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_______ eager to get access to the president, the boy in northern America wrote a letter to him.

A. Much                 B. Too                  C. As                   D. So



too eager to do sth. “太渴望做某事”,在此处作状语,不能理解为太渴望而不想做某事。类似表心理活动的词语还有glad, pleased, excited, ready, willing等。much作副词一般修饰形容词和副词的比较级。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

   A little girl was given so many picture books on her seventh birthday that her father. Who should have run his office and let her mother run the home, thought his daughter should give one or two of her new books to a little neighbor boy named Robert, who had visited their home sometimes.

   Now, taking books, or anything else, from a little girl is like taking sweets from a baby, but the father of the little girl had his way and Robert got a couple of her books. “After all, that leaves you with nine,” said the father, who thought he was a child psychologist(心理学家),and couldn’t shout his big stupid mouth on the subject.

  A few weeks later, the father went to his library to look up “father” in The Oxford English Dictionary, eager to enjoy the praise of fatherhood through the centuries, but he couldn’t find volume(册)F-G and then he discovered that others were missing too. A-B,L-M, V-Z. He looked everywhere for them, and learned what had happened to the four missing volumes.

   “A man came to the door this morning” said the little daughter, “and he didn’t know how to get from here to Torrington or from Torrington to Wintec, and he was a kind man, much nicer than Robert, and so I gave him four of your books After all, there are thirteen volumes in the Oxford English Dictionary, and that leaves you with nine.

According to the writer’s opinion,      

A. a mother should keep house and father educate the children

B. A father should run the home as well as his office

C. A father should run his office and leave his children to his wife

D. A father shouldn’t only run his office but educate his children

“The father of the little girl has his way” means       

the father went out to work in his office 

B. the father decided to the girl a lesson

C. the father still did what he wanted to.

Considering himself a psychologist, the father        

couldn’t stop discussing the subject    

B. couldn’t helping(禁不住)talking about the subject

couldn’t refuse to listen to the subject  

D. couldn’t give an explanation of he subject

What’s still unclear to us in the story?

A. The exact number of the picture books the girl had received.

B. How many volumes the Oxford English Dictionary includes.

C. Whether each volume of the dictionary includes entries beginning with two letters.

D. Whether the father knew his daughter’s mind well

What do we know about the little girl?

A. She liked Robert very much.            B. She liked reading dictionary

She dislikes what her father did to her picture books.  

D. She is a kind and helpful girl.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届河南灵宝第三高级中学高一下期第三次质量检测英语卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

Kids in the Kitchen

Some experts serve up some of the factors that make cooking with kids a pleasure rather than a struggle.


For obvious reasons, a grown-up needs to be in charge of the stove, sharp knives and electrical equipment.Dr.Colker advises parents to be watchful, even when their kids are involved in relatively safe tasks.The bottom line is to stay close by, and teach your kids to respect basic safety rules.

Leave Time

__2.  When kids help, you’ll need extra time to teach them some skills.When  you're in a hurry, give your kids tasks that don't require much guidance.As they get  older and develop more skills, they will become wonderful helpers and even save your  time!                                                                                           

Go for Variety                                                                                    

Our experts agree that children can enjoy more than the usual "kid food", such as chicken nuggets and pizza.__3.  Sandra K.Nissenberg suggests exploring the produce passage in the supermarket and talking about the unusual fruits and vegetables you find.

Involve Kids in Clean-up and Table-setting

Dr.Laura Colker reminds parents that preschoolers are eager to deal with grown-up tasks.They actually "enjoy the clean-up and table-setting activities", she says.__4.__

They may also enjoy setting the table and counting the spoons.

Make Cooking a Learning Adventure

Cooking helps kids develop a healthy interest in the lifelong challenge of eating nourishing(有营养的), delicious meals.Kids learn about science when they heat or cool a mixture and observe how it changes. 5.  And as they wait for the timer to ring, they develop a better understanding of the concept of time

A.Most young children can easily handle simple kitchen equipment

B.Cooking with young children requires patience.

C.Measuring ingredients teaches kids about fractions(分数).

D.Kids can and should help wash and dry the pots and pans.

E.Keep an Eye on Safety

F.Stay Equipped

G.To introduce new foods, involve your kids in menu planning and shopping



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年北大附中河南分校高考押题英语卷(解析版) 题型:填空题

Kids in the Kitchen

Some experts serve up some of the factors that make cooking with kids a pleasure rather than a struggle.


