精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
     Treasure hunts (寻宝) have excited people's imagination for hundreds of years both in real life and
in books such as Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island. Kit Williams, a modern writer, had the idea
of combining the real excitement of a treasure hunt with clues (线索) found in a book when he wrote a
children's story, Masquerade, in 1979. The book was about a hare,and a month before it came out
Williams buried a gold hare in a park in Bedfordshire. The book contained a large number of clues to help
readers find the hare, but Williams put in a lot of "red herrings", or false clues, to mislead them.
     Ken Roberts, the man who found the hare, had been looking for it for nearly two years. Although he
had been searching in the wrong area most of the time, he found it by logic (逻辑), not by luck.His
success came from the fact that he had gained an important clue at the start. He had realized that the
words: "One of Six to Eight" under the first picture in the book connected the hare in some way to
Katherine of Aragon, the first of Henry VIII's six wives. Even here, however,Williams had succeeded in
misleading him. Ken knew that Katherine of Aragon had died at Kimbolton in Cambridgeshire in 1536 and
thought that Williams had buried the hare there. He had been digging there for over a year before a new
idea occurred to him.He found out that Kit Williams had spent his childhood near Ampthill, in Befordshire,
and thought that he must have buried the hare in a place he knew well, but he still could not see the
connection with Katherine of Aragon,until one day he came across two stone crosses in Ampthill Park
and learnt that they had been built in her honor in 1773.
     Even then his search had not come to an end. It was only after he had spent several nights digging
around the cross that he decided to write to Kit Williams to find out if he was wasting his time there.
Williams encouraged him continue, and on February 24 th 1982, he found the treasure. It was worth
£3000 in the beginning, but the excitement it had caused since its burial made it much more valuable.
1. The underlined word "them"(paragraph1) refers to _____. 
A. red herrings
B. treasure hunts
C. Henry VIII's six wives
D. readers of Masquerade

2. What is the most important clue in the story to help Ken Roberts find the hare?

A. Two stone crosses in Ampthill
B. Stevenson's Treasure Island
C. Katherine of Aragon
D. Williams' hometown
3. The stone crosses in Ampthill were built _____.
A. to tell about what happened in 1773
B. to show respect for Henry VIII's first wife
C. to serve as a roadsign in Ampthill Park
D. to inform people where the gold hare was
4. Which of the following describes Roberts' logic in searching for the hare?
a. Henry VIII's six wives
b. Katherine's burial place at Kimbolton
c. Williams' childhood in Ampthill
d. Katherine of Aragon e.stone crosses in Ampthill Park
A. a-b-c-e-d
B. d-b-c-e-a
C. a-d-b-c-e
D. b-a-e-c-d
5. What is the subject discussed in the text?
A. An exciting historical event
B. A modern treasure hunt
C. The attraction of Masquerade
D. The importance of logical thinking
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    科目:高中英语 来源:活题巧解巧练·高二英语·下 题型:050


      If you dream of going somewhere warm to escape the cold winter weather, a trip to a recently discovered planet would certainly warm you right up. The planet, named OGLE-TR-566, has temperatures of more than F. “This is the hottest planet we know about. ” says Dr. Dimitar Sasselov, a scientist who led the discovery team. “It is hot enough to have an iron fog and to rain hot iron droplets (细沫) . ”

      The new planet is 30 times farther away than any planet discovered by scientists before. It is in the Milky Way (银河) but it's not in our solar (太阳的) .The new planet moves around a star much like our sun , however. Scientists discovered the planet by using a new planet-searching method, called “ transit technique. ” They were able to catch sight of the planet when it moved in front of its star, causing the star's light to dim(变暗) . Scientists compare the method to discovering the shadow of a bee flying in front of a searchlight 200 miles away. “We believe the door has been opened wide to go and discover planets like Earth.”says Sasselov.

    1.We can infer from the passage that ________.

    [  ]

    A.there is iron on the planet

    B.we could go to the new planet in winter

    C.the star would block our view of the new planet

    D.scientists are studying the weather on the new planet

    2.The“transit technique”can ________.

    [  ]

    A.help dim the light of a star

    B.help scientists with a searchlight

    C.help discover a bee on the planet

    D.help find a planet moving before its star

    3.Which is the best title for the passage?

    [  ]

    A.New Planet-searching Technique.

    B.New Distant Discovery.

    C.Space Searching.

    D.Dream Planet.


    科目:高中英语 来源:2004全国各省市高考模拟试题汇编(天利38套)·英语 题型:050



      If you dream of going someplace warm to escape the cold winter weather, a trip to a recently discovered planet would certainly warm you right up. The planet, named OGLE-TR-56b, has temperatures of more than. “This is the hottest planet we know about,” says Dr. Dimitar Sasselov, a scientist who led the discovery team. “It is hot enough to have an iron fog and to rain hot iron droplets (细沫).”

      The new planet is 30 times farther away than any planet discovered by scientists before. It is in the Milky Way (银河) but it is not in our solar (太阳的) system. The new planet moves around a star much like our sun, however. Scientists discovered the planet by using a new planet-searching method, called “transit technique.” They were able to catch sight of the planet when it moved in front of its star, causing the star's light to dim (变暗). Scientists compare the method to discovering the shadow of a bee flying in front of a searchlight 200 miles away. “We believe the door has been opened wide to go and discover planets like Earth,” says Sasselov.

    1.We can infer from the passage that ________.

    [  ]

    A.there is iron on the new planet

    B.we could go to the new planet in winter

    C.the star could block our view of the new planet

    D.scientists are studying the weather on the new planet

    2.The “transit technique”can ________.

    [  ]

    A.help dim the light of a star

    B.help scientists with a searchlight

    C.help discover a bee on a planet

    D.help find a planet moving before its star

    3.Which is the best title for the passage?

    [  ]

    A.New Planet-searching Technique.

    B.New Distant Discovery.

    C.Space Searching.

    D.Dream Planet.


    科目:高中英语 来源:北京高考真题 题型:阅读理解

         If you dream of going someplace warm to escape the cold winter weather, a trip to a recently discovered
    planet would certainly warm you right up, The planet, named OCLE-TR-56b, has temperatures of more than
    3,000 °F. "This is the hottest planet we know about," says Dr. Dimitar Sasselov, a scientist who led the
    discovery team, "It is hot enough to have an iron fog and to rain hot iron droplets (细沫)"
         The new planet is 30 times farther away than any planet discovered by scientists before. It is in the Milky
    Way (银河) but it is not in our solar (太阳的) system The new planet moves around a star much like our sun,
    however. Seientists discovered the planet by using a new planet-searching method, called "transit technique"
    They were able to catch sight of the planet when it moved in front of its star, causing the star's light to dim
    (变暗). Scientists compare the method to discovering the shadow of a bee flying in front of a searchlight 200
    miles away. "We believe the door has heen opened wide to go and discover planets like Earth," says Sasedlov.
    1. We can infer from the passage that _____.
    A. there is iron on the new planet
    B. we could go to the new planet in winter
    C. the star could block our view of the new planet
    D. scientists are studying the weather on the new planet
    2. The "transit technique" can _____. 
    A. help dim the light of a star.
    B. help scientists with a searchlight
    C. help discover a bee on a planet
    D. help find a planet moving before its star
    3. Which is the best title for the passage?
    A. New Planet-searching Technique
    B. New Distant Discovery
    C. Space Searching
    D. Dream Planet

