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【题目】某英语报以Where does your time go?为主题向高中生征文。请你以应征者的身份写一篇短文谈谈你的时间去哪儿了。内容应包括:





I always feel busy on my weekdays. However, apart from my regular school hours, ________________________________________________________________________







I always feel busy on my weekdays. However, apart from my regular school hours, I still can spare some time to do things I like. I spend most of my time doing homework or reviewing lessons. I have about one hour to do sports or take a walk every day. Usually after meals, I surf the Internet or do some reading or listen to music to relax myself. But sometimes I spend too much time watching Korean TV plays or playing computer games, which has wasted a lot of my precious time.

Now Im well aware that time is life. Everyone is equal in front of time. Time lost cant be recalled. As Im still young, I should make better use of my time to gain more knowledge and skills. I believe Ill not feel regretful when I review what Ive done in the future.


试题分析:分析要求可知,某英语报以Where does your time go?为主题向高中生征文。请你以应征者的身份写一篇短文谈谈你的时间去哪儿了。内容应包括:简述如何安排课余时间。反思浪费时间或时间运用不当的地方。表述对时间的认识和今后在时间运用上的打算。短文应该用一般现在时,第一人称。词数120左右,不要太多或太少。尽量多使用较高级的词汇和短语以及固定句式,注意句子之间的连贯性。作文打分重点关注文体,篇章结构,语言表达的连贯性和地道性。

【亮点说明】 文中用了一些高级的短语和句式。如:apart from 、spare some time to do 、which引导的非限制性定语从句what引导的宾语从句 等都很不错。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】College libraries are designed primarily for research and study. To explain its use, let us choose a research topic and follow the step-by-step procedure of looking up the material for the paper.

Suppose your assignment is to write a paper on a novel called The Sun Also Rises by American writer Hemingway.The first step is to go to the main catalog.Many small drawers on the large wooden cabinets are lined up in alphabetical(字母的) order.Each of the drawers contains hundreds of alphabetical ordered cards.These cards are printed references to all material available in the library.Title cards are cataloged by the first word of the book title, leaving out the articles like “a”, “an” and “the”.And then you get the cards for the books you need.On the upper left corner of each card is the call number.This is the numerical code that shows where the book is located in the library.The library has open and closed stacks.If your book is on the open stacks, you can go to the open-stack room, and according to the call number find it out by yourself.There are only about 30,000 books on open stacks, while most of the 800,000 books in our library are kept in closed stacks, which are accessible only to teachers and graduate students.

For undergraduates like you, borrowing books from the closed stacks have to be done with the help of our librarian.In that case, you must fill out a call slip(纸条) for the book, showing the call number, author and title.You can get call slips on tables near the catalog cabinets.You show your call slip together with your library card to a librarian at the information desk.He or she will help you find the book out in the closed stacks.

【1 What is the main purpose of this text?

A. To present readers a brief introduction to a college library.

B. To guide readers how to find books needed in a college library.

C. To tell readers how to fill out a call slip in a college library.

D. To show readers where to find books in a college library.

【2 What letter you should look for on the title card for the book The Old Man and the Sea by the Hemingway?

A. The letter “t”. B. The letter “h”.

C. The letter “s”. D. The letter “o”.

【3 How are books arranged and shelved in the library?

A. By call numbers. B. By call slips of authors’ names.

C. In alphabetical order. D. By the first word of book title.

【4 Suppose you are an undergraduate and you want to borrow a book from the closed stacks, which is the correct order to do it?

a. go to the main catalog

b. show your call slip and library card

c. find out the call number

d. fill out a call slip

e. get the cards for the books

A. a-b-e-d-c B. b-a-c-d-e

C. a-e-c-d-b D. b-c-a-e-d


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】List of winners of 71st Golden Globe Awards


Best Drama: "12 Years a Slave"

Best Comedy : "American Hustle"

Best Actor, Drama: Matthew McConaughey, "Dallas Buyers Club"

Best Actress, Drama: Cate Blanchett, "Blue Jasmine"

Best Actor, Comedy : Leonardo DiCaprio, "The Wolf of Wall Street"

Best Actress, Comedy : Amy Adams, "American Hustle"

Best Supporting Actor: Jared Leto, "Dallas Buyers Club"

