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There have been big changes in the attitudes of most parents over the last few years. Physical punishment is banned in schools in most countries ,and in many countries, there are moves to ban all physical punishment of children even at home. However, many parents still believe that they have the right to use some physical punishments to deal with certain misbehavior at certain ages.
It ‘s    easy to find reasons to allow some physical punishments. One issue is that many parents find it very difficult to abandon physical punishment completely. Parents argue that this was the way they were brought up and that it didn’t do any harm to them. They believe that for the child’s sake they have the right to discipline the child in any way they consider fit ,including using some physical punishments. The other one is that physical punishment can be quick and effective. There is not much point reasoning with a screaming child in the supermarket.
However, there are several reasons why we should stop using physical punishment. One point is that most parents are not trained to deal with misbehaving children. They don’t have enough resources or choices to handle the situation. As a result, they immediately react by hitting the child even if there are other solutions to the problem. Another point is that unless people are challenged or forced to change their belief, they may keep following negative habits. An example is seat belt use ——now most people wear seat belts without thinking, while years ago the idea of using seat belts was strange to most people. In the same way, banning physical punishment will force people to change their habits.
In conclusion, parents have to change some of their belief and ideas about how children should be raised. It is possible to avoid the use of physical force,and doing so will help us move closer to the dream of removing violence from our society.
【小题1】According to the first paragraph, many parents think that _____

A. they are free to use physical punishment on their children
B. most of the children behave badly in their daily life
C. they have changed their attitudes towards their children
D. physical punishment is effective to educate their children
【小题2】 Many parents won’t give up physical punishment because _____.
A. they are disappointed with their children
B. they were brought up just in the same way
C. they don’t want to hurt their children badly
D. they don’t know what to do with their children
【小题3】The author gives the example of using seat belts in order to show _____.
A. most people are used to wearing seat belts
B. it’s not difficult to change some negative habits
C. seat belts are really very necessary and useful
D. people won’t change their old habits unless forced
【小题4】The main purpose of the author in writing this passage is to _____.
A. talk about a ban on using physical punishment
B. tell us we should educate our children in other ways
C. advise parents to give up using physical punishment
D. suggest physical punishment should be used at home


【小题1】A细节理解题。根据首段末句However, many parents still believe that they have the right to use some physical punishments to deal with certain misbehavior at certain ages.可知许多家长仍然认为他们有权利去体罚某个年龄段内表现不好的孩子,由此推断B选项正确。
【小题2】B.推理判断题。文章第二段提到 Parents argue that this was the way they were brought up and that it didn’t do any harm to them.,由此推断家长们认为他们自己小时候就接受过体罚,而且这对他们没什么害处,故他们会坚持对表现不好的孩子进行体罚,故答案选B。
【小题3】D推理判断题。根据文章第三段末句In the same way, banning physical punishment will force people to change their habits.可知作者认为禁止体罚孩子就像当时强制人们系安全一样,人们会逐渐地接受,并且养成一种习惯,所以答案选D。
【小题4】C推理判断题。文章开始提出there are moves to ban all physical punishment of children然后讲述了人们的看法以及应该禁止体罚孩子的原因,由此推断文章目的是讨论禁止体罚这一禁令,故答案选C。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Sushi is a kind of food made with a mixture of cooked or raw fish, vegetables, and rice. Although Sushi is most commonly considered to have its origin in Japan, it actually began in China during the 7th Century.
At that time, any fish caught had to be preserved. Raw fish was cleaned and then pressed between layers of heavy salt. After a couple of months, the whole process was complete. Over time, a discovery was made that by rolling the fish in rice that had been soaked in vinegar the fish was easily fermented (发酵) in a few days rather than months. The rice was then thrown away and the fish was eaten. However, with a food shortage, people began consuming the rice as well as the fish and thus, Sushi today as we know was born. However, in the 1800s, a famous chef by the name of Yohei created two styles of Sushi—one called Edo, and the second, Osaka, for two cities.
Sushi is usually consumed with hot green tea. Also, Gari is offered free and eaten between bites to create a better taste. Two kinds of sauce are usually available: one is soy sauce, which is poured on most kinds of Sushi; the other is a thick sweet sauce used on eel (鳗鱼).
Sushi has taken the world by storm and today is a multi-billion dollar industry. Its popularity continues to rise because people are looking for healthy food that is quick and easy to make. With such unbelievable popularity as well as the health benefits of eating Sushi, it is likely that this food will continue to be a part of everyday life for many more centuries to come.
【小题1】Two kinds of Sushi, Edo and Osaka, were probably named after _______.

