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10.Failure to face up to painful experience can be ______ form of stress itself,and can increase  ______ possibility of illness.(  )
A.the;/B.a; aC.a; theD./; the

分析 不能面对痛苦的经历本身就是一种压力,而且可能增加得病的可能性.

解答 答案:C

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科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.No one believed his reason for being late ______ he was caught in a traffic jam,which made him embarrassed.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.Taking an exam has an evil twin called"cheating".And some Chinese and South Korean high school students have recently had a real taste of its bitterness(痛苦).
    They took the SAT,the US version of the college entrance exam,on Oct.11,expecting to get their results on Oct.30.However,what they found in their mailbox was an email saying that their test scores would be reviewed and delayed for up to a month because of accusation(指控) of cheating.An international official said that some students at the test centers in Asian countries had been caught checking their smart phones to get answers to SAT questio n while taking the exam.
     The incident has gotten worldwide attention as China and South Korean are the top two supplies of foreign university students in the US.If the cheating is confirmed,those students'scores could be cancelled,which worried many students,as Oct.11's test was the last SAT test this year and early applicants to US universities were due on Nov.1.
     However,the College Board,which developed the SAT,said that the review was to make sure that test-takers received valid(真实的) scores.Meanwhile,universities such as George Washington University have said that a delay in score reporting would not disadvantage applicants from those countries.
     Although there are more than 1,000 testing centers outside the US in more than 175 countries,the only testing allowed in China is at international schools,which means most Chinese students have to go to Hong Kong or another country to take the SAT.
      The problem of cheating in exams isn't unique to China.Last May,the College Board canceled an SAT testing date in South Korean after tutoring (辅导)companies were suspected to have illegally gotten SAT testing materials before the test.In 2011,twenty US students were arrested in Long Island,New York for hiring other students to take the SAT for them.

35.Why didn't the students get their test results on Oct.30?A
A.Because some students were dishonest in the exam.
B.Because some were accused of copying others'answers.
C.Because they did very badly in the exam.
D.Because they received the wrong email.
36.What may happen if the cheating is proved?C
A.They will lose many points.
B.The exam will be canceled for ever.
C.They will not be admitted to US universities.
D.They will be arrested by the US police.
37.If the scores prove valid,their admissions will be            according to the George Washington University.D
38.How many cases of cheating are ment ioned in the passage?B


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.The orangutan (红毛猩猩),the most inactive of the great apes,has unusually stable DNA,too.Researchers have just completed the sequencing (序列) of the entire genome (基因组) of our orange-haired relative,and they have found to their surprise that its DNA has changed much less dramatically over time than has that of humans or chimpanzees."The orangutan is very unique,"says Devin Locke,a structural geneticist heading the orangutan sequencing project.
The orangutan genome had one other big surprise.Locke and colleagues sequenced six Sumatran and five Bornean orangutans,which are classified as different species.The apes have been physically separated for at least 21,000years-the last time land bridges between the two islands existed-and earlier studies estimated that they became distinct species more than 1million years ago.But the new analysis,reported online today in Nature,rewrites history:it appears they parted ways just 400,000years ago."Most previous studies used small sets of markers and a limited amount of DNA sequence,"says Locke."The statistical power is so much greater when you have the whole genome available."
The orangutan now joins chimpanzees and humans as the third great ape to have its genome sequenced."The orangutan genome is a wonderful resource,"says evolutionary geneticist Svante P??bo of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig,Germany."It will help clarify how each part of human and African ape genomes are related to each other and evolved."
Such insights are already coming in.Orangutans originated some 12million to 16million years ago,giving their genomes much more time to evolve than those of humans and chimpanzees,which split into their own lineages (血统) 5million to 6million years ago.But a comparison of the three genomes shows that humans and chimpanzees lose or gain new genes at twice the rate of orangutans.
The reason may have to do with stretches of DNA called retrotransposons.These key drivers of evolution jump around the genome,creating new genes,damaging existing ones,or altering gene regulation.The new data reveal that common retrotransposons known as Alu elements have moved around the orangutan genome much less than they have in the human and chimpanzee genomes."I don't want to say that‘Alu retrotransposition events'are shut off in orangutans,but they've been covered up,"says Locke.
The researchers also discovered that,over time,the structure of orangutan chromosomes (染色体) has changed little,which may be linked to the Alu element finding.Other researchers have suggested that the strong and healthy structural variation in humans and chimps may have stimulated increased intelligence.But Locke notes that orangutans are also highly intelligent."If orangutans have had very little structural variation,maybe this decouples structural variation from intelligence,"he says.
A separate but related study published today in Genome Research reports yet another unexpected finding from a comparison of the three great ape genomes.A team led by Mikkel H.Schierup and Thomas Mailund of Aarhus University in Denmark (both co-authors of the Nature report) discovered that some regions of the human genome more closely resemble the orangutan than the chimpanzee.This reflects the fact that at the time humans split off from a common ancestor with chimps,both species had the same ancestral orangutan DNA.But humans and chimpanzees have evolved separately for millions of years.In the process,chimps for mysterious reasons lost some orangutan DNA that humans kept possession of.
More surprises are sure to come as researchers compare the genomes of even more apes.Projects to sequence the other two great apes,gorillas and bonobos,are under way.

74.Orangutans from two islands,Sumatran and Bornean,became different species sinceD.
A.at least 21,000years ago
B.over 1million years ago
C.some 12million to 16million years ago
D.400,000years ago
75.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to this passage?B
A.Compared with the DNA of orangutan,chimpanzee's is less changed over time.
B.Only three apes'genomes have been sequenced up to now.
C.Humans'ancestors stepped on their way of evolution 12to 16millions years ago.
D.Chimpanzees gain new genes faster than orangutans do in evolution.
76.The reason of orangutan's little change in DNA is thatB.
A.this species is not as active in intelligence as humans or chimpanzees.
B.the newly identified Alu elements is believed to have played a special role
C.Alu retrotranspositions in orangutan are shut off during the course of evolution
D.orangutan's low intelligence fails to stimulate the change of its DNA
77.Some region of human genome is more similar to that of orangutan than chimp's becauseC.
A.human and orangutan share the same ancestor,but chimp doesn't
B.humans and chimpanzees have evolved separately for millions of years
C.chimps failed to hang on to orangutan DNA for some unknown reason,but human didn't
D.chimps didn't act as actively as humans,resulting in their losing some critical orangutan DNA.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.The World Expo is like _______ great stage for cultural exchange,bringing people into closer contact with _______ rest of the world.(  )
A.a;不填B.a; theC.the;不填D.the; the


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.He supposed he'd be late for the film The King's Speech ______ he ended up getting there ahead of time.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.E-mail is a convenient,highly democratic informal medium for conveying message among people _____ well satisfies human needs.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.George has promised Jane that upon her return he ______ for her at the airport.(  )
A.will be waitingB.would have waited
C.will have waitedD.would be waiting


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

3.同学们积极参加体育锻炼.(take)The students take an active part in physical exercise.

