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In the US, people prefer waiting for a table to sitting with people they don’t know. If you are sitting at a table with people you don’t know, it is impolite to light up a cigarette without asking if it will trouble them.
At American restaurant and coffee shops you are usually served cold water before you order. You may find the bread and butter is free, and if you order coffee, you may get a free refill(再装满).
Most cities and towns have no rules about opening and closing time for stores or restaurants, though they usually do make rules for bars. Especially in large cities, stores may be open 24 hours a day.
Serving in restaurant is often large, too large for many people. If you can’t finish your meal but would like to enjoy the food later, ask your waitress or waiter for a “doggie bag”. It may have a picture of a dog on it, but everyone knows you’re taking the food for yourself. Supper and dinner are both words for the evening meal. Some people have “Sunday dinner”. This is an especially big noon meal.
Tips are not usually added to the check. They are not included in the price of the meal, either. A tip of about 15% of the price of a meal is expected and you should leave it on the table when you leave. In some restaurants, a check is brought on a plate and you put your money there. Then the waiter or waitress brings you your change.
小题1:If you are walking in New York, you will find that _____.
A.you can go to the bars any time you like
B.stores may be open for the customers a day
C.restaurants have some rules about foreigners
D.closing time is often decided by the managers
小题2:When you are taking a “doggie bag” on the street, we know that _____.
A.you have bought some food for your dogs
B.you are taking the rest of food for your dogs
C.you will take the food home and enjoy it later
D.you have put a dog in the bag and take it home
小题3:What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.Tips belong to a part of the price of the meal.
B.Tips have become an essential part of the life.
C.Tips are important in the US for the restaurant.
D.You can provide the tips for the manager directly.


小题1:推理题:从第三段的句子:Especially in large cities, stores may be open 24 hours a day.可知24 hours a day.="around" the clock特别是大城市,商店都是全天营业。选B
小题2:细节题:根据第四段的句子:If you can’t finish your meal but would like to enjoy the food later, ask your waitress or waiter for a “doggie bag”. It may have a picture of a dog on it, but everyone knows you’re taking the food for yourself.可知如果你吃不完,可以带回家吃,选C
小题3:推理题:从最后一段的句子:A tip of about 15% of the price of a meal is expected and you should leave it on the table when you leave.可知你可以直接将小费给经理,选D

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A professor I have worked pretty closely with has been diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer.It has been devastating for his family and heartbreaking for his students.
What made him extraordinary was not only that he was a rising star.He had only recently collected the highest honors for young researchers at the White House.We truly admired him—as someone put it, “He always has a smile and a kind word for everyone.” It is very hard to find someone who is extremely intelligent should be so nice a human being.
I decided that we needed him to know our_attitude and also how we are all praying for his recovery.I bought him a simple card which read, “Healing thoughts and wishes coming your way.” I met all the students he worked closely with and got them to sign on it.Each student in his laboratory signed and also added a message.“We love you so much”, “We miss you!We need you back here—get well soon”, “Please come back”, “Thank you for being such an inspiring teacher”, “I hope you recover soon”...These were some of the messages that were written.Most of the students were really glad we were doing this and said it was a very good idea to give it to him.
He is still undergoing(经历) intense treatment,and along with his family is trying his best to stay optimistic and hopeful.I didn’t see a trace of self­pity or sadness when I met him last week.Instead,he paid attention to every word of my presentation and asked me several questions related to my work.I was amazed at how much he gave his 100% on that day in spite of being in pain because of chemotherapy(化疗).He did not know if he even had another month to live.“I am trying to focus on staying positive,hoping to be back this summer,”he said.
Needless to say,I saw an expression of joy and hope on his face as he opened the card.He said he was truly touched to see the messages from the students he worked closely with.
There is one thing I learnt from last week:It is so important to tell people how much they mean to us and what an inspiration they are before it becomes too late.My professor,in spite of being too sick to teach classes,has managed to continue being a great teacher,introducing his last valuable message to us.
小题1:The professor was admired because ________.
A.he was very intelligent
B.he had won many honors
C.he had noble personalities
D.he was very determined
小题2:What do the underlined words “our attitude” in Paragraph 3 refer to?
A.Our worry about his health.
B.Our pray for his health.
C.Our admiration for him.
D.Our pity for him.
小题3:When the writer visited the professor at hospital,what surprised him was that the professor ________.
A.was suffering from great pain
B.was still very confident
C.didn’t know he would die soon
D.still cared for others
小题4:Of the following statements,the writer may agree that ________.
A.the professor loves his job very much
B.few students supported the writer’s decision at first
C.the professor will go back to teach this summer
D.the professor often feels sorry for himself


