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   How does it feel when some good deed you do goes unnoticed? So 1 that you decide not to do that task again. But you would be surprised to knew that there are many heroes whose 2 deeds are constantly unnoticed. They work for others,and 3 people who are in need. They put their life in danger to 4 or protect other people in danger.

   Our society 5 such heroes,especially heroes that rise from everyday life. We take inspiration from such people 6 we believe that if they can do something 7 , then so can we.

   People such as Eddie Slinin are 8 heroes. Eddie Slinin grew a successful business out of 9 when he was barely past boyhood,having only one vehicle and a handflil of clients(客户) . Now,his company serves a wide range of clients that 10 politicians and athletic teams. However,he is not the only one who can 11 us. There are many from whom we can learn lessons which are not 12 by us.

   There are a lot of 13 to consider,and one of them involves a hardworking school student who wants to pass a difficult math test. He 14  playing video games or watching television,just because of his 15 . Then,there's a man who works hard to make a big presentation at work and really 16 his boss. He too is a hero. Many times,it is very 17 to achieve daily targets,but still they work hard and accomplish them.

   Learn from 18 who surround us every day. By learning about their success we can inspire ourselves to stay 19 with our small achievements. So if you are someone who 20 daily to achieve your goal,consider yourself a HERO!

1. A. surprised   B. negative   C. worried   D. lonely

2. A. great   B. secret   C. dark   D. public

3. A. teach   B. guide   C. encourage   D. help

4. A. examine   B. treat   C. praise   D. save

5. A. protects   B. creates   C. admires   D. provides

6. A. because   B. if   C. but   D. when

7. A. different   B. amazing   C. strange   D. shocking

8. A. popular   B. rich   C. everyday   D. boyhood

9. A. everything   B. something   C. nothing   D. anything

10. A. invites   B. includes   C. pays   D. benefits

11. A. inspire   B. inform   C. relieve   D. convince

12. A. noted   B. noticed   C. decided   D. recognized

13. A. actions   B. plans   C. examples   D. questions

14. A. begins   B. enjoys   C. forgets   D. avoids

15. A. goal   B. ability   C. problem   D. choice

16. A. supports   B. serves   C. trusts   D. impresses

17. A. meaningful   B. important   C. difficult   D. boring

18. A. students   B. heroes   C. workers   D. bosses

19. A. satisfied   B. honest   C. careful   D. familiar

20. A. develops   B. competes   C. leams   D. fights

1. B 2. A 3. D 4. D 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. B 11. A 12. B 13. C 14. D 15. A 16. D 17. C 18. B 19. A 20. D



1. B.根据本空后的you decide not to do that task again可推测,当做了好事没人注意到时会感觉很“消极 (negative) ”以至于决定再也不做好 事了。

2. A。根据本空前的heroes可知,这 里指很多英雄做了“好(great) ”事 却无人知晓。

3. D。 

4. D.英雄们“帮助(help) ”需 要帮助的人,冒着生命危险“拯救 (save) ”或保护处于危险中的人。

5. C.对于英雄,我们的社会自然是 “赞赏(admires) ”他们。

6. A. 

7. B.英雄能鼓舞我们是“因为 (because) ”我们相信如果英雄能“惊人的(amazing) ”的事情,那么我 们也能。

8. C.根据本段中对Eddie Slinin的介 绍可知,他并没有什么丰功伟绩。 再根据上段中的heroes that rise from everyday life可推测,作者在 这里以Eddie Slinin为例谈论“平民 (every day) ” 英雄。

9. C.根据本句丰的having only one vehicle and a handfUl of clients 可 知,.Eddie Slinin白手起家,故 nothing符合此处语境。

10. B.现在Eddie Slinin的公司客户 范围很广,“包括(includes) ”政客 和运动队。

11. A.根据本空后的There are many from whom we can leam lessons 苛 ,知,Eddie Slinin不是唯一一个诗 _以“鼓舞(inspire) ”我们的人。

12. B.根据下段内容不难看出,有些 英雄做的都是小事,所以这样的 榜样未;曾被我们“注意到 (noticed) ”。

13. C.本段举了两个平民英雄的“例 子(examples) ”。

14. D.为了考试及格,这个学生应该 是不去玩游戏或者看电视,故 avoids (避免) 符合此处语境。

15. A.上句中的 pass a difficult math test就是他的“目标(goal) ”。

16. D.既然称之为英雄,那么这个人 应该是付出心血,做了个非常精 彩的报告,让他的老板“钦佩 (impresses) ”。

17. C.根据本句后半句but still they work hard and accomplish them 苛

推测,这里是指很多时候要完成 每天的目标非常“难(difficult) ”, 但是他们仍然努力去完成。

18. B.通读全文不难推测,作者呼吁 我们向这些平民“英雄(heroes) ”


19. A.通过向平民英雄学习,我们发 现英雄无关乎所做事情的大小, M在手能否为了自目标努力奋斗。认识这点后,吾们威能分 我们通过努力换来的小成就“感 到满意(satisfied) ”。

20. D.根据上文内容可知,要想完成 每天的目标实属不易,故fights (奋 斗) 符合此处语境。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高三新课标 > 第40期 2015-2016高三课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Before she was Queen of England,Princess Elizabeth wanted to join the Auxiliary Territorial Service (A.T.S.) , a female branch of the British military. It was World War II,and women worked at jobs traditionally held by men,who were now overseas fighting.

