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18.Most men don't like ____________ fun of in public places,especially when their female friends stay with them.(  )
A.makingB.playingC.being madeD.being played

分析 大部分男士不喜欢在公共场所被嘲笑,尤其当女性朋友在一起的时候.

解答 答案C 根据句意可知,like 后跟doing,make fun of 取笑,捉弄,属于固定搭配,被嘲笑应该使用动名词的被动语态,故答案为C

点评 本题考查非谓语动词及固定搭配,需要平时多积累固定搭配及对非谓语的用法掌握.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

13.That is just _________ challenging job all the workers want to get.Do you have anyone in _________ mind for it?(  )
A.a; theB.the;/C.the; theD.a;/


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.Being a doctor is one of the few professions           if you make a mistake,it can mean somebody's life.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

6.We've been covering standing desks for a long time now because experts agree that sitting all day is killing us.We want to be productive while also keeping our bodies healthy.Over the years,there have been several solutions to this from fixed standing desks to adjustable ones,portable desks to ones that change into shelves.
However,the most high tech and elegant solution has to be this new smart desk called The Stir Kinetic Desk.The desk learns your daily behaviors and moves between a sitting and standing height regularly throughout the day to keep you moving without interrupting your work flow.
You can program specific sitting and standing intervals or let the desk set the schedule.If you tend to sit while returning emails in the morning,but always want to stand during that afternoon conference call,the desk will learn those regular habits and adjust the schedule to fit them.Of course,the desk can always be manually lowered or raised by using the touch screen on the lower left comer of the desk.
When switching positions,the desk gently dips and rises to let you know that a change is coming up.If you're not ready to switch positions at that time,you can tap the touchscreen to stay sitting or standing for a while longer.
The built.in touchscreen also keeps track of your daily sitting and standing times and tells you how many calories you've burned.You can even set goals for how long or often you want to stand.The desk also works with fitness devices like the FitBit to track your movements.
All of that smart tech doesn't come cheap though.The M1 desk,which is the everyday model,runs a steep 2,990,whilethemoreexecutivemodelwithaddedfeatures,theF1,goesfor4,190.
While expensive,it's worth thinking of how much time we spend at our desks.Much like a good mattress(床垫),a good desk that works with you is worth the investment.Hopefully in a few years these smart,integrated desks will be more common and less expensive.