Best Supporting Actress: Jennifer Lawrence, "American Hustle"

Best Director: Alfonso Cuaron, "Gravity"

Best Foreign Language Film: "The Great Beauty," Italy

Best Original Song: "Ordinary Love," "Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom"


Best Drama Series: "Breaking Bad," AMC

Best Comedy Series: "Brooklyn Nine-Nine," FOX

Best Actor, Drama: Bryan Cranston, "Breaking Bad"

Best Actress, Drama: Robin Wright, "House of Cards"

Best Actor, Comedy: Andy Samberg, "Brooklyn Nine-Nine"

Best Actress, Comedy: Amy Poehler, "Parks and Recreation"

Best TV Film : "Behind the Candelabra," HBO

Best Actor,Television Movie: Michael Douglas, "Behind the Candelabra"

Best Actress, Television Movie: Elisabeth Moss, "Top of the Lake"

Best Supporting Actor, Television Movie: Jon Voight, "Ray Donovan"

Best Supporting Actress, Television Movie: Jacqueline Bisset, "Dancing on the Edge"

【1】Who wins the best film comedy actor title at the 71st Golden Globe Awards?

A. Matthew McConaughey B. Leonardo DiCaprio

C. Amy Adams D. Jared Leto

【2】If you want to see your favorite star Elisabeth Moss, you should watch_____________.

A. Blue Jasmine B. Breaking Bad

C. House of Cards D. Top of the Lake

【3Which of the following is the best TV film at the 71st Golden Globe Awards?

A The Great Beauty B.Mandea:Long Walk to Freedom

C. Behind the Candelabra D.Dancing on the Edge


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】This is an excerpt from Emma Watsons speech at the United Nations headquarters.

Today we are launching a campaign(called "He For She"). I am reaching out to you because we need your help. We want to end gender inequality, and to do this, we need everyone involved. This is the first campaign of this kind in the UN. We want to try to involve as many men and boys as possible to be advocates for change.

I started questioning gender-based assumption a long time ago. When I was 8, I was confused being called bossy because I wanted to direct a play that we put on for our parents, but the boys were not. When I was 14, I started to be sexualized by certain elements of the media. At 15, my girlfriends started dropping out of a lot of sports teams because they didn’t want to appear masculine. At 18, my male friends were unable to express their feelings.

I decided that I was a feminist. This seemed uncomplicated to me. But my recent research has shown me that feminism has become an unpopular word. Women are choosing not to identify as feminists. Why has the word become such an uncomfortable one? I’m from Britain and I think it is right that I am paid the same as my male counterparts. I think it is right that I should make decisions about my own body. I think it is right that women be involved on my behalf in the policies and decisions that will affect my life. I think it is right that socially, I am afforded the same respect as men.

But sadly, I can say that there is no one country in the world where all women can expect to receive these rights. No country in the world can yet say that they have achieved gender equality. These rights, I considered to be human rights, but I am one of the lucky ones.

My life is a sheer privilege because my parents didn’t love me less because I was born a daughter. My school did not limit me because I was a girl. My mentors didn’t assume that I would end up nowhere because I might give birth to a child one day. These influences were the gender equality ambassadors that made me who I am today. They may not know it but they are the inadvertent feminists who are changing the world today. We need more of those.

Men, I would like to take this opportunity to extend you a formal invitation. Gender equality is your issue, too. Because to date, I’ve seen young men suffering from mental illness, unable to ask for help for fear it will make them less of a man, or less of men. I’ve seen men made fragile and insecure by distorted sense of what constitutes male success. Men don’t have the benefits of equality, either. Both men and women should feel free to be sensitive, both men and women should be free to be strong. This is what "He For She" is about. It’s about freedom.

You might be thinking: who is this Harry Potter girl? What is she doing at the UN? I’ve been asking myself at the same thing. All I know is that I care about this problem and I want to make it better. And having seen what I’ve seen and given the chance, I feel my responsibility to say something. Statesman Edmund Burke said all that is needed for the forces of evil to triumph is for good men and women to do nothing.