   Elizabeth was a teenager and first had to convince her parents about her plan. Her father,King George Ⅵ.  thought it was too dangerous. But Princess Elizabeth would not take no for an answer. “I ought to do as other girls of my age do,” she said firmly. After some months,her parents finally agreed to let her join.

   Princess Elizabeth did not receive any special treatment in the A. T.S. The only thing different was that she returned to Windsor Castle each night to sleep.

   When she arrived at the A. T.S. camp depot (兵站) for her first day of training,Princess Elizabeth was greeted by a car with its wheels off. In the weeks that followed,she learned to take apart an engine and then assemble(装配) it. The princess loved the training,admitting, “I'm a mechanic at last."

   Princess Elizabeth worked on car,truck,and even tank engines. She also learned to read maps and drive officer transport cars,ambulances,and military trucks. To complete her A. T.S. training,she was required to drive a big truck on her own.

   The king and queen thought driving a truck was too dangerous,but before they could let her know how they felt,they discovered Elizabeth driving a truck onto the palace grounds. She had driven from the A. T.S. camp through the busy London streets all by herself.

   Princess Elizabeth became Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in 1952. Now in her eighties,she still drives. Queen Elizabeth loves horses and still rides four times each week. She also actively manages her estate(庄园) farm at Balmoral and is often seen hiking through the countryside there.

1. What can we learn about women in England during World War II?

   A. Most of them joined the A. T.S.

   B. Most of them served in the army.

   C. They were all willing to go overseas.

   D. They were allowed to do men's jobs.

2. Hearing Princess Elizabeth's plan to join the A. T.S., King George Ⅵ. nitially .

   A. rejected her request

   B. thought highly of her

   C. gave her some special treatment

   D. advised her to do what other girls did

3. When serving in the A. T.S., Princess Elizabeth.

   A. became an auto mechanic

   B. was in charge of the A. T.S. camp

   C. preferred to drive those big trucks

   D. was required to stay there all day long

4. Which of the following can best describe young Princess Elizabeth?

   A. Cautious and friendly.

   B. Determined and brave.

   C. Ambitious and sensitive.

   D. Generous and considerate.

5. In her eighties,Queen Elizabeth .

   A. often rides in Windsor Castle

   B. can no longer do her duties

   C. is still in very good health

   D. still has a sense of humor


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Livestock(牲畜) cloning is the practice of cloning sheep,cattle and other livestock species as a way to improve efficiency. The basic idea behind livestock cloning is to clone animals that have certain qualities,such as cows that produce more milk or meat. 1 However,this practice is very controversial,and livestock farmers have been hesitant to adopt it fully because of public opposition and certain inefficiencies.

   In technical terms,livestock are cloned by taking cells from one animal and using them to fertilize eggs(使卵子受精) .Scientists take the fertilized eggs and put them in female animals. 2 Many animals are bom with abnormal shapes. Scientists are looking for ways to improve the process and make it less expensive to adopt on a wider scale.

   3 For example,if farmers were able to take only their very best animals and recreate them many times,they could potentially be more productive.

   There are also some potential problems with cloned livestock. 4. For example,when a disease hits,there are usually individuals who cannot be harmed by the disease or are more resistant,and they will generally survive. If all the animals were genetically (在基因方面) identical or similar,this sort of disease could totally destroy an entire generation of livestock,leaving the world with a massive food shortage.

   In addition to concerns about genetic diversity,there are other concerns about cloning. 5 There are also some people who worry that livestock cloning research may be a gateway to introducing human cloning,which is widely disapproved of.

   A. Are the surviving clones really clones?

   B. Therefore,the new species is expected to be better.

   C. The biggest one arises from a reduction in genetic diversity.

   D. Cloned livestock have the potential to provide some major benefits.

   E. Cloning animals shows us what might happen if we try to clone humans.

   F. These concerns sometimes come from worries over unforeseen consequences.

   G. This process doesn't always work perfectly,and it can be relatively expensive.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Every December 24,we used to hdad to my parents’ house and spend the night,along with my brother's family,and my sister's family. We’d eat lots of foods such as candies and my mom,s 1 chocolate cookies.

   We'd play a card game for hours until one team proved 2 over all other sides. 3 , my sister Martie and I won,and when we had beaten every other 4 ,we'd sing and even dance. Yes,we were 5 . The kids always put out cookies and milk for Santa,and my dad would sit down and color a picture with his grandchildren to 6 it for Santa Claus. And then we'd 7 every person in the family to open just one 8 . After everything settled down,my father would read the story of Christmas, 9 us all of the true meaning of Christmas. Our Christmas Eves are a little 10 now as my parents have moved to heaven and my girls are in college,but December 24 is still 11 . Candies and my mom's favorite chocolate cookies are 12 our favorite foods. Martie and I still control card games,13 my daughter Ally and her boyfriend,Wesley,actually 14 us easily. We still open one gift that night. And,Martie's husband,Jan,has 15 the duty to read the Christmas story.

