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Henry's job was to examine people who crossed the frontier (边境) to make sure that they were not smuggling (走私) anything into the country. Every evening except at weekends, he would see a(n) ___ coming up the hill towards the frontier, __ a bicycle with a big load of old straw on it. When the bicycle__ the frontier, Henry used to __ the man and order him to take the straw off and ___ it. Then he would examine the straw very ___ to see whether he could find anything, after which he would look in all the man's pockets before letting him tie the straw __. The man would then put it on his bicycle and go off down the hill with it. Although Henry was always __ to find gold or jewelry or other valuable things hidden in the straw, he ___ found anything, even though he examined it very carefully. He was___that the man was smuggling __, but he was not able to imagine __ it could be.
Then one evening, after he had__ the straw and emptied the factory worker's__ as usual, he said to him, “___ I know that you are smuggling things __ this frontier. Won't you tell me what you're bringing into the country so successfully? I'm sixty years old now, and today is my last day on the __ . Tomorrow I'm going to retire. I promise that I shall not tell anyone __ you tell me what you've been smuggling." The factory worker did not say anything ___ . Then he smiled, turned to Henry and said quietly, “ __ .”
A.officer B.driverC.workerD.soldier
A.curious B.sureC.cleverD.known
A.looked afterB.looked throughC.looked forD.looked out
A.jobB.mountain C.edgeD.road
A.at the momentB.after allC.for a momentD.at all


