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Do you know that a fast reader can get the ideas better than a slow reader can? Of course, you save time by reading fast, but this is not the main reason for fast reading. The main reason is that you understand better what you are reading when you read fast.

As your eyes move along the line of print, they make fixations (固定) or pauses. It is important that you see several words at a fixation. It is also important that your eyes leave a group of words quickly and move on to another group. The number of letters or words that you see at a fixation is called your eye span. Pay more attention to improving your rate of reading. With practice you can learn to read faster than you usually read.

The way in which you read always depends on what you are reading and for what purpose. You should know the different ways of reading so that you can apply whatever method that is necessary. Here are four ways of reading:

(1) Skimming is an important kind of reading. This method can be used when you wish to review something that you have forgotten. You can skim to get the main points.

(2) Rapid first reading and then rereading certain parts carefully is important. You may use this type of reading to study a science lesson or a history lesson.

(3) You need to do careful reading and rereading sometimes. This type of reading is necessary for making an intensive (精深的) study of your school subjects, solving Maths problems or reading directions.

(4) Rapid reading is used when reading stories for enjoyment. you may also do rapid reading when reviewing material that you already know well.

1.The main reason for reading fast is that you can _______what you are fast reading.

A. get the ideas B. save time C. understand better D. learn well

2.The way of reading always depends on _______.

A. the method that you like B. your reading material

C. your reading purpose D. both B and C

3.The underlined word "skimming" in the fourth paragraph means _______.

A. reading very fast

B. looking carefully

C. reading only the main points

D. reading some parts of the material

4.We can learn ________ from the passage.

A. We can use different ways of reading flexibly when we read different materials..

B. We can only use one reading skill when we read something..

C. Rapid reading is used when you solve Maths problems .

D. We must use all the ways of reading when we do some reading.


科目:高中英语 来源:狂刷01 Unit 1 Warming Up 题型:单项填空

I don’t think this doctor will ________ him of his heart disease.

A.recover B.cure C.treat D.help


科目:高中英语 来源:河南省林州市2018届高三7月调研考试英语试卷 题型:完形填空

Last week I talked with Mandy, a mother of a young teenager in my class. She was telling me how ______ it was for her son at school, because he is in a school uniform that doesn’t ______ him as he’s outgrown it. Since her husband and she both lost their ______ in the last couple of years, they have been searching and interviewing persistently (坚持不懈地). ______, unfortunately they are still out of work.

Now I know the fact that they just can’t ______ a new one. She wiped away ______ as she told me sadly that she is ______ trying to buy a new shirt, then trousers, then… then shoes.

I know her well enough to know that she doesn’t ______ want to get my sympathy or help. She’s ______ asked for anything from me, either. She was just telling me the honest ______. I felt moved to go to the ______ to draw money out from my own account through ATM and come back with a bit of savings of my own ______ I believe I can spare. I told her to just go and buy the ______, and not to tell anyone that I did this but her husband.

I also made it clear to her that nothing is ______ —no payback, nothing. It’s a gift done, so I can enjoy ______, and that is all I need right now. I told her that she was also doing me a favor, ______ she let me know everything. She was so ______ for what I had done for her that she was moved to tears, but I really just feel happy that her boy won’t continue to be ______ for his ugly uniform. I know what that is like, and as a victim of school bullying (恃强欺弱) when young, I can say ______ it hurts for a long time. I felt so ______ to be able to do this!

