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Matthew Ames returned to Brisbane from Melbourne at the weekend after experiencing one of many rounds of surgery,becoming Australia’s first bionic(仿生学的)man. Matthew Ames was at home on Monday morning,adjusting to national media attention and life with titanium rods(钦杆)in what remains of his arms and legs.If all goes to plan,later in the year he will have more surgery to fix bionic prosthetics(假肢).
It all started 15 months ago,when the Origin Energy engineer一who lives with his wife Diane and four children in Camp Hill in Brisbane’s east一began feeling like he was coming down with the“man flu”,A week later he was in hospital,senseless and on life support,which was caused by a deadly form of bacteria.
“He had a. 99%chance of dying,”Matthew’s son Luke,9,said in a program,Sunday Night which drew more than 2.12 million viewers nationally.
Matthew’s younger sons Ben,8,and Will,7,added:“And only 1%of living.”
Proudly Will concluded:“And the 1% won against the 99.”
Matthew’s families were told Matthew’s only chance of survival was to have his four limbs removed.For Diane,the choice was easy.She could not allow their children to grow up without a father.Eventually,Matthew came to,only to find he had no arms and legs.
On Monday,he is attending a Pride of Australia Medal ceremony for which he has been nominated(被提名)In the courage category.“The 40-year-old is slowly getting used to a few more people knowing about his story,”his sister Kate told Fairfax Media.“We told his story so that he was known to the kids,and thus people wouldn’t stop and stare,”Kate continued.“We’re not sure what to expect now that his story has aired across Australia.The effect it would have in a positive way on people is beyond our expectation.”
小题1:From the first two paragraphs we can learn that Matthew Ames
A.has finished all of his operations
B.is the first bionic man in the world
C.is becoming the focus of the public
D.had his arms and legs cut completely
小题2:From what Matthew Ames’sons say,we can conclude that
A.it was a wonder for their father to escape from death
B.most doctors refused to operate on their father
C.the sons’love is the cure of their father,s disease
D.the sons’pray moved God and saved their father
小题3:What was the attitude of Matthew’s wife when he was advised to cut his legs and arms?
小题4:What would be the best title for the passage?
A. A Lucky Father B. A Bionic Man
C.A National Hero D'. A Reliable Husband


试题分析:本文介绍了Matthew Ames, 他在患病后生命垂危,活下来的可能性只有百分之一,为了保住他的生命,他的妻子毅然 作出为他截肢的决定,就这样他成了澳大利亚第一个bionic man,他的病情受到了人们的广泛关注。
小题1:C细节理解题。根据Matthew Ames was at home on Monday morning,adjustingto national media attention可以判断Matthew Ames受到了大众和媒体的关注,其余选项内容错误,故答案选C。
小题2:A推理判断题。根据Matthew Ames 的儿子Luke说的话,“lle had a. 99%chance of dying,”“And only 1%of living.” “And the 1% won against the 99.”可以判断Matthew Ames生命垂危,能够活下来是一个奇迹,所以A选项正确。
小题3:B细节理解题。A怀疑的;B支持的;C小心的;D随意的。根据文章倒数第二段For Diane,the choice was easy.She could not allow their children to grow up without afather.Eventually,Matthew came to,only to find he had no arms and legs.可以判断为了让Matthew能够活下来,他的妻子赞同医生给他截肢,答案选B。
小题4:B主旨大意题。文章采用倒序的写作手法介绍了截肢后受人们关注的第一个bionic man,即Matthew Ames,然后在下文中对整个事情进行讲述,由此判断B选项更能体现文章中心,答案选B。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

(2013·高考北京卷,B)Two dolphins race around in a big pool in the Ocean Park.The smaller dolphin,Grace,shows off a few of her tricks,turning around and waving hello to the crowd.The most amazing thing about her,however,is that she’s even swimming at all.She doesn’t have a tail.