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The morning had been a disaster.My tooth was aching,and I’d been in an argument with a friend.Her words still hurt:“The trouble with you is that you won’t put yourself in my place.Can’t you see things from my point of view?” I shook my head stubbornly—and felt the ache in my tooth.I’d thought I could hold out till my dentist came back from holiday,but the pain was really unbearable.I started calling the dentists in the phone book,but no one could see me immediately.Finally,at about lunchtime,I got lucky.
“If you come by right now,” the receptionist said,“the dentist will fit you in.”
I took my purse and keys and rushed to my car.But suddenly I began to doubt about the dentist.What kind of dentist would be so eager to treat someone at such short notice?Why wasn’t he as busy as the others?
In the dentist’s office,I sat down and looked around.I saw nothing but the bare walls and I became even more worried.The assistant noticed my nervousness and placed her warm hand over my ice­cold one.
When I told her my fears,she laughed and said,“Don’t worry.The dentist is very good.”
“How long do I have to wait for him?” I asked impatiently.
“Come on,he is coming.Just lie down and relax.And enjoy the artwork,” the assistant said.
“The artwork?” I was puzzled.
The chair went back.Suddenly I smiled.There was a beautiful picture,right where I could enjoy it:on the ceiling.How considerate the dentist was!At that moment,I began to understand what my friend meant by her words.
What a relief!                     (2013·重庆,A)
小题1:Which of the following best describes the author’s feeling that morning?
小题2:What made the author begin to doubt about the dentist?
A.The dentist’s agreeing to treat her at very short notice.
B.The dentist’s being as busy as the other dentists.
C.The surroundings of the dentist’s office.
D.The laughing assistant of the dentist.
小题3:Why did the author suddenly smile?
A.Because the dentist came at last.
B.Because she saw a picture on the ceiling.
C.Because she could relax in the chair.
D.Because the assistant kept comforting her.
小题4:What did the author learn from her experience most probably?
A.Strike while the iron is hot.
B.Have a good word for one’s friend.
C.Put oneself in other’s shoes.
D.A friend in need is a friend indeed.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

It was during those hard days in a small community. Food was in short supply. I used to stop by Mr.Miller's stand for      
One particular day, while Mr.Miller was        some potatoes for me I noticed a small boy      admiring a basket of green peas. Soon I was also       to the fresh green peas.
The boy left. Mrs.Miller _     to me and said, "There are two other such boys in our     _, all from poor families. Jim always offers to     our produce for their marbles(弹珠). He somehow makes them believe he likes red marbles      .Sometimes he even sends them home with some peas for     ." I left the stand,       with this man.
Years later, I went back to visit some       in that community and while I was there I learned Mr.Miller had died. I agreed to       my friends to see Mrs.Miller. Upon our arrival, we offered whatever words of       . Ahead of us were three young men. They moved to the casket(棺椁). Mrs.Miller's eyes followed them       each young man placed his own      hand over the cold pale hand and then left.
Our turn came to meet Mrs.Miller.I told her who I was and mentioned the     of the marbles. She said, "Those three young men were the boys. They told me how they      Jim's kindness."
"We've never had much     ," she said, "but right now, Jim would consider himself the       man." Then she lifted her husband's lifeless fingers.     beneath the hand were three shining, red marbles !
A.pulled upB.picked upC.got upD.came up
A.in timeB.in particularC.on purposeD.on average


