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It’s amazing how one dollar can change the culture of a school.

We have a ______ school of about 30 students. It is really full of ______ and pressure as most of the kids get good ______ and try to be the best ones. It’s ______ except that a lot of us middle kids felt really pressured. We got the feeling that we are so selfish—it’s every man for ______ .

____,my friend and I set out to find a way to ______ the culture. We decided doing things for others was the only way to ______ our depression(沮丧)about school.

On the first day of school we put a ______ folded into a heart into one of the leaders’ lockers with a piece of paper that ______,“Buy yourself a snack.” We______ to give away small gifts every day. We didn’t know the ______ it would have.

People went ______ over it and everyone was talking about who it might be doing the acts of kindness and ______ that they should do something too. It is so much fun to see the ______ on everyone’s faces now! Lots of other people have started sharing ______ now too: Chocolate bars, cookies and money left ______ in the vending machine(自动售货机).And lots of notes are on the thanks board saying: “thanks to whoever started.”

Now I actually expect to go to school to have the chance to ______ people up. I hope kindness will ______ to the other schools.____ anybody is struggling with being depressed  At school and work, I totally suggested doing acts of kindness.

1.A. small B. large C. foolish D. hopeless

2.A. decoration B. selection C. competition D. application

3.A. grades B. jewels C. Receptions D. signals

4.A. unbelievable B. magical C. good D. hopeless

5.A. others B. yourself C. nothing D. himself

6.A. In relief B. In charge C. In response D. In cash

7.A. spotted B. continue C. praise D. change

8.A. get over B. take over C. come up with D. keep up with

9.A. paper B. hat C. dollar D. ticket

10.A. agreed B. said C. voted D. talked

11.A. refused B. hoped C. persuaded D. escaped

12.A. risk B. opinion C. effect D. beginning

13.A. wild B. sad C. angry D. peaceful

14.A. regretting B. disagreeing C. doubting D. deciding

15.A. tears B. pain C. smiles D. terror

16.A. manners B. selfishness C. kindness D. sadness

17.A. on duty B. on average C. on foot D. on purpose

18.A. bring B. cheer C. speed D. hold

19.A. spread B. refer C. react D. harm

20.A. Until B. Though C. Unless D. If


科目:高中英语 来源:四川省遂宁市2016-2017学年高二下学期期末教学水平监测英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

For many reasons, I didn’t choose to go to university like most of my family members, schoolmates and even best friends. I can’t say that I didn’t have moments of doubt about my decision. As the last term of school was coming to a close, I began to feel very anxious about the choice I made to be different and start an apprenticeship(学徒).

Although my A-level results day was the one that I felt extremely proud of, I knew that the general feeling from most of my teachers was disappointment. I completed my application, did a series of ability tests and interviews, and at last nine months later—I began an apprenticeship with Sellafield Ltd.

As soon as I started, I knew straight away that I made the right decision. From the people I met, to the on-the-job training that I was experiencing, I began to feel a real sense of purpose and could see a successful career in an industry that I found so interesting and challenging, paving the way in front of me. I never thought when I was in sixth grade that I would be working in the nuclear industry, but now I can’t imagine working anywhere else.

Since finishing my apprenticeship over two years ago, I’ve had countless opportunities to develop myself both academically and personally. I’ve bought my first home; I was chosen to be a part of the Government’s Get In Go Far apprenticeship campaign, and offered an amazing and unique secondment(人员借调) with the Environment, Health, Safety and Quality department at Sellafield.

I have no doubt that without my apprenticeship I wouldn’t be in the position I am today, but equally I know that it was only the beginning for me.

My apprenticeship inspired me to explore different career paths in the nuclear industry, and it gave me the confidence to know that I can succeed in shifting from one position to another.

1.How did the writer feel at the crossroad of making a choice?

A. Determined. B. Worried.

C. Proud. D. Regretted.

2.What can we learn from Paragraph Two?

A. The writer did badly at school.

B. His teachers supported his apprenticeship.

C. His apprenticeship didn’t come easily.

D. His apprenticeship lasted for nine months.

3.What can we infer about his apprenticeship?

