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Valentine's Day had arrived and like other days of the year, I was very busy.

My romantic husband, Roy, planned a date like we had never had before. A reservation at an expensive restaurant was made. A beautifully wrapped present had been sitting on my dresser for a few days before the heart-filled holiday.

After a hard day at work, I hurried home, ran into the house and jumped into the shower.

When my sweetheart arrived, I was dressed in my finest outfit and ready to go. He hugged me, just as the babysitter arrived. We were both excited.

Unfortunately, the youngest member in our household wasn't so happy.

"Daddy, you were going to take me to buy Mamma a present," Becky, my eight-year-old daughter said, as she sadly walked over to the sofa and sat down beside the babysitter.

Roy looked at his watch and realized that if we were to make our reservations, we had to leave right away. He didn't even have a few minutes to take her to the store to buy a heart-shaped box of chocolate candy. "I'm sorry, I was late getting home, honey," he said.

"That's OK," Becky replied. "I understand."

The entire evening was bittersweet. I couldn't help being concerned about the disappointment in Becky's eyes. I remembered how the joy of Valentine's Day had left her face just before the door closed behind us. She wanted me to know how much she loved me. She didn't realize it, but I already knew it very well.

Today, I can't remember what was wrapped in that beautiful box, which I was excited for sev- eral days, but I'll never forget the special gift, which I received when we arrived, back home.

Becky was asleep on the sofa., holding a box, which was sitting on her lap. When I kissed her cheek, she awoke. "I've made something for you, Mamma," she said, as a big smile covered her ti- ny face.

The little box was wrapped in newspaper. As I tore the paper off and opened the box, I found the sweetest Valentine gift that I have ever received. It was a heart-shaped pillow, filled with love, which I'll cherish forever.

My wonderful Valentine gift has a special place in my bedroom today, some thirteen years later. As she was growing up into a young woman, many times I held that pillow close to my heart. I don't know if a pillow can hold magic, but this pillow has surely held a great deal of joy for me over the years. It has helped me through several sleepless nights since she left home for college. I not only treasure the gift, but the memory, as well.

I know that I am a very lucky mother, indeed, to have such a wonderful little girl, who wanted so much to share her heart with me. As long as I live, there will never be another Valentine's Day, which will be any more special to me.

1.How did the writer plan to spend Valentine's Day?

A. To stay at work.

B. To have dinner with her husband.

C. To have a family dinner.

D. To celebrate the day alone.

2.How did Becky feel when she knew her father had no time to take her to buy mother a gift?

A. She was sad and cried.

B. She was lonely and frightened.

C. She was disappointed but understanding.

D. She was happy to be together with the babysitter.

3.What's the best title for this passage?

A. A Gift in Newspaper. B. Becky's Dream.

C. Valentine's Day. D. A Special Gift.


科目:高中英语 来源:辽宁省沈阳市2016-2017学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Mrs. Obama spoke to the graduates of Martin Luther King Jr. High School on Saturday in her only high school commencement (毕业典礼) speech this year. The ceremony took place in the gymnasium of Tennessee State University.

The first lady told the 170 graduates that she spent too much of her time in college focusing on academic achievements. While her success in college and law school led to a high?profile job, she said, she ended up leaving to focus on public service. “My message to you today is that don't waste a minute living someone else's dream,” she said. “It takes lots of real work to discover what brings you joy and you won't find what you love simply by checking mailboxes or surfing the Internet.”

She said MLK reminded her of her own high school experience in Chicago.“My No.1 goal was to go to a high school that would push me and challenge me,” she said. “I wanted to go somewhere that would celebrate achievements.” “Unfortunately, schools like this don't exist for every kid,” she said. “You are blessed.”

The first lady told the graduates that failure may be a part of their college careers, and that how they respond to difficulties determines what they will become. “That's when you find out what you're really made of in those hard times,” she said. “But you can only do that if you're willing to put yourself in a position where you might fail. Overcoming difficulties has been a mark of many great people,” she said. “Oprah Winfrey was demoted(降职) from her first job as a news reporter, and now she doesn't even need a last name,” she said of media giant Oprah Winfrey. “And then there's this guy Barack Obama. I could take up a whole afternoon talking about his failures. He lost his first race for Congress,” the first lady joked, “and now he gets to call himself my husband.”

1.When choosing her high school, Mrs Obama .

A. wanted to study law

B. was pushed to make a choice

C. failed to find an ideal school

D. was willing to meet challenges

2.By mentioning Oprah's example, Mrs Obama wanted to tell the graduates .

A. to be brave enough to risk failing

B. to work hard to get promoted

C. to start as a news reporter

D. not to waste time doing what they dislike

3.Where can you probably find this text?

A. In a news report.

B. In a politics book.

C. In a graduation paper.

D. On Mrs Obama's blog.

4.What do we know about Mrs Obama from the text?

