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If you have your kid _____ so badly, he may not get along well with others.

A. to behave B. behaves

C. Behaving D. behaved


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年吉林延边二中高二上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It is clearly stated that regulations __________ everyone in the community, without exception.

A. adjust to

B. adapt to

C. attach to

D. apply to


科目:高中英语 来源:2015年江苏南京盐城两市高三一模考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

According to figures released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS),the U.K.has about 7.7 million families with dependent children,of which 3.7 million have just one child,compared to 3 million with two and 1.1 million with three children or more.The number of families today with just one dependent child is now 47 percent and will likely rise to more than 50 percent in a decade.As the ONS confirms,“It appears that families are getting smaller.”
One obvious reason for this could be that women are putting off having children until they have established careers when they are bound to be less fertile.But it could just as well be a matter of choice.Parents must consider the rising cost of living,combined with economic uncertainty and an increasingly difficult job market.And this trend may continue growing as having an only child becomes more normal,which seems to be the mood on the mothers’ online forum Mumsnet,where one member announced that she “just wanted to start a positive thread about how fab it is to have an only child”.
She had received 231 replies,overwhelmingly in the same upbeat spirit.Parents of only children insist there are plenty of benefits.Nicola Kelly,a writer and lecturer who grew up as an only child and is now a married mother of one,says her 15-year-old son seems more grown-up in many ways than his contemporaries.
Not all products of single-child families are as keen to repeat the experience.In a moving recent account journalist Janice Turner wrote about her own keenness to “squeeze out two sons just 22 months apart”as a reaction to her only-child upbringing.
She was placed on a pedestal by her doting parents,whom she punished with a “brattish,wilful” rejection of everything they stood for.Desperate for a close friend she was repeatedly shattered by rejection and refers to her childhood as being “misery”.
Writer and clinician Dr.Dorothy Rowe,a member of the British Psychological Society,says that we all interpret events in our own individual way and there are some children who no matter what their circumstances feel slighted,while other children see the advantages of their situation.
However,the one part of life that is unlikely to get any easier for only children is when they grow up and find themselves looking after their own parents as they become older.
1.The passage is written with the purpose of ________.
A. illustrating the strength and weakness of having an only child
B. analyzing the reasons why having an only child becomes popular
C. presenting us with different opinions about having an only child
D. guiding people to look at the same issue from different perspectives
2.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 mean?
A. Nearly half of families intend to have just one child.
B. All people don’t stand for the idea of having an only child.
C. Some people fail to recognize the advantage of having an only child.
D. People brought up in an only child family resist downsizing the family.
3.From what Dr.Dorothy Rowe said,we know that ________.
A. journalist Janice Turner experienced a miserable childhood
B. she has a positive attitude towards Janice Turner’s reaction
C. it’s necessary for us to look at the event from our own angle
D. some are unable to make an objective assessment of their conditions
4.What can be inferred from the passage?
A. It’s normal to see the imperfection in character in only children.
B. Mumsnet is an online forum which promotes having an only child.
C. Economic development plays a determining role in the family size.
D. Only children will have difficulty in attending to their parents.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015年湖南省怀化市高三模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


In my first week as a graduate student at Cambridge University in 1964 I met with a fellow student, two years ahead of me in his studies; he was unsteady on his feet and spoke with great difficulty.This was Stephen Hawking.I learned that he had a bad disease and might not live long enough even to finish his Phd degree.

But, amazingly, he has reached the age of 73.Even mere survival would have been a medical miracle, but of course, he didn’t merely survive.He has become arguably the most famous scientist in the world for his brilliant research, for his bestselling books, and, above all, for his astonishing victory over hardship.

Stephen received his “death sentence” in 1964, when I thought it was hard for him to go on with his study.Stephen went from Albans School to Oxford University.He was said to be a “lazy” undergraduate, but his brilliance earned him a first-class degree, an “entry ticket” to a research career in Cambridge and a uniquely inspiring achievement.Within a few years of the burst of his disease he was wheelchair-bound, and his speech was so unclear that it could only be understood by those who knew him well.But his scientific career went from strength to strength: he quickly came up with a series of insights into the nature of black holes (then a very new idea) and how the universe began.In 1974 he was elected to the Royal Society at the exceptionally early age of 32.