A.the chef’s name B.their birthplaces
C.the name of fish D.some kinds of food
【小题2】When people eat Sushi, Gari is used to _______.
A.keep Sushi last long
B.make green tea better
C.digest Sushi more quickly
D.make Sushi more delicious
【小题3】Why do people like Sushi today?
A.It is cheap and delicious.
B.It is served with free Gari.
C.It is beneficial to people’s health.
D.It is easy to be kept for a long time.
【小题4】What can be the best title for the text?
A.Delicious Sushi and Its Origin
B.How to Make Delicious Sushi
C.Yohei and Two Styles of Sushi
D.The Birthplace of Sushi—China


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

In some Western countries, there are many opportunities for adults who want to improve their lives. There are public schools you can attend. In the schools, you can take things like English, arithmetic, and history. You can find classes in almost any subject you want to study. You may want to learn to type, sew, paint, or fix TV sets. You may want to learn more about trade you are already in. You may want to learn a new trade. You may want to get a high school diploma. You may even want to go to college. All it takes is time and effort.
In many cities, there are adult classes in the public schools. You can attend many of these classes without having to pay money. In some schools you may have to pay a small fee. There are also many kinds of private schools for adults.
In addition to schools, many industries and unions conduct on-the-job training programs. In these programs you hear about new ideas and learn new skills. Many large companies will send a worker to school if he or she has ability.
Many job opportunities are offered to those who wish to work. It helps if you know more than one language. There are good jobs for interpreters and typists who know English and another language.
There are many good jobs in government. In most cases, you must be a citizen of this country, and you must take a civil service examination. These examinations are open to everyone, regardless of race, religion, or color.
For many civil service jobs you need a high school diploma. The person who does not have a high school diploma can get one. There are several ways. You can study high school subjects at home and then take special tests. If you pass the tests, then you get a diploma. Or you can go to night school. There are classes that prepare you to take special tests to earn a diploma.
You can attend a night school that grants a high school diploma if you complete certain courses. If you do this, you do not have to take the special test.
Be as well trained as you can. Get as much training as you can. Opportunity knocks at every door. Be sure that when it knocks at your door you are ready.
【小题1】According to the article, if you want to live a better life, you have to get__________.

A.some timeB.an educationC.new ideasD.new jobs
【小题2】In many places, public schooling for adults is ____________________.
【小题3】What does this article tell us?
A.Civil service jobs are offered to everyone.
B.Only a citizen can apply for a government job.
C.Training programs are often poorly organized.
D.Large companies will send most of their workers to school.
【小题4】We can see that___________________________________.
A.well-trained people are often out of work
B.typists who know English earn much more money
C.one can work on a high school diploma at home
D.the person without a high school diploma can also get a civil service job
【小题5】The purpose of adults’ going to night school is to_______________.
A.take special tasksB.complete certain courses
C.get more trainingD.get a diploma


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

College libraries are designed primarily for research and study. To explain its use, let us choose a research topic and follow the step-by-step procedure of looking up the material for the paper.
Suppose your assignment is to write a paper on a novel called The Sun Also Rises by American writer Hemingway.The first step is to go to the main catalog.Many small drawers on the large wooden cabinets are lined up in alphabetical(字母的) order.Each of the drawers contains hundreds of alphabetical ordered cards.These cards are printed references to all material available in the library.Title cards are cataloged by the first word of the book title, leaving out the articles like “a”, “an” and “the”.And then you get the cards for the books you need.On the upper left corner of each card is the call number.This is the numerical code that shows where the book is located in the library.The library has open and closed stacks.If your book is on the open stacks, you can go to the open-stack room, and according to the call number find it out by yourself.There are only about 30,000 books on open stacks, while most of the 800,000 books in our library are kept in closed stacks, which are accessible only to teachers and graduate students.www.zxxk.com
For undergraduates like you, borrowing books from the closed stacks have to be done with the help of our librarian.In that case, you must fill out a call slip(纸条) for the book, showing the call number, author and title.You can get call slips on tables near the catalog cabinets.You show your call slip together with your library card to a librarian at the information desk.He or she will help you find the book out in the closed stacks.
【小题1】What is the main purpose of this text?