1.A. sick B. hungry C. cold D. bad

2.A. disappoint B. embarrass C. fit D. challenge

3.A. work B. son C. furniture D. education

4.A. Therefore B. However C. Otherwise D. Besides

5.A. describe B. miss C. afford D. find

6.A. tears B. sweat C. stains D. dirt

7.A. quickly B. slowly C. suddenly D. immediately

8.A. patiently B. worriedly C. secretly D. deliberately

9.A. ever B. only C. even D. never

10.A. standard B. benefit C. truth D. answer

11.A. classroom B. hospital C. bank D. shop

12.A. which B. where C. what D. why

13.A. book B. uniform C. food D. car

14.A. expected B. regretted C. hidden D. valued

15.A. studying B. traveling C. succeeding D. helping

16.A. but B. because C. unless D. even if

17.A. hateful B. calm C. careful D. grateful

18.A. teased B. praised C. scolded D. motivated

19.A. for consideration B. for sure C. for fun D. for example

20.A. sorry B. sad C. good D. nervous


科目:高中英语 来源:江西省2016-2017学年高二下学期第一次月考(3月)英语试卷 题型:短文填空


Anyone who has had a long-term disease knows that recovering at home can be lonely. This can be 1. (especial) true of children. They may feel 2. (leave) out. Now, these children may have a high-tech friend to help feel less alone. A small robot may help children who are recovering from long-term 3. (ill). The robot like human beings takes their place at school. And their school friends must help carry the robot between classes and place the robot on their desks.

Through the robot, a child can hear his or her teachers and friends. He or she can also attend classes from wherever they are recovering-whether at home 4. from a hospital bed. Delve, one of the scientists who 5. (be) concentrating on developing the robot, explains 6. the robot AV1 works. She says from home, the child uses a tablet or phone to start the robot, 7. (use) the same device, he or she can control the robot’s movements. Inside the robot, there is a small computer linked 8. a 4G network. The robot is 9. (equip) with speakers, microphones and cameras, which makes communicating 10. (easy). So it’s the eyes and the cars and the voices at school. Hopefully AV1 will help some children feel less lonely while they are absent from class.


科目:高中英语 来源:河南省英文学校2016-2017学年高二下学期第一次月考英语试卷 题型:书面表达

高中生活已经过去一半,在这过去的一年半里,你在获取知识的同时,你的身体,兴趣爱好,学习生活习惯等等都有了一定的改变吧!请你以How I Change为题,写一篇短文,告诉我们你的变化好吗?字数在100词左右。



2.参考词汇:hobby, habit, used to, enjoy oneself


How I Change

Mylife has changed a lot in the past three years. ______________________






科目:高中英语 来源:精做01 细节理解题 经典精做 题型:阅读理解

Passage 2











Wanted, Someone for FM 90.8

We’re looking for a radio announcer to join us on Anhui Transportation Broadcasting FM 90.8. Broadcasting and hosting major is necessary, along with some experience in radio and music. Please apply in writing to Anhui Radio and TV Station.

Father Christmas

We’re looking for a very special person, preferably over 40, to fill our Father Christmas suit.

Working days: Every Saturday and Sunday from December 11 to December 20 and every day from December 21 to December 25, 14∶30-20∶00.

Excellent pay.

Please contact Yurun Central Square, Changjiang Road.

Accountants Assistant

When you join the team in our Social Security Administration Office, you will be providing assistance within all parts of the Office, dealing with post and other general duties. If you are educated in a 211 University we would like to talk to you. This position is equally suitable for a school leaver or for somebody who has office experience.

Social Security Administration Office

Software Trainer

If you are aged 22-48 and have experience in teaching and training, you could be the person we are looking for. You should be good at the computer and have some experience in programme writing. You will be allowed to make your own decisions, and to design courses as well as present them. Pay upwards of ¥8,000 for the right person. Please apply by sending your CV to Mrs. Huang, Huanghe Computer Training Center.

【题文1】Who should you get in touch with if you hope to work in a radio station?

A. Yurun Central Square.

B. Mrs. Huang, Huanghe Computer Training Center.

C. Anhui Radio and TV Station.

D. Social Security Administration Office.

【题文2】We learn from the ads that Yurun Central Square needs a person who________.

A. is aged between 22 and 48

B. needs to do some training work

C. should deal with general duties

D. can work for about a fortnight

【题文3】Which position is open to recent school graduates?