小题1:考查名词辨析。A官员;B司机;C工人;D士兵。根据第二段“emptied the factory worker's”可知,Henry搜查的那个人是一名工人,故选C。
小题2:考查动词辨析。A拉;B推;C填满;D携带。根据“coming up the hill”可知,那个人是推着一辆自行车,故选B。
小题3:考查动词辨析。A到达,够;B离开;C面对;D形成。根据第一行“who crossed the frontier”可知,Henry站在边境线那里检查来往的行人,由此可见,那个人是到达边境线,故选A。
小题4:考查动词辨析。A停止;B问候;C表扬;D打败。Henry used to __ the man and order him to take the straw off亨利总是叫住那个人,让他取下车上的稻草,故选A。
小题5:考查动词辨析。A展示;B装载;C使发光,点燃;D解开。take the straw off and ___ it亨利让那个人取下稻草,解开捆稻草的绳子,故选D。
小题6:考查副词辨析。A小心地;B粗心地;C生气地;D迅速地。Then he would examine the straw very ___ to see whether he could find anything亨利就会仔细检查那些稻草,看能否找到什么东西,故选A。
小题7:考查副词辨析。A一旦;B再次;C还没;D代替。根据“take the straw off and ___ it.”可知,在让他把稻草重新捆绑之前,亨利还要搜查他的衣兜,故选B。
小题8:考查动词辨析。A假装;B相信;C期望;D询问。根据“he ___ found anything, even though he examined it very carefully”可知,即使检查得很仔细,亨利并没有发现什么异常,亨利总是期待能搜出金子、珠宝或其它贵重东西,故选C。
小题9:考查副词辨析。A曾经;B经常;C总是;D从不。he ___ found anything他从来没有找到别的东西,anything常用于否定句和疑问句,故选D。
小题10:考查形容词辨析。A好奇的;B确定的;C聪明的;D著名的。He was___that the man was smuggling __亨利确定那个人在走私东西,故选B。
小题11:考查不定代词。A任何事物;B没有东西;C一切;D一些。He was___that the man was smuggling __亨利确信那个人在走私什么东西,something用于肯定句,故选D。
小题12:考查连接词辨析。A怎样;B哪一个;C什么;D为什么。but he was not able to imagine__ it could be亨利不能想出来那个人在走私什么东西,be缺少宾语,用what,故选C。
小题13:考查动词短语辨析。A照顾;B仔细检查;C寻找;D小心。after he had__ the straw在检查了稻草之后,故选B。
小题14:考查名词辨析。A口袋;B衣服;C袜子;D鞋子。根据第一段第五行的“he would look in all the man's pockets”可知,亨利还检查那个工人的口袋,故选A。
小题15:考查动词辨析。A等待;B去;C听;D到来。___ I know that you are smuggling things __ this frontier.亨利对那个工人说“听着,我知道你在走私什么东西”,那个人站在亨利的面前在接受检查,不可能是go, come,工人本来就站在原地没有动,没必要用wait,故选C。
小题16:考查介词辨析。A经过;B来自;C通过;D穿过。you are smuggling things __ this frontier你正在走私物品过边境线,边境线不是一个空间,不能用through,故选D。
小题17:考查名词辨析。A工作;B大山;C边缘;D道路。today is my last day on the __ . Tomorrow I'm going to retire.今天是亨利最后一天上班,明天就要退休了,故选A。
小题18:考查连接词辨析。A随着,正如;B如果,是否;C在......之前;D是否。I promise that I shall not tell anyone __ you tell me what you've been smuggling.亨利保证如果工人告诉他,他将不会告诉任何人工人在走私的是什么物品,故选B。
小题20:考查名词辨析。A稻草,无价值的东西;B金钱;C汽车;D自行车。Then he smiled, turned to Henry and said quietly, “ __ .”然后,他笑着对亨利小生说道“自行车”,根据前文可知,那个工人用稻草作为被检查的诱饵,让亨利忽略了自行车,其实是在走私自行车,故选D。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Steve Nash enjoys team success far more than personal success, and always wants to share the glory and the joy with teammates.
He is a self-effacing (不爱出风头的) Canadian, who grew up in hockey country. Today Steve Nash has to stand alone even if he doesn’t enjoy it. The Phoenix Sun’s point guard has to take ownership of a set of skills that sets him apart from every bigger, faster basketball player. He is considered the best basketball player in the game.
31-year old Nash was named the Most Valuable Player (MVP) of the NBA on May 8, 2005. “It’s unbelievable,” he said. “It’s been a long road for me and I really enjoy playing as a team, just trying to be a good teammate. That is the only way for me to highlight what I do as a basketball player.”
It is the first time a Canadian has won any individual NBA honor. Of the 50 winners of the MVP award, only six have been guards: Steve Nash, Magic Johnson, Oscar Robertson, Michael Jordan, Allen Iverson, and Bob Cousy. “I’m happy for him getting the MVP, which makes us feel like we all got the MVP,” said Phoenix forward Shawn Marion.
He may be the only one who truly believes he can reach this level. “I always try to set goals for myself and have my own time frame to accomplish them and I never give up on anything,” he said. It is not as if Nash arrived at this point without countless hours of hard work.
His interests go far beyond sports and the NBA. His social conscience is such that he wore a T-shirt bearing an anti-war slogan at the NBA all-star weekend festivities in Philadelphia in 2002.
“A lot of great moments are when you win games with your teammates. There’s nothing like sharing something with someone else,” he said. “There is a pinnacle (顶点) of a player’s career individually. In many ways, the pinnacle of a player’s career really is defined by team wins.”
小题1:What does Steve Nash mean by saying the last two sentences?
A.A player’s success is decided by his / her individual efforts.
B.A player won’t succeed without a team’s support.
C.A player will succeed sooner or later.
D.A team always decides a player’s success.
小题2:Steve Nash feels happiest _______.
A.when he is named the Most Valuable Player of the NBA
B.when he is 30 years old
C.when he plays at the NBA all-star weekend festivities
D.when his team wins a game
小题3:Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Nash is an American basketball player.
B.Nash is better at basketball than Magic Johnson.
C.Nash is the first Canadian winner of the MVP award.
D.Michael Jordan is the best of the six guards.
小题4: Which of the following is the main message that the passage wants to express?
A. Nash prefers team honor to personal honor.
B. Hard work will lead to the honor of the MVP of the NBA.
C. A Canadian can be an MVP of the NBA.
D. Setting goals is of importance to success.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Hank Viscardi was born without legs. He had not legs but stumps (残肢) that could he fitted with a kind of special boots, People stared at him with cruel interest. Children laughed at him and called him‘Ape Man’(猿人) because his arms practically dragged on the ground.
Hank went to school like other boys. His grades were good and he needed only eight years to finish his schooling instead of the usual twelve. After graduating from school, he worked his way through college. He swept floors, waited on table, or worked in one of the college offices. During all this busy life, he had been moving around on his stumps. But one day the doctor told him even the stumps were not going to last much longer. He would soon have to use a wheel chair.
Hank felt himself got cold all over. However, the doctor said there was a chance that he could be fitted with artificiallegs(假腿). Finally a leg maker was found and the day came when Hank stood up before the mirror, for the first time he saw himself as he has always wanted to be-a full five feet eight inches tall. By this time he was already 26 years old.
Hank had to learn to use his new legs. Again and again he marched the length of the room, and marched back again. There were times when he fell down on the floor, but he pulled himself up and went back to the endless marching. He went out on the street. He climbed stairs and learned to dance. He built a boat and learned to sail it.
When World War II came, he talked the Red Cross into giving him a job. He took the regular training. He marched and drilled along with the other soldiers. Few knew that he was legless. This was the true story of Hank Viscardi, a man without legs.
小题1:Children laughed at Hank and called him ‘Ape Man’ because      .
A.he didn’t talk to them
B.he kept away from them
C.his arms touched the ground when he moved
D.he couldn’t use his arms
小题2:It can be inferred from the story that five feet eight inches tall is      .
A.an average height for a fully grown person
B.too tall for an average person
C.too short for an average person
D.none of the above
小题3:The sentence “he talked the Red Cross into giving him a job” implies that the Red Cross      .
A.was only glad to give him a job
B.give him a job because he was a good soldier
C.gave him a job after he talked to someone whom he knew in the organization
D.was not willing to give him a job at first
小题4:When Hank marched and drilled along with the other soldiers, he      .
A.did everything the other soldiers did
B.did most of the things the other soldiers did
C.did some of the things the other soldiers did
D.took some special training
小题5:The writer suggests that Hank Viscardi       .
A.had no friends
B.never saw himself as different from others
C.was very shy
D.was too proud to accept help from others


