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By the age of almost four,  Elijah Edney has never had a haircut in his life.  But now he can ' t wait to visit the barber's  -  for two reasons: losing his two - foot - long golden hair will mean   that strangers stop mistaking him for a girl; the hair will be donated to charity to provide a wig   (假发) for a child with cancer.
Mrs.  Edney, who works in a restaurant, says, "Elijah has always had beautiful hair, so I let him grow it as he w8nted.  It' s like silk.  But now it is at a stage where people mistake him for a  girl and he wants it cut into a boy's haircut. "
Mrs.  Edney and her husband want to collect enough money-£350-to process Elijah's hair  for a sick child.  She says,  "I couldn't bear to see all Elijah's beautiful hair go to waste and my  mum mentioned charities that have human hair made into wigs. "
Mrs. Edney says, "If we can raise the amount we want, it will mean a family will not have   to pay for the wig and can receive it for free.  When you've got children yourself, you hope that if  they lost their hair someone would do the same for them by donating their hair. "
The two-foot-long hair will be donated to the Little Princess Trust (小公主信托基金)  to  make a wig for children suffering cancer. Elijah keeps telling people he is giving his hair to poor  princesses and he is so excited about it.
A spokesman for the Little Princess Trust says, "We're very grateful to anyone who decides   to have their hair cut to donate it to the Little Princess Trust. As a result of hair donations like  this, the charity receives real-hair wigs for free to pass on to families whose children have sadly  lost their own hair through cancer treatment. "
小题1:Why has Mrs.  Edney let Elijah's hair grow so long?
A.Because Elijah has beautiful hair.
B.Because she likes long hair.
C.Because Elijah looks nice with long hair.
D.Because she wants to donate his hair to charity.
小题2:Who first thought of charities that use human hair?
A. Elijah's father.B. Elijah's mother.
C. Elijah himself.D. Elijah's grandmother.
小题3:Elijah's parents try to raise money to _________.
A.pay the barber for his work
B.process his hair into a wig
C.give the Little Princess Trust along with a wig
D.give a child who lost his hair through cancer treatment
小题4:What does Elijah think of his hair being given to a charity?
A.He doesn't care about it.B.He wants to keep it a secret.
C.He is excited about it.D.He feels sad for poor children.
小题5:According to the last paragraph, the Little Princess Trust________.
A.encourages people to cut their hair to donate it
B.welcomes and gives thanks for such donations
C.gives free wigs to children who have lost their hair
D.provides treatment for children with cancer


小题1:细节题:从第二段的句子:"Elijah has always had beautiful hair, so I let him grow it as he w8nted.  It' s like silk. 可知Mrs.  Edney让Elijah的头发长的很长,因为他的头发很漂亮,选A
小题2:细节题:从第三段的句子:"I couldn't bear to see all Elijah's beautiful hair go to waste and my  mum mentioned charities that have human hair made into wigs. "可知是奶奶先想起使用人的头发的慈善机构的,选D
小题3:细节题:从第三段的句子:Mrs.  Edney and her husband want to collect enough money-£350-to process Elijah's hair  for a sick child. 可知Elijah的父母要筹集资金把头发加工成假发,选B
小题4:细节题:从倒数第二段的句子:Elijah keeps telling people he is giving his hair to poor  princesses and he is so excited about it.可知Elijah对这件事很兴奋,选C
小题5:细节题:从最后一段的句子:"We're very grateful to anyone who decides   to have their hair cut to donate it to the Little Princess Trust. 可知小公主信托基金欢迎和感谢这样的捐赠,选B

