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1. 初一学生的近视率为24%,到了初三上升到38%左右;

2. 高中学生近视率达到47.5%左右;

3. 导致中学生近视的原因:学习任务过重;用眼过度;长时间看电脑;不良的阅读习惯等;




参考词汇:近视 near-sighted

Recently, I have made a survey that how many students have become shortsighted in our school. The result is so astonished that I cannot believe it.

At present, about 24% of the students from the first grade junior middle school are shortsighted. The rate of shortsighted reaches 38% in the third grade. In the high school, the figures are more terrible, reaching about 47.5%. Here are some main causes. Some students may not have enough sleep;Some students spend too much time reading or doing their homework without a rest; Some students even like to watch TV or use computers for a long time. In order to have good eyesight, we should do eye exercises every day. We can also try to do more sports in our spare time. We should have the good habit of using our eyes.

I think all of us should realize the importance of protecting eyes and try our best to protect them.



【亮点说明】 文章条理清晰,首先阐述了社会现象,再由该现象谈到其产生的原因,最后提出了解决办法,思路清晰。开头一句Recently, I have made a survey that how many students have become shortsighted in our school 使用that引导的同位语从句,接着第二句使用so…that句型,加强语气说明此现象的惊人;对于三个数字的说明分别采用三种不同的表达:about 24% of the students、The rate of shortsighted reaches 38%、the figures are more terrible, reaching about 47.5%.,不同的句式和结构使文章更加丰富多彩,体现了写作者的水平。分析原因时,使用Some students may not have enough sleep;Some students spend too much time reading or doing their homework without a rest; Some students even like to watch TV or use computers for a long time.的排比句,是文章更有气势,更优美;在表示花时间时,分别使用了两个不同的表达:spend too much time reading、use computers for a long time。在整篇文章中还是用了made a survey:做调查、do eye exercises :做眼保健操、have the good habit of:养成良好的习惯、spare time:空余时光、realize the importance of:意识到、、、的重要性等重要短语。在文章结尾处,呼吁大家要爱护自己的眼睛。整篇文章简洁而又清晰,适合发表在报刊上供大家阅读。总结:对于分析社会现象类的作文,我们要从三点出发:描述社会现象、解释产生原因、提出解决办法。



科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年广东东莞南开实验学校高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

What makes one person more intelligent than another? What makes one person a genius, like the brilliant Albert Einstein, and another person a fool? Are people born intelligent or stupid, or is intelligence the result of where and how you live? These are very old questions and the answers to them are still not clear.

We know, however, that just being born with a good mind is not enough. In some ways, the mind is like a leg or an arm muscle. It needs exercise. Mental exercise is particularly important for young children. Many child psychologists (心理学家) think that parents should play with their children more often and give them problems to think about. The children are then more likely to grow up bright and intelligent. If, on the other hand, children are left alone a great deal with nothing to do, they are more likely to become dull and unintelligent.

Parents should also be careful with what they say to young children. According to some psychologists, if parents are always telling a child that he or she is a fool or an idiot, then the child is more likely to keep doing silly and foolish things. So it is probably better for parents to say very positive things to their children, such as “That was a very clever thing you did.” or “You are such a smart child.”

1.The words “intelligent” and “brilliant” in the first paragraph probably mean _______ while “dull” in the second paragraph means ________.

A. bright and splendid; slow in thinking and understanding

B. pretty and handsome; ordinary-looking

C. great and important; common

D. hopeful and helpful; careless

2.According to the context we can guess that a genius is ________ while an idiot is ________.

A. a normal person; a funny person

B. a strong person; a weak person

C. a highly intelligent person; a foolish or weak-minded person

D. a famous person; an ordinary person

3.A person ________ is more likely to become a genius.

A. whose parents are clever

B. often thinking about difficult problems

C. often helped by his parents and teachers

D. born with a good brain and putting it into active use

4.It is better for parents ________.

A. to praise and encourage their children more often

B. to be hard on their children

C. to leave their children alone with nothing to do

D. to give their children as much help as possible

5.Which of the following is NOT true according to the article?

A. Parents play an important part in their children’s growth.

B. The less you use your mind the duller you may become.

C. Intelligence is obviously the result of where and how you live.

D. What makes a person bright or stupid is still under discussion.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年甘肃天水秦安县第二中学高一上第四次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Seeing the _____ dog, the little boy stood there with a _____ expression on his face.