For obvious reasons, a grown-up needs to be in charge of the stove, sharp knives and electrical equipment.Dr.Colker advises parents to be watchful, even when their kids are involved in relatively safe tasks.The bottom line is to stay close by, and teach your kids to respect basic safety rules.                                                                

Leave Time

2.  When kids help, you’ll need extra time to teach them some skills.When you're in a hurry, give your kids tasks that don't require much guidance.As they get older and develop more skills, they will become wonderful helpers and even save your time!                                                                                           

Go for Variety                                                                                    

Our experts agree that children can enjoy more than the usual "kid food", such as chicken nuggets and pizza.3.  Sandra K. Nissenberg suggests exploring the produce passage in the supermarket and talking about the unusual fruits and vegetables you find.

Involve Kids in Clean-up and Table-setting

Dr.Laura Colker reminds parents that preschoolers are eager to deal with grown-up tasks.They actually "enjoy the clean-up and table-setting activities", she says.4.

They may also enjoy setting the table and counting the spoons.

Make Cooking a Learning Adventure

Cooking helps kids develop a healthy interest in the lifelong challenge of eating nourishing (有营养的) , delicious meals.Kids learn about science when they heat or cool a mixture and observe how it changes. 5.  And as they wait for the timer to ring, they develop a better understanding of the concept of time.

A.Most young children can easily handle simple kitchen equipment.

B.Cooking with young children requires patience.

C.Measuring ingredients teaches kids about fractions (分数).

D.Kids can and should help wash and dry the pots and pans.

E.Keep an Eye on Safety

F.Stay Equipped

G.To introduce new foods, involve your kids in menu planning and shopping.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届宁夏高一下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:信息匹配

How to Be a Good Sport(开朗的人)

Learning to lose without losing your cool is a skill, like learning to ride a bike.___1.___ and when you can handle losing; people will call you a good sport.

Why must we learn to lose gracefully(文雅地)?Here is the answer:

___2.___But any time two teams or kids are facing each other in a game or contest, someone will lose (unless it’s a tie平局).Kids lose in small ways, like in a game of checkers(西洋跳棋),but they also might face losing in bigger ways, like when their team loses a championship(锦标赛) game.

__3.____So it’s not surprising that kids don’t like it. Adults don’t like it either, but everyone can learn to control how they react to a loss. In other words, what should you do when you lose?

The most difficult thing is that sometimes you might react before you even realize it. For instance, your little league game comes to an end and, in a flash, the other team has won. __4.____Oh dear, you probably don’t want to be crying right now, even though it’s ok that you feel sad.

Kids who are good sports don’t freak out (表现失常)when they lose. __5.___Kids might not be as eager to play with someone who gets angry all the time and won’t ever give the other guy or girl a break.

A.Everyone wants to win.

B.Losing is really a disappointing matter.

C.They are usually unpopular among young people.

D.They will become known as kids who are fun to play with.

E. There they are celebrating on the field and yon burst into tears.

F. You might find it hard to do this at first, but over time it will get easier.

G.. Many people behave badly after losing a game, especially young people.



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年辽宁省沈阳市高三高考领航考试(五)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


Should Good Sportsmanship Be Taught in School?

Almost everyone feels that it is important for young people to win fairly and show respect toward others.Should good sportsmanship, then, be taught in school? Critics do not think so.     1    Presented here are the most important benefits of teaching sportsmanship.

Teaching good sportsmanship and having a positive attitude in activities like sports, class elections, and science fair competitions are critical to success in school.    2     Acting calmly under pressure helps young adults succeed not only in sports but also in life.

     3    A person cannot play by the rules if he or she does not understand what the rules are.Knowing the rules also applies to other activities.If students enter a science fair competition, for example, they must follow the guidelines. Those who know the rules are much more likely to succeed.When students learn sportsmanship, they discover, how knowing the rules relates to achievement.

Good players become skilled at handling responsibility.When people accept responsibility, they achieve their best.Positive thinkers, moreover, influence others, especially those who are struggling with a problem.A gifted basketball player, for example, might teach skills to a less-talented player.Helping others raises the performance of the entire team.The team, consequently, could reach new heights and set new records.     4    Those who do not practice sportsmanship pass off responsibility.For them, if an opportunity is lost, it is someone else' s fault.When students participate on a team, they benefit by learning to accept responsibility, encourage others and own up to(认错) mistakes.

Sportsmanship is a winning idea.It must be taught in school.Students need direction to become good sports".Students will be responsible for their own actions and will have a positive influence on others.As students enter the workforce, businesses benefit.The community also benefits because these students will someday become leaders.     5   

A.We need to educate students about how sportsmanship pays off for everyone.

B.However, the stronger argument favors teaching good sportsmanship.

C.Sports help young adults learn how to team up with others.

D.Good sportsmanship also means admitting mistakes.

E.Activities involving winning or losing can be tense.

F.It is natural that players should be eager to win.

G.Good team players know the rules of the game.


