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Dropping into hopelessness completely, Jack wandered on the streets, knowing he came to the end of life. In his mid-fifties, Jack had never been _________ , experienced the joy of having children or spent holidays with his family. On this miserable(悲惨的)rainy night, he felt as if there was _________ in the entire world who cared whether he lived or died.

Meanwhile, I was sitting in my room watching the rain _________ my window. When I heard the doorbell ring, I _________ from my chair and raced out. But my mother was already at the door. Opening it, she found herself face-to-face with a very dirty-looking man with tears streaming down his face. My mother, overcome by _________ , invited the man inside, and he sat with my parents in our living room.

_________ , I walked secretly downstairs so that I could get a better look. I couldn't understand what they were saying, but the sight of the man, _________ his head in his hands and crying, made my chest ache. I raced back upstairs to my room and _________ my hand into my money jar. Pulling out my only half-dollar coin, I ran back downstairs.

When I reached the door of the living room, I walked right in. The three _________ looked at me in _________ as I quickly made my way over the stranger. I put the half-dollar in his hand and told him that I wanted him to have it. Then I gave him a _________ , turned and ran as fast as I could out of the room and back upstairs. I felt excited but happy.

Downstairs, Jack sat quietly with his head _________ .Tears streamed down his face as he _________ held that coin. Finally looking up at my parents, he said, “It’s just that I thought nobody cared. For the last twenty years, I have been so _________ . That is the first hug I have ever got. It’s hard to believe that somebody _________ .

Jack's life changed that night. When he left our house, he was _________ to live instead of die. Although we never saw Jack again, we received letters from him _________ , letting us know that he was doing fine.

My life changed that night, too, as I _________ the hug healing (治愈) power of giving, even if it’s only a gift of fifty cents. Before Jack left, my parents asked him why he had knocked on our door. Jack said that _________ he'd walked along the streets that rainy night, _________ and ready to die, he had noticed a sticker on the car. It read: SOMEBODY LOVES YOU.

1.A. employed B. understood C. managed D. married

2.A. anybody B. somebody C. nobody D. everybody

3.A. approach B. beat C. break D. cover

4.A. jumped B. ran C. looked D. settled

5.A. fear B. anxiety C. guilty D. pity

6.A. Curious B. Annoyed C. Excited D. Worried

7.A. shaking B. nodding C. holding D. resting

8.A. adjusted B. reached C. presented D. pushed

9.A. strangers B. neighbors C. visitors D. adults

10.A. anger B. delight C. fun D. surprise

11.A. hug B. smile C. kiss D. handshake

12.A. raised B. bowed C. ignored D. turned

13.A. calmly B. tightly C. impatiently D. privately

14.A. anxious B. lonely C. stressed D. bored

15.A. makes B. figures C. cares D. deserves

16.A. flexible B. likely C. disappointed D. ready

17.A. occasionally B. at once C. hardly D. never

18.A. hid B. informed C. assisted D. saw

19.A. as B. before C. until D. unless

20.A. weak B. ashamed C. helpless D. regretful


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年陕西黄陵中学高二上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Listening to music an help me focus better. Since I discovered it two years ago, I’ve used music to get through boring work or to focus creatively. I’ve found that it can make even the dullest jobs enjoyable and help clear mental blocks to creativity.

I first noticed the good effects of music while playing video games. It was a few days before Christmas in 2012 and I was playing online video games. My parents had just given me a new MP3, so I decided to listen to music through the headphones while I played. After a few minutes I noticed a great change in my style of play. I was playing more naturally. The music relaxed me, and, to a certain extent, distracted me from the game, allowing my subconscious(潜意识的)talent to come through. The music also helped me block out the outside world. With those headphones on I was like a machine, moving from one task to the next without unnecessary thoughts or actions.

Music can also have a great effect on mood, if I’m in a bad mood at work, I’ll listen to some of Bob Marley’s and get down to business. It always takes my mind off what I’m doing and makes me a happier person. The same is true of classic rock. One summer, I did a boring job collecting bottle openers by hand. Without a radio playing classic rock in the background, I would have hated life.

Listening to music with relaxing rhythms and a positive message helps you forget your work and think happy thoughts. But the results you see will depend heavily on your personal tastes. Experiment with the types of music you listen to during certain tasks. By trial and error you’ll finally discover your best choice. I’m always looking for new concentration aids, so I’d love to know what type of music works best for me.