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A few days ago, I bought some ink for my printer at my favorite $1 Supermarket, which sold everything from fresh produce to birthday cards at one dollar. Then l found a better        at a computer store. So I went back to the supermarket to        it for some other products. With        telling me exactly what to do, I put the ink into a plastic bag, tied it up, placed the bag into a push-cart and started      .
I was midway        when a clerk suddenly stopped me. "You are not allowed to        a bag around in this store. Open it and show me the      !" she yelled coldly.
    , I opened the bag and       the ink to her. "I'm returning it. " I said.
"You should have left the bag with the clerk upon       . Let me see your receipt!" she demanded I did as told, looking around, embarrassed        everyone was laughing at me. "Perhaps in the future you'll learn how to follow the store       . " she added.
By the time I finished shopping, I was angry. How dare she treat me as a       ? I went looking for her and asked for her      . She mumbled (嘀咕) something. I asked her again, and this time I heard "Ursula. "
"Ursula what?" I asked. She yelled at me,  "Ursula! " and stormed away.
"This employee is about to become unemployed, " I         when I got home. 1       their headquarters (总部). I described my unpleasant experience to a representative. She was sympathetic, "Our employees are taught to be      . Give me your phone number and I will ring you back. "
She did two days later. "I'm sorry," she said, "but there's no Ursula at that supermarket. Can you         her so that I can find out who she is? I assure you, we do not tolerate rude behavior, nor do we tolerate      to our customers. "
By this time, I had calmed down. l didn't really want the employee to lose her      . So I told the representative to forget about it.
A.even thoughB.as ifC.so thatD.in case
A.calmed down B.thought aloudC.found outD.got through