A. It is fruitful and rewarding.

B. It is easy and interesting.

C. It caused him frequent job changes.

D. It limited him to the unclear industry.


科目:高中英语 来源:甘肃省天水市2016-2017学年高一下学期期末(第三次)考试英语试卷 题型:完成句子

Dr.Yuan 1. for a way to increase rice harvests without expanding the area of the fields...Dr. Yuan is now 2. his knowledge in India, Vietnam and many other less developed countries to increase their rice harvests... 3. to his research, the UN has more tools in the battle to4. the world of hunger.

He made people laugh at a time 5. they felt depressed, so they could feel more6. with their lives...His parents were both music hall 7. .

However, people from places like Spain, Italy or south American countries approach others closely and are more8. to touch them.

In 9. , though, studying international customs can certainly help avoid difficulties in today’s world of cultural 10. .


科目:高中英语 来源:福建省龙岩市一级达标校2016-2017学年高二第二学期期末教学质量检查英语试卷 题型:短文填空

In Canada, volunteering is extremely common among people of all ages. They believe that being helpful is one of the most important1.(quality) to have. There are many forms of voluntary work and opportunities to help are everywhere,2.(include) schools or people’s gardens.

I’m volunteering for a foundation to assist the teacher there. I’m in charge of3.preschool class, where students are aged from 3 to 6. When I first started, I was quite nervous as I’d never worked with little kids before. As time went on, I4.(become) more familiar with them. One teacher asked me to help the5.(young)girl in the class draw a picture6.(base) on the word “grateful”. As I was drawing and talking with her, I7. (gradual) felt warm and peaceful, and I realized8.was not that difficult to work with children. When the class was over, I felt really excited and even a bit proud of 9. had been done.

Volunteering gives us not only an opportunity to change someone’s life but also the satisfaction of helping others. It is also a great way to develop social skills and10.(value) experience for our future.


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省广州市2016-2017学年高一下学期期中英语试卷 题型:书面表达


1. 台湾的地理位置;(见图)

2. 台湾是中国最大的岛屿,面积约36,000平方公里,人口2,000多万;


4. 风景优美,气候宜人,世界各地的游客纷至沓来;

5. 台湾自古以来就是中国领土的一部分。岛内绝大多数居民来自福建,广东。海峡两岸人民都有统一祖国的强烈愿望

参考词汇:古代的 ancient times 中国南海 South China Sea 台湾海峡  the Taiwan Strait 统一 unite

Dear Tom:

I’m glad to hear from you. Let me tell you something about Taiwan island.










科目:高中英语 来源:广东省广州市2016-2017学年高一下学期期中英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Inside the Rain Room

The Rain Room has arrived and local art lovers are taking notice. Is it worth the wait? Yes, I assure you it is. Once inside, visitors find a long, dark room with a high ceiling. A single bright light shines through heavy rain falling around visitors. The mist. The damp air. The noise. It feels like a mighty storm is pouring down. But the storm is inside. And visitors aren’t getting wet. Instead, visitors wander in awe, admiring the rain and the artists who created it.

The Rain Room was created to highlight the connection between humans, nature and technology. With a tracking system that senses movement and stops the rain wherever visitors move, it does just that. Light and sound produce an experience that feels both natural and foreign. The exhibit is moving on to Atlanta next month. I urge you to visit before then. It’s time to experience the Rain Room for yourself!

Welcome to the Rain Room

The Rain Room features falling water. Please be aware you may get slightly wet. However, visitors wearing raincoat will be turned away.

This exhibit features advanced technology. To ensure its effectiveness, please avoid wearing dark or reflective clothing.

Visitors are welcome to take photographs of the exhibit.

Children must be accompanied by an adult.

For the convenience of all guests, visits are limited to 10minutes.

1.What’s the purpose of the text?

A. To attract visitors to a new art exhibit.

B. To explain how an exhibit has been created.

C. To describe the technology used in the exhibit.

D. To promise the artists taking part in an exhibit.

2.What’s the function of the exhibit’s tracking system?

A. To keep visitors from getting wet.

B. To protect the exhibit from water damage.

C. To time how long visitors are in the room.

D. To count the number of visitors in the room.

3.What must you do when visiting the Rain Room?