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Dear Alcohol,
You've been around forever. I can remember all the pain you've caused for me.
Do you remember the night you almost took my father's life? I do. He loves you. Sometimes I think he loves you more than he loves me. He's addicted to you, to the way you promise to rid him of his problems only to cause more of them. You just sat back and laughed as his car went spinning through the street, crashing into two other cars. He wasn't the only one hurt by you that night.
Do you remember the night of my first high school party? You were there. My friends were intrigued by you. They treated you as if they were never going to see you again, drinking all of you that they could. I spent two hours that night helping my friends who had fallen completely. "I'm so embarrassed," they said as I held their hair back so that they could vomit (呕吐). "I'm sorry," they said when I called taxies for them, walking them out and paying the driver in advance. "This won't happen again," they said as they were sent to the hospital to have their stomachs pumped. Two 15-year-old girls slept in hospital beds that night thanks to you.
Do you remember the night when you took advantage of my 17-year-old neighbor who had to drive to pick up his sister from her dance lessons? Do you know how we all felt when he hit another car and killed the two people in the other car? He died the next morning too. His sister walked home from her dance lesson, and passed police cars and a crowd of people gathering on the sidewalk just two blocks away from the dance studio. She didn't realize her brother was in the midst of it all. She never saw him again. And it's all your fault.
I wish you'd walk out of my life forever. I don't want anything to do with you. Look at all the pain you've caused. Sure, you've made people happy too from time to time. But the damage you've caused in the lives of millions is inexcusable. Stop luring (引诱) in the people I love. Stop hurting me, please.
小题1:What is author's purpose in writing to alcohol?
A.To introduce Mr. Alcohol to the readers
B.To describe the harm alcohol did to his family.
C.To show how much alcohol can hurt people.
D.To show the great fun that alcohol can bring to people's life.
小题2:What did alcohol do to the author's father?
A.It made him crash into two other cars and killed his life.
B.It made him drink too much and he had to get his stomach pumped.
C.It made him kill two other people when driving.
D.It made him get into a car accident and badly injure himself.
小题3:The underlined phrase "were intrigued by" is closest in meaning to ______.
A.were familiar withB.were interested in
C.were disappointed withD.were satisfied with
小题4:What is the tone of the article?


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Well, parents, surprise! Lots of us are using Twitter and Facebook to thumb rides, and not just to school. It’s awkward to be refused when you call a friend and ask for a ride. But with Twitter, you just look for other people heading the same way.
It may sound risky, so many teens stay within their own social circles to find rides, and don’t branch out beyond friends when asking on Twitter just like me, but to some young people, especially those taking longer trips, stranger danger is less of a concern.
“I think the digital connection of young people is really key, because younger generations grew up sharing things on line, sharing files, photos, music, etc, so they’ve been very used to sharing,” said Juliet Schor, a sociology professor at Boston College.
The sharing economy got big during the recession (经济衰退), allowing people to access more goods, services using technology and even to share costs. And that technology, for me, is what the car was for my mom, a gateway to more freedom, like what my friend Earl says, “The symbol of freedom isn’t the car any more because there’s technology out there connecting you to a car.”
According to the researchers at the University of Michigan, 30 years ago, eight in ten American 18-year-olds had a driver’s license compared to six in ten today. So it’s not that surprising that on my 16th birthday I wasn’t rushing to get a license but an iPhone.
“Driving, for young people, does mean they have to disconnect from their technology, and that’s a negative. So if they could sit in the passage side and still be connected, that’s going to be a plus.” Schor continued.
To me, another plus is that ridesharing represents something, something much bigger than trying to save money. I see it as evidence that people still depend on each other. My generation shares their cars and apartments the way neighbors used to share cups of sugar. For the system to work, some of us still need our own cars. But until I get my own version of the silver Super Beetle, you can find me on Twitter.
小题1:The American teens like me, prefer to possess an iPhone as a birthday gift because _______.
A.it is most fashionable and cool
B.they are bored with driving cars
C.they are fond of being connected
D.it is much cheaper than a car
小题2:We can learn from the text that _______.
A.Twitter is a website for teens to make friends and achieve goals
B.ridesharing can be seen as a sign that people still count on each other
C.driving cars for teens means a plus and connecting with technology
D.having a car and cost-sharing symbolize more freedom for the author’s mother
小题3:Professor Juliet would agree that _______.
A.young people will sit waiting to be contacted by reading a passage
B.sharing economy is bound to be responsible for the recession
C.young people tend to share a car with strangers by means of Twitter
D.being connected via technology comes first for young people
小题4:The best title for the passage is probably _______.
A.Twitter, an Awesome WebsiteB.Cars or iPhone
C.Teens Use Twitter to Thumb RidesD.Cool Teens on the Go


