics (田径). He could run fast. He could jump high. He could jump far. Because he was good at athletics, Jesse became a student at Ohio State University.
     In May, 1935 in Michigan, USA, he broke the world record for the long jump. This was his first world record. On the 25th May Jesse did something unusual. In 45 minutes he broke six world records. Some people think that this was the greatest athletics achievement ever.
     In 1936 Jesse went to the Olympic Games in Berlin, Germany. There were only nineteen black athletes in the USA team. He won gold medals in the 100 meters race, the 200 meters race, the long jump and the relay race.
     Jesse was not a professional athlete. This meant that he could not get money for running. Later, he became a professional athlete. To make money he had to appear in strange races. Sometimes he had to race against horses.
     In 1960 somebody broke Jesse's last world record. In 1980 Jesse died.
小题1:Jesse Owens was born in _____in the USA.
A. Alabama    B. Cleveland    C. Ohio    D. Michigan
小题2:Jesse showed he was very good at ______ when he was at school.
A.basketball B.swimmingC.athleticsD.shooting
小题3:Jesse's first world record was for the ______.
A.runningB.relay race C.high jumpD.long jump
小题4:He won ______ gold medals in 1936 in the Olympic Games in Berlin, Germany.
A.twoB.four C.six D.eight


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

I drove to a local supermarket the other day. My shopping list was _____ and my wallet was light. Still, I needed to get a week’s worth of groceries for my family. I parked my car, looked down at my list, and hoped I could _____it all.
As I _____ the door, I saw a man with kind eyes and a gentle ______. He said he was collecting for a local food bank that helped to__ __ the hungry in my area. He handed me a second shopping list of things they could use and asked me to ____ if I could. I smiled back, took the ____ and walked into the store. I really wanted to help, but wasn’t sure if I could this time.
I walked through the store, picking up vegetables, soup, spaghetti, bread, milk, cereal, macaroni, bananas,and a dozen other things. I slowly _____ each item off my list until I was done. When I looked down at my full cart I _____ again if I even had enough to pay for it all. Then, as I put my own list back into my pocket, I saw the food _____ list under it. I smiled and decided to trust my heart.
With the food bank in mind,I went over and ______ two of the biggest boxes of rice the store had and put them in my cart. It took____ six dollars out of my wallet to pay for them,__ __ my heart felt six times larger when I did. And when everything was ______, I had just enough to pay for it all.
It ____ so little to make our world a better place. A few dollars can help to fill a child’s ____ belly(肚子). A smile and hug can help to _____ a hurting heart. An encouraging word can inspire someone else to live and to love. A random____ of kindness can change another’s day and life. It is up to us,_____. If we can ______ a few dollars on rice , then we can share a love that will last forever.
A.short B.longC.frequent D.heavy
A.offer B.exchangeC.affordD.accept
A.share B.train C.protectD.feed
A.helpB.write C.advertiseD.search
A.storeB.cartC.nutrition D.bank
A.picked outB.lifted up C.picked upD.folded up
A.cureB.treatC.heal D.recover
A.althoughB.though C.yetD.still


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

She once said: "When people ask me if writing has been a hard or easy road I always answer with the famous saying, "the end is nothing; the road is all.'” That is what I mean when I say writing has been a pleasure. I have never faced the type-writer (打字机) with the thought that one more task had to be done."
Like most writers, Willa Cather did not write books for the money that they brought her, but rather for the pleasure that came in their writing. Her works were, like her, simple and full of the vigor (活力) of her days in Nebraska, where she grew from childhood to young womanhood and where she developed a deep love for the treeless land of the Great Plains with its wild flowers, wheat fields and rivers.
"It's a rather strange thing about the flat country," she wrote later. "It takes hold of you, or it leaves you perfectly cold. A great many people find it very dull; they like a church tower, an old factory, a waterfall country all made to look like a German, Christmas card... But when I come to the open plains, something happens. I'm home. I breathe differently."
小题1:What did Cather mean by "the end is nothing; the road is all"?
A.Writing is the only path to success.
B.I feel happy when I finish writing a book.
C.I enjoy writing whether it is hard or easy.
D.Writing itself, not its result, is important.
小题2:What was the place like where Cather grew up?
A.It was cold, plain and without a church.
B.It was a colorful world of wild flowers.
C.It was like a German Christmas card
D.It was vast, open, flat and wild.
小题3:When she said "It takes hold of you, or it leaves you perfectly cold", Willa Gather meant ______.
A.you either love the place or hate it
B.you decide either to stay or to leave
C.some find the place warm; others find it cold
D.some find the place peaceful; others find it wild
小题4:What happens when Cather comes to the open plains?
A.She breathes differently from others:
B.She wants to make the place her home.
C.She finds the place similar to her home.
D.She feels completely comfortable