Grace lost her tail as a baby when she got caught up in a fish trap.When the dolphin arrived at the Ocean Park in December 2005,she was fighting for her life.“Is she going to make it?”Her trainer,Abbey Stone,feared the worst.Grace did make it—but her tail didn’t.She ended up losing her flukes and the lower part of her peduncle.
Over the past six years,she has learned to swim without her tail.Dolphins swim by moving their flukes and peduncle up and down.Grace taught herself to move another way—like a fish! She pushed herself forward through the water by moving her peduncle from side to side.
The movements put harmful pressure on Grace’s backbone.So a company offered to create a man­made tail for her.The tail had to be strong enough to stay on Grace as she swam but soft enough that it wouldn’t hurt her.
The first time Grace wore the artificial tail,she soon shook it off and let it sink to the bottom of the pool.Now,she is still learning to use the tail.Some days she wears it for an hour at a time,others not at all.“The new tail isn’t necessary for her to feel comfortable,”says Stone,“but it helps to keep that range of motion (动作) and build muscles (肌肉).”
Now,the dolphin is about to get an even happier ending.This month,Grace will star in Dolphin Tale,a film that focuses on her rescue and recovery.Her progress has inspired more than just a new movie.Many people travel from near and far to meet her.Seeing Grace swim with her man­made tail gives people so much courage.
小题1:When Grace first arrived at the Ocean Park,her trainer worried about her________.
A.physical build
B.potential ability
C.chance of survival
D.adaptation to the surroundings.
小题2:A man­made tail is created for Grace to________.
A.let her recover faster
B.make her comfortable
C.adjust her way of swimming
D.help her perform better tricks
小题3:The story of Grace inspires people to________.
A.stick to their dreams
B.treat animals friendly
C.treasure what they have
D.face difficulties bravely


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

He must have been completely lost in something he was reading because I had to tap on the windscreen to get his attention.
“Is your taxi____?” I asked when he finally looked____at me. He nodded, then said____as I settled into the back seat, “I'm sorry, but I was reading a____.” He sounded as if he had a____.
“I am not in a hurry, ” I told him. “Go ahead and finish your letter. ” He____his head. “I've read it several times already. I guess I____ know it by heart. ”
“Letters from home always mean a lot, ” I said. “From a child?”
“This isn't____,” he replied. “Although it ____ just as well have been family. Old Ed was my oldest friend. In fact, we used to call each other ‘Old Friend’ when we'd meet. I'm not much good at ____.”
“I don't think any of us keep____our letters too well,” I said. “I know I don't. But I____ he's someone you've known quite a while?”
“All my life. We were kids together, went to school together and all the ____ through high school. ”
“There are not too many people who've had such a long friendship,” I said.
“____,” the driver went on, “I hadn't seen him more than once or twice a year over the past 25 or 30 years because I____away from the old neighbourhood and you slightly lose touch ____ you never forget. He was a great guy.”
“You said ‘was’. Does that mean...?”
He nodded. “____a couple of weeks ago.”
“I'm sorry, ” I said. “It's no fun to lose any friend and losing a real old one is____ tougher. ”
He didn't ____ to that, and we rode on in silence for a few minutes. But I realized that Old Ed was still on his mind when he spoke again, almost more to himself than to me: “I should have kept in touch. ”
“Well, ” I agreed, “we should all keep in touch with old friends more than we do. But things____ and we just don't seem to find the time. ”
When I got to my hotel room I didn't unpack right away. First I had to write a letter and mail it.
A.bookletB.novelC.book D.letter
A.coldB.fever C.secretD.story
A.anyhowB.hardly C.almostD.really
A.friendshipB.family C.leadershipD.colleague
A.even thoughB.as thoughC.when D.whereas
A.DiedB.Suffered C.ChokedD.Survived
A.take upB.pick upC.come upD.break up


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Tina was afraid of the dark. She always went to bed with the light on. She was afraid that the       would come and eat her. Her daddy always      her closet(壁橱) and under her bed for monsters.
One night, Tina was awakened in the middle of the night by some strange    coming from her window. She opened her eyes and saw a huge 3-eyed monster    to get into her room through the window. She was too scared to even      for help. 
The monster was able to      the window and get in. Tina was    why her parents didn't wake up from all the noise. Tina's heart was    so fast with the monster going straight to her bed.   , the monster said in a low voice:" Hello there little girl, I hope I didn't      you. My name is Mongus. I was wondering if I can get some    and cookies." Tina couldn't believe her    .
"So, you are not here to      me?" She asked. Obviously amused, the monster laughed      : "Eat you? No, no. You shouldn't be scared of me because I am a    monster. Can I have what I want now? Please." Tina got up and went to the    where she got some milk and cookies. Later, Mongus left the room the same way he came in.
In the morning, Tina woke up to her father's voice, “Little sweet, time for school.” Tina told her father the    and how the window got broken. Her father     her that the whole thing was just a dream   the window wasn't broken." So Mongus isn't coming back?"  Tina asked.
"It is all up to you honey. You can      Mongus anytime you like, all you have to do is dream about him again.
A.hid B.enteredC.sleptD.checked
A.noisesB.boys C.voicesD.parents
A.break B.avoidC.fixD.move
A.prizes B.milk C.candiesD.surprise
A.hold upB.hold backC.bring upD.bring back