A. frightening; frightened B. frightening; frightening

C. frightened; frightening D. frightened; frightened


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年甘肃天水秦安县第二中学高一上第四次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The teacher asked his students to leave a space in their exercise books ________.

A. every a few linesB. each a few lines

C. each few linesD. every few lines


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年甘肃天水秦安县第二中学高一上第四次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

They sold their house for only 12,000 dollars, so the buyer got a wonderful ________.

A. costB. bargain

C. amountD. value


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年甘肃天水秦安县第二中学高二上第四次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

There are good Santas and there are bad Santas. The good Santas all realize one thing: In the mind of a child, Santa Claus is perfect. That’s difficult. And so they come from around the world to attend the Charles W. Howard School in Midland, Mich. The school offers a three-day, 40-hour course for Santas hoping to be excellent. A former Macy’s Santa named Charles Howard founded the Michigan school in 1937. “Many people will think if you have a suit and you’re a Santa,” said Tom Valent, the school’s current dean. “It’s more than that.” The school teaches everything from breathing techniques for carol singing to the beard maintenance. There are lessons in child psychology, sign language and even media training for talk-show appearances and call-in shows. Santas also need to make sure they know all the names of the reindeer(驯鹿). What’s harder to deal with, however, is children who ask for Christmas gifts like bringing daddy home or making mommy happy again. After spending time in the classroom, Weir went to the mall to test his training. However, at one point, his hat fell off, and he was unsure how to react. “You’re the real Santa,” Valent said. “Pick that hat up, slip it back on, keep smiling and do your job. You’ve got to stay on top of your game. Even the last one at night, when you’re tired, you’ve got to remember: This one’s forever, so do a good job.”

1.According to the passage, good Santas should be the ones that ______.

A. can offer the children some gifts

B. help adults look after their children

C. have ability to make children happy

D. should be perfect in the mind of children

2.The Michigan school was founded by Charles Howard with the purpose to ______.

A. train the pet reindeer for the Santas

B. earned money from its students

C. train perfect Santas for the world

D. show the world’s concern to the poor

3.According to Weir’s performance, we can conclude that ______.

A. Weir was short of experience

B. Weir was not fit for the job as a Santa

C. Weir did very badly in the game

D. Weir was not a good student in school


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年甘肃天水秦安县第二中学高二上第四次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

— I wonder made him get the top position in the company.

— His ability to deal with the urgent problems.

A. how was it that B. how it was that

C. what was it that D. what it was that


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年福建福州第八中学高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

She turned up at the doorstep of my house in Cornwall. No way could I have sent her away. No way, not me anyway. Maybe someone had kicked her out of their car the night before. "We're moving house.'; "No space for her any more with the baby coming." "We never really wanted her, but what could we have done? She was a present." People find all sorts of excuses for abandoning(放弃) an animal. And she was one of the most beautiful dogs I had ever seen.

I called her Goldie. If I had known what was going to happen,I would have given her a more creative name. She was so unsettled during those first few days. She hardly ate anything and had such an air of sadness about her. There was nothing I could do to make her happy, it seemed. Heaven knows what had happened to her at her previous owner's. But eventually at the end of the first week she calmed down. Always by my side, whether we were out on one of our long walks or sitting by the fire.

That's why it was such a shock when she pulled away from me one day when we were out for a walk. We were a long way from home, when she started barking and getting very restless. Eventually I couldn't hold her any longer and she raced off down the road towards a farmhouse in the distance as fast as she could.

By the time I reached the farm I was very tired and upset with Goldie. But when I saw her licking (舔) the four puppies (幼犬) I started to feel sympathy towards them. "We didn't know what had happened to her," said the woman at the door. "I took her for a walk one day, soon after the puppies were born, and she just disappeared." "She must have tried to come back to them and got lost," added a boy from behind her. '

I must admit I do miss Goldie, but I've got Nugget now, and she looks just like her mother. And I've learnt a good lesson: not to judge people.

1.In her first few days at the author's house, Goldie .

A. felt worried B. was angry

C. ate a little D. sat by the fire

2.Goldie rushed off to a farmhouse one day because she .

A. saw her puppies

B. heard familiar barking

C. wanted to leave the author

D. found her way to her old home

3.The passage is organized in order of ­ .

A. time B. effect

C. importance D. Complexity


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年福建长泰第一中学高二上期中(文)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Yuan Longping is such a(n) ______ scientist that he has been praised and rewarded many times.

A.frightening B.amazing

C.disturbing D.outstanding

