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2.In order to increase their job chances after college,Chinese students are turning to a special practice-Eiffel Tower nose jobs (鼻整形术).The latest trend in plastic surgery promises to create a nose that is classic,slim and sloping,similar to the sweeping curve of the Eiffel Tower.
     Surgeon Wang Xuming said:"We are influenced by the beauty of the Eiffel Tower,we are not content to just add something to the nose,we reconstruct it."The surgery costs about US $ 10,000 and involves the enlarging of the nose using tissue from the forehead.
     Hundreds of posters advertising the procedure are put up all over Chongqing city,where surgeon Xuming runs his practice.They show a Westem-Iooking woman with an almost-too-perfect nose,against an outline of the Eiffel Tower.
     Interestingly,many young women in China are eager to achieve a western appearance,as they  believe it will give them an advantage in the highly competitive job market."Some students face a lot of employment pressure after graduation.If their facial features are good,they'II have more chances of finding a job,"said surgeon Xuming."We've had students getting the Eiffel Tower nose; it's helped them a lot."
     Apparently,Chinese employers are quite particular about appearances and prefer attractive candidates.Some of them even go as far as putting height and weight requirements in their employment ads.Plastic surgeons across the country are reporting an increase in the number of students choosing beauty"improvement".
     According  to a Mr.Li,hospital manager at surgeon Xuming's clinic,most of their customers are female and the bill is taken care of by the family."They usually come in with their mothers,and tend to be from well-off backgrounds,"he said.

51.Chinese college students choose to have a nose operation toC.
A.marry well                           
B.look cool
C.have a good job                        
D.look like westerners
52.What is mainly talked about in Paragraph 3?A
A.The posters
B.A nose job.
C.The Eiffel Tower
D.A plastic surgery procedure.
53.It can be inferred from Paragraph 5 thatD
A.employers are potential customers
B.ads promote the plastic surgery
C.appearance is as important as height and weight
D.attractive appearance seems to increase job chances
54.From what Mr.Li said we can learn thatD
A.most families can't afford the surgeon
B.the number of plastic surgeons is increasing
C.patients can be well looked after at the clinic
D.their customers are usually from wealthy families
55:What's the author's attitude towards Eiffel Tower nose jobs?B

分析 本文讲述了大学毕业生做鼻子整形手术以增加就业机会的现象.中国大多雇主讲究外表,因此这些大学生认为整形或许会为自己增加工作机会.而整形医院也因这种趋势发布更多的广告.

解答 51.C.细节理解题.根据文章第一段"In order to increase their job chances after college,Chinese students are turning to a special practice-Eiffel Tower nose jobs"可知,大学毕业生选择做鼻子整形手术是为了有一份好工作.故选C.
52.A.推理判断题.根据文章第三段"Hundreds of posters advertising the procedure are put up all over Chongqing city,where surgeon Xuming runs his practice"可知,本句为主旨句,也可推测出第三段主要介绍的是整形医院宣传整形手术的广告,故选A.
53.D.推理判断题.根据文章第五段"Apparently,Chinese employers are quite particular about appearances and prefer attractive candidates"可知,中国雇主一般讲究外表,故可推测吸引人的外貌会增加工作机会.故选D.
54.D.细节理解题.根据文章最后一段"They usually come in with their mothers,and tend to be from well-off backgrounds"可知,他们的顾客通常来自富有的家庭.故选D.
55.B.推理预测题.objective"客观的". skeptical"怀疑的";critical"批评的"; worried"担心的".通读全文,作者没有表示对"整形"这种趋势的赞同,也没有反对.可见,作者只是客观地介绍了大学毕业生做鼻子整形手术以增加就业机会的现象,没有倾向性,故选B.