32.The Stir Kinetic Desk has been designed toC.
A.help users with their work 
B.keep users moving all the time
C.get users to exercise while working 
D.remind users of their working schedule
33.Which is the feature of the touchscreen of the deskB?
A.It can tell users when to change positions.
B.It can track users'changes of positions.
C.It can keep users in a fixed position.
D.It can detect users'health condition.
34.Which of the following can best describe the deskD?
A.Productive but challenging. 
B.Convenient but unaffordable.
C.Complex and impractical.
D.Multi-functional and intelligent.
35.What does the author intend to tell us in the last paragraphA?
A.To spend money on such a desk is rewarding.
B.We should get such a desk as soon as possible.
C.It won't be long before the desk is widely used.
D.Desks play a very important role in our daily life.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.Every morning,some people may have the habit of watching the astrological (占星术的)advice on the TV news before they go to work.When reading magazines,some people might first go to the section on astrological predictions to determine what's in store for them in the coming day,week or month.This interest in astrology is especially strong at the beginning of a new year.Immediately before a new year,many astrological experts are making predictions and giving advice.It seems that astrology is gaining popularity,but how popular is astrology and is it actually trustworthy?
According to a study by searchterms.com,the word astrology is the most searched topic on the Internet,and a search for astrology on Google will bring up nearly two million websites.A study by the newspaper USA Today shows that a third of all Americans believe in astrology and spend almost $100million a year on it.More surprisingly,the fastest-growing group of believers in America is made up of managers and professionals.No wonder Donald Regan,former White House Chief of Staff,said,"It's common knowledge that a large percentage of Wall Street brokers use astrology."
The most famous astrologer is Nostradamus.Long ago,he correctly predicted events such as the Second World War,the killing of U.S.President John F.Kennedy,and most recently,the attack on the World Trade Center.Another famous astrologer,Frau Elsbeth Ebertin,accurately predicted that Adolph Hitler would become Führer-the leader after she was given Hitler's birth chart.In fact,Hitler himself was a believer in astrology.It's thought that he used an astrologer throughout the Second World War.The wife of former American president Ronald Reagan,Nancy,was also a firm believer in astrology.She employed an astrologer to ask about President Reagan's future safety after the president was shot.
Though some people may consider astrology superstitious (迷信的),others think it is both a science and an art.Since the moon has an effect on the ocean,and 75percent of the human body is made up of water,it is reasonable to say that astrology,a study of the stars,may affect humans as well.Therefore,if viewed in this way,astrology may be believable and it is easy to see why it is so popular.
36.What is the main idea of the article?B
A.More and more people,especially stars,are interested in astrology.
B.Astrology is becoming popular and has some basis in science.
C.Famous astrologers can predict events correctly.
D.People should use astrology every day.
37.Which of the following events was NOT predicted by Nostradamus?D
A.The terrorist attack on the World Trade Center.
B.The killing of President Kennedy.
C.The outbreak of World WarⅡ.
D.The birth of Führer Hitler.
38.What can we learn from the passage?A
A.Astrology is one of the most popular topics on the Internet.
B.Astrology can help change people's lives for the better.
C.Only a few Wall Street brokers use astrology.
D.Most of Americans believe in astrology.
39.The author tends to think astrology isC.
A.boring         B.puzzling               C.believable             D.strange.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.If parents don't teach their child how to _____ himself,he will do anything at will.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.Archaeologists(考古学家) studying Stonehenge and its surrounding area say they've dug up the relics of an untouched,ancient campsite that dates back to 6,000years--a find that could rewrite British prehistory.
"This is the most important discovery at Stonehenge in over 60years,"Professor Tim Darvill,a Bournemouth University archaeologist and a Stonehenge expert who did not take part in the new discovery,told the Telegraph.And as he told The Huffington Post in an email,the discovery changes earlier theories that Stonehenge was built in a landscape that was not heavily used before about 3000B.C.
The discovery was made during a dig at Blick Mead,a site about 1.5miles from Stonehenge.Researchers found charcoal(木炭) dating back to 4,000B.C.and evidence of possible buildings,according to a statement released by the university.They also dug up burnt stone and tools,as well as the remains of animals--ancient cattle that served as food for ancient hunter-gatherers.
The researchers plan further analysis on the artificial objects but say they're worried the tunnel construction (隧道建设)could damage the site and get in the way of their work.
"Blick Mead could explain what archaeologists have been searching for centuries--an answer to the story of Stonehenge's past,"David Jacques,the University of Buckingham archaeologist who discovered the campsite,told The Guardian."But our only chance to find out about the earliest part of Britain's history could be ruined if the tunnel goes ahead."
Stonehenge,a prehistoric monument made up of a ring of standing stones,lies eight miles north of Salisbury,England in Wiltshire.It has been listed as a World Heritage Site since 1986.

62.The main purpose of the passage isA
A.to introduce a recent discovery of ancient relics
B.to call on people to protect the ancient relics
C.to warn the researchers not to do further analysis
D.to attract more tourists to visit Stonehenge
63.We can learn from the passage thatA.
A.the researchers express their concern that the relics might be ruined
B.the ancient campsite has been destroyed by the construction workers
C.archaeologists are repairing artificial objects founded in the relic site
D.the tunnel construction rewrites the earliest part of Britain's history
64.In which section of a newspaper can we read this passage?D
65.What might be the best title for the passage?B
A.Stonehenge Is In Danger of Being Destroyed Because Of the Find.
B.New Stonehenge Discovery Described As Most Important In 60years.
C.A New Tunnel Is Being Constructed Under Stonehenge.
D.Stonehenge Has Been Listed as a World Heritage Site Since 1986.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.British MPs (国会议员) have voted in favour of the creation of babies with DNA from two women and one man,in a historic move.The UK is now set to become the first country to introduce laws to allow the creation of babies from three people.In a free vote in the Commons,382MPs were in favour and 128against the technique that stops genetic diseases being passed from mother to child.During the debate,ministers said the technique was"light at the end of a dark tunnel"for families.
A further vote is required in the House of Lords.If everything goes ahead then the first such baby could be born next year.Supporters said it was"good news for progressive medicine"but critics say they will continue to fight against the technique that they say raises too many ethical (伦理的) and safety concerns.Estimates suggest 150three-person babies could be born each year.
Prime Minister David Cameron said:"We're not playing god here; we're just making sure that two parents who want a healthy baby can have one."The method,which was developed in Newcastle,should help women like Sharon Bernadi,from Sunderland,who lost all seven of her children to mitochondrial (线粒体的) disease.Ms Bernadi said she was"overwhelmed"by the decision.
Mitochondria are the tiny compartments (隔间) inside nearly every cell of the body that transform food into useable energy.They have their own DNA,which does not affect characteristics such as appearance. Defective mitochondria are passed down only from the mother.They can lead to brain damage,muscle wasting,heart failure and blindness.The technique uses a modified version to combine the DNA of the two parents with the healthy mitochondria of a donor woman.It results in babies with 0.1% of their DNA from the second woman and is a permanent change that would be passed down through the generations.