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

One Friday morning, Andrew announced to his wife that he finally decided to ask his boss for a salary raise. All day Andrew felt worried --- what if Mr. Larchmont refuses to grant his request? Andrew had worked so hard and of course, he deserves a wage increase.
The thought of walking into Larchmont’s office left Andrew weak in the knees. Late in the afternoon he finally mustered up the courage to approach his superior. To his delight and surprise, the ever-frugal Harvey Larchmont agreed to give him a raise!
Andrew arrived home to a beautiful table set with their best china, and candles lit. His wife, Tina had prepared a fine meal including his favorite dishes. Immediately he figured someone from the office might have broken the good news to her!
Next to his plate Andrew found a lettered note, reading: "Congratulations, my love! I knew you'd get the raise! I prepared this dinner to show just how much I love you. I am so proud of your accomplishments!" He read it and stopped to reflect on how sensitive and caring Tina was.
After dinner, Andrew was on his way to the kitchen when he observed a second card had slipped out of Tina's pocket onto the floor. He picked it up. He read: "Don't worry about not getting the raise! You deserve it anyway! You are a wonderful provider and I prepared this dinner to show you just how much I love you even though you did not get the increase."
Suddenly tears swelled in Andrew's eyes. Total acceptance! Tina's support for him was not conditional upon his success at work.
The fear of rejection is often softened when we know someone loves us regardless of our success or failure.
小题1:Why was Andrew worried about asking for a salary raise?
A.He was afraid of being turned down.
B.He didn’t think he ought to get a raise.
C.He wife didn’t support him in this.
D.His superior had refused him once.
小题2:What does the underlined word “muster” in the second paragraph probably mean?
A.To gather something.
B.To make use of something .
C.To create something.
D.To consume something
小题3:Andrew felt ______ when he discovered the truth.
A.angry B.disappointed C.relaxedD.moved
小题4:Tina prepared a good meal, _________.
A.because she knew her husband would make it
B.because she wanted to comfort her husband
C.but she didn’t know what the result would be
D.and she wrote a letter to her husband.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