1.We can infer that the passage was written in .

A. 2010 B. 2012 C. 2013 D. 2014

2.The author first discovered the effects of music .

A. from his parents B. by chance

C. at work D. when he was a child

3.The author mentions the experience of collecting bottle openers in Paragraph 3 to .

A. tell us that life is dull

B. prove that music affects mood

C. tell us how to seek happiness

D. tell us bad mood can affect work

4.In order to get the greatest effect of music, you are advised to .

A. listen to some of Bob Marley’s

B. only choose relaxing music

C. test all kinds of music

D. listen to classic rock


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年湖北宜昌葛洲坝中学高一上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空



The summer before I went off to college, Mom stood me in her usual spot behind the ironing board (烫衣板) and said, “Pay attention: I’m going to teach you to iron.”

Mom clearly explained her reasons 1.________ this lesson. I was going to be in dependent and need to learn this important skill. Also, I would be meeting new people, and 2.________ (proper) ironed clothes would help me make a good3.________ (impress) .

“ Learn to iron a shirt.” Mum said, “4. ________ you can iron anything.”

But ironing shirts was not easy work. It didn’t make use of long muscles (肌肉) we used5. ________ (throw) a baseball, and it wasn’t a special operation like ice-skating. Ironing was 6. ________driving a car on a street that has a stop sign every 10 feet. 7. ________ , an iron produced steam and it carried some danger. If you touched the wrong part of it, you’d get 8.________ (burn). If you forgot to turn it off when you went away, you might burn down the house.

Over the years, I have learned to iron shirts skillfully, 9. ________ gives me a sense of pride.

10.________ failures I suffer in my life, an ironed shirt tells me I am good at something.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年湖北省四校高一下学期期末联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


假如你是李夏,现就读于某外国语学校。你们学校留学部为庆祝元旦的到来,准备举办一场英语话剧(drama)表演,现正面向全校招募(recruit)演员,你对此非常感兴趣。请你用英文给负责人Miss Green写一封申请信。内容要点;1. 说明写信的缘由;2.说明你的兴趣,爱好;3.介绍个人的优势和表演经历;4.表达渴望被录取的愿望。

注意:1. 词数100左右。开头与结尾已为你写好,不计入词数。

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Miss Green,

I’m Li Xia, a Senior 3 student.

Look forward to receiving your reply.

Yours sincerely,

Li Xia


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年湖北省四校高一下学期期末联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

There was a story many years ago of a school teacher --- Mrs. Thompson. She told the children on the first day that she loved them all the same. But that was a lie. There in the front row was a little boy named Teddy Stoddard. He didn’t play well with the other children and he always needed a bath. She did not like him.

Then Mrs. Thompson got to know that Teddy was actually a very good boy before the death of his mother. Mrs. Thompson was ashamed of herself. She felt even worse when, like all her other students, Teddy brought her a Christmas present too. It was his mother’s perfume(香水).

Teddy said, “Mrs. Thompson, today you smell just like my Mom used to.” After the children left she cried for at least an hour. On that very day, she stopped teaching reading, writing and math. Instead, she began to teach children.

Mrs. Thompson paid particular attention to Teddy. The boy’s mind seemed to come alive. The more she encouraged him, the faster he improved. By the end of the sixth grade, Teddy had become one of the smartest children in the class.

Six years went by before she got a note from Teddy. He wrote that he had finished high school, third in his class, and she was still the best teacher he ever had in his whole life. He went to college. Mrs. Thompson got two more letters from him with the last one signed, Theodore F. Stoddard, M. D. (医学博士).

The story doesn’t end there. On his wedding day, Dr. Stoddard whispered in Mrs. Thompson’s ear, “Thank you, Mrs. Thompson, for believing in me. You made me feel important and showed me that I could make a difference.”

Mrs. Thompson, with tears in her eyes, whispered back, “Teddy, you have it all wrong. You were the one who taught me that I could make a difference. I didn’t know how to teach until I met you.”

1.What did Mrs. Thompson do on the first day of school?

A. She told the class something untrue about herself.

B. She asked the children to play with Teddy.

C. She changed Teddy’s seat to the front row.

D. She made Teddy feel ashamed.

2.What did Mrs. Thompson find out about Teddy?