In my nervousness for this speech and in my moment of doubt, I told myself firmly: If not me, who? If not now, when? If you have similar doubts when opportunities are presented to you, I hope those words would be helpful. Because the reality is that if we do nothing, it will take 75 years, or for me it will be nearly 100 before women can be expected to be paid as same as men for the same work. 15.5 million girls will be married in the 16 years as children. At current rate, it will be until 2086 before all rural African girls can have secondary education. We are struggling for a uniting world, but the good news is we have a uniting movement. It is called “He For She”. I am inviting you to step forward, to be seen and to ask yourself: if not me, who? If not now, when?

Thank you.

【1The campaign “He For She” aims to ________.

A. give women more freedom than men

B. give men more freedom than women

C. involve everyone to struggle for the end of gender inequality

D. involve as many men and boys as possible to live a free life.

【2We can know from Emma Watson’s personal experience that _________.

A. feminism has become an unpopular word

B. her parents didn’t love her because she was born a daughter

C. she was called bossy because she didn’t want to appear masculine

D. her mentors treated her the same way they treated boy students.

【3What does the underlined sentence mean?

A. Good men and women doing nothing leads to evil forces to develop.

B. Good men and women need to do nothing to defeat evil forces.

C. The victory of evil force leads to good men and women doing nothing.

D. It is necessary for good men and women do nothing to combat evil forces.

【4In the speech, Emma calls on people to ________.

A. participate in the campaign actively and take actions

B. admit that men and women should be equally paid

C. pay more attention to men suffering from mental illnesses

D. believe in her although she acted in the Harry Potter series


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】For lots of people in Britain, the 31st of December, or New Year’s Eve as we call it, is the biggest party of the year. It’s a time to get together with friends or family and welcome in the coming year. New Year’s Eve parties can take place at a number of different places. Some people hold a house party; others attend street parties, while some just go to their local for a few drinks with their mates. Big cities, like London, have large and wonderful fireworks shows.

There’s one thing that all New Year’s Eve parties have in common: the countdown(倒计时) to midnight. When the clock strikes()twelve, people give a loud cheer, and give each other a kiss. They then link arms and sing a song called Auld Lang Syne, by a Scottish poet called Robert Burns. Not many people can remember all the words of the song, but the tune(旋律) is well known, so lots of people just hum along. The parties then continue into the early hours of the morning with lots of dancing and drinking. Other people might spend the day visiting relatives or friends they haven’t managed to catch up with for a while. Whatever happens, New Year’s Day tends to be very relaxed.

In Britain, it’s popular to make a promise to yourself about something you are going to do, or want to stop doing, in the New Year. This is called a New Year’s resolution. Typical resolutions include giving up smoking and joining a gym to get fit. However, the promise is often broken quite quickly and people are back into their bad habits within weeks or days.

New Year’s Day is the last bank holiday of the festive season, which means most people have to go to work the next day: bright and fresh and ready for the new year ahead!

【1】New Year’s Eve parties in Britain ________.

A. end at midnight

B. can only be held indoors

C. only take place in big cities

D. include countdown to midnight

【2】The underlined word hum in Paragraph 2 probably means________.

A. dancing to the music

B. singing with your mouth closed

C. learning to sin

D. keeping silent

【3】What does the author think of the New Year’s resolution?

A. It can help people keep fit.

B. It’s a promise to your family.

C. It’s often hard to keep.

D. It’s a joke played on New Year’s Day.

【4】What is the main idea of the passage?

A. New Year parties in Britain.

B. New Year countdown in Britain.

C. New Year’s resolution in Britain.

D. New Year celebration in Britain.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The naughty boy spends most of his time playing computer games ______ his lessons.

A. rather than study B. other than studying

C. rather than studying D. other than to study


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】During the teenage years, hormonal (荷尔蒙的) changes lead to physical changes like rapid muscle growth, burst in height, and weight gain in both boys and girls. Take a look at the information and height and weight charts for teens presented in this article if the question “How much should I weigh for my age and height” is bothering you.

Average Height and Weight Charts for Teens

Faster growth in kids usually can be noticed at age 8. Genetic factors also determine the physical growth of a child. So, it is perfectly normal for two kids of the same age to have different weights and heights. The following figures should be used as guidelines only.

For Boys

For Girls






in Years

in Inches

in Pounds

in Inches

in Pounds





















Ideal Body Fat Percentage

Fit men have 14% - 17% body fat.

Fit women have 21% -24% body fat.

