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It was cloudy day with little rain in the air. I stood at the roadside waiting for a taxi while suddenly I felt a voice beside me. It was a boy who was wearing poor cloth. I felt very disgusted that I tried to pull myself away. The boy kept follow me shouting out "Big brother! Big brother!" and I didn't answer him at all. I heard him call out again, which makes me angry. So I shouted at him that we had no money to spare. However, the boy said to me, "Brother, will you please to help me cross the road?" I held the boy’s hand firm and helped him cross the road.


科目:高中英语 来源:广西省南宁市2016-2017学年高一下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

The National Gallery


The National Gallery is the British national art museum built on the north side of Trafalgar Square in London. It houses a diverse collection of more than 2,300 examples of European art ranging from 13th-century religious paintings to more modem ones by Renoir and Van Gogh. The older collections of the gallery are reached through the main entrance while the more modern works in the East Wing are most easily reached from Trafalgar Square by a ground floor entrance.


The modern Sainsbury Wing on the western side of the building houses 13th-to 15th-century paintings, and artists include Duccio, Uccello, Van Eyck, Lippi, Mantegna, Botticelli and Memling.

The main West Wing houses 16th-century paintings, and artists include Leonardo da Vinci, Cranach, Michelangelo, Raphael, Bruegel, Bronzino, Titian and Veronese.

The North Wing houses 17th-century paintings, and artists include Caravaggio, Rubens, Poussin, Van Dyck, Velaazquez, Claude and Vermeer.

The East Wing houses 18th-to early 20th-century paintings, and artists include Canaletto, Goya, Turner, Constable, Renoir and Van Gogh.

Opening Hours:

The Gallery is open every day from 10am to 6pm (Fridays 10am to 9pm) and is free, but charges apply to some special exhibitions.

Getting There:

Nearest underground stations: Charing Cross (2-minute walk), Leicester (3-minute walk), Embankment (7-minute walk), and Piccadilly Circus (8-minute walk).

1.In which wing can you see religious paintings?

A. In the East Wing. B. In the main West Wing.

C. In the Sainsbury Wing. D. In the North Wing.

2.If you enter the gallery by a ground floor, you will easily see the works of .

A. Van Eyck B. Cranach

C. Van Dyck. D. Constable.

3.According to the passage, which of the following is true?

A. The National Gallery is the biggest British national art museum.

B. There are four exhibition areas in The National Gallery

C. The Gallery is open every day from 10am to 6pm

D. The Gallery is completely free

4.Where does the text probably come from?

A. An artist magazine. B. A tourist map.

C. A news report. D. A museum guide.


科目:高中英语 来源:河南省商丘市九校2016-2017学年高二下学期期末联考英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Toys for Kids

From wooden blocks to electronic games, the best toys for kids make their young users think and dream while building useful skills. Of course, they’re also tons of fun!

●Educational Toys

Many of the best toys for kids combine learning and fun. The GeoSafari Talking Globe provides interactive geography games in a fun electronic format. It was named to Dr.Toy’s Best Classic Toys List in 2016. Professor Noggin’s History of the United States is a fun and informative card game that made FamilyFun. com’s Toy of the Year list.

●Pretend Play

Kids love to pretend, and the best toys for kids can spark their imaginations and lead to hours of fun. The Real Projects Workshop was a grand prize winner in the 2016 FamilyFun.com Toy of the Year awards. With this pretend workshop kids can play with realistic tools while building projects out of foam “wood”. Dora’s Talking Kitchen won “Girl Toy of the Year” in the 2016 Toy Industry Association Toy of the Year Awards.


Every kid needs a cuddly (可抱的) friend. Kids may ask for stuffed animals based on popular television and movie characters, but teddy bears, stuffed dogs, and other plush figures that haven’t appeared on-screen will have long-lasting appeal. For a unique twist on stuffed animals, the Lil’ Luvables Fluffy Factory lets kids stuff their own teddy bears. It was a Toy of the Year grand prize winner at FamilyFun.com.


Games promote cooperation while encouraging everything from memory skills to exercise. Hullabaloo, from the makers of Cranium, won “Best Game” honors in the 2016 Toy Industry Association Toy of the Year Awards. The game gets kids moving and laughing as they follow instructions from the game’s audio console.

1.How can kids benefit from the educational toys?

A. They can improve their personalities.

B. They can enjoy geography games.

C. They can be active in doing homework.

D. They can gain knowledge while playing.

2.How many kinds of toys won the grand prize in FamilyFun.com Toy of the Year awards?

A. Only one. B. Two.

C. Three. D. Four.

3.Which toys can develop kids’ team spirit?

A. Educational. B. Pretend play.

C. Stuffed animals. D. Games.

4.How can kids play with the toys made by the Lil’ Luvables Fluffy Factory?