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

I learned how our attitudes made a big difference in our everyday lives from my friend Mary.
She doesn’t have any pets. I happened to see her outside on a -30 degree morning walking a dog. I felt sorry for Mary, out there walking a dog that’s not hers in such cold weather. I thought maybe she was saying to herself, “Yeah, this is why I don’t have any pets! I hate walking dogs.”
Later that day I saw Mary and said, “I saw you out there walking a dog this morning. Are you unhappy because you had to walk it on such a cold day?” To my surprise, she said that she enjoyed getting out there and walking the dog and that she got good exercise because of the dog. She also said she had talked to her brother, the dog’s owner, who was on holiday in Orlando, Florida with his family. He said his children were enjoying Disney World and the resorts (胜地). His four-year-old son had breakfast with Mickey Mouse and said it was the best day in his life. Mary said, “If I can help my brother and his family have a wonderful time relaxing for a week, knowing that their pet is being loved and cared for, what more could I ask for?” She added, “It’s worth it for me to make the sacrifice (牺牲) so that they can go and have fun.”
I learned a lesson from Mary.
小题1:What do we know about Mary?
A.She liked exercising outside before that day.
B.In fact she likes taking care of dogs very much.
C.She likes helping others.
D.She was sorry for not going on holiday with her brother.
小题2:Why did the author feel sorry for Mary?
A.It was a cold morning.
B.He thought Mary was suffering because of others.
C.Mary didn’t have any pets.
D.He found Mary was unhappy to walk the dog.
小题3:Mary’s brother and his family could have a wonderful holiday because __________.
A.the children could have breakfast with Mickey Mouse
B.the children enjoyed Disney World and the resorts
C.Mary did not go with them
D.Mary looked after their dog
小题4:What lesson did the author learn from Mary?
A.Traveling is fun, and walking dogs is also fun.
B.Walking dogs will make you feel warm.
C.Helping others is also a kind of enjoyment.
D.Walking dogs is also a kind of exercise.
小题5:What can we infer from the passage?
A.The author mistook Mary that morning.
B.Mary would raise a dog after helping her brother.
C.Mary made a lot of sacrifices for her brother.
D.Mary disliked raising any pets.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

William Butler Yeats, a most famous Irish writer, was born in Dublin on June 13, 1865. His childhood lacked the harmony(和睦)that was typical of a happy family. Later, Yeats shocked  his family by saying that he remembered “little of childhood but its pain”. In fact, he inherited(继承)excellent taste in art from his family—both his father and his brother were painters. But he finally settled on literature, particularly drama(戏剧)and poetry. 
Yeats had strong faith in the coming of new artistic movements. He set himself the fresh task in founding an Irish national theatre in the late 1890s. His early theatrical experiments, however, were not received favorably at beginning. He didn’t lose heart, and finally enjoyed success in his poetical drama.
Compared with his dramatic works, Yeats’s poems attract much admiring notice. The subject matter includes love, nature, history, time and aging. Though Yeats generally relied on very traditional forms, he brought modern sensibility to them. As his literary life progressed, his poetry grew finer and richer, which led him to worldwide recognition.
He had not enjoyed a major public life since winning the Nobel Price in 1923. Yet, he continued writing almost to the end of his life. Had Yeats stopped writing at age 40, he would probably now be valued as a minor poet, for there is no other example in literary history of a poet who produces his greatest works between the ages of 50 and 75. After Yeats’ death in 1939, W. H. Auden wrote, among others, the following lines:
Earth, receive an honored guest:
William Yeats is laid to rest.
Let the Irish vessel(船)lie
Emptied of its poetry.
小题1:Which of the following can describe Yeats’s family?
A.It filled Yeats’s childhood with laughter
B.It was shocked by Yeats’s choice
C.It was a typically wealthy family
D.It had an artistic atmosphere
小题2:According to the passage, what do we know about Yeats’s life?
A.Yeats founded the first Irish theater
B.Yeats stuck to modern forms in his poetry
C.Yeats began to produce his best works from the 1910s
D.Yeats was not favored by the public until the 1923 Noble Prize
小题3: What kind of feeling is expressed in W. H. Auden’s lines?
小题4:What is the passage mainly about?
A.Yeats’s literary achievementsB.Yeats’s historical influence
C.Yeats’s artistic ambitionD.Yeats’s national honor