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

In the past two years, his wife, Merlie, and their seven children have said “goodbye” to him four times, most recently last month. Each time it has been unnecessary.
Mr. Smart had a hip (髋关节) replacement in February at the Burnie hospital but was rushed back two months later with internal bleeding.
“The doctors couldn’t stop the bleeding,” Mrs. Smart said. Medical staff told Mrs. Smart to contact her family, which includes children in Western Australia. “It took two days for them to get here. We had to hope he hung on .” he did.
“The doctors were there 24 hours a day and they stopped the bleeding. They brought him back,” Mrs. Smart said.
“I certainly believe in miracles because I’ve seen one happen, but it wouldn’t have happened if the doctors didn’t do what they did.”
It was the second time Mrs. Smart thought she was losing her husband of 54 years. Two years ago, Mr. Smart was admitted to the Launceston General Hospital after a heart attack and a few days later with intense pain caused by a hemorrhage (出血). Again, the family was called to say goodbye---twice.
“I was given a 50-50 chance of coming out of it, ” Mr. Smart said.
Going through the ordeal (苦难,折磨) then was trying on the family, who had prepared themselves for the worst.
But to face the same situation only two years later was hard. The Smarts said the support they received at the Burnie hospital helped them through.
And it seems the experience has also left an impression at the hospital. Mrs. Smart said when she rang recently and mentioned her husband’s name, the reply was “ah the miracle man”.
小题1:The first time Mrs. Smart and the children said goodbye to Mr. Smart was when he had    .
A.a hip replacementB.internal bleeding
C.a heart attackD.intense pain caused by a hemorrhage
小题2:When Mr. Smart was rushed back to the hospital with internal bleeding,        .
A.only his wife believed he could survive
B.no one believed that he could survive
C.he had given up hope of recovering
D.it didn’t take the doctors long to stop the bleeding
小题3:The experience Mr. Smart had at the hospital could be that of      .
小题4:The underlined phrase “hung on ”in the third paragraph can be replaced by        .
A.beat the painB.came back to life
C.lived through D.make his fortune
小题5:What would be the best title for the passage?
A.The Miracle Man.B.The Kind Doctors and Nurses.
C.A Devoted Wife.D.A Great Family.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Linda Evans was my best friend-like the sister I never had, We did everything together:piano lessons, movies, swimming , horseback riding.
When I was 13, my family moved away, Linda and I kept in touch through letters, and we saw each other on special times- like my wedding and Linda’s. Soon we were busy with children and moving to new homes, and we wrote less often. One day a card that I sent came back, stamped “Address Unknown”. I had no idea about how to find Linda.
Over the years, I missed Linda very much, I wanted to share happiness of my children and then grandchildren, And I needed to share my sadness when my brother and then mother died, There was an empty place in my heart that only a friend like Linda could fill.
One day, I was reading a newspaper when I noticed a photo of a young woman who looked very much like Linda and whose last name was Wagman—Linda’s married name. “There must be thousands of Wagmans . ”I thought, but I still wrote to her.
She called as soon as she got my letter, “Mrs, Tobin!” she said excitedly, “Linda Evans Wagman is my mother.”Minutes later I heard a voice that I recognized at once, even after 40 years. We laughed and cried and caught up on each other’s lives, Now the empty place in my heart is filled, And there’s one thing that Linda and I know for sure: we won’t lose each other again!
小题1:The writer went to piano lessons with Linda Evans    .
A.at the age of 13B.before she got married
C.before the writer’s family moved awayD.after they moved to new homes
小题2:They didn’t often write to each other because they    .
A.got marriedB.had little time to do so
C.didn’t like writing lettersD.could see each other on special times
小题3:There was an empty place in the writer’s heart because she    .
A.was in troubleB.didn’t know Linda’s address
C.received the card that she sentD.didn’t have a friend like Linda
小题4:The writer was happy when she    .
A.read the newspaper
B.heard Linda’s voice on the phone
C.met a young woman who looked a lot like Linda
D.wrote to the woman whose last name was Wangman
小题5:They haven’t kept in touch    .
A.for about 40 yearsB.for about 27 years
C.since they got marriedD.since the writer’s family moved away


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

My husband and I arrived in a new country just a month ago. We were a bit _ __about what was waiting for us. However, when we _ ___at the airport, a tall man with smiling eyes greeted us. The days and months were _ ___made easy for us by this kind man. He greeted us every day with his smiling face. He __ ___us in going to the bank, in buying our groceries, in showing us__ __to buy almost everything. He told us he is our big brother. Twice, we __ __  the match in a coffee shop.
During the first get-together,  he __ __ us that we are lucky--- my husband and I are___ _ in this foreign land. He said he has been__ __for eight years now because he hardly sees his family,__ ___they are in his home country.
During the second get-together ,  he __ __told us that we are his family. He said that he loves us and that he will__ __us because he has been given a __ ___of 45 days to go back to his home country. That night, he spoke these words which__ ___a great effect on my life:“ You changed my life…”That night deep in our hearts we were __ ___by our friend’s words. We texted him upon reaching home,__ ___him for being a Big Brother to us in the foreign land. We told him__ __that we feel safe in going out when we are with him, to which he__ ___,“You are my family here.” On the first week of October, we’re going to_ ___him back from his vacation. We ’ll watch the football match again in that__ __shop that holds dear memories.
A.seriousB. crazyC.certainD.worried
A.after allB.as wellC.in returnD.in advance