点评 本文是健康环保类阅读,考查学生的细节理解和推理判断能力.做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确选择.在做推理判断题时不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

5.When I first hiked in the silent Ponderosa pines of the Black Hills,I was surprised at how quiet the world became.Nowadays,when I walk in the woods,I notice other things.I hear songs of unseen birds and catch glimpses of wildflower color,all of (25)which make great subjects for me to put in front of a camera.
Finding those birds is (26)why I've spent more time in the woods of Eastern South Dakota this year than any other.Last spring I witnessed and photographed the songbird migration for the first time.I saw brightly colored birds that I'd never seen before.I guess I (27)was hooked (hook) because this spring I was back in the woods searching for more.
I have a goal to photograph all the colorful birds that call South Dakota home.One that has hidden from me to this day is the Scarlet Tanager(猩红比蓝雀).They are best found in Union Grove State Park or Newton Hills and are colored red with black wings.This year,I made three separate trips to find them.I also took time (28)to learn (learn) their song and call.This helped me find a female at dusk at Union Grove,but I could not get a decent photo.Later in the week,as I began another search at Newton Hills,a Summer Tanager flew to a tree next to me and gave me a long look.It was a real treat because the Summer Tanager is much (29)rarer (rare) to find in South Dakota.Later in the day,I finally saw my first male Scarlet …well,his tail feathers anyway.By the time I (30)spotted(spot) him,he was flying deep into the woods.I was disappointed.Then I thought this might be an invitation."Come back into the woods.Lose (31)yourself among the leaves,listen to the song I sing and maybe one day we will meet."I look forward to that day.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.The time of year a baby is born can shape what profession they will embark on in later life,a new study has suggested.Being born in a certain month appears to indicate the possibility of what job a person will end up with,the study by the Office for National Statistics found.
Researchers have uncovered that the month in which babies are born could also affect everything from intelligence to length of life.A child born in December is more likely to become a dentist while someone whose birthday falls in January will tend to a debt collector,they found.
A February birth appears to increase the chances of being an artist while March babies appear to go on to become pilots.Meanwhile,April and May are said to have a fairly even spread of professions,births in the summer months mean a much lower chance of becoming a high-earning football player,doctor or dentist.The study was gained by researchers who analyzed the birth months of people in 19separate occupations using information from the last census (人口普查),the Daily Mail reported.Although these trends may be difficult to explain,relations between birth months and specific health problems have a scientific basis.
Spring babies are at greater risk of illnesses including schizophrenia,Alzheimer's disease,asthma and autism.They may also be less clever than classmates born in other parts of the year.

31.What does the underlined phrase"embark on"refer to?D
A.land on         
C.keep in touch with   
D.be occupied in
32.According to the researchers,a child born in March is likely to becomeA.
A.a pilot        
B.a dentist  
C.a debt collector   
D.an artist
33.We can learn from the text thatD.
A.the month babies are born could only affect his intelligence and length of life
B.People born in the summer months are more likely to get highly paid
C.the choice of profession for April and May is very narrow
D.Spring babies may have the bigger chance to get ill
34.What can be included from the passage?B
A.The fate has been already decided when people are born
B.There exist connections between birth date and occupations
C.People born in Autumn would be more successful than those born in  Spring
D.The time of year one is born decides which specific health problems one has
35.According to the passage,which of the following statement is WRONG?C
A.March babies are more likely to be pilots when grown up.
B.If born in December,a person is more likely to become a dentist
C.Summer babies may be less clever than those born in other seasons
D.As in the research,health problems have something to do with birth months.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.Experts estimate that one out of every five fish sold was caught illegally.It threatens(威胁) food security and hurts the environment.Officials are using new observational technology to fight illegal fishing.
"Thank you for taking the time to join us here in Harwell (UK) in the Operations Center to what we call‘Project Eyes on the Seas.'"says Tony Long,who leads the Ending Illegal Fishing program for Pew Charitable Trusts.The group created Project Eyes on the Seas.Large three-dimensional images of a globe can be seen on a video.
"It looks different from what you might expect because this globe only shows you the boats that are coming into this system from a live automated information system or AIS."
The screen shows 120,000fishing boats have AIS.They are required to have the technology.But those who are fishing illegally often turn it off.The technology does not tell observers when that happens.Project Eyes on the Seas combines satellite information with secret government records on every ship's past activities.
Mr.Long says that permits researchers to understand exactly where the fishing boats are operating.The Pew team gives the information it gathers to port officials to help them decide if they should take action against a ship.Tony Long says he would like to be able to provide port officials all over the world with clear lists.They would inform the officials about ships to inspect,ships to bar from entrance,and ships to permit entrance for trade activities.
The Pacific island nation of Palau was an early user of the technology.Palau has one of the richest fishing areas in the world.Last year,it announced a plan to ban commercial fishing in a 630,000square kilometer area.K.B.Sakuma is a special adviser to the president of Palau.He says Palau is trying to deal with a recent increase in illegal,unsupervised(无人监管的)and unreported fishing.
"And it's come to a headin the last year or two.From our southern island in the evening you can see on the horizon just dotted lights of these illegal fishermen that come into our waters,fill their ships with our fish,our resources,our food security…"