These young men were a different kind of prisoner from those we had seen before. They- were brave, hostile(怀敌意的)and_1__ they would not take orders, and shouted "Amandla!”at every opportunity. Their instinct was to confront(对抗)rather than cooperate. The authorities② did not know how to handle them, and they turned the island upside down. During the Rivonia Trial, I remarked to a security policeman that if the government did not reform itself, the freedom fighters who would take our place③would some-day make the authorities miss us. That day had indeed come on Robben Island.
In these young men we saw the angry revolutionary spirit of the times. I had had some warning. On a visit with Winnie a few months before, she had managed to tell me through our coded conversation that there was a rising class of discontented youths who were violent and Africanist in beliefs. She said they were changing the nature of the struggle and that I should be aware of them.
The new prisoners were shocked by what they considered the inhuman conditions of the island, and said that they could not understand how we could live in such a way. We told them that they should have seen the island in 1964. But they were almost as sceptical of us as they were of the authorities. They chose to ignore our calls for discipline and thought our advice weak and unassertive(不果断).
It was obvious that they regarded us, the Rivonia Trialists⑤,as moderates⑥(温和派). After so many years of being branded a radical(激进的)revolutionary, to be seen as a moderate was a novel and not altogether pleasant feeling. I knew that I could react in one of two ways:I could scold them for their disrespect or I could listen to what they were saying. I chose the latter.
'then some of these men, such as Strini Moodley of the South African Students' Organization and Saths Cooper of the Black People's Convention, came into our section, I __2____
Shortly after their arrival on the island, the commanding officer came and asked me as a favour to address the young men. He wanted me to tell them to behave themselves, to recognize the fact that they were in prison and to accept the discipline of prison life.I told him that I was not prepared to do that. Under the circumstances, they would have regarded me as a follower of the authorities.
(-adapted from "Long walk to freedom: The autobiography of Nelson Mandela')
小题1:Which of the following words fits best in Blank 1?
小题2:We may infer from the passage all of the following EXCEPT that_
A.an angry massive revolution was probably on its way
B.the author's activities were strictly monitored
C.many were concerned about the influence these young men could make
D.these young men were willing to cooperate in face of difficulties
小题3:Sentences are missing in Blank 2 regarding the author's following reactions. Which of the following reactions do you think he would have?
A."I" asked them to tell us about their movement and beliefs.
B."I" reported to the officers about their dissatisfaction.
C."I" tried to calm them down and talked them into behaving.
D."I" just turned a deaf ear to the young men.
小题4:Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.Conditions of the prison were far more unsatisfactory in 1964.
B.Officers of the prison turned the island upside down to discipline the young men.
C.The Rivonia Trialists felt honored to be regarded as moderates.
D.The young men regarded the author as a follower of the authorities.
小题5:Several phrases have been underlined and numbered in the passage; which two of them actually refer to the same people?


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

While I lived in Ireland, part of my college course was to work in the area of children with special needs. I was selected to ____ in a school with children with ____. I had numerous rooms to ____ from. I chose to work in the ____ that was apart from the school. Children ___ 5—16 with severe disabilities. They had no speech and most were in a wheelchair.
The ____ of that room asked if I would work with one girl who had ____ of epilepsy(癫痫症), autism(自闭症), and other brain development disabilities. She was 15 years old. At her school they would think that just being able to zip up(拉上拉链) her own coat was a(n) ____ . I saw more in her. She always wanted to put ____ through the shaped blocks to make a necklace. For the 5 years she was in the school, the teachers always tried to ____ her do all the work. I knew this smart girl could do ____ and so I encouraged her. She had a thumb which she could not move but I ____ her so much to try. She got very ____ most days and sometimes I wanted to quit. ____ after a week, this young girl was able to do ____ she had been wanting to do by herself for so many years. Her teacher cried when she saw what this ____ was able to do with just some encouragement.
People with disabilities should never be ____ that they can't. We are all human and with just some encouragement we can do it. The ____ on that girl's face when she was able to do it herself ___ the world to me. I wish everyone would encourage people rather than telling them they can't ____ doing it for them.
A.confidenceB.dangerC.disabilities D.depression
A.accident B.evidenceC.reputationD.achievement


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

I went to India for a 2-week vacation to visit my relatives, We stopped on a red light, and as always, there was a lot of activity outside the cars near the     . People walked in, between the cars       newspaper. water and a number of kids looked for a bit of charity from the car owners. It' s a familiar      in most poor developing' countries.         
While we were   for the red light to turn green, I noticed a man outside a couple of    in front of ours trying to sell bottles of water. It's      unusual at first. He was a man in his 40s with relatively    clothes. But he walked around in a strange way. He kind of     his way around the spaces. He was blind.
Carrying a couple of water bottles on one hand, he    got to the outside of our car. Out of     , my mum decided to buy one water bottle. As she gave the man the money, the light turned green. The car behind sounded loudly and     , trying to get ahead of traffic. Seeing this, my mum kindly told the man to     the change. However, with his-superior sense of touch, he quickly      his shirt pocket and threw the money at my mum's      . It was the exact change. T he cars behind us were really getting out of control,       we decided to go on our way.
I      and even cried when I got home. Here's a blind man, born in       ,trying to sell water bottles on the streets to make ends meet. He      our sympathy. Life hasn't been      to him, yet he's giving it his best shot. I think that is what       is all about . facing life bravely.
A.searched forB.went throughC.turned overD.looked for
A.gave upB.set offC.held onD.broke down