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

When two Bangs meet
SHELDON Cooper is a scientific genius on the popular American TV show, The Big Bang Theory (《生活大爆炸》). He finally met his match last year: Stephen Hawking.
This is not the first time that the scientist has appeared on TV. He has also been on Star Trek (in 1987) and The Simpsons (in 1989). Each time, he played himself.
Hawking, 71, is perhaps the world’s most famous scientist after Albert Einstein. He has spent his whole life studying the beginning and the end of the universe, including the Big Bang (宇宙大爆炸) theory.
The Big Bang theory explains the early development of the universe. According to the theory, about 13.7 billion years ago everything was all squeezed together in a tiny, tight little ball, and then the ball exploded. The results of that explosion are what we call the universe.?
Hawking has always tried to make science more popular with people. His book: A Brief History of Time was published in 1988. In the book he shares his understanding of the universe in simple language. The book tries to explain many subjects about the universe to common readers, including the Big Bang, black holes and light cones (光锥).
Hawking’s achievements are even greater if you think about his disability. When he was 21, Hawking caught a bad illness that slowly stopped him from moving or talking. Now he sits on a wheelchair with a computer by his side. To communicate, he moves two fingers to control the computer’s mouse. He chooses his words from the screen, which are then spoken by a voice synthesizer (合成器).
Hawking also believes that there might be aliens in space. However, he believes they are probably very dangerous, so we should not look for them. “I imagine they might exist in very big ships ... having used up all the resources from their home planet,” Hawking said in a British documentary named Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking. 
小题1:What does the “two Bangs” in the title refer to?
A.The director of “The Big Bang Theory” and the founder of it.
B.The director and the actor of “The Big Bang Theory”.
C.The founder of the “Big Bang” theory and its spreader.
D.The scientific genius on TV show and the one alive in real life.
小题2:Acting in The Big Bang Theory is Hawking’s _____ time on TV.
A.first B.second C.third D.fourth
小题3:According to Paragraph 5, Hawking wrote the book A Brief History of Time especially for _____.
A.scientists who study the universe
B.people who know a lot about the universe
C.people who know little about the universe
D.people who only know simple language
小题4:The Big Bang theory mainly explains _____.
A.how the universe startedB.what the universe is like
C.how old the universe isD.how the universe exploded
小题5:According to the passage, which of the following about Hawking is TRUE?
A.He was born with a disability.
B.He uses a computer to communicate.
C.He believes aliens are our friends.
D.He encourages people to look for aliens.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Earning a black belt in martial arts and being issued a pilot’s license are both impressive accomplishments that take year of effort to achieve, but 30-year-old Jessica Cox has done both despite being born without arms.
In spite of all difficulties , but with strong faith and the help of her family ,Cox put herself through high school and then college, typing papers with her toes, She became the first armless black belt in American Taekwondo (跆拳道)Association and now has two black belts, She got her driver’s license and then, astonishingly, her pilot’s license in 2008, The achievement earned her a place in the Guinness Would Records, which recognized her for becoming the first person without arms to fly an airplane.
Now Cox is the subject of a new documentary, Rightfooted, Which Cox says the hopes will inspire disabled young people around the world, “Had I watched a film similar to this one earlier, in my life ,I know it would have make a difference.” Cox says in a trailer (预告片) for the documentary.
The young woman says her current goal is to become a motivational speaker, particularly for chileren born without arms , She says she believes her message can reach millions of people working to overcome a variety of disabilities.
As the next step, she has been invited by non-governmental organization Handicap International to work with disabled children in Ethiopia Cox is extremely excited for the opportunity, She hopes that sharing her story will inspire children with disabilities and encourage Ethiopians to include all children in school because in Ethiopia only one percent of children with disabilities are educated and their parents do not think they can benefit from going to school, She also hopes to meet with government officials to inspire change.
小题1:What does the second paragraph mainly tell us?
A.Cox earned a place in the Guinness World Record
B.Cox can type papers as a common person does
C.Cox has little difficulty in doing things by herself
D.Cox has made some great achievements
小题2:What’s the purpose of the documentary Rightfooted?
A.To inspire all young people with disabilities
B.To tell the story of Cox’s life and her desire
C.To show how important one’s foot is
D.To show how Cox works in Ethiopia
小题3:Why does Cox want to be a speaker?
A.To give her message
B.To prevent children born without arms
C.To help people overcome disabilities
D.To prove she can also be a successful speaker
小题4:The goal of Handicap International in Ethiopia is to          .
A.meet the government officials
B.help disabled children find jobs
C.run education projects for children with disabilities
D.help Cox realize her dream of becoming a speaker
小题5:What is true of Jessica Cox?
A.She is the first woman pilot
B.She is a disabled Taekwondo champion
C.She is the director of a documentary
D.She is an armless woman with strong faith