The great advances in science generally involve discovering a link between phenomena that were previously conceptually unconnected — for instance, Isaac Newton realized that the force making an apple fall to earth was the same as the force that holds the moon and planets in their orbits.Stephen’s revolutionary idea about a link between gravity and quantum(量子) theory has still not been tested. However, it has been hugely influential; indeed, one of the main achievements of string theory(弦理论) has been to confirm and build on his idea. He has undoubtedly done more than anyone else since Einstein to improve our knowledge of gravity and he is one of the top-ten living theoretical physicists.

1.What impressed the author most about Stephen Hawking?

A. His brilliant research.

B. His bestselling books.

C. His serious disease.

D. His defeating hardship.

2.What made Stephen Hawking start his research career at Cambridge?

A. His death sentence.

B. His “lazy” attitude.

C. His above-average talent and ability.

D. His rich experience.

3.It can be inferred that Stephen Hawking was born ________.

A. in the early 1940s

B. in the late 1940s

C. in the early 1930s

D. in the late 1930s

4.What can we learn from the text?

A. Hawking’s theory was proved years ago.

B. Hawking was not as successful as Newton.

C. String theory built on Hawking’s idea.

D. Hawking’s theory has had little influence on others.

5.Which of the following is Not True according the passage?

A. He achieved one success after another in his career despite his disease.

B. He couldn’t walk when the author first met him at Cambridge.

C. He not only survived his disease but contributed greatly to science.

D. He is among the greatest scientists to improve the knowledge of gravity.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015年湖南省怀化市高三模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Some hard-working students always keep a torch in their dormitories _____ there is a power failure.

A. if B. unless

C. so that D. in case


科目:高中英语 来源:2015年广东省肇庆市高三模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


When people think of Hollywood, they think of the city where dreams come true.This did not apply to F.Scott Fitzgerald, a screenwriter who had his share of ups and downs in this land. Fitzgerald was not a successful Hollywood writer because he was not good at the career path he chose.He was an amazing novelist, but his efforts of turning them into screenplays ended in disappointment and confusion.It was because of a lack of potential for screenwriting as well as his addiction and desire to be famous.

Growing up as a boy, Fitzgerald went to movies a lot.He wanted to write stories that would eventually turn into movies.The problem was: just because Fitzgerald wanted to do something didn’t necessarily mean that he was good at it.He made his attempts, but most of these efforts ended in disappointment because he thought about the change from script(剧本)to screen too much.His plot was too detailed and complicated; his tone was too serious or his dialogue too sentimental(感伤的).

Fitzgerald’s quick rise to fame also led to his fall.In life, things are not meant to happen all at once, all that the same time but it did for Fitzgerald. At his best time, three of his early stories were made into short films, including The Great Gatsby and Babylon Revisited. As the twenties approached, he was gradually forgotten by the reading public. He became drunk and constantly took pills both to sleep and wake up.His marriage was destroyed and his wife broke down mentally.He seemed unsure about his life.

Fitzgerald had another chance at success when many opportunities came his way, including revisions of Emlyn William’s play The Light of Heart and production of one of his own scripts, Cosmopolitan.However, these were all put aside and he was right back where he started, left behind and called a “ruined man”.Fitzgerald simply wanted too much in his life.He wanted “to be both a great novelist and a Hollywood success, to write songs like Cole Porter and poetry like John Keats”.His addiction to fame held him back and led to his failure as a Hollywood writer.

1.Which is a reason that Fitzgerald failed in screenwriting?

A. He was not talented in screenwriting.

B. He had a miserable family life.

C. He spent too much time watching movies.

D. He was greedy for money in his life.

2.Fitzgerald’s screenwriting was _____.

A. disappointing in ending

B. complex in plot

C. playful in tone

D. simple in dialogue

3.Which of the following was NOT written by Fitzgerald?