A.To present readers a brief introduction to a college library. 
B.To guide readers how to find books needed in a college library. 
C.To tell readers how to fill out a call slip in a college library. 
D.To show readers where to find books in a college library. 
【小题2】What letter you should look for on the title card for the book The Old Man and the Sea by the Hemingway?
A.The letter “t”.  B.The letter “h”.  C.The letter “o”. D.The letter “s”. 
【小题3】How are books arranged and shelved in the library?
A.By call numbers. B.By call slips of authors’ names. 
C.In alphabetical order.  D.By the first word of book title. 
【小题4】. Suppose you are an undergraduate and you want to borrow a book from the closed stacks, which is the correct order to do it?
a. go to the main catalog      b. show your call slip and library card
c. find out the call number    d. fill out a call slip
e. get the cards for the books
A.a-b-e-d-c  B.b-a-c-d-e C.a-e-c-d-b D.b-c-a-e-d 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Last year, CCTV journalists approached pedestrians with their cameras, held a microphone to their mouth and asked a simple question, “Are you happy?”
The question has caught many interviewees off guard. Even Mo Yan, who just won a Nobel Prize, responded by saying, “I don’t know”.
While the question has become a buzz phrase and the Internet plays host to heated discussions, we ask: What exactly is happiness? And how do you measure it?
In the 1776 US Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson set in writing the people’s unalienable right to “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”. 235 years on, Wen Jiabao told the nation, “Everything we do is aimed at letting people live more happily.” At National People’s Congress, officials agreed that increasing happiness would be a top target for the 12th five-year plan.
US psychologist Ed Diener, author of Happiness: Unlocking the Mysteries of Psychological Wealth, describes happiness as “ a combination of life satisfaction and having more positive than negative emotions”, according to US broadcasting network PBS. This may sound straightforward enough, but it still doesn’t explain what determines people’s happiness.
Many argue that happiness is elusive and that there is no single source. It also means different things to different people. For some, happiness can be as simple as having enough cash.
Researchers believe happiness can be separated into two types: daily experiences of hedonic (享乐的) well-being; and evaluative well-being, the way people think about their lives as a whole. The former refers to the quality of living, whereas the latter is about overall happiness, including life goals and achievements. Happiness can cross both dimensions.
Li Jun, a psychologist and mental therapy practitioner at a Beijing clinic, says, “Happiness can mean both the most basic human satisfaction or the highest level of spiritual pursuit. It’s a simple yet profound topic.”
Chen Shangyuan, 21, a junior English major at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, said his idea of happiness always evolves. “At present it relates to how productive I am in a day,” he said. “It might be linked to job security or leisure time after I graduate.”
Then there is the question of measuring happiness. Does it depend on how many friends we have, or whether we own the latest smart phone? Is it even quantifiable?
Economists are trying to measure happiness in people’s lives. Since 1972, Bhutan’s GDP measurement has been replaced by a Gross National Happiness index. It is calculated according to the peoples’ sense of being well-governed, their relationship with the environment, their satisfaction with economic development, and their sense of national belonging.
In 2009, US economist Joseph Stiglitz proposed “to shift emphasis from measuring economic production to measuring people’s well-being”. But is well-being more easily measured?
【小题1】 In the second paragraph, the writer gave an example to ________.

A.support his idea that being famous is the reason to be happy
B.introduce his topic to be discussed
C.tell people winning a Nobel Prize is a great honor
D.show that the question was quite difficult
【小题2】From what Thomas Jefferson and Wen Jiabao mentioned in the passage, we know ________.
A.people’s happiness is determined by great people
B.people’s happiness is an important target for the development of a country
C.people in all countries have the right to ask the government for a happy life
D.people both in China and America are living a happy life
【小题3】According to the passage, the writer may most likely agree that ________.
A.CCTV journalists are concerned about people’s happiness out of sympathy
B.the question has led to heated discussions about who are the happiest people in China
C.Bhutan’s new index shows that people there are the happiest in the world
D.it is not easy for us to decide what determines people’s happiness
【小题4】What does the underlined word “elusive” in the sixth paragraph mean?
A.available.B.easy to get.C.hard to describe.D.unimaginable.
【小题5】The best title of the passage is ________.
A.Are you happy?B.The Measurement of Happiness
C.GDP and HappinessD.The Secret of Happiness