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

“It is a dreadful thing to be poor a fortnight before Christmas, ” said Clorinda, with the mournful sigh of seventeen years.
Aunt Emmy smiled. Aunt Emmy was sixty, and spent the hours she didn’t spend in a bed, on a sofa or in a wheel chair; but Aunt Emmy was never heard to sigh.
“The gifts which money can purchase are not the only ones we can give,” said Aunt Emmy gently, “nor the best, either.”
“Oh, I know it's nicer to give something of your own work,” agreed Clorinda, “but materials for fancy work cost too. That kind of gift is just as much out of the question for me as any other.”
“That was not what I meant,” said Aunt Emmy.
“What did you mean, then?” asked Clorinda, looking puzzled.
Aunt Emmy smiled.
“Suppose you think out my meaning for yourself,” she said. “That would be better than if I explained it. Besides, I don't think I could explain it. Take the beautiful line of a beautiful poem to help you in your thinking out: 'The gift without the giver is bare.
“I'd put it the other way and say, 'The giver without the gift is bare,” said Clorinda. “That is my predicament(窘境)exactly. Well, I hope by next Christmas I'll not be quite bankrupt. I'm going into Mr. Callender's store down at Murraybridge in February. He has offered me the place, you know.”
“Won't your aunt miss you terribly?” said Aunt Emmy gravely. “I think she would rather have your companionship than a part of your salary, Clorinda,” said Aunt Emmy. “But of course you must decide for yourself, dear.”
“Well, I must say bye-bye and run home.” Clorinda lived just across the road from Aunt Emmy in a tiny white house behind some huge willows. But Aunt Mary lived there too--the only relative Clorinda had, for Aunt Emmy wasn't really her aunt at all. Clorinda had always lived with Aunt Mary ever since she could remember.
Clorinda puzzled over Aunt Emmy's meaning for days. Then all at once it came to her. On Christmas Day, Clorinda went over to Aunt Emmy's.Aunt Emmy was lying on the sofa before the fire, and Clorinda sat down beside her.
“I've come to tell you all about it,” she said. “Aunt Emmy, I thought for days over your meaning ... And then one evening it just came to me. At first I didn't think I could give some of them, and then I thought how selfish I was. I would have been willing to pay any amount of money for gifts if I had had it, but I wasn't willing to pay what I had. I got over that, though, Aunt Emmy. Now I'm going to tell you what I did give.”
“First, there was old Aunt Kitty. You know she was my nurse when I was a baby. She is always glad when I go to see her, but I've never gone except when I couldn't help it. She is very deaf, and rather dull and stupid, you know. Well, I gave her a whole day. I took my knitting yesterday, and sat with her the whole time and just talked and talked. She was so pleased and proud; she told me when I came away that she hadn't had such a nice time for years. ”
“Then there was ... Florence. You know, Aunt Emmy, we were always intimate friends until last year. Then Florence once told Rose Watson something I had told her in confidence. I found it out and I was so hurt. I couldn't forgive Florence, and I told her plainly I could never be a real friend to her again. Florence felt badly, because she really did love me, and she asked me to forgive her, but it seemed as if I couldn't. Well, Aunt Emmy, that was my Christmas gift to her ... my forgiveness.”
“I gave Aunt Mary her gift this morning. I told her I wasn't going to Murraybridge, that I just meant to stay home with her. She was so glad--and I'm glad, too, now that I've decided so.”
“Your gifts have been real gifts, Clorinda,” said Aunt Emmy. “Something of you--the best of you--went into each of them.”
“I didn't forget you, Aunt Emmy,” she said, as she unpinned the paper.
There was a rosebush. Aunt Emmy loved flowers. She put her finger under one of the roses and kissed it.
“It's as sweet as yourself, dear child,” she said tenderly. “And it will be a joy to me all through the lonely winter days. You've found out the best meaning of Christmas giving, haven't you, dear?”
“Yes, thanks to you, Aunt Emmy,” said Clorinda softly.
小题1:Clorinda felt anxious before Christmas because___________.
A.She had to leave Aunt Mary
B.She didn’t know what kind of Christmas gifts she should buy
C.She had not enough money to buy Christmas gifts
D.She had no time to make a proper decision
小题2: Which of the following sentences can best explain the line “The gift without the giver is bare.”?
A.A gift is valued by the mind of the giver.
B.Forgiveness is a gift for the giver and the receiver.
C.You cannot buy love or respect with expensive gifts.
D.Think twice before you give gifts to somebody
小题3:What is the gift that Clorinda gave to old Aunt Kitty?
小题4:What does the underlined phrase “in confidence” mean?
小题5: Which two words can best describe Aunt Emmy?
A.cute and joyfulB.kind-hearted and emotional
C.optimistic and wiseD.gentle and timid (羞怯的)
小题6:Which of the following is the best title?
A.A Special ChristmasB.Clorinda’s Gifts
C.Aunt EmmyD.Clorinda’s Choice