A. The Great Gatsby B. Babylon Revisited

C. The Light of Heart D. Cosmopolitan

4.When Fitzgerald had another chance at success, he ______.

A. took full advantage of it

B. went back home to start business

C. refused to make changes

D. started to write songs and poems

5.What is the best title of the passage?

A. Fallen for Fame Addiction: F.Scott Fitzgerald

B. An Inch into Fame: F.Scott Fitzgerald

C. F.Scott Fitzgerald: A Great Novelist

D. F.Scott Fitzgerald: A Great Screenwriter


科目:高中英语 来源:2015年广东茂名高三模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Engineers should embrace(接受) the arts,Sir John O'Reilly,a fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology,argued in a lecture.

About 59% of engineering companies in the IET's 2014 survey feared skill shortages could threaten(威胁) business.

"There is nothing as creative as engineering," Sir John told the reporter.He says science,technology,engineering and mathematics - often known as "Stem" subjects,are vital for a modern knowledge economy.But there is a massive shortfall in the number of recruits(招聘) - with a recent study by the Royal Academy of Engineering saying the UK needs to increase by as much as 50% the number of Stem graduates it produces.

Delivering this year's Mountbatten Lecture at the Royal Institution,Sir John argued that engineers should recognise the role of the arts in their work - among other benefits; this could attract more people into the profession.The lecture,Full Steam Ahead for Growth,advocated a wider adoption -- Steam,or science,technology,engineering,arts and maths.Engineers should embrace the arts as being key to creativity and an important component of innovation(创新),crucial to creating new products and boosting future competitiveness,he argued. "Engineering and technology is an increasingly diverse and creative field," said Sir John.

Some university engineering departments already cooperated with art schools to develop understanding,he told the reporter.In particular he mentioned Cranfield University's Centre for Creative Competitive Design and Imperial College's work with the Royal College of Art.The two sets of people could work well together and more emphasis on the creative side of engineering could improve the success of products,he said.

"Aesthetics(美学) is part of it," he told the reporter,adding that Apple's iPod was not the first digital media player,nor the only one that worked - but it came to dominate the market "because it was nice to have".

Sir John said he was not suggesting universities started requiring A-level art from engineering applicants - the key subjects for admission would continue to be maths and the sciences.But an emphasis on creative skills would help "broaden the pool and attract more people in".

1.According to a recent study by the Royal Academy _______ .

A. skill shortages could threaten business

B. engineering graduates are not as creative as expected

C. there are not enough arts graduates produced in the UK.

D. the UK needs more graduates in science,technology,engineering and mathematics

2.According to the lecture Full Steam Ahead for Growth,_______ .

A. engineers should cooperate with arts majors

B. Accepting the arts could attract more people into engineering

C. engineers should realize arts play the most important part in their work

D. engineering and technology is as diverse and creative as before

3.By giving the example of Apple's iPod,Sir John intends to _______ .

A. stress the importance of arts

B. stress the importance of marketing

C. stress the importance of communication

D. stress the importance of science and technology

4.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. More university students should study arts instead of engineering.

B. Engineering and technology is increasingly different and unrelated fields.

C. The IET's skills survey raised concerns about the number of recruits to engineering.

D. Students from some university engineering departments have already transferred to art schools

5.What is the passage mainly about?

A. Lack of creativity makes it difficult for the engineering major to find a satisfactory job.

B. The key subjects for engineering majors remain to be maths and the sciences rather than arts.

C. University engineering departments should cooperate with art schools to improve the success of products.

D. Engineering needs to emphasize its creative side to encourage more young people to choose it as a career.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015年北京市海淀区高三一模英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Mike will become the first person in his family ______ college education.

A. finished B. having finished

C. finishing D. to finish


科目:高中英语 来源:2016年黑龙江省哈尔滨市高三上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Mike had prepared carefully for the exam, so that he could be sure of passing it on his first _______.

A. attention B. purpose

C. attempt D. desire