A. She is a graduate of Tennessee State University.

B. This is the first time she has given a speech to graduates.

C. She complained about her school life in her speech.

D. She is enthusiastic about public service.


科目:高中英语 来源:黑龙江省哈尔滨市2017届高三下学期第三次模拟考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

If you’re ever reading a book or watching a movie and get the distinct feeling you’ve come across the story before — or even better, can predict exactly what's going to happen next — there could be a good reason for that.

Researchers from the Computational Story Laboratory at the University of Vermont studied the complete text of some 1,737 fiction works available on Project Gutenberg, an online collection of more than 50,000 digital books in the public area. They discovered that English literature consists of just six kinds of emotional arcs (情感弧线) that make up nearly all of the most well-known stories. By analysing the sentiment (情感) of language used in these texts, the researchers were able to show the emotional ups and downs for the stories as a whole. They discovered that negative words like “poverty”, “dead”, and “punishment” dragged the emotion down, while positive terms like “love”, “peace”, and “friend” brought it up.

According to the researchers, those six core (核心的) emotional arcs are:

“Rags to riches” (An ongoing emotional rise)

“Tragedy, or riches to rags” (An ongoing emotional fall)

“Man in a hole” (A fall followed by a rise)

“Icarus” (A rise followed by a fall)

“Cinderella” (Rise–fall–rise)

“Oedipus” (Fall–rise–fall)

Interestingly, based on download statistics from Project Gutenberg, the researchers say the most popular stories are ones that use more complex emotional arcs, with the “Cinderella” and “Oedipus” arcs registering the most downloads. Also popular are works that combine these core arcs together in new ways within one story, such as two “Man in a hole” arcs stuck together, or the “Cinderella” arc coupled with a tragic ending.

1.Readers often feel familiar when reading a new story because stories have similar ______.

A. beginnings B. endings

C. characters D. emotional arcs

2.How did researchers carry out their study?

A. By conducting surveys among readers.

B. By reading books borrowed from libraries.

C. By analysing works from an online collection.

D. By interviewing authors of the well-known stories.

3.Which set of works may drag emotion down?

A. Hope, fortune and riches.

B. Disease, murder and war.

C. Smile, health and beauty.

D. Cold, earthquake and spring.

4.According to the last paragraph, which kind of works are most popular among readers?

A. Works with an ongoing emotional rise.

B. Works with an ongoing emotional fall.

C. Works with a rise followed by a fall.

D. Works with more than one rise and fall.


科目:高中英语 来源:黑龙江省伊春市2016-2017学年高一下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:七选五

Being fit is a way of saying a person eats well,gets a lot of physical exercise,and has a healthy weight.There are a lot of discussions these days about fit kids.1.

1.Eat a variety of foods.You may have a favorite food,but the best choice is to eat a variety.

2.Taste new foods and old ones you haven’t tried for a while.Some foods,such as green vegetables,are more pleasing the older you get.Shoot for at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day-two fruits and three vegetables.

2.Listen to your body.What does it feel like to be full?When you're eating,notice how your body feels and when your stomach feels comfortably full.Sometimes,people eat too much because they don't notice when they need to stop eating.3.

And over a period of time,overeating can lead to unhealthy weight gain.

3.4..What’s screen time?It’s the amount of time you spend watching TV or DVDs,playing video games,and using the computer.The more time you spend on these sitting-down activities,the less time available for active stuff, like basketball,bike riding and swimming.5.

These rules aren’t magic.

However,follow them most of the time and you can become a fit kid sooner or later.

A.Limit screen time.

B.If you're a kid who wants to be fit,here are three rules to live by.

C.Drink water and milk.

D.Ask your parents to help you do your favorite activities regularly.

E.Eating too much can make you feel uncomfortable.

F.If you eat different foods,you're more likely to get the nutrients your body needs.

G.Try to spend no more than 2 hours a day on screen time.


科目:高中英语 来源:广西省桂林市、崇左市2017届高三联合调研考试英语试卷 题型:短文填空

It is difficult for parents of nearly every family to teach their children to be responsible1. housework, but with one of the following 2.(suggest), you really can get your children3. (help) at home.

If you usually give your children the deep impression that they can never do anything quite right, then they4.(regard) themselves as unfit or unable persons.5.children do not believe they can succeed, they will never become totally independent.

My daughter Mary's fifth-grade teacher made every child in her class feel special. When stu- dents received less than a perfect test score, she would point out6.they had mastered and declared7. (firm) they could learn what they had missed.

You can use the same way when you evaluate your child's work at home. Don't always scold and you should give lots of praise instead. Talk about what he has done right, not about what he hasn’t done. If your child completes 8.difficult task, promise him a Sunday trip or a ball game with Dad.

Learning is a process of trying and9. (fail)and trying and succeeding. If you teach your children not to fear a mistake of failure, they will learn10.(fast) and achieve success at last.