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

While I was on my way into Wal-Mart, I was greeted by a woman working at the door. Before I wanted to buy what I wanted, I had a(n)     to make, and I was stopped by the woman, who wanted to    my bag. Usually I would have got angry, because I knew I didn’t steal. I had just noticed someone ahead of me being not so nice. That person treated this lady as if she was    . The person had just snatched(攫取) a bag back from her and stormed off    even saying “thank you”. I could say that this lady looked    , but she was still trying to make ends meet. I could tell this woman was    by what had just happened, and no one knew how many people had been    her that way all day long.
What if she was a grandmother who had to    her grandchildren, because the parents had just lost their life in an accident? What if her husband was seriously     and they couldn’t afford the medical expenses?
All she wanted was to do her    well. All she wanted was to    customers as she was trained. All she needed was to be    . I wondered whether I could be someone that she needed.
I looked her in her eyes as she scanned my bag, and then I smiled and said, “Your hair is beautiful!” Her face     and she told me how easy it was to manage her hair. She handed my bag back, and told me the customer service desk was straight down on my left. I said “Thank you!”
A.observeB.stealC.check D.take
A.nobody B.something C.anythingD.anybody
A.strong B.oldC.wise D.awful
A.hurt B.impressed C.moved D.ignored
A.acceptingB.treating C.judging D.approaching
A.care forB.care aboutC.look intoD.look for
A.poor B.disturbed C.disappointedD.sick
A.favor B.greeting C.jobD.training
A.protectedB.appreciatedC.hired D.liked
A.set upB.lifted up C.lit upD.cheered up


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

I lost my sight when I was four years old by falling off a car and landing on my head. Now I am thirty-two. I can vaguely remember the brightness of _____ and what color red is. It would be _____ to see again, but a (n) ____ can do strange things to people. I don’t mean I would ____ to go without my eyes. I simply mean that the loss of them made me appreciate more what I had ____.                                                
My parents and my teachers saw something in me ----- a ____ to live ---- which I didn’t see, and they made me want to fight in out with ___.
The ____ lesson I had to learn was to believe in myself. I am not talking about simply the kind of ____ that helps me down so unfamiliar staircase alone. I _____ something bigger than that: a confidence that I am, despite being ____, a real, positive person; that there is a special place where I can make myself fit.
It took me years to discover and strengthen this confidence. It had to start with the easy and simple things. _____ a man gave me an indoor baseball. I thought he was laughing at me and I was ____. “I can’t use this,” I said. “Take with you,” he urged me, “and roll it around.” The words _____ in my head. “Roll it around!” By rolling the ball I could ____ where it went. This gave me an idea how to achieve a goal I had thought ___ before; playing baseball. At Philadelphia’s Overbrook School for the Blind I ___ a successful variation of baseball. We called it ground ball.
I have set ahead of me a series of goals and then tried to reach them, one at a time. I had to be clear about my  ___. It was no good crying for something that I knew at the start was ____ out of reach because that only invited bitterness of failure. I would fail something anyway, _____ on the average I made progress.
A.skyB.cloud C.sunshineD.mist
A.manageB.tryC.want D.prefer
A.lost B.leftC.used D.cared
A.purposeB.potential C.pressure D.preparation
A.self-respect B.self-controlC.self-confidenceD.self-defence
A.thinkB.consider C.guessD.mean
A.LaterB.Soon C.OnceD.Then
A.worried B.encouraged C.shockedD.hurt
A.stuckB.impressed C.occupied D.held
A.see B.hear C.notice D.observe
A.importantB.unimportantC.possible D.impossible
A.invented B.discovered C.instructed D.directed
A.experience B.advantagesC.knowledgeD.limitation
A.so B.forC.butD.and


