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A very old tree had been growing quite slowly for many years. It was nearly the   1  tree in the forest, and it raised its head high above the   2   trees towards the sky like a king of trees.
One spring day, the wind brought a little seed and dropped it   3  the roots of the tree. Soon it grew into a plant. “I’ll climb to the top of the tree,” said   4   little plant. “They’ll see how quickly I can grow.” So it held tightly to the tree, climbed and climbed  it climbed up to the top branch. It said to the tree, “You have grown for a great many years, and I only began this summer – see   6   high I have got!”
But the old tree just said nothing at all. Later, a great storm came, bringing snow and heavy winds. The old tree did n’t mind the cold at all, but the poor little plant had grown so fast   7   it had forgotten to grow well.   8   that cold night it fell onto the ground. And that was the end of the little plant.

1.从前面的for many years 可以看出是the oldest tree
2.把树分为两部分,另一部分用the other trees
3.at the roots of the tree 在树的根部
4.the little plant 特指那棵小树
6.how high I have got 感叹句
7.so...that 句式“如此快以至于”

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

An old man who lived in a small back street of my hometown had to tolerate(忍受) the nuisance(讨厌的人或事) of boys playing football and making a lot of noise outside his house at night.
One evening when the boys were particularly_21__,he went out to talk to them. He explained that he had just retired(退休) and was_22__when he could see or hear boys playing his_23_game,football. He would_24_ give them ¥25 each week to play in the street at night. The boys got_25_,for they could hardly believe_26_they were being paid to do something they__27_.
The first two weeks had passed,the boys came to the old man’s house,and went away__28__with their 25 Yuan. The third week when they came back,__29__,the old man said he hadn’t had much money__30__himself and sent them away with only 15 Yuan. The fourth week,the man said he had not yet 31  his paycheck from the government and gave them only 10 Yuan. The boys were very disappointed,but there was__32__much that they could do about it.
At the__33_of the fifth week,the boys came back and__34_at the old man’s door,waiting for their_35_.Slowly,the door opened and the old man appeared. He_36_that he could not afford to pay them 25 yuan_37_he had promised,but said he would give them  38 yuan each week without fail.
This was really too much for the boys. “You expect us to play seven days a week for only five yuan!” they yelled.“__39__!”
They stormed away and  40   played on the street again.
A.more everB.thereforeC.willinglyD.forever
A.butB.in additionC.howeverD.besides
A.5B.10 C.15D.20
A.No wayB.No possibleC.No problemD.No play


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

This year I decided to do something to regain my good name as a kindly uncle. My  1  Tony,had never forgiven me for the dictionary I had bought him as a birthday present last year. His 2  had no reason to be thankful to me either,because the year before, I had   3  their dear son with a pot of paste(浆糊) and some funny pictures. Instead of   4   them into a book, Tony had naturally covered every wall in the house with them. This year,   5 , I decided to let him  6  for himself.
We went into a big shop,but Tony was very particular about   7  . Although I tried to show him toy after toy,he was not to be   8 . Then I saw he suddenly became  9 ; he had discovered something he really liked: a large tin dram. I was quite happy too   10    I thought what Tony’s mother would say when she saw it. Nobody would get any    11   for weeks! I led Tony away   12 , saying that the dram was too expensive.
Tony asked for permission to go off    13   and I made the most of my chance to sit down end    14   my aching feet. Fifteen minutes passed but there was still no sign of Tony. I began to get   15   and got up to look for him. I asked a young lady if she had seen a little boy in a grey suit. She looked   16   her helplessly and pointed out that there were so many   17
in grey suits. I was just going to call the police for help,when I saw a strange   18  dressed in strange orange clothes. He was wearing a false beard and had a caveman’s axe(斧子)in one hand,and a space gun in the other. It was, of course,Tony, who informed me  19   that he was the first   20  to fly into space.
A.on his ownB.in his wayC.now and thenD.more or less
A.young ladiesB.new customersC.loving parentsD.small boys
A.on timeB.at onceC.just nowD.once again


