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  Happy birthday! Do birthdays really make people happy? Of course they do.Birthdays celebrate the day when we were born.Besides, that extra candle on the cake suggests another year of growth and maturity(成熟)-or we hope so.We all like to imagine that we’re getting wiser and not just older.Most of us enjoy seeing the miracle(奇迹)of growth in others as well.For instance, seeing our children develop and learn new things makes us feel proud.For Americans, like people in most cultures, growing up is a wonderful process(过程).But growing old? That’s a different story.

  Growing old is not exactly pleasant for people in youth-oriented(以年轻人为中心)American culture.Most Americans like to look young, act young and feel young.As the old saying goes, “You’re as young as you feel.” Older people joke about how many years young they are, rather than how many years old.People in some countries value the aged as a source of experience and wisdom.But Americans seem to favor those that are young, or at least “young at heart”.

  Many older Americans find the “golden years” to be anything but golden.Economically, “senior citizens” often struggle just to get by.Retirement(退休)at age 65 brings a sharp decrease in personal income.Social security(安全)benefits usually cannot make up the difference.Older people may suffer from poor nutrition(营养), medical care and housing.Some even experience age discrimination.In 1987, American sociologist Pat Moore dressed up like an older person and wandered city streets.She was often treated rudely-even cheated and robbed.However, dressed as a young person, she received much more respect.

  Unfortunately, the elderly population in America is increasing fast.Why? People are living longer.Fewer babies are being born.And middle-aged “baby boomers” are rapidly entering the groups of the elderly.America may soon be a place where wrinkles(皱纹)are “in”.Marketing experts are already noticing this growing group of consumers.


Growing up is a wonderful thing because ________.

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people can celebrate their birthdays


people can become more mature and wiser


people can receive many presents


people will feel younger at heart


We can infer from the second paragraph that ________.

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young people lack experience and wisdom


American older people often joke about their old age


American culture is very young


different countries have different opinions on the old age


The underlined sentence(in Paragraph 3)means“________”.

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The golden years can make the old earn lots of money and receive good medical care


The old people in America are leading a hard life without good nutrition, medical care or housing


The old in America have to retire at the age of 65


American social security benefits are not good


From the last paragraph we know that the underlined word “in” can be replaced by ________.

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disappearing slowly


growing fast


The underlined word “discrimination” probably means ________.

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being looked down upon


being respected







根据下文“In 1987, American sociologist Pat Moore dressed up like an older person and wandered city streets.She was often treated rudely”,尤其是“treated rudely”,可知答案为B项。





句意理解题。在第三段中有阐述:在美国,golden years即老年阶段,但并不那样“黄金”。anything but意为“根本不,一点儿也不”,他们的生活实际上很艰难。




科目:高中英语 来源:活题巧解巧练·高二英语·下 题型:050


  What do those countries in the world have in common? People are killing each other or driving others out of their families. Why is this hap pening? Very simple, really: in each h of these places, and elsewhere in the world, one group of people believes that another group is different from them and dangerous to them. It has been thus throughout history. How different are humans from each other?

  We come in different colors: red, blank, white, yellow and brown; we have a variety of political systems, social systems, religious views(宗教信仰) or none at all; we are different in mind, have different educational systems, different socio-economic classes. We speak different languages, and have different customs and dresses.

  If we were to break each of these further, we would have quite a long list of qualities and characteristics that make humans appear to be different from each other. I say they appear to be different , because most of what I have listed stands for what we see or hear, not what is true of human. Man is man everywhere, which is only because where he lives. when he lives there, with whom he lives there, and all have effect on how he lives, that is, what he believes, what he wears, his customs, his gods, his language and so on. These are man-made fact that each group develops over time living together, facing the same problems, needing and desiring the same things. They are his culture. The truth is that we are much more the same than different. If you wear one type of clothing and I wear another, we both wear some kind of clothing. Our culture demands it. If you speak one language and I another, we both speak so that others will understand us. We must communicate with each other. Nothing is gained by giving too many differences, but much lost . If we understood our differences as the ones of culture, then we could make our world more peaceful.

  Difference doesn't mean better or worse, right or wrong . It means only that differences have been made by society. Differences produce variety of thought, feeling and action, and that can be very helpful to work out human problems peacefully.

1.We've learned from the passage that ________.

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A.people are different

B.people are the same

C.people are different because of their cultures

D.people are the same in every way except their cultures

2.People in those countries fight each other for ________.

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A.they have different colors

B.they have different customs and dresses

C.they have different education systems

D.some people think that other people arc different and harmful to them

3.If we pay much attention to differences ________.

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A.we'll get something

B.we'll produce problems

C.we'll develop

D.nothing will be lost