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Three men were travelling across the desert when their car broke down. There were no other traffics, so their only hope was to walk.
Before they set off, they looked around in the car for useful things to take with them. One of the men took a bottle of whisky. Another took an umbrella. The third unscrewed a door from the car and carried that.
After they had been walking for almost a day, they came across a camel caravan travelling towards them.
“Let’s try to join the caravan,” one of the men said. “It’s going the wrong way but we’ll be safer than if we keep on alone across the desert.”
The other s agreed, so they asked the leader of the caravan for permission to join it.
“You can join the caravan only if you answer three questions,” he said. He pointed to the first man’s bottle. “What is that and why are you carrying it?” he asked.
“It’s a bottle of whisky. I decided to carry it with me so that if I feel miserable and want to give up, I can get drunk, cheer myself up and then keep on walking.”
“Very sensible,” the leader of the caravan said. Then he pointed to the next man and his umbrella.
“It hasn’t rained in the desert for many years,” he said. “Why are you carrying an umbrella?”
“I don’t want to get heat exhaustion,” he replied. “The umbrella will give me shade from the sun.”
“Very sensible,” the leader of the caravan said. He pointed to the third man and his car door. “And why are you carrying a car door?” he asked him.
“I thought that if I got too hot I could open the window and let some air in,” he explained.
小题1:What happened to the three men’s car?
A.It fell over a cliff.
B.It had an accident.
C.It stopped and wouldn’t start again.
D.They exchanged it for another one.
小题2:Each of the men took ________.
A.something to eat
B.something to drink
C.something to keep the rain off
D.something to use on their walk
小题3:They decided to ________.
A.travel with the caravan
B.buy a caravan
C.rent the caravan
D.put the caravan together
小题4:They asked the leader of the caravan ______ __.
A.if they could join the caravan
B.how to get out of the desert
C.how to avoid heat exhaustion
D.where he kept his umbrella
小题5:The third man’s reason for carrying a car door was ________.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Joanne was stuck in a traffic jam in central Birmingham at 5:30 and at 6:30 she was expected to be chairing a meeting of the tennis club.At last,the traffic was moving.She swung quickly racing to her house. As she opened the door,she nearly tripped over Sheba.
“Hey,Sheba,”she said,“I've got no time for you now,but I'll take you out as soon as I get back from tennis club.”Then she noticed Sheba seemed to be coughing or choking .Obviously,she could hardly breathe.Immediately Joanne realized she would have to take her to the vet(兽医).
When she got there,the vet was just about to close for the day. Seeing the state of Sheba,Dr.Sterne brought her quickly into his office.
“Listen,doctor,I'm really in a rush to get to a meeting can I leave her with you,and go and get changed? I'll be back in ten minutes to pick her up,and then I'll take her on to the meeting with me. Is that OK?”
“Sure.”said the doctor
Joanne made the quick trip back to her house in a couple of minutes.As she was entering the hallway,the phone by the door began to ring.
“This is Dr.Sterne,” said an anxious voice,“I want you to get out of that house immediately,”said the doctor's voice.“I'm coming round fight away,and the police will be there any time now.Wait outside!”
At that moment,a police car screeched to a stop outside the house.Two policemen got out and ran into the house.Joanne was by now completely confused and very frightened.Then the doctor arrived.
“Where’s Sheba? Is she OK?”shouted Joanne.
“She’s fine,Joanne.I took out the thing which was choking her,and she’s OK now.”
Just then,the two policemen reappeared from the house,half-carrying a white—faced man,who could hardly walk.There was blood all over him.
“My God,”said Joanne,“how did he get in there? And how did you know he was there?”
“I think he must be a burglar.”said the doctor.“I knew he was there because when I finally removed what was stuck in Sheba’s throat:it turned out to be three human fingers”
小题1:What was Joanne supposed to do at 6:30?
A.To attend a club meeting.B.To walk her dog
C.To see her doctor.D.To play tennis with her friends.
小题2:Joanne wanted to get back to her home again          .
A.to phone the police stationB.to catch the badly hurt burglar
C.to dress up for the meetingD.to wait for her dog to be cured
小题3:From the passage,we can infer that        .
A.Sheba fought against the burglar
B.Joanne had planned to take her dog to the meeting
C.the police found the burglar had broken in
D.the doctor performed a difficult operation on the dog
小题4:In this passage,the writer intends to tell us that the dog is          .