41.According to the estimation,what is the percentage of illegal fishing?D
A.1%        B.5%        C.23.5%         D.20%
42.The information is collected by the Pew team so as toD.
A.leave written records for the country only
B.help fishermen to catch more fish on the Seas
C.prevent all of the fishing practices on the Seas
D.assist port officials in deciding whether to ban a ship from fishing
43.What does the underlined word"they"in Paragraph 5refer to?A
A.The clear lists.
B.The investigators.
C.The fishing boats.
D.The Project Eyes.
44.Which of the following statements is closest in the meaning to the underlined sentence in the last paragraph?A
A.The issue is urgent.
B.The problem begins to appear.
C.The number of fishermen is increasing.
D.The head of the fishermen is coming.
45.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?C
A.When the fishermen turn off the AIS,the inspector will know the situation.
B.The special adviser to the president of Palau leads the Ending Illegal Fishing program.
C.The new technology contributes to solving the problem of illegal fishing.
D.Commercial fishing is permitted in Palau.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.With the development of society,the choice of food and drinks for children is more diversified than ever before.However,every coin has two sides.Many facts suggest that children are overweight and the situation is getting worse,according to the statistics.I feel there are a number of reasons for this.
Some people blame the fact that we are surrounded by shops selling unhealthy,fatty foods,such as fried chicken and ice cream,at low prices.This has turned out a whole generation of grown-ups who seldom cook a meal for themselves.If there were fewer of these restaurants then probably children would buy less take-away food.
There is another argument that blames parents for allowing their children to become overweight.I agree to this,because good eating habits begin early in life,long before children start to visit fast food shops.If children are given fried chicken and chocolate rather than healthy food,or are always allowed to choose what they eat,they will go for sweet and salty foods every time,and this will carry on throughout their lives.
There is a third reason for this situation.Children these days take very little exercise.They do not walk to school.When they get home,they sit in front of the television or their computers.Not only is this an unhealthy pastime(消遣),it also gives them time to eat more unhealthy food.What they need is to go outside and play active games or sports.
The above are the main reasons for this problem,and therefore we have to encourage young people to be more active,as well as guiding them away from fast food shops and bad eating habits.
50.What is suggested by the author to deal with"overweight"?C
A.Blaming the shops selling unhealthy and fatty foods.
B.Asking young children to walk to school every day.
C.Living an active life and removing bad eating habits.
D.Not watching TV or playing computer games after school.
51.Which of the following shows the structure of the whole text?B

