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Don't let yourself be cast________ by a small failure in the experiment. Try again.



【解析】考查短语意义。句意:不要为实验中的一次小失败而灰心丧气。再试一次。cast down“使沮丧”。



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届黑龙江省高二上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I was blessed with a happy childhood, ______ that most people would want to have.

A. the oneB. one C. itD. /



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届高三(人教版选修8)一轮复习单元测试Unit 4英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空


A shopkeeper sent his son to learn about the secret of happiness. The boy wandered through the wilds for many days. He ____ reached a beautiful castle, where a wise man lived.

Entering the ____, the boy saw the wise man talking with some people listening ____. It was two hours before it was his ____. The boy explained why he had come. The wise man suggested that the boy ____ and return in two hours.

“Meanwhile, I want you to do something”, said the wise man, handing the boy a spoon that held two drops of ____. “As you walk around, carry this spoon without allowing the oil to spill (溢出).”

The boy began ___ up and down many stairs, keeping his eyes fixed on the ____. After two hours, he returned to the room where the wise man was.

The wise man asked, “Did you see the Persian tapestries (壁毯) ____ in my dining hall? Did you see the ____ that took a master gardener ten years to build?”

The boy was ___, and admitted that he had observed nothing. His only ____ was not to spill the oil he was given.

“Go back and observe the marvels of my world”, said the wise man. “You cannot ____ a man if you know nothing about his house.”

Relieved, the boy picked up the spoon and ____ his exploration again. This time he observed all the ____ of art on the ceilings and the walls. Upon returning, he related ____ everything he had seen.

“But where are the drops of oil I had given to you?” asked the wise man. Looking down at the spoon he ____, the boy saw that the oil was ____.

“Well, there is only one piece of ____ I can give you”, said the wise man. “The secret of happiness is to ____ all the marvels of the world and never to forget the drops of oil on the spoon.”

1.A.suddenly      B.happily

C.finally D.accidentally

2.A.castle B.palace

C.cottage D.kitchen

3.A.eagerly B.attentively

C.seriously D.quietly

4.A.conversation B.report

C.chance D.turn

5.A.look around B.look back

C.set down D.set out

6.A.milk B.water

C.oil D.coffee

7.A.sweeping B.climbing

C.running D.jumping

8.A.man B.castle

C.way D.spoon

9.A.hanging B.knitting

C.storing D.flying

10.A.house B.farm

C.garden D.lake

11.A.disappointed B.embarrassed

C.surprised D.confused

12.A.worry B.plan

C.energy D.concern

13.A.trust B.suggest

C.accept D.thank

14.A.sought B.continued

C.began D.stopped

15.A.treasures B.works

C.designs D.exhibits

16.A.in detail B.in common

C.in general D.in particular

17.A.contained B.needed

C.bought D.held

18.A.stolen B.gone

C.dry D.ready

19.A.discover B.keep

C.own D.see

20.A.information B.clothing

C.advice D.equipment



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届高三(人教版选修8)一轮复习单元测试Unit 3英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

I haven't come to a clear idea, so I can only tell you ________(rough) what I think about it.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届高三(人教版选修8)一轮复习单元测试Unit 2英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Research shows that much of our predisposition (倾向) towards determination, sociability and self?control and sense of purpose is in our genes. In fact, our DNA plays a bigger role in influencing these traits (characteristics) than our upbringing (儿童期的教养) and the company we keep. Taken together, these aspects of personality can make the difference between success and failure, say the Edinburgh University researchers.

They questioned more than 800 pairs of twins about their attitudes to life to tease apart the influences of nature and nurture. Comparing identical twins, who share all their DNA and their upbringing, with non?identical twins, who have a shared background but are no more genetically alike than other brothers and sisters, is a technique often used by researchers to quantify the influence of genetics.

The results, published in the Journal of Personality, showed that genes play a much bigger role than lifestyle, with self?control particularly etched (铭刻) into our DNA.

Our genes also largely determine how determined and persistent we are. This is important in terms of success, as someone who refuses to give up is more likely to achieve their dreams than someone_who_throws_in_the_towel_at_the_first_hiccough.