25.According to the passage,which of the following statements is NOT true?C
A.The new technique is intended to provide the parents a healthy baby.
B.The mitochondrial disease can lead to various fatal illnesses.
C.Britain is the first country to have created three-person babies.
D.All of Ms Bernadi's children died of a genetic disease.
26.The underlined word"defective"is closest to the meaning ofD.
B.normally developed
C.functioning perfectly                
D.not functioning properly
27.It can be inferred from the passage thatC.
A.Mitochondria are inside nearly every cell that change food into useable energy
B.DNA of Mitochondria can affect a person's appearance
C.in medical science ethical factors should be taken into consideration
D.the donor woman's DNA will not be found in the three-person baby
28.Prime Minister David CameronA the creation of such babies.
A.is in favour of     
B.throws doubt on     
C.objects to    
D.is indifferent to.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.We've used the wind as an energy source for a long time.The Babylonians and Chinese were using wind power to pump water for irrigating crops 4,000 years ago,and sailing boats were around long before that.Wind power was used in the Middle Ages,in Europe,to grind(磨碎) corn,which is where the term"windmill"comes from.
We can use the energy in the wind by building a tall tower,with a large propellor on the top.The wind blows the propellor round,which turns a generator to produce electricity.We tend to build many of these towers together,to make a"wind farm"and produce more electricity.The more towers,the more wind,and the larger the propellors,the more electricity we can make.It's only worth building wind farms in places that have strong,steady winds,although boats and caravans(大篷车)increasingly have small wind generators to help keep their batteries charged.
The best places for wind farms are in coastal areas,at the tops of rounded hills,open plains and gaps in mountains-places where the wind is strong and reliable.Some are offshore.To be worthwhile,you need an average wind speed of around 25 km/h.Most wind farms in the UK are in Cornwall or Wales.Isolated places such as farms may have their own wind generators.In California,several"wind farms"supply electricity to homes around Los Angeles.
The propellors are large,to obtain energy from the largest possible volume of air.The blades can be angled to cope with varying wind speeds.Some designs use vertical turbines(垂直涡轮机),which don't need to be turned to face the wind.The towers are tall,to get the propellors as high as possible,up to where the wind is stronger.This means that the land beneath can still be used for farming.
66.The first paragraph aims to introduce to usD.
A.the function of wind power                
B.the source of wind power
C.the nations using wind power                        
D.the history of using wind power
67.How does a wind power work?D
A.The generator turns the propeller blades and produce electricity.
B.The tall tower helps turn the energy in the air into electricity.
C.Warm air rises and makes the propellor move round.
D.The propellor blown round by wind turns the generator to produce electricity.
68.The best places for building the wind farm are places whereD.
A.boats and caravans can often be seen         
B.isolated farms don't have enough electricity
C.there are less human activities                   
D.the wind is strong and reliable
69.We can infer from the passage thatB.
A.wind farms will not take up too much farming land
B.wind farms need no fuel because wind is free
C.the blades can be angled to turn to face the wind wherever it comes from
D.the higher and larger the towers are,the stronger the wind is
70.What can be a suitable title for the passage?B
A.Where to build a wind farm.
B.ABC of the using of wind energy.
C.How to make best use of wind.
D.Wind energy is the best energy.