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

How can you stop smoking?
It is not easy to stop smoking,but millions have     to quit and so can you Here are a few suggestions.
Prepare yourself . Decide on a day to quit Don’t choose a day that you know is going to be stressful, such as the day of an exam. Make a list of all the     you will get from stopping smoking. Then     your last packet of cigarettes.
Be     . Every time you feel like smoking a cigarette,    yourself that you are a non-smoker.Reread the list of benefits you wrote earlier.
Break the habit Instead of smoking a cigarette,do something else. Go for a walk,clean your teeth drink some water, clean the house;in fact,do anything to keep your mind and     your hands busy.
Relax. If you start to feel nervous or stressed,do not reach     a cigarette .Try some deep breathing instead. Do some relaxation exercise every time you feel stressed.
Get help if you need it. Arrange to stop smoking with a fiend so you call talk about your problems,or Join a stop-smoking group .If you feel     ,you might like to talk to a doctor or chemist about something to help you,like nicotine chewing gum.
Keep trying. Do not be disappointed if you have to try several times before you stop smoking. If you      and have a cigarette,do not feel ashamed .Just try again. You will succeed      .
A.managedB.tried C.wantedD.expected
A.give awayB.take awayC.throw awayD.keep away
A.addicted B.accustomedC.determinedD.depressed
A.prepare B.informC.threatenD.remind
A.out B.forC.atD.in
A.desperate B.satisfiedC.arbitraryD.conscious
A.stick B.continueC.weakenD.insist


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

We're all connected. You can send an e-mail message to a friend, and your friend can pass it on to one of his or her friends, and that friend can do the same, continuing the chain. Eventually, your message could reach just about anyone in the world, and it might take only five to seven e-mails for the message to get there.
Scientists recently tested that idea in a study involving 24,000 people. Participants had to try to get a message forwarded to one of 18 randomly chosen people. Each participant started by sending one e-mail to someone they knew. Recipients could then forward the e-mail once to someone they knew, and so on.
Targets, who were randomly assigned by researchers from Columbia University in New York, lived in 13 countries. They included an Australian police officer, a Norwegian veterinarian, and a college professor.
Out of 24,000 chains, only 384 reached their goal. The rest petered out, usually because one of the recipients was either too busy to forward the message or thought it was junk mail.
The links that reached their goal made it in an average of 4.05 e-mails. Based on the lengths of the failed chains, the researchers estimated that two strangers could generally make contact in five to seven e-mails.
The most successful chains relied on casual acquaintances rather than close friends. That's because your close friends know each other whereas your acquaintances tend to know people you don't know. The phenomenon, known as the strength of weak ties, explains why people tend to get jobs through people they know casually but aren't that close to.
So, start networking and instant messaging now. As they say in show business: It's all about who you know.
小题1: If you want to get into touch with a stranger in the world, how many e-mails might it take for the message to reach him/her?
A. 5 to 7
B. 18
C. 13
D. 384
小题2: Which of the following is Not true about the test?
A. 24,000 people took part in the study and sent e-mails to people they knew.
B. The 18 targets were chosen by chance.
C. About 98.4% of the mails didn’t reach their goal because some people were too busy or they mistook the message for junk mail.
D. The targets come from 13 countries, such as Australia, Norway and New York.
小题3: What does the word “estimate” mean in the passage?
A. make sure
B. suppose
C. think over
D. imagine
小题4: Why do people tend to get jobs more easily through casual acquaintances than close friends?
A. Because close friends don’t talk with each other so much.
B. Because casual acquaintances can help you know more people and make more friends.
C. Because close friends don’t spend so much time gathering together.
D. Because casual acquaintances are kinder and more willing to help others.
小题5:  In which part of a newspaper will readers read this passage?
A. Culture
B. Entertainment
C. Information and Technology
D. Health


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Habits,whether good or bad,are gradually formed when a person does a certain thing again.He is driven by some unseen force to do the same thing repeatedly, and then a habit is formed.Once a habit is formed,it is difficult,and sometimes impossible,to get rid of.It is therefore very important that we should pay great attention to the formation of habits.Children often form bad habits, some of which remain with them as long as they live older. Persons also form bad habits lasting as long as they live,and sometimes become ruined by them
There are other habits which,when formed in early life,are of great help.Many successful men say that much of their success has something to do with certain habits in early life,such as early rising,honesty and so on.
Among the habits which children should not form are laziness,lying,stealing and so on.These habits are all easily formed.Unfortunately older persons often form habits which could have been avoided.
We should keep away from all these bad habits,and try to form such habits as will be good for ourselves and others.
小题1:      are formed little by little.
A.Good habitsB.Bad habits
C.Both good habits and bad habitsD.Neither good habits nor bad habits
小题2:The underlined word“them”in the first paragraph refers to_______.
A.bad habitsB.good habitsC.childrenD.other persons
小题3:Generally speaking, it’s difficult for one______ and easy for them______ which should be avoided.   
A.to form bad habits;to form good habits
B.to form good habits;to form bad habits
C.to form such habits as wilI be good;to get rid of bad habits
D.to get rid of bad habits;to form good habits