   I can hardly wait for the 16 to come!It's my favorite time of a year because we’ re all 17. I’ 11 bet your family has wonderfiil holiday 18 ,too. Whatever your traditions are,I hope one of them is reading the story of Christmas. Why not teach your children the 19 meaning of Christmas this year? Because that's the 20 gift you could ever give them!

1. A. special   B. homemade   C. favorite   D. fresh

2. A. helpful   B. creative   C. strong   D. victorious

3. A. Usually   B. Recently   C. Immediately   D. Hurriedly

4. A. sister   B. brother   C. team   D. family

5. A. ftrnny   B. happy   C. free   D. normal

6. A. open   B. provide   C. leave   D. save

7. A. allow   B. order   C. beg   D. force

8. A. box   B. window   C. case   D. gift

9. A. convincing   B. informing   C. reminding   D. warning

10. A. simple   B. different   C. meaningless   D. strange

11. A. wonderful   B. reasonable   C. comfortable   D. powerful

12. A. even   B. rather   C. already   D. still

13. A. and   B. or   C. but   D. as

14. A. find   B. reach   C. cheat   D. beat

15. A. taken over   B. thought about   C. dealt with   D. applied for

16. A. game   B. night   C. dinner   D. day

17. A. alive   B. healthy   C. around   D. together

18. A. traditions   B. songs   C. foods   D. plans

19. A. clear   B. only   C. true   D. hidden

20. A. best   B. biggest   C. most beautiful   D. most expensive


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

    Every morning I wake up to the normal sun 1. (shoot) through the left window. My dog,Donald,barks madly. He 2. (insist) that every morning at exactly 7:04,he has to go outside. Cant that dog just take 3. rest?

    After I go outside for 2. 5 minutes,I realize I have to deal 4. my boss in 48. 6 minutes. I sit for two minutes. Afterward,I take my normal six minutes to shower,three minutes to shave,two minutes to brush my teeth 一 just 5. the dentist told me 一 and five minutes to figure out6. I am going to wear. That leaves me 4. 5 minutes 7. (read) The New York Times.Then I take 20 minutes to drive to work. Once I arrive,it takes 2. 1 minutes to hear the 8.(bore) story about what Ron did last night and four minutes for my boss to turn up.

    Spending 9. 34 hours at my job,driving 26 minutes home,taking two minutes to walk Donald and only getting 24. 7 minutes before lying down and not falling asleep for 12. 5 minutes can 9.(real) drive someone crazy,but not me. The thing 10. can make me crazy is if something goes wrong. When one thing goes wrong,all breaks loose.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   In the 18th century,a small number 1.Chinese sailors moved to Limhouse,a place in the east of London. Then other Chinese came to this area and Limhouse became known as “Chinatown”.However London,s Chinese community 2.(remain) very small for many years: at the start of the 20th century,there were just- 545 Chinese people 3. (live) in Britain.

  During the Second World War,Limhouse was almost destroyed. The Chinese moved to 4.different area — a part of central London near Leicester Square. This area is now 5.Londoners call Chinatown.

   In the 1950s,the Chinese found it difficult 6. (get) jobs. Then a small Chinese restaurant opened in London,7. became popular almost overnight. Many British people visited it and said Chinese food 8. (serve) there was wonderful!Soon Chinese restaurants started opening in every part of the city. Many Chinese worked there as cooks,managers or waiters.

   As time went by,London's Chinese community became very successful. The sons and daughters of the 9. (origin) restaurant workers studied and worked hard. And most went on to get highly paid jobs. Many Chinese families left Chinatown and moved to more expensive districts. Chinatown,however,is still 10.   lively as ever.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   We were heading home when I noticed my necklace,the birthday gift 1. (give) by my dad just one week 2. he passed away,was not around my neck.

   We turned back to the beach. No one was there but an elderly man 3. (slow) walking over the sand with a metal detector in his hand. I raced up to him 4. asked if he had come across a necklace. The old man said I could write down my address and if he happened to come across my necklace he 5. (mail) it back to me. I gave him a $5 bill 6. postage and then raced back to my car to find something 7. (write) with and on,but when I ran back the old man was gone. I searched for a while but failed.

   I turned down my husband's offer to buy

8. new one,as there could be no replacement. To our great surprise,three days after 9. (comb) the beach for the fourth time a package appeared inside our door. Insides 10. (be) a bill and my necklace.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  中国的家长大都“望子成龙”,而厦门大学的 易中天教授则认为,父母应该“望子成人”,并提出 了成人的标准——真实、善良、健康、快乐。请用英 语写一篇短文发表在某英文论坛上,表明你对此问 题的看法,并说明理由。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

    2. 短文须包括所有内容要点,可适当发挥。



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


4. — Do you have time to answer a few questions?

一 No,I'm afraid so.