A. They can stuff the toys by themselves.

B. They can play board games with the toys.

C. They can treat the toys as bears.

D. They can interact with the toys.


科目:高中英语 来源:山东省淄博市2017届高三5月月考英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

As confusion disappeared, we found freedom, time, and energy to do more of what we love. We started hiking more and added weekend and weeklong camping trips. In doing so,we realized more and more benefits of being outdoors.

The physical health benefits from being outside may be pretty obvious at first, but there are more than I realized. Studies have shown that besides the vitamin D intake, being outside can even reduce recovery and healing time. Activity outdoors can also have a higher fitness benefit than exercise done indoors.

A walk in the woods or even just a quick trip to a park can help reduce anxiety, improve short-term memory and reduce mental tiredness. Any time I need a boost in my mood, spending even five minutes in the sunshine will help. Imagine the benefits we receive from spending an entire day or even more outdoors.

As I’ve made it my preference to be outdoors, I find myself inspired and excited about life. Many people claim that their best ideas come to them in the shower. I have had the same happen when in nature. My creativity, confidence, and focus all increase after a hike or a weekend spent camping.

In between my my generation and the generation of my children, there has been an extreme decrease in the amount of time kids are spending more time indoors than ever before and shares shocking statistics of how little time kids get out VS hours of screen time each day. This has given rise to many negative consequences such as poorer physical and mental health.

However, as mentioned previously, all the benefits we as adults can receive from time spent outdoors, it is even better for our kids. It is clear that time in nature is good for both adults and children.

1.According to the passage, we can know that .

A. it is necessary to take in more vitamin D

B. being outside helps us get well sooner

C. indoor exercise is kind of harmful to health

D. keeping fit is very important for children

2.How does the author give advice to readers?

A. By making comparisons.

B. By presenting his personal experience.

C. By giving warnings.

D. By following the order of importance.

3.When does the author have his best ideas?

A. When he is having a shower. B. When he is with the kids.

C. When he is in nature. D. When he comes back from work.

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A. The author is an expert in physical health.

B. The author is strict with his children.

C. Many children still prefer to stay indoors.

D. Most parents ignore the value of being outdoors.


科目:高中英语 来源:Unit1 Friendship--高考英语单元能力提升测试卷 题型:阅读理解

When it comes to friends, I desire those who will share my happiness with me. When I was in the eighth grade, I had a friend. We were shy and "too serious" about our studies when it was becoming fashionable with our classmates to learn acceptable social behaviors. We said little at school, but she would come to my house and we would sit down with pencils and paper, and one of us would say: "Let’s start with a train whistle today." We would sit quietly together and write separate poems or stories that grew out of a train whistle. Then we would read them aloud. At the end of that school year, we, too, were changed into social creatures and the stories and poems stopped.

When I lived for a time in London, I had a friend. He was in despair (失望) and I was in despair. But our friendship was based on the idea in each of us that we would be sorry later if we did not explore this great city because we had felt bad at the time. We met every Sunday for five weeks and found many excellent things. We walked until our despairs disappeared and then we parted. We gave London to each other.

For almost four years I have had remarkable friends. We write long letters in which we often discover our strangest selves. Each of us appears, sometimes in a funny way, in the other’s dreams. She and I agree that, at certain times, we seem to be parts of the same mind. In my most interesting moments, I often think: "Yes, I must tell..." We have never met.

It is such comforting companions I wish to keep. One bright hour with their kind is worth more to me than the lifetime services of a psychologist (心理学家), who will only fill up the healing (愈合的) silence necessary to those darkest moments in which I would rather be my own best friend.

1.In the eighth grade, what the author did before developing proper social behavior was to __________.

A. become serious about her study B. go to her friend’s house regularly

C. learn from her classmates at school D. share poems and stories with her friend

2.In Paragraph 2, "We gave London to each other" probably means __________.

A. our exploration of London was a memorable gift to both of us

B. we were unwilling to tear ourselves away from London

C. our unpleasant feelings about London disappeared

D. we parted with each other in London

3.According to Paragraph 3, the author and her friend __________.

A. call each other regularly B. have similar personalities

C. enjoy writing to each other D. dream of meeting each other

4.In the darkest moments, the author would prefer to __________.

A. ask for professional help B. be left alone

C. stay with her best friend D. break the silence


科目:高中英语 来源:西藏自治区林芝市2016-2017学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Melissa Poe was 9 years old when she began a campaign for a cleaner environment by writing a letter to the then President Bush.Through her own efforts,her letter was reproduced(复制)on over 250 donated billboards(广告牌)across the country.

The response to her request for help was so huge that Poe established Kids For A Cleaner Environment(Kids F.A.C.E.) in 1989. There are now 300,000 members of Kids FACE worldwide and is the world's largest youth environmental organization.

Poe has also asked the National Park Service to carry out a "Children's Forest" project in every national park. In 1992, she was invited as one of only six children in the world to speak at the Earth Summit in Brazil as part of the Voices of the Future Program. In 1993, she was given a Caring Award for her efforts by the Caring Institute.