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Recently a Beijing father sent in a question at an Interact forum(论坛)asking what“PK”meant.
“My family has been watching the‘Super Girl’singing competition TV programme.My little daughter asked me what’PK’meant,but I had no idea,”explained the puzzled father.
To a lot of Chinese young people who have been playing games online,it is impossible not to know this term.In such Internet games,“PK”is short for“Player Kill”,in which two players fight until one ends the life of the other.
In the case of the“Super Girl”singing competition.“PK”was used to refer to the stage where two singers have to compete with each other for only one chance to go up in competition ranking.
Like this father,Chinese teachers at high schools have also been finding their students’compositions using Internet jargons which are difficult to understand.A high school teacher from Tianjin asked her students to write compositions with simple language,but they came up with a lot of Internet jargons  that she didn’t understand.
“My‘GG’came back this summer from college.He told me I’ve grown up to be a‘PLMM’.I loved to‘FB’with him together;he always took me to the‘KPM’,”went one composition.
“GG”means Ge Ge(Chinese pinyin for brother).“PLMM”refers to Piao Liang Mei Mei(beautiful girl).“FB”means Fu Bai(corruption).“KPM”is short for KF.Pizza Hut and McDonald’s.
Some specialists welcome Internet jargons as a new development in language.
If you do not even know what a Kong Long(dinosaur,referring to an ugly looking female)ora Qing wa(frog,referring to an ugly looking male)is,you will possibly be regarded as a CaiNiao!
小题1:By writing the article,the writer tries to         
A.explain some Internet language
B.suggest common Internet language
C.laugh at the Beijing father
D.draw our attention to Internet language
小题2:What does the writer think about the term“PK”?                       
A.Fathers can’t possibly know it.
B.The daughter should understand it.
C.Online game players may know it.
D.“Super Girl”shouldn’t have used it.
小题3:The examples of the Beijing father and the Tianjin teacher are used to show that Internet jargons          
A.are used not only online
B.can be understood very well
C.are welcomed by all the people
D.cause trouble to our mother tongue
小题4:The underlined word“jargons”means“       ”in Chinese.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A nobleman and a merchant once met in an inn. For their lunch they both ordered soup. When it was brought, the nobleman took a spoonful, but the soup was so hot that he burned his mouth and tears came to his eyes, The merchant asked him why he was weeping. The nobleman was ashamed to admit that he had burned his mouth and answered, “Sir, I once had a brother who committed a great crime , for which he was hanged. I was thinking of his death, and that made me weep.” The merchant believed this story and began to eat his soup. He too burned his mouth, so that he had tears in his eyes. The nobleman noticed it and asked the merchant, “Sir, why do you weep?” The merchant, who now saw that the nobleman had deceived (欺骗) him, answered, “My lord(="master)," I am weeping because you were not hanged together with your brother.”
小题1:This story teaches us ______.
A.not to eat in innsB.not to eat soup that is too hot
C.to cry when we burn our mouthD.not to believe everything you hear
小题2:The nobleman did not tell the truth because he ______.
A.was a noblemanB.felt ashamedC.was in an innD.was angry
小题3:It is probable that the nobleman ______.
A.had no brother who was hangedB.had a very good brother
C.knew the soup was too hotD.had never eaten soup
小题4: The merchant’s answer showed that he ______.
A.was very happyB.believed the nobleman
C.was angry with the noblemanD.had kind heart


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Heather Mills McCartney lives an admirable life, attending celebrity parties, meeting regularly with the rich and famous and doing meaningful work for charity. All who work with her admire and respect her. But Heather’s life hasn’t always been so easy. When Heather was only 9 years old, her mother abandoned her and her two brothers. At the age of 13, she ran away from home and ended up living on the streets in London. Eventually, however, her exceptional beauty led to a career in modeling. At that time, Heather also began helping with the war relief efforts in former Yugoslavia. Through her modeling and relief work, she soon became famous.
But in August 1993, at age 25 her life changed once again. She was crossing the street in London when a motorcycle crashed into her. She was so badly injured that the doctors had to cut off her left leg. After that, she discovered she frequently needed to change her artificial limbs. It was expensive and she felt it was a waste to just throw away the old one. It occurred to her to set up an organization that could deliver used artificial limbs to Yugoslavia and other war-torn countries. It was through her charity work that she met her husband Paul McCartney.
Throughout her life, Heather has risen above problems and focused on helping others. Her work with artificial limbs even earned her a nomination(提名) for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1996. Heather’s persistence and determination are what impresses anyone who knows her. Heather believes anyone can make a positive difference in the world.
小题1:This passage is mainly about _________.
A.Heather’s miserable lifeB.Heather’s contribution to the world
C.Heather’s success in her workD.Heather’s belief in life
小题2:Heather began her modeling career _________.
A.due to her mother’s encouragement
B.after her brothers abandoned her
C.because of her excellent intelligence and performances
D.because she was especially beautiful
小题3:Which of the following is Not true according to the passage?
A.Heather won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1996.
B.Heather began her charity work while working as a model.
C.Her artificial limbs had to be replaced continuously.
D.Heather has never been defeated by her problems.
小题4:From the passage we can infer that people admire and respect Heather because
A.she had a lot of misfortunes during her childhood.
B.she was a world-famous model
C.she is determined and never gives in
D.she made a great difference in the world