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Back in the 15th century, in a tiny village in Germany, lived a family with eighteen children. Eighteen! In order       to keep food on file table, the father, a goldsmith(金匠)by      , worked almost eighteen hours a day at his trade. Despite their seemingly       condition, two of the eldest children had a dream. They both wanted to pursue their talent for art,       they knew well that their father would never be able to       either of them to study at the Academy.
After many long discussions at night in their       bed, the two boys finally worked out an agreement. They would toss(掷)a coin. The       would go down into the nearby mines and, with his earnings,       his winning brother for the academy. Then, in four years, he would support the other one. Then Albrecht Durer won the toss and       to Nuremberg. Albert went down into the dangerous mines and, for the next four years,       his brother, whose work at the academy was almost an immediate sensation(轰动)- By the time he graduated, he was beginning to       considerable fees for himself.
When the young artist       home and said to his brother, “And now, Albert, blessed brother of mine, now it is your      . Now you can go to the Academy to pursue your dream, and I will       you. ”Albert rose and wiped tile       from his cheeks. “No, brother. I cannot go to Nuremberg. It is too       for me. Look…look what four years in the mines have done to my      ! I cannot even hold a glass, much less make delicate lines on canvas (画布)  __    a pen or a brush.”
More than 450 years have      . By now, among Albrecht Durer’s hundreds of masterful portraits, “The Praying Hands” is one       creation that can catch the world’s hearts.
A.studyB.give C.sendD.offer
A.flew awayB.left behindC.set asideD.went off
A.earnB.save C.drawD.spend
A.fateB.timeC.top D.turn
A.take care ofB.make up forC.make use ofD.take charge of
A.changedB.kept C.rememberedD.passed


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Joseph Rudyard Kipling, who enjoyed early success with his poems, was born on 30 December 1865 in Bombay, India. Some of Kipling’s earliest and fondest memories are of his and sister Alice’s trips to the fruit market with their woman servant, or walking with his parents alongside the sea at night.
The beautiful days were to end when in 1871 Rudyard and Alice were sent to school in Southsea, England, to live with Captain Holloway and his wife. She ruled the boarding house with punishment and Kipling was often beaten by her and her son. “Then the old Captain died, and I was sorry, for he was the only person in that house as far as I can remember who ever threw me a kind word.” So he wrote in his later books. Kipling soon learned to read and found comfort in literature and poetry.
Freedom from the Holloway household was gained when he spent one month a year in London with his mother’s kind sister Aunt Georgie and her husband, pre-Raphaelite painter Edward Burne Jones and their children. Those months of December were a really paradise to Kipling.
In 1877 Kipling’s mother returned to England and collected him so that he could attend the United Services College in Devon. Now he was able to settle into the life of a student and in his second year started writing his own Schoolboy Lyric poems printed by his parents. In 1878 his father took him to the Paris Exhibition where he was allowed to wander freely and gained much appreciation for French culture which he wrote about in “Souvenirs of France”.
小题1: Kipling first left his parents in __________.
小题2: Kipling fell in love with literature and poetry __________.
A.before the old Holloway died
B.when he was a little boy with his parents
C.when he attended the United Services College
D.when he was in school, living with the Holloways
小题3: From the underlined sentence in paragraph 3 we learn that __________.
A.he felt free and happy with his aunt’s family
B.he felt terrible when he stayed with the old Captain
C.the death of the old captain influenced him a lot
D.the days at his aunt’s helped him become a successful poet