Since the organization started, Kids F.A.C.E.members have distributed and planted over 1 million trees! Ongoing tree-planting projects include Kid's Yards—the creation of backyard wildlife habitats and now Kids F.A.C.E.is involved in the exciting Earth Odyssey, which is a great way to start helping.

"Starting the club turned out to be a way to help people get involved with the environment. Club members started doing things like recycling, picking up litter and planting trees as well as inviting other kids to join their club."

"We try to tell kids that it's not OK to be lazy," she explains. "You need to start being a responsible, environmentally friendly person now, right away, before you become a resource-sucking adult."

1.Kids F.A.C.E is _____.

A. a program to help students with writing B. a project of litter recycling

C. a campaign launched by President Bush D. a club of environmental protection

2.What can we learn about Poe?

A. She was awarded a prize in Brazil.

B. She donated billboard across the country.

C. She got positive responses for her efforts.

D. She joined the National Park Service.

3.Kid's Yards is _____.

A. established in a national park

B. started to protect wildlife

C. a tree-planting project

D. an entertainment park for kids

4.Which of the following can be inferred from the text?

A. Adults are resource-sucking people.

B. Poe sought help from a youth organization.

C. Kids F.A.C.E members are from the U.S.

D. Kids are urged(呼吁) to save natural resources.


科目:高中英语 来源:辽宁省2017届高三第九次模拟考试英语试卷 题型:七选五

For many people, history classes are seen as no more than requirements for getting degrees in chemistry, biology, business, marketing, etc. 1. Below are a few reasons why it’s vital that today’s people continue to learn about the past.

Understanding where people come from plays a key role in understanding who they are.2. For this reason, it’s extremely important to learn history in order to understand why people are the way that they are.

Through history classes, you can experience a shift (改革) in the way you think. 3.It’s important to develop minds to be able to consider problems from different angles. Finally, this shift can improve your ability to analyze and understand situations, to make educated decisions and to learn how to weigh the consequences related to each choice before you.

4.The idea that history repeats itself is rooted in truth. From wars to fashion to political trends, historians are often able to make predictions about the future based upon the past. By having a deep understanding of what happened in the past, today’s people can better prepare for brighter futures by making the right decisions—instead of repeating old mistakes.

Many people may not believe that a degree in history can lead to a well-paid job. In fact, students who graduate with degrees in history can become lawyers, business owners, think tank members, educators, leaders in historical organizations writers and so on. 5..

A.Whichever job you take, it can provide a comfortable life.

B.Learning about history can get students admitted to key universities

C.That means you look at things from a new point of view.

D.Learning from the past prevents future mistakes.

E.The key to enjoying the study of history is to find classes that interest you.

F.But the truth is that studying history is a wonderful way to prepare for a successful future.

G.History has shaped cultures, attitudes and social structures; it has shaped the world and its citizens.


科目:高中英语 来源:河南省郑州市2018届高三上学期入学考试英语试卷 题型:完形填空

Mildred Webinga Freeman was an English teacher at the new middle school I attended in the ninth grade.She wasn't my____;she was the adviser to the safety patrol(巡逻)on which I____.I loved being around her and____her sense of humor and kind personality.She was____a good listener.

At the end of the year,she____that she was moving to Florida,and I was very sad.We exchanged____and became pen pals.I could tell her____,and she treated me____respect even though I was a teenager.

In Florida,Mrs.Freeman became a Realtor(房地产经纪人),____she managed to find time to write letters.She wrote____stories and always took my concerns____.She had given me a(n)____invitation to visit,and I missed her so much.When I____to take her up on the____,she answered,"Get your shoes on and your bags____!You are welcome anytime!"

I spent three weeks with her in Miami.Her____of poetry,music,and creative writing____me to follow these endeavors(努力).One day____hanging sheets on the clothesline,she____and said,"You know,the sky is fuel for the soul."I had never looked at the____before hearing those words.Later that year,I received a call that Mrs.Freeman had died.

1.A. mother B. friend C. classmate D. teacher

2.A. served B. advised C. expected D. led

3.A. shared B. enjoyed C. imagined D. found

4.A. such B. just C. still D. also

5.A. knew B. announced C. thought D. realized

6.A. addresses B. gifts C. views D. roles

7.A. anything B. nothing C. everything D. something

8.A. in B. as C. with D. to

9.A. so B. but C. or D. for

10.A. amusing B. different C. emotional D. ordinary

11.A. immediately B. carefully C. seriously D. privately

12.A. urgent B. lucky C. ambiguous D. open

13.A. decided B. hesitated C. wrote D. hurried

14.A. offer B. promise C. excuse D. message

15.A. bought B. found C. filled D. packed

16.A. love B. dream C. sense D. feeling

17.A. persuaded B. encouraged C. forced D. allowed

18.A. before B. once C. while D. after

19.A. looked over B. looked out C. looked up D. looked down

20.A. clouds B. flowers C. people D. houses


科目:高中英语 来源:陕西省2016-2017学年高一下学期第二次月考英语试卷 题型:书面表达





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