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Technology is changing our lives. Our present aerospace (航天航空)companies are gradually disappearing as private space concerns are being born every day. I'm going to discuss three space?based businesses that are sure to soon influence us all.

First we have to make space travel cheaply and safely. Engine design is the main challenge. To make money in space, the cost of space travel will have to diminish(减少). This problem will be the most difficult to solve. Liquid fueled rockets are the only way to get out of Earth's orbit. Finding new ways to power the flight to space is also another big challenge.

Finding the key to cheap space travel might be the biggest story of our times. There are a lot of great minds working on this problem. And companies are pouring money into research and development. In the next few years we'll see the first sub?orbital tourist. And not long after that we should really start to see new and exciting things as competition heats up.

Spacecraft design and production will naturally follow rocket technology. All sorts of crafts will be needed for the wide uses they'll be tasked with. Several companies in the United States have already made small, low?cost test vehicles.

Resources in space will provide great mining profits to those who can afford the cost of setting up such a huge operation. Can you imagine finding a huge asteroid(小行星) of pure gold? The benefit to mankind is limitless. Mining on other planets, like Mars, also adds CO2 into the very thin atmosphere. Over time this can lead to the formation of an atmosphere similar to Earth's.

Space is going to offer us untold opportunity and wealth. But this is only going to occur if wealthy investors step forward and fund the first steps forward. It is certain that technology will take us to worlds we could never have imagined.

1.The passage is mainly about ________.

A.the future of space travel

B.the cost of space travel in the future

C.the development of spacecrafts

D.cheap travel in the future

2.What should be done first to make travel in space cheap and safe?

A.A direct route from Earth to other stars should be found.

B.Some new kinds of fuel should be used in the rockets.

C.New material should be used to build the rockets.

D.New rocket engines should be designed.

3.According to the passage mining on other planets might help ________.

A.increase the travel benefits there

B.form the atmosphere like Earth's there

C.bring some new species there

D.create more job opportunities there

4.According to the passage, the space?based businesses are ________.

A.likely B.imaginary

C.unbelievable D.valuable


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年湖南衡阳八中高一下学期一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

There are two types of people in the world. Although they have equal degree of health and wealth and other comforts of life, one becomes happy and the other becomes unhappy. This arises from the different ways in which they consider things, persons, events and the resulting effects upon their minds.

People who are to be happy fix their attention on the convenience of things: the pleasant parts of conversation, the well prepared dishes, the goodness of the wine and the fine weather. They enjoy all the cheerful things. Those who are to be unhappy think and speak only of the opposite things. Therefore, they are continually dissatisfied. By their remarks, they sour the pleasure of society, hurt many people, and make themselves disagreeable everywhere. If this turn of mind was founded in nature, such unhappy persons would be the more to be pitied. The intention of criticizing and being disliked is perhaps taken up by imitation. It grows into a habit, unknown to its possessors. The habit may be strong, but it may be cured when those who have it realize its bad effects on their interests and tastes. I hope this little warning may be of service to them, and help them change this habit.

Although in fact it is chiefly an act of the imagination, it has serious results in life since it brings on deep sorrow and bad luck. Those people hurt many others; nobody loves them, and no one treats them with more than the most common politeness and respect. This frequently puts them in bad temper and draws them into arguments. If they aim at getting some advantages in social position or fortune, nobody wishes them success. Nor will anyone start a step or speak a word to favor their hopes. If they bring on themselves public objections, no one will defend or excuse them, and many will join to criticize their wrongdoings. These should change this bad habit and be pleased with what is pleasing, without worrying needlessly about themselves and others. If they do not, it will be good for others to avoid any contact with them. Otherwise, it can be disagreeable and sometimes very inconvenient, especially when one becomes mixed up in their quarrels.

1.People who are unhappy _______.

A. always consider things differently from others

B. always discover the unpleasant side of certain things

C. usually misunderstand what others think or say

D. usually are affected by the results of certain things

2.The phrase “sour the pleasure of society” most nearly means “_______”.

A. makes others unhappy

B. has a good taste with social life

C. tend to scold others openly

D. enjoy the pleasure of life

3.We can conclude from the passage that _______.

A. we should pity all such unhappy people

B. such unhappy people are dangerous to social life

C. people can get rid of the habit of unhappiness

D. unhappy people can not understand happy persons

4.If such unhappy persons insist on keeping the habit, the author suggests that people should _______.

A. show no respect and politeness to them

B. prevent any communication with them

C. persuade them to recognize the bad effects

D. quarrel with them until they realize the mistakes


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届河北石家庄市高三复习教学质量检测(二)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空



If life were a book and you were the author, how would you like the story to go? That is the question that________ my life forever.