科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省宿州市2016-2017学年高一下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:短文填空

Yuan Longping was born in 1930 and graduated from college in 1953, when hunger was a big problem for many people in1.countryside. Since then, finding ways to grow more rice2.(be)his life goal. He began to search3.a way to increase rice4.has a high output.5.(use)his hybrid rice, farmers manage to produce harvests twice as large as before. Now, he is considered as a pioneer, who devotes his life to6.(rid) the world of hunger.

Yuan Longping is quite content with his life.7., he doesn’t care about being famous. He feels it gives him less8.(free) to do his research. He would rather keep time for his9.(hobby). He enjoys listening to violin music, swimming and reading. Money means very little to him. Indeed, he believes that a person with too much money has more rather than10.(few) troubles.


科目:高中英语 来源:天津市和平区2016-2017学年高二下学期期末质量调查英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Street art is a very popular form of art that is spreading quickly all over the world. You can find it on building, sidewalks, street sings and trash cans from Tokyo to Paris, and from Moscow to Cape Town. Street art has become a global culture and even art museums and galleries are collecting the works of street artists. Even advertising companies also use street art in their ads due to its popularity.

Street art started out very secretly because it’s illegal to paint on public and private property without permission. People often have different opinions about street art. Some people think it is a crime with others think it’s a new form of culture.

Art experts claim that the movement began in New York in the 1960s. Young adults sprayed words and images on walls and trains. This colorful and energetic style of writing became known as graffiti(涂鸦). Graffiti art showed that young people wanted to rebel against society. They didn’t want to accept rules, and they travelled around cities to create paintings that everyone could see. In many cases, they had trouble with the police and the local government.

Many street corners in Paris show the works of Space Invader. A French artist uses small pieces of glass to make images of space creatures. He has been doing this for some years and the police have arrested him a few times. On his website, you can see many other places where he has created this form of art.

Street artists do their work for some reasons. Some of them do not like the artists who make so much money in galleries and museums. They choose street art because it is closer to common people. Some artists try to express their political opinion in their works. They often want to protest against big firms and corporations. Others like to do things that are forbidden and hope they don't get caught.

In today’s world, the Internet has a big influence on street art. Artists can show their pictures to people all over the world. Many city residents, however, say that seeing a picture on the Internet is never as good as seeing it alive. The street art movement lives with the energy and life of a big city. There it will continue to change and grow.

1.What may be the best title for the text?

A. A New Form of Art

B. The New Trend of Street Art

C. Discovery of Global Culture

D. Street Art-New Culture of Cities

2.Why do advertising companies use street art?

A. It has a free style. B. It has a great effect.

C. It’s popular with customers. D. It gives the impression of youth.

3.What’s the author’s attitude toward street art?

A. Objective. B. Subjective.

C. Doubtful. D. Supportive.


科目:高中英语 来源:天津市和平区2016-2017学年高二下学期期末质量调查英语试卷 题型:单项填空

—Is David a man with good _________?

—I don’t think so. As a matter of fact, he is anything but polite.

A. methods B. ways

C. manners D. approaches


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省丹阳市2016-2017学年牛津译林版Module 5 Unit 1 Test4单元测试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Some people think that success is only for those with talent or those who grow up in the right family, and others believe that success mostly comes down to luck. I’m not going to say luck, talent, and circumstances don’t come into play because they do. Some people are born into the right family while others are born with great intelligence, and that’s just the reality of how life is.

However, to succeed in life, one first needs to set a goal and then gradually make it more practical. And, in addition to that, in order to get really good at something, one needs to spend at least 10,000 hours studying and practicing. To become great at certain things, it’ll require even more time, time that most people won’t put in.

This is a big reason why many successful people advise you to do something you love. If you don’t enjoy what you do, it is going to feel like unbearable pain and will likely make you quit well before you ever become good at it.

When you see people exhibiting some great skills or having achieved great success, you know that they have put in a huge part of their life to get there at a huge cost. It’s sometimes easy to think they got lucky or they were born with some rare talent, but thinking that way does you no good, and there’s a huge chance that you’re wrong anyway.

Whatever you do, if you want to become great at it, you need to work day in and day out, almost to the point of addiction, and over a long period of time. If you’re not willing to put in the time and work, don’t expect to receive any rewards. Consistent, hard work won’t guarantee you the level of success you may want, but it will guarantee that you will become really good at whatever it is you put all that work into.

1.Paragraph 1 mainly talks about ______.

A. the meaning of success B. the reasons for success

C. the standards of success D. the importance of success

2.Successful people suggest doing what one loves because ______.

A. work makes one feel pain B. one tends to enjoy his work

C. it takes a lot of time to succeed D. one gives up his work easily

3.What can we infer from Paragraph 4?

A. People sometimes succeed without luck or talent.

B. Successful people like to show their great skills.

C. People need to achieve success at the cost of life.

D. It helps to think that luck or talent leads to success.

4.What is the main theme of the passage?

A. Having a goal is vital to success.

B. Being good is different from being great.

C. Luck, talent and family help to achieve success.

D. One cannot succeed without time and practice.