A. He often told lies.

B. He needed motherly care.

C. He was good at math.

D. He enjoyed playing with others.

3.In what way did Mrs. Thompson change?

A. She taught fewer school subjects.

B. She became stricter with her students.

C. She cared more about educating students.

D. She no longer liked her job as a teacher.

4.Why did Teddy thank Mrs. Thompson at his wedding?

A. She had kept in touch with him.

B. She had sent him Christmas presents.

C. She had given him encouragement.

D. She had taught him how to judge people.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年河南安阳市高二下期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Vancouver’s Chinatown—Canada’s largest Chinatown

Vancouver’s Chinatown is North America’s second biggest Chinatown, after San Francisco’s. Mandarin(普通话)and Cantonese are the mother tongues in 30% of Vancouver homes, which makes Chinese the largest “minority” ethnic group(少数民族).

Vancouver’s Chinatown is the place to visit for a taste of Chinese culture.

In Chinatown, there are a lot of traditional products and buildings, such as the stone lions which represent for the prestige(名声;声望),many red lanterns which stands for the happiness. What’s more interesting, in Chinatown, a typical Suzhou garden can be found. Chinatown not only expresses the culture of China to the other cultures, but also one part shows that Vancouver is the multicultural society. Chinatown which carries many Chinese cultures is built by Chinese in Vancouver. In the beginning, Chinatown was the community only for Chinese people, but nowadays, more and more other people from different countries are willing to know the Chinatown. It is the part of the Vancouver’s society, and Chinatown is also changing gradually in order to adjust to Vancouver.

There are lots of interesting markets with many varieties of fresh and dried seafood and mushrooms in the Chinatown. You’ll also find cheap and fine house ware and traditional Chinese medicine. During the summer, on weekend evenings, Keefer and Pender Streets become a busy open-air night market. If you have enough time for a meal, try at one of the many small restaurants. It is not an expensive, multi-course culinary(烹调的)adventure. Relax in the peaceful Dr. Sun Yat-Sen(孙中山)Classical Chinese Garden, or just steps on Pender Street. Visit the Chinese Cultural Centre Museum, or participate in one of its many activities.

1.In Vancouver’s Chinatown you can see all the things EXCEPT .

A. a typical Suzhou garden

B. the stone lions

C. the Chinese History Museum

D. red lanterns

2.From the third paragraph, we can infer that .

A. Canadians helped to build Vancouver’s Chinatown

B. only the Chinese people live in Vancouver’s Chinatown

C. in Vancouver’s Chinatown you can appreciate the culture of Vancouver

D. an increasing number of people come to Vancouver’s Chinatown

3.If you are tired you should have a rest in .

A. Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden

B. the Chinese Cultural Centre Museum

C. an interesting market on the Pender Street

D. one of the many small restaurants


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年广东惠来一中、揭东一中高一下期末英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Li Yugang ________ the foreign audiences ________ his excellent performance.

A. impressed; with B. impressed; at

C. impressed; in D. impressed; of


科目:高中英语 来源:2016年高考英语一轮复习新人教版选修8第3-5单元练习英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


The woman often called the First Lady of New York died in August. Brooke Astor was 105 years old. The extremely wealthy and famous New Yorker spent much of her life 1. (help) the needy in her beloved city.

She was born in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. She was the only child of a high level military officer. After two earlier 2. (marry), she married Vincent Astor in 1953 again. He came from a family 3. had been rich for at least one hundred years .Among other things, he owned many buildings in New York City. Brooke Astor became one of the 4.(rich) women in the world when Vincent Astor died. She also became head of a huge charity organization which 5. (found) by her husband. He repeatedly had told her she would have fun giving 6.his money. And apparently she did. Brooke Astor gave tens of millions of dollars mainly to places and people in New York City. She said it was the sensible choice because that was 7. the money had been made. She gave financial support to the city's cultural centers as well as to many 8. smaller charities. When she died, the mayor of New York said 9. city would not be what it is today 10. her support.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016年高考英语一轮复习新人教版选修6第3-5单元练习英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Our company is going on very well. ____dozens of local women, we produce handmade goods with unique designs that sell well overseas

A. To employ B. Being employed

C. Employed D. Employing