Researcher Professor Timothy Bates said, “Ever since the ancient Greeks, people have debated the nature of a good life and the nature of a virtuous life. Why do some people seem to manage their lives, have good relationships and cooperate to achieve their goals while others do not? Previously, the role of family and the environment around the home often controlled people's ideas about what affected psychological well?being. However, this work emphasizes a much more powerful influence from genetics.”

However, those who haven't been dealt a helpful hand of genes shouldn't be too depressed. The professor says a sense of purpose is the key and advises those who are eager for success to focus their thoughts on making a difference.

1.What does the result of the research indicate?

A.Our DNA is the only factor to decide our traits.

B.Our DNA plays a decisive role in achieving success.

C.Education plays little part in the formation of our character.

D.Society has little effect on us in our personality.

2.The underlined part in Paragraph 4 refers to someone who ________.

A.is born successful

B.determines to make a difference

C.makes great effort

D.admits defeat easily

3.Timothy Bates mentions the ancient Greeks in order to indicate that ________.

A.some people can live a good life because they can manage their lives

B.people haven't made it clear yet what is the key personality trait to be a success

C.in ancient Greece the role of family and the environment was ignored

D.the relationship between personality and success has always been people's concern

4.According to the passage, the key personality trait is ________.

A.determination      B.kindness

C.politeness D.sociability

5.What is the best title for the passage?

A.How do people work hard?

B.Why can some people succeed?

C.DNA determines success or failure.

D.Several factors determine personality.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届高三(人教版选修8)一轮复习单元测试Unit 2英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

He was in poor health, so the doctor forbade him ________(drink) wine.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届高三(人教版选修7)一轮复习单元测试Unit 5英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

In the face of all these difficulties, we're not discouraged and keep ________ good spirits.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届高三(人教版选修7)一轮复习单元测试Unit 3英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

I used to believe in the American Dream, which meant a job, a mortgage(按揭),credit cards, success. I wanted it and worked toward it like everyone else, all of us ____ chasing the same thing.

One year, through a series of unhappy events, it all fell ____. I found myself homeless and alone. I had my truck and $56. I ____ the countryside for some place I could rent for the ___ possible amount. I came upon a shabby house four miles up a winding mountain road ____ the Potomac River in West Virginia. It was ____, full of broken glass and rubbish. I found the owner, rented it, and ____ a corner to camp in.

The locals knew nothing about me, ____ slowly, they started teaching me the ____ of being a neighbor. They dropped off blankets, candles, and tools, and began ____ around to chat. They started to teach me a belief in a ____ American Dream—not the one of individual achievement but of ____.

What I had believed in, all those things I thought were ____ for a civilized life, were nonexistent in this place. ____ on the mountain, my most valuable possessions were my ____ with my neighbors.

Four years later, I moved back into ____. I saw many people were having a really hard time, ____ their jobs and homes. I managed to rent a big enough house to ___ a handful of people. There are four of us now in the house,but over time I've had nine people come in and move on to other places. We'd all be in ____ if we hadn't banded together.

The American Dream I believe in now is a shared one. It's not so much about what I can get for myself; it's about ____ we can all get by together.

1.A.separately       B.equally

C.violently D.naturally

2.A.off B.apart

C.over D.out

3.A.crossed B.left

C.toured D.searched

4.A.fullest B.largest

C.fairest D.cheapest

5.A.at B.through

C.over D.round

6.A.occupied B.abandoned

C.emptied D.robbed

7.A.turned B.approached

C.cleared D.cut

8.A.but B.although

C.otherwise D.for

9.A.benefit B.lesson

C.nature D.art

10.A.sticking B.looking

C.swinging D.turning

11.A.wild B.real

C.different D.remote

12.A.neighborliness B.happiness

C.friendliness D.kindness

13.A.unique B.expensive

C.rare D.necessary

14.A.Up B.Down

C.Deep D.Along

15.A.cooperation B.relationships

C.satisfaction D.appointments

16.A.reality B.society

C.town D.life

17.A.creating B.losing

C.quitting D.offering

18.A.put in B.turn in

C.take in D.get in

19.A.yards B.shelters

C.camps D.cottages

20.A.when B.what

C.whether D.how



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届高三(人教版选修6)一轮复习单元测试Unit 5英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

At the sight of the snake, the girl stood there, ________(tremble) with fear and unable to move.