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Plastic is everywhere because plastic is an extremely useful material. It is cheap, strong and lightweight. What’s more, it can take on nearly any form or shape, from soft and stretchy (有弹性的) to hard and glasslike.
Plastic, however, is far from perfect. It may even be bad for us. Studies now suggest that poisonous chemicals can get out of some types of plastic, get into our bodies, and cause a variety of health problems, including cancer, birth defects and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (注意缺陷障碍).
Two types of chemicals in particular have raised special concern lately. They are called phthalates (邻苯二甲酸盐) and Bisphenol-A (二酚基丙烷), BPA for short. Not all plastic products contain them. But the ones that do are surrounded by controversy (争议). That’s because experts disagree on how dangerous these chemicals are.
Plastic is a single word, but plastic isn’t just one thing. What all plastics share in common are plasticizers -- special chemicals that allow the material to be changed into nearly any shape or texture. Plasticizers (塑化剂) are added to plastic during the manufacturing process.
Phthalates and BPA are two types of plasticizers that work in different ways. Phthalates add softness to things like shampoo bottles, raincoats and rubber. They are also used in perfumes and makeup. BPA, on the other hand, gives a hard, clear, almost glasslike feel to products such as infant bottles. BPA also appears in food and soda cans, DVDs and other unexpected places.
How do these chemicals get into us? When plastic is heated in the microwave or dishwasher, chewed on or scratched, the chemicals can seep (渗透) out of the plastic. Even though we can’t see them, we eat them, drink them and breathe them in.
Scientists and parents are especially worried about young children, who tend to chew on everything, including plastic. Dozens of countries, including the European Union, Japan, Canada and Mexico have already banned phthalates from products made for children younger than three. California and Washington have done the same. And a number of other states are considering similar rules. As for BPA, Canada became the first country to ban the chemical from baby bottles. A dozen states are considering it.
【小题1】What can we know about the plastic from the first paragraph?

A.Its characters and effects.B.Its wide use and bad points.
C.Its importance and chemicals.D.Its popularity and advantages.
【小题2】Which of the following products contains BPA?
A.A soft plastic cup.B.A pencil eraser.
C.A baby milk bottle.D.A new perfume.
【小题3】Phthalates and BPA can get into us __________.
A.through mouth or noseB.through blood transfusion
C.by feeling plastic productsD.by heating in the microwave
【小题4】What is the passage mainly about?
A.A new ban on plastic products.B.Problems caused by the plastic.
C.Good points of the plastic.D.The use of plasticizers.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Searching for airfares often seems like a game that passengers are bound to lose.
Prices change from day to day, even minute to minute. Looking through multiple websites for the best deal can be a big challenge. Even when you do book, there’s no guarantee that you are going to get the best price.
“You just don’t know when to pull the trigger. It’s not like buying anything else I can think of,” said George Hobica, founder of Airfarewatchdog.com.
Harriet Levy paid $179 for a recent round-trip flight on American Airlines between New York and Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Sitting just one row behind her, Shirley Harrison paid $215. A few rows back, Ellis and Dianne Traub paid $317 each. There were at least 12 fares on the flight, ranging from $169 to $360.
There’s no reason for it, Harrison said.
Fares can vary significantly in just a few hours. One Delta flight from New York to Los Angeles jumped from $755 to $1,143 from a Friday to Saturday in late April, then fell to $718 on Sunday.
The flight was one of a dozen the Associated Press (美国联合通讯社)followed over three months for a vacation between July 16 and 22. The number one finding: avoid booking tickets on weekends. It’s the most expensive time to buy.
There’s no way to guarantee the best fare. But before booking, travelers should pay attention to this additional advice:
● Book on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. That’s when airlines most often offer sales.
● Buy in advance, but not too early. The best time is four to six weeks before traveling. In general, prices for any given flight are highest eight to ten weeks and two to three weeks in advance.
● Make use of social media. Airlines are giving more benefits like exclusive (独家) sales to travelers who interact (互动) with them on Twitter and Facebook. Those specials are often gone within hours.
● The so-called discount airlines – JetBlue, Air-Tran, Southwest and Frontier – adjust their fares less frequently than other airlines, so you can feel more confident that the price will stay the same. But their prices aren’t always the lowest. Researching multiple airlines’ fares is the only way to get a good deal.
【小题1】 What can we infer from the first sentence of the text?

A.Passengers are unable to search for airfares.
B.Airlines often play games with passengers.
C.Airfares are set in different situations.
D.It’s difficult for passengers to get the best price.
【小题2】The underlined phrase “pull the trigger” in Paragraph 3 probably means _______.   
【小题3】By using a lot of figures, the author intends to _______.
A.show there is standard price for every single airline
B.discover the rules behind airfares
C.guarantee passengers a low price
D.prove airfares can vary widely
【小题4】Passengers are advised to book flights _______.
A.in the middle of the week
B.on special websites
C.several months before traveling
D.with airlines which are famous for offering discount prices