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Most people know that Marie Curie was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize, and the first person to win it twice. However, few people know that she was also the mother of a Nobel Prize winner.
Born in September, 1987, Irene Curie was the first of the Curies’ two daughters. Along with nine other children whose parents were also famous scholars, Irene studied in their own school, and her mother was one of the teachers. She finished her high school education at the College of Sévigné in Paris.
Irene entered the University of Paris in 1914 to prepare for a degree in mathematics and physics. When World War I began, Irene went to help her mother, who was using X-ray facilities(设备) to help save the lives of wounded soldiers.Irene continued the work by developing X-ray facilities in military hospitals in France and Belgrum. Her services were recognised in the form of a Military’s Medal by the French government.
In 1918, Irene became her mother’s assistant at the Curie Institute. In December 1924, Frederic Joliot joined the Institute, and Irene taugh him the techniques required for his work. They soon fell in love and were married in 1926. Their daughter Helene was born in 1927 and their son Pierre five years later.
Like her mother, Irene combined family and career. Like her mother, Irene was awarded a Nobel Prize, along with her husband, in 1935. Unfortunately, also like her mother, she developed leukemia because of her work with radioactivity(辐射能). Irene Joliot-Curie died from leukemia on March 17, 1956.
小题1:Why was Irene Curie awarded a Military Medal?
A.Because she received a degree in mathematics.
B.Because she contributed to saving the wounded.
C.Because she won the Nobel Prize with Frederic.
D.Because she worked as a helper to her mother.
小题2:Where did Irene Curie meet her husband Frederio joliot?
A.At the Curie Institute.B.At the Cniversity of Paris.
C.At a military hospital.D.At the College of Sevigne.
小题3:When was the second child of Irene Curie and Frederic Joliot born?
A.In 1932.B.In 1927.C.In 1897.D.In 1926.
小题4: In which of the following aspects was Irene Cuire different from her mother?
A.Irene worked with radioactivity.B.Irene combined family and career.
C.Irene won the Nobel Prize onceD.Irene died from leukemia.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Even if he is not the most liked comedian in China today, his popularity certainly has risen the fastest within the last two months.
He's "Little Shenyang", who came into national fame overnight after his appearance on CCTV's Spring Festival Gala. With his funny cross-dressing, unique northeastern accent and superb imitative(模仿的) skills, Little Shenyang has obvious talent to support his rise to fame.
Hundreds of video clips of his shows have been posted on YouTube and other online video sites, and his performance fees reportedly grew 50-fold in just a few weeks. He has, at the same time, become one of the most controversial of entertainers.
Many have doubted his artistic potential, pointing out that his shows were repetitive and lacked creativity, a key to continued comedic success. Others belittle (轻视) the style of humor, saying it's too crude and appeals only to less-educated people. His defenders were just as up in arms. Many media commentators and bloggers said that his quick rise to star proved the broad appeal of his art form. He became a national champion not because of his "northeastern hick(乡巴佬)" humor, they argued, but because he represented something new on TV, something with a grassroots feel that appealed to millions of ordinary people.
Now, does Little Shenyang really deserve his star status?
小题1: Some people belittle Little Shenyang’s humor because _________. 
A.He represents something with a grassroots feel.
B.The style of humor lacked creativity.
C.He speaks with a northeast accent.
D.He became famous overnight.
小题2:What’s the secret of Little Shenyang’s success?                 
A.His funny cross-dressing.
B.His unique accent
C.His super imitative skills
D.All of the above
小题3:From the passage, we can infer that _________.                
A.Little Shenyang is the most popular comedian in China.
B.Few people like Little Shenyang’s performance.
C.Little Shenyang earns a lot of money now.
D.The author thinks little of Little Shenyang.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Do you know Henry Ford? He was the first person to build cars which were cheap,strong and fast.He was able to sell millions of models because he could produce them in large numbers at a time;that is,he made a great many cars of exactly the same kind.Ford’s father hoped that his son would become a farmer,but the young man did not like the idea and he went to Detroit where he worked as a mechanic(机械师).By the age of 29,in 1892,he had built his first car.However,the car made in this way,the famous “Model T” did not appear until 1908—five years after Ford had started his great motor car factory.This car showed to be well-known that it remained unchanged for twenty years.Since Ford’s time,this way of producing cars in large numbers has become common in industry and has reduced the price of many goods which would otherwise be very expensive.
小题1:Henry Ford was the man to built _____ cars.
A cheap and strong                     B. cheap and long
C. fast and expensive              D. strong and slow
小题2:Ford was able to sell millions of cars,because_____.
A.he made many great carsB.his cars are many
C.he made lots of cars of the same kindD.both A and B
小题3:The “Model T” was very famous_____.
A.before 1908B.between 1982 and 1908  
C.before 1892D.after 1908
小题4: Ford built his own car factory________.
A.n 1903B.in 1908C.in 1913D.in 1897