Male athletes have 6% -13% body fat.

Female athletes have 14% - 20% body fat.

The ideal body fat percentage varies mainly according to age, sex and the physical activity of the individual. But it is a fat. So, it can be observed that other than the above mentioned factors, genetic factors also influence the body-fat rct that some female athletes have body fat as low as 10 % and some male athletes had lower than 4% body faatio.

Body Mass Index (BMI)

You may use the following formula to calculate your BMI:

As per SI Units (国际单位) : BMI = mass (kg)/[height (meters) ]2

Imperial (英制的) Units 1: BMI = mass (Ib. ) x703/[ height (in. ) ]2

Imperial Units 2: BMI = mass (Ib. ) x 4. 88/[ height (ft) ]2

Following conclusions can be derived from (得到) calculating the BMI:

BMI Calculated


BMI 18.5~25

Normal or ideal weight

BMI > 25


BMI < 18. 5


BMI < 17. 5

Extremely underweight

BMI = 30 or BMI > 30


BMI = 40 or BMI > 40

Extremely obese

【1】According to the Average Height and Weight Charts for Teens, ____.

A. girls keep on growing taller during the teenage years

B. girls grow faster at the end of teenager years than boys

C. girls grow faster at the beginning of teenager years than boys

D. boys' average weight is always heavier than girls' during the teenage years

【2】 Which of the following statements about ideal body fat percentage is RIGHT?

A. Fit men have higher body fat percentage than fit women.

B. Male athletes have higher body fat percentage than fit men.

C. Female athletes have lower body fat percentage than male athletes.

D. Male athletes have much lower body fat percentage than female athletes.

【3】After calculating the BMI, you can reach the conclusion whether ____.

A. your weight is normal

B. your hormone level is normal

C. your height is right for your age

D. your body fat percentage is ideal

【4】If a boy is 1. 5 meters in height and weighs 68 kilograms, then he is ____.

A. normal B. obese

C. extremely obese D. Underweight


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】With so much noise of the traffic,I couldn’t________ my research work.

A.put down B.settle down

C.settle down to D.take down


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】In a computer age,a broadband Internet connection is very popular now.Whether cable or mobile broadband,today’s connections are many times faster than those in the early days. Videos play smoothly, complex websites load quickly,and files download much faster than ten years ago.And the files are much bigger too.

There’s a hidden problem:You have to live near enough to a major city to get broadband Internet. If you don’t,it's slow dial-up access for you. And for those living really far out,there may be no Internet access at a11.

Technology experts often talk about the “last mile” problem, which refers to the difficulty of bringing Internet access to remote locations.In cities and suburbs(郊区),it's relatively easy to provide access for everyone.It is much more difficult to deliver access to those living far from cities,especially in developing countries.Internet service providers.for their part,have been reluctant to provide access to sparsely(稀疏地)populated areas.The handful of Internet users they would reach wouldn’t cover the expense.

But every year, technological advancements allow of more and more Internet users. Most broadband connections today run over existing cable TV and telephone lines although these technologies aren’t available everywhere.

Some companies have delivered the Internet over standard power lines. Advancements in cheaper more efficient fiber optics cables(光纤电缆)promise to bring extremely fast Internet connections to more users.Still.the“last mile”problem remains hard to deal with.There will always be somewhere that doesn’t have an affordable broadband connection.But someday that might not matter.If the rapid progress in cell phone technology is any indication,it may not be too long before an Internet connection simply follows you wherever you go.

【1】 Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Internet connections have been popular everywhere.

B.Internet service providers are willing to care about rural(农村的)customers.

C. The problem of Internet access hasn’t been completely dealt with

D. Computer can’t become popular in developing countries.

【2】Paragraph 4 mainly tells us that technological advancements_______.

A.make TV and telephone available everywhere

B.bring great change to people’s everyday life

C. bring faster Internet connections to users

D. make it possible for more people to use the Internet

【3】What may eventually settle the“last mile”problem?

A. The broadband connection’s getting faster.

B.The rapid progress in cell phone technology.

C.More and more Internet connections.

D. More and more Internet users

【4】The best title for this passage may be________.

A.Internet Connection Problems

B.Internet Connections Need Improving

C. Progress in Internet Connections

D.Internet Connections Today