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

College libraries are designed primarily for research and study. To explain its use, let us choose a research topic and follow the step-by-step procedure of looking up the material for the paper.
Suppose your assignment is to write a paper on a novel called The Sun Also Rises by American writer Hemingway.The first step is to go to the main catalog.Many small drawers on the large wooden cabinets are lined up in alphabetical(字母的) order.Each of the drawers contains hundreds of alphabetical ordered cards.These cards are printed references to all material available in the library.Title cards are cataloged by the first word of the book title, leaving out the articles like “a”, “an” and “the”.And then you get the cards for the books you need.On the upper left corner of each card is the call number.This is the numerical code that shows where the book is located in the library.The library has open and closed stacks.If your book is on the open stacks, you can go to the open-stack room, and according to the call number find it out by yourself.There are only about 30,000 books on open stacks, while most of the 800,000 books in our library are kept in closed stacks, which are accessible only to teachers and graduate students.
For undergraduates like you, borrowing books from the closed stacks have to be done with the help of our librarian.In that case, you must fill out a call slip(纸条) for the book, showing the call number, author and title.You can get call slips on tables near the catalog cabinets.You show your call slip together with your library card to a librarian at the information desk.He or she will help you find the book out in the closed stacks.
【小题1】What is the main purpose of this text?

A.To present readers a brief introduction to a college library.
B.To guide readers how to find books needed in a college library.
C.To tell readers how to fill out a call slip in a college library.
D.To show readers where to find books in a college library.
【小题2】What letter you should look for on the title card for the book The Old Man and the Sea by the Hemingway?
A.The letter “t”. B.The letter “h”. C.The letter “o”. D.The letter “s”.
【小题3】How are books arranged and shelved in the library?
A.By call numbers. B.By call slips of authors’ names.
C.In alphabetical order. D.By the first word of book title.
【小题4】Suppose you are an undergraduate and you want to borrow a book from the closed stacks, which is the correct order to do it?
a. go to the main catalog      b. show your call slip and library card
c. find out the call number    d. fill out a call slip
e. get the cards for the books
A.a-b-e-d-c B.b-a-c-d-e C.a-e-c-d-b D.b-c-a-e-d


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

There is an old Chinese proverb that states "One Generation plants the trees; another gets the shade," and this is how it should be with mothers and daughters. The relationship between a mother and daughter is sometimes confusing. If close, the relationship can be similar to friendship. However, the mother and daughter relationship has unique characteristics that distinguish it from a friendship. These characteristics include a hierarchy (等级) of responsibility and unconditional love, which preclude mothers and daughters from being best friends. 
Marina, 27 years old, says, "I love spending time with my mom, but I wouldn't consider her my best friend. Best friends don't pay for your wedding. Best friends don't remind you how they carried you in their body and gave you life! Best friends don't tell you how wise they are because they have been alive at least 20 years longer than you.” This doesn't mean that the mother and daughter relationship can't be very close and satisfying.
While some adult relationships are still troubled, many find them to be extremely rewarding.     This generation of mothers and adult daughters has a lot in common which increases the likelihood of shared companionship. Mothers and daughters have always shared the common experience of being homemakers, responsible for maintaining and passing on family values and traditions. Today contemporary mothers and daughters also share the experience of the workforce and technology, which may bring them even closer together.
Best friends may or may not continue to be best friends, but for better or worse, the mother and daughter relationship is permanent, even if for some unfortunate reason they aren't speaking. The mother and child relationship is closer than any other. There is not an equal relationship. Daughters should not feel responsible for their mother's emotional well-being. It isn’t that they don't care deeply about their mothers. It's just that they shouldn't be burdened with their mother's well being.
The mother and daughter relationship is a relationship that is not replaceable by any other. Mothers never stop being mothers, which includes frequently wanting to protect their daughters and often feeling responsible for their happiness. Mother always "trumps" friend.
【小题1】The underlined word “preclude” in Paragraph 1 probably means “_________”.

A.differ B.prevent C.benefit D.change
【小题2】Why do many mothers and adult daughters keep a rewarding relationship?
A.Because they have a lot in common.
B.Because they have common family values.
C.Because they have no generation gap.
D.Because they keep a constant relationship.
【小题3】What do we know from the passage?
A.The mother and daughter relationship can be replaced by a best friend.
B.A mother’s love brings her and her daughter a close friendship.
C.The mother and daughter relationship goes beyond best friends’ friendship.
D.Marina has a troubled relationship with her mother.
【小题4】The author proves his statements mainly by _________.
A.listing data B.giving explanations C.quoting sayings D.making examples
【小题5】What is the best title for the passage?
A.How to be a good mother and daughter
B.Who is a mother’s best friend?
C.A friend in need is a friend indeed.
D.Can a mother be a daughter’s best friend?