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

It was 20 years ago. I was driving home with my 4-year-old son. Traffic was light. I was singing quietly along       the song playing on the radio. I    at the intersection(交叉路口) and looked both ways. The road was      . I slowly started to make a right turn when suddenly a car rounded the curve at high speed and came      at me. I stomped (猛踩) on the brakes of my car killing the engine in the process. The speeder zoomed (疾驰) past my dead car     me by inches without even slowing down.
     I knew it, a stream of rude words was flying from my lips,      after the car and its driver. I then saw my son who was staring up at me     . With a red face and a(an)      smile I started the car, pulled back onto the road, and headed home.
Later that evening I was reading a book when I heard certain     words coming from my son’s bedroom. He was replaying the       over and over in his mind. Too          I realized the       of those words that had flown from my lips in that moment of    . It took a lot of talks about good language and bad language with my son to undo (消除)the      of that incident.
That     , however, did teach me just how strong words      be. It helped me to decide to stop swearing (咒骂) in my own life and to start using words uplifting and inspire instead. I slowly realized that language is a      from God and should be used to make our world better but not worse. I learned      that a few loving words can help a hurting heart, strengthen a       spirit, and lighten a heavy load. I pray then that all of your words today are full of love, joy, happiness, and light.
A.pushed upB.forced upC.put upD.pulled up


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Something roared like thunder. The earth shook a little and we heard the rat-a-tat-tat of gunfire. "Father!" Hassan cried. We sprung to our feet and raced out of the living room.
"Father! What's that sound? Hassan screamed, his hands outstretched toward Ali. Ali wrapped his arms around us. A white light flashed and lit the sky in silver. It flashed again and was followed by rapid sharp sounds of gunfire. "They're hunting ducks." Ali said in a hoarse voice. "They hunt ducks at night, you know." Don't be afraid.
A siren(汽笛) went off in the distance. Somewhere glass broke and someone shouted. I heard people on the street, jolted from sleep and probably still in their pajamas, with ruffled hair and puffy eyes. Hassan was crying. Ali pulled him close, clutched him with tenderness.
We stayed huddled that way until the early hours of the morning. The shootings and explosions had lasted less than an hour, but they had frightened us badly, because none of us had ever heard gunshots in the streets. They were foreign sounds to us then. The generation of Afghan children whose ears would know nothing but the sounds of bombs and gunfire was not yet born. Huddled together in the dining room and waiting for the sun to rise, none of us had any notion that a way of life had ended. The end came when Russian tanks were rolling into the very same streets where Hassan and I played, bringing the death of the Afghanistan I knew and marking the start of a still ongoing era of bloodletting.
Just before sunrise, Baba's car peeled into the driveway. His door slammed shut and his running footsteps pounded the stairs. Then he appeared in the doorway and I saw something on his face. Something I didn't recognize right away because I'd never seen it before: fear. "Amir! Hassan!" He cried as he ran to us, opening his arms wide. "They blocked all the roads and the telephone didn't work. I was so worried!"
We let him wrap us in his arms and, for a brief moment, I was glad about whatever had happened that night.
小题1:Who is the author of the passage?
小题2:By saying “they are hunting ducks”, Ali ___________.
A.told the children the truth
B.tried to calm the children
C.played a joke on the children
D.cheered the children up
小题3:We can infer from the passage that__________.
A.there were thunderstorms that night
B.Afghan children were used to the war
C.that night was the end of people’s peaceful life
D.people on the street shouted and broke the windows
小题4: From the last sentence of the passage, we know_________.
A.the author was glad to see his father come home safe
B.there was a chance that a world in peace was to come
C.what happened that night seemed nothing to the author
D.Baba’s arms gave the author temporary comfort and joy