A. Wear a raincoat

B. Wear dark clothing

C. Leave your camera outside.

D. Pass through within 10 minutes.


科目:高中英语 来源:贵州省遵义市2016-2017学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

My son ,Izzy, was a nine-year-old boy and had been begging me to please let him find his way home by subway, by himself. After all, we live in New York City, and getting around by public transportation is a basic part of life. It is also the first step toward feeling grown-up. So on that sunny Sunday,I gave him a subway map, a transportation card,$20 for emergencies, and a couple of coins so that he could call me if necessary. I didn’t give him a cell phone because nine-year-olds lose things. A few days later, I wrote about his adventure,or non-adventure for a newspaper. Little did I realize the idea that a kid could tour the city on his own, and that a mom would let him, was big news. It turned out that many TV shows called me and asked for an interview. Bloggers were going crazy, so I started a blog, too, and letters came pouring in. Finally I found out why this was such a big story: we have become fearful for our children. Fear is hardly a new thing for parents, of course. But the fear of letting our children out of sight for even a second-that’s new. How did this happen? How did it become too scary to let kids be kids? I asked the question when the reporter Trevor Butterworth interviewed me.

“News reports,” he answered. “News reports scare the pants off you. What is scarier than a kidnapped kid no matter how far away?Because there are so many such stories, it starts to feel as if kidnappings are happening all the time. That’s why the kid-on-the-subway story surprises the whole world.” Izzy probably did a good job. He simply proved that kids could leave home alone and return home safely! But he didn’t think it was a big deal. “It was fun,” he said. “But I missed some classes because of the interviews.” Sometimes it really pays to be brave.

1.Why did the author let her son take the subway alone?

A. Because she always let her son do whatever he wanted.

B. Because she believed that her son had memorized the subway map.

C. Because she thought it would be big news around the whole world.

D. Because she felt traveling by subway in New York was a basic life skill.

2.The author gave her son all the following when he traveled alone EXCEPT_______.

A. a map. B. a cell phone.

C. a transportation card D. some money.

3.The author didn’t expect that after she wrote her son’s story for a newspaper, _________.

A. a blog would be started in her name

B. her son would receive so many letters

C. many TV shows would want to interview her

D. many TV stations would want to film her son’s story


科目:高中英语 来源:吉林省2016-2017学年高一下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Years ago, I lived in a building in a large city. The next building only was a few feet away from mine. They was a woman lived there, and I had never met her, yet I could see she sat by her window each afternoon, sewing or reading.

After several months had gone by, I began to notice that her window was dirty. Everything was unclear through the dirty window. I would say to myself. “I wonder why that woman doesn’t wash her window. It really looks terrible.”

One bright morning I decided to clean my flat, including washing the window on the inside.

Late in the afternoon when I finished the cleaning, I sat down by the window with a cup of coffee for a rest. What a surprise! Across the way, the woman sitting by her window was clearly visible (看见). Her window was clean!

Then it dawned on me. I had been criticizing (批评) her dirty window, but all the time I was watching hers through my own dirty window.

That was quite an important lesson for me. How often had I looked at and criticized others through the dirty window of my heart, through my own shortcomings? Since then, whenever I wanted to judge (评判) someone, I asked myself first, “Am I looking at him through my own dirty window?” I try to clean the window of my own world so that I may see the world about me more clearly.

1.The writer couldn’t see everything clearly through the window because __________.

A. the woman’s window was dirty B. the writer’s window was dirty

C. the woman lived nearby D. the writer was near-sighted

2.The writer was surprised that _________.

A. the woman was sitting by her window

B. the woman’s window was still terrible

C. the woman did cleaning in the afternoon

D. the woman’s window was clean

3.“It dawned on me” probably means “_______”.

A. I began to understand it B. it cheered me up

C. I knew it grew light D. it began to get dark

4.From the passage, we can learn _______.

A. one shouldn’t criticize others very often

B. one should often make his windows clean

C. one must judge himself before he judges others

D. one must look at others through his dirty windows.


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省南通市2016-2017学年高一下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:书面表达

随着人们的生活水平越来越高,有不少人忽视了体育锻炼。你班学生就这一话题组织了一次班级讨论, 请对以下列举的体育锻炼的好处进行补充,并说说自己所喜爱的运动项目。






