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

When two Bangs meet
Sheldon Cooper is a scientific genius on the popular American TV show, The Big Bang Theory (《生活大爆炸》). He finally met his match last year: Stephen Hawking.
This is not the first time that the scientist has appeared on TV. He has also been on Star Trek (in 1987) and The Simpsons (in 1989). Each time, he played himself.
Hawking, 71, is perhaps the world’s most famous scientist after Albert Einstein. He has spent his whole life studying the beginning and the end of the universe, including the Big Bang (宇宙大爆炸) theory.
The Big Bang theory explains the early development of the universe. According to the theory, about 13.7 billion years ago everything was all squeezed (挤压)together in a tiny, tight little ball, and then the ball exploded. The results of that explosion are what we call the universe.
Hawking has always tried to make science more popular with people. His book: A Brief History of Time was published in 1988. In the book he shares his understanding of the universe in simple language. The book tries to explain many subjects about the universe to common readers, including the Big Bang, black holes and light cones (光锥).
Hawking’s achievements are even greater if you think about his disability. When he was 21, Hawking caught a bad illness that slowly stopped him from moving or talking. Now he sits on a wheelchair with a computer by his side. To communicate, he moves two fingers to control the computer’s mouse. He chooses his words from the screen, which are then spoken by a voice synthesizer (合成器).
Hawking also believes that there might be aliens in space. However, he believes they are probably very dangerous, so we should not look for them. “I imagine they might exist in very big ships ... having used up all the resources from their home planet,” Hawking said in a British documentary(纪录片) named Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking. 
小题1:What does the “two Bangs” in the title refer to?
A.The director of “The Big Bang Theory” and the founder of it.
B.The director and the actor of “The Big Bang Theory”.
C.The founder of the “Big Bang” theory and its spreader.
D.The scientific genius on TV show and the one alive in real life.
小题2:Acting in The Big Bang Theory is Hawking’s _____ time on TV.
A.first B.second C.third D.fourth
小题3:According to Paragraph 5, Hawking wrote the book A Brief History of Time especially for _____.
A.scientists who study the universe
B.people who know a lot about the universe
C.people who know little about the universe
D.people who only know simple language
小题4:The Big Bang theory mainly explains _____.
A.how the universe startedB.what the universe is like
C.how old the universe isD.how the universe exploded
小题5:According to the passage, which of the following about Hawking is TRUE?
A.He was born with a disability.
B.He uses a computer to communicate.
C.He believes aliens are our friends.
D.He encourages people to look for aliens.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

When I was in seventh grade, I volunteered at a local hospital during the summer. I spent most of the time there with Mr. Gillespie. He never had any      , and nobody seemed to care about his condition. I spent many days there       his hand and talking to him, helping with anything that needed to be done. He became a close friend of mine,       Mr. Gillespie was in a coma (昏迷).
I left for a week, and when I came back, Mr. Gillespie was      . I didn't have the courage to ask any of the nurses where he was, for       they might tell me he had died.
So with many questions      , I continued to volunteer there.
Several years later, I was at a gas station when I noticed a       face. When I realized who it was, my eyes filled with tears. He was alive? I got up the       to ask him if his name was Mr. Gillespie, and if he had been in a       about 5 years ago. With an uncertain look on his face, he       yes. I explained how I knew him. His eyes were       with tears, and he gave me the warmest hug.
He began to tell me when he       there comatose (昏迷的), he could hear me talking to him and could       me holding his hand the whole time. He thought it was an      , not a person, who was there with him. Mr. Gillespie firmly believed that it was my       and touch that had kept him alive.
Then he told me about his life and what happened       him to put him in the coma. We both cried for a while, said our goodbyes and       our separate ways.
Although I have not seen him since then, he fills my heart with joy every day. I know that I made a       between his life and his death. More      , he has made a very big difference in my life, too. I will never forget him and what he       for me: he made me an angel.
A.visitorsB.employeesC.doctors D.relatives
A.touchingB.breaking C.holding D.shaking
A.ifB.although C.when D.since
A.fearB.terror C.convenienceD.insurance
A.undoneB.unanswered C.uncoveredD.unaccepted
A.blankB.kindly C.familiarD.strange
A.supportB.principle C.memoryD.courage
A.comaB.position C.conversationD.situation
A.expectedB.replied C.thoughtD.considered
A.keptB.put C.filledD.came
A.climbedB.sat C.stoodD.lay
A.feelB.attack C.imagineD.send
A.animalB.angel C.intervieweeD.assistant
A.noiseB.shout C.voiceD.suggestion
A.toB.on C.overD.off
A.ranB.checked C.escapedD.went
A.livingB.difference C.mistakeD.turn
A.importantlyB.carefully C.frequentlyD.actually
A.decoratedB.headed C.didD.allowed