One day l went home from the training of snowboarding with what I thought was the flu, and less than24 hours later,1 was in a ________ on life support with less than two percent________ of living. It wasn't until days later that the doctors diagnosed me with a ________blood infection. Over the45of 2.5 months, I lost the hearing in my left ear and both my legs below the knee. When my parents ________ me out of the hospital, I________ that I had been put together like a patchwork(拼缝物)doll and I had to live with ________ legs. I was absolutely physically and emotionally broken, ________streaming down.

But I knew in order to move forward, I had to let go of the Old Amy and________ the New Amy. It was at this moment that I asked myself that significant________ .And that is when it ________ me that I didn't have to be five-foot-five anymore, ________ I could be as tall as l wanted. And ________ of all ,I can make my feet the size of all the shoes. So there were________here.

Four months later,1 was back upon a ________ .And this February, I won two Board World Cup gold medals, ________me the highest ranked snowboarder in the world.

So, instead of looking at our________ and our limitations as something________ or bad, we can begin looking at them as a wonderful ________ that can be used to help us go further than we ever know we could go.

1.A.saved B. risked C. ruined D. changed

2.A.hospital B. club C. f ield D. stadium

3.A.thought B. degree C. chance D. decision

4.A. mild B. severe C. potential D. slight

5.A.journey B. break C. course D. schedule

6.A.wheeled B. dragged C.pulled D. delivered

7.A.made sure B. felt like C. worked out D. put forward

8.A.muscled B.heavy C. shapely D. false

9.A.blood B.sweat C. tears D. water

10.A.hug B. recognize C. fix D. introduce

11.A.plan B. question C. information D. favor

12.A.dawned on B. knocked into C. depended on D.looked into

13.A.although B. so C. while D. but

14.A.first B. strangest C. best D. luckiest

15.A.struggles B. benefits C. rewards D. conflicts

16.A.stage B. snowboard C. track D. playground

17.A.allowing B. giving C. calling D. making

18.A.challenges B. achievements C.devotions D. hesitations

19.A.active B. amazing C. negative D. terminal

20.A.ability B. skill C. tool D. gift


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届山东武城第二中学高三下学期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


Many Americans believe Britons have bad teeth. But a new study shows Americans 1.(actual) have more dental ___2.____ (problem).

The study 3. (publish) in the British Medical Journal. The researchers from University College London, the National University of Colombia and the Harvard School of public Health found that Americans are missing more teeth 4. people aged 25 and older. The researchers also found that poor people in the United States had 5. (bad) teeth than poor people in Britain.

People in Britain receive dental care through the National Health Service, 6. is funded by taxpayers. In the United States, people either pay for their dental care 7. buy dental insurance. Many poor people in the United States do not have dental insurance and dental care is not affordable to 8. _(they). In 2004, 9. 0rganization for Economic Co-operation and Development found that Britain had the lowest number of people with bad, 10. (miss) or filled teeth among all of its 34 member states. The United States was in the middle of the rankings.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年湖南岳阳县第一中学高一3月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


Directions: Write an English composition according to the pictures and instructions given below in Chinese.


注意: 不少于120词,开头已为你写好,不计入总词数。

As is vividly shown in the picture, the word family represents three people, who are father, mother and I. When I was young, father was the most important person in my family.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年甘肃天水市高一下学期第一次阶段测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.__________(好奇心) can make a scientist out of a child.

2.Time is ________ (有限的). We need to be hurry.

3.She would never ________ (原谅) him.

4.People would (饿死) if food was difficult to find.

5.I started advertising the ______ (益处) of my food..

6.The men who were fighting _____ (怒目而视) at each other.

7.If you feel not good, you’d better _____ (咨询) a doctor.

8.It’s important to know your own strengths and ___________ (缺点).

9.There was a sign in the window of his restaurant: “______ (顾客)are God!”.

10.Our boss could have sold more goods if he had promised to offer a 40% ________ (折扣).


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年甘肃天水市高一下学期第一次阶段测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Even though I’d hurt my leg, I _______ swim back to the river bank.

A. could B. might C. had to D. was able to


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年甘肃天水市高一下学期第一次阶段测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I’m sorry, but I didn’t mean to keep you waiting here for a long time. Can you _______ me?

A. gain B. satisfy C. apologize D. forgive


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届吉林第一中学校高三质量检测六英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.He told me not to buy it, but I bought it ____________(无论如何).

2.I would be _____________ (感激的)if you would keep it a secret.

3.I became a teacher because I ____________ (更喜欢) books and people to politics.

4.He finished his conversation and stood up, looking ____________ (直接;挺直)at me.

5.___________(埋头于) in the attractive story, he didn’t notice his teacher staring at him.

6.Houses ____________ (属于)to the government are always well protected.

7.He gave the children some chocolate to _____________(奖励) them for behaving well.

8.You can choose to forgive someone who has hurt you even if they do not ______________ (应受;值得)or ask for forgiveness.

9.Are you ______________(熟悉) with this type of machine?

10.He's realistic enough to know he's not going to ______________(成功) overnight.