A. Accountants Assistant.

B. Father Christmas.

C. Radio announcer.

D. Software Trainer.

【题文4】 What kind of person would probably apply to Huanghe Computer Training Center?

A. One graduating from a 211 university.

B. One with some office experience.

C. One having good computer knowledge.

D. One with experience in radio and music.


科目:高中英语 来源:河南省南阳市2018届高三第一次考试(8月)英语试卷 题型:七选五

If you’re in your 20s or even 30s, you might feel a lot of uncertainty all the time. You may be not sure what your life purpose is.1.This is normal.

We all want to have a certain life purpose. We all want to feel we’re on the right path. We all want to perfect our habits, our routines, or our productivity. We all want to feel more certain, and perfect in what we’re doing.

There is a struggle between the comfort of certainty and perfection and the fear of uncertainty and being suboptimal(不最理想的).

Let me let you in on a secret: no one is free from this struggle. Look at the most successful people you can think of —Bill Gates, Obama, Taylor Swift. 2.Do you think they have certainty and a feeling of reaching perfection? Not a chance. There is not one of us alive, not me or anyone else, who ever feels certainty about their purpose or path. If they do, they’re fooling themselves. 3.

No one ever feels they’ve found the perfect productivity routine, the perfect version of themselves. 4.

We all feel uncertainty, all day, and we all struggle with it. Some people have grown more comfortable with it than others, but in general no one likes uncertainty.

5.That’s perfectly OK, perfectly normal. Don’t run from it. Instead, stay with this uncomfortable, unappealing uncertainty. It’s here in you, a part of this moment, a part of you but not the whole of you.

A.Because it doesn’t exist.

B.Do you think they have it all figured out?

C.This uncertainty you’re feeling is unpleasant.

D.But if they’re honest, they don’t feel that certainty.

E.See if you can tell what you’re being uncertain about.

F.So focus on what you actually have right in front of you.

G.You may be uncertain about what path you should take in life.


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省丹阳市牛津译林版Module 5 Unit 2 test4单元测试英语试卷 题型:单项填空

The one bedroom apartment _________ its own bathroom and Internet access.

A. is furnished for B. is supplied to

C. is stocked with D. is offered with


科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省马鞍山市2016-2017学年高一下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Zhang Chaofan, 24, was born without a left hand and forearm. Her father named her Chaofan, which means being extraordinary, as he hoped she would live a wonderful life despite (尽管) her disability.

As a child, Zhang dreamed of having a pair of hands. After she entered primary school, Zhang realized she would never have a left hand. At that time, painting helped her win confidence in life. Zhang performed well academically in high school. At the same time, her love of painting didn’t become weak and she dreamed of setting up her own art school. Due to her hard work, she achieved high scores in the college entrance exam, and in 2011 she was accepted into School of Art and Communication of Beijing Technology and Business University. She won the school’s top scholarship every year.

Zhang set up an art school in Changchun in 2015. In 2016, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League named Zhang one of the 20 young people who set an example to the young by being kind hearted.

“Disabled people may have less chance in their jobs and more inconvenience in their lives than normal people. But that doesn’t mean we are unable to make good achievements. We must be brave, and we must believe in love and teamwork. Life will smile on us in return if we work hard,” Zhang said.

1.Why did the father name his daughter Chaofan?

A. Because he knew her great talent.

B. Because he wished her a splendid life.

C. Because he arranged her bright future.

D. Because he understood her disability.

2.How is Paragraph 2 mainly developed?

A. By telling a funny story.

B. By offering suggestions.

C. By following time order.

D. By making comparisons.

3.Which of the following can best describe Zhang Chaofan?

A. Honest and strict.

B. Understanding and ashamed.

C. Proud and impatient.

D. Warm-hearted and hard-working.

4.What can be inferred from what Zhang said?

A. Disabled people seldom work together.

B. Disabled people should be taken good care of.

C. Disabled people can make achivements by working hard.

D. Disabled people may have more chance to get employed.