52.The author writes the passage toC
A.show people a social problem          
B.provide facts for government
C.advise solutions to a problem           
D.compare opinions with people
53.The underlined word"diversified"in the first paragraph most probably meansA
A.various       B.difficult         C.expensive          D.available.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7."Drink your milk.It is good for you!"You've probably heard that many times,and it is true.Milk contains calcium,which is a necessary nutrient for keeping bones and teeth healthy and strong.The US government even requires milk as part of the National School Lunch Program,saying that students should drink one cup of fat-free milk at each meal.
Last Thursday,however,a group of doctors asked the government to remove the lunch program.The Physical Committee for Responsible Medicine says,"Milk is high in sugar,high in fat and high in animal protein,"all of which have negative effects on health.The PCRM says there were better and healthier ways to get calcium such as eating beans,broccoli,cereals and tofu.Orange juice and soymilk that have calcium added to them also supply the nutrient."One of the only reasons people talk about dairy,or promote it at all,is because it is going to help build strong bones."says Dr.Neal Bamard,president of the PCRM.But milk may not be the best way to get calcium your body needs.
Of course,calcium is important for health bones and teeth,but there are other things that affect your bone strength,such as genes,how much vitamin D you take in and getting an hour's worth of exercise every day.
Some nutritionists disagree with the idea that milk isn't important.Keri Gans,a dietitian,says,"I think it is irresponsible to take this beverage that children enjoy,especially among those who are unable to meet their nutrient needs for the day,and remove it from lunch time."
The US government is studying the request of the PCRM,but a decision may be a one way to take off.Meanwhile,Marion Nestle,a professor at New York University,put it best:"Milk demonstrably has nutrients.Other foods have the same nutrients.It's just a food.Like other foods,too much might be a problem."
29.Why does the US government ask students to drink one cup of milk at lunch time?
A.They have been told many times.
B.They have taken the PCRM's advice.
C.Fat-free or low-fat milk is less expensive.
D.Milk helps build students'strong bones.
30.Which of the following opinions does the PCRM support?A
A.Milk is harmful to students'health.
B.Students should drink more milk each day.
C.Orange juice is higher in calcium than milk.
D.Milk is the best way to get calcium.
31.The underlined word"beverage"in Paragraph 4 most probably meansC.
A.gene        B.idea       C.milk       D.lunch
32.What does the above text mainly talk about?D
A.The best way to get the most calcium.
B.The connection between milk and health.
C.Different opinions about the importance of milk.
D.Whether to take milk off the school-lunch menu.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.One of the most important recent medical breakthroughs has been the impact of gut flora(肠道菌群)on overall health.This dynamic mix of bacteria in the digestive tract(消化道)may affect everything from obesity to asthma(哮喘).
The Gut-Mood Link
Anyone who's ever experienced"butterflies"in his or her stomach knows that the gut and the brain are connected.But until recently,scientists hadn't realized that the trillions of bacteria in our digestive tract may be driving the relationship.
One recent experiment suggests that you can control calm.Canadian researchers gave healthy mice a mixture of antibiotics,which change the makeup of GI-tract(胃肠道)bacteria.Over two weeks,some animals became more anxious and some less,depending on which drugs they received.
In another study,when gut bacteria from calm mice were transferred to anxious mice,the jittery(紧张的)creatures seemed less nervous.
UCLA professor Kirsten Tillisch,doctor of medicine,recently had healthy women eat a yogurt rich in certain types of"good"probiotic(益生菌的)bacteria.Two'Control groups ate yogurt without such bacteria or ate nothing.Brain scans of the probiotic-yogurt eaters indicated changes in regions that could be associated with a less-anxious response in fearful or stressful situations compared with the control groups.
Scientists are even exploring whether gut microbes(微生物)might treat some brain disorders.
A new study in Cell found that mice with features of autism(自ICJ症)given a type of bacteria in healthy human GI tracts exhibited less autism-like behavior.In a recent case report,a Boston ps} chiatrist says a course of certain probiotics and antibiotics helped relieve a patient's compulsive disorder.
-We tend to focus on how your mood affects your body from the top down,not the bottom up,"says Dr.Tillisch."Now we know that the gut affects how your brain responds to the environment-it's a remarkable change in thinking."
How Bacteria Talk to the Brain
Scientists aren't sure how gut flora affect brain chemistry.One theory is that the bacteria access pathways along the nerve,the main highway in the nervous system that links the brain to the gut.
Another is that the bacteria influence the immune system,releasing chemicals that affect conditions like depression.Finally,researchers believe that bacteria produce or affect the metabolism(新陈代'i) of chemicals,which change brain function.
Dr.Tillisch told me that patients always ask which probiotics will lift their mood.Her answer:
"We don't know yet,but we hope to one day."In the future,patients might receive probiotics or transplant(移植) in which bacteria from the gut of a healthy person are transferred to the gut of a sic':one-to prevent or treat mental health issues.But these approaches are years away from primary time.Until then,a diet rich in fruit and veggies helps cultivate(培养)better-balanced microbes than a typical Western diet high in animal and processed products.Avoiding unnecessary antibiotics,particularly in early childhood,may also establish healthier gut bacteria.

63.According to the passage,gut bacteria might help us in many ways EXCEPTD.
A.lightening our mood 
B.treating autism
C.relieving depression 
D.transplanting gut flora
64.The missing sentence"Everyday foods may also affect the composition of gut bacteria,and in turn,brain chemistry."could be put beforeC•
A.Paragraph 2   B.Paragraph 3   C.Paragraph 4   D.Paragraph 5
65.Which of the following can be the best subtitle for the last paragraph?A
A.Cultivating a Happier Gut B.Growing Bacteria in the Future
C.Balancing Microbes and Diet D.Living a Happy Healthy Life.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.What a lot of rubbish!I just        how people can deal with these things every day.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4.If you send the application form before 8o'clock tomorrow morning,I can      you an interview.(  )

