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—Guess what!I have got A for my term paper.

—Great!You ________ read widely and put a lot of work into it.

A. must B. should

C. must have D. should have


科目:高中英语 来源:山西省2016-2017学年高一下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:书面表达


优 点

缺 点










The summer holiday is coming. Our class have had a discussion about what to do during the holiday.









科目:高中英语 来源:2017年高考英语母题题源系列05 阅读理解(科普) 题型:阅读理解


Why do some people live to be older than others? You know the standard explanations: keeping a moderate diet, engaging in regular exercise, etc. But what effect does your personality have on your longevity(长寿)? Do some kinds of personalities lead to longer lives? A new study in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society looked at this question by examining the personality characteristics of 246 children of people who had lived to be at least 100.

The study shows that those living the longest are more outgoing, more active and less neurotic (神经质的) than other people. Long-living women are also more likely to be sympathetic and cooperative than women with a normal life span. These findings are in agreement with what you would expect from the evolutionary theory: those who like to make friends and help others can gather enough resources to make it through tough times.

Interestingly, however, other characteristics that you might consider advantageous had no impact on whether study participants were likely to live longer. Those who were more self-disciplined, for instance, were no more likely to live to be very old. Also, being open to new ideas had no relationship to long life, which might explain all those bad-tempered old people who are fixed in their ways.

Whether you can successfully change your personality as an adult is the subject of a longstanding psychological debate. But the new paper suggests that if you want long life, you should strive to be as outgoing as possible.

Unfortunately, another recent study shows that your mother’s personality may also help determine your longevity. That study looked at nearly 28,000 Norwegian mothers and found that those moms who were more anxious, depressed and angry were more likely to feed their kids unhealthy diets. Patterns of childhood eating can be hard to break when we’re adults, which may mean that kids of depressed moms end up dying younger.

Personality isn’t destiny, and everyone knows that individuals can learn to change. But both studies show that long life isn’t just a matter of your physical health but of your mental health.

1.The aim of the study in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society is ________.

A. to see whether people’s personality affects their life span

B. to find out if one’s lifestyle has any effect on their health

C. to investigate the role of exercise in living a long life

D. to examine all the factors contributing to longevity

2.What does the author imply about outgoing and sympathetic people?

A. They have a good understanding of evolution.

B. They are better at negotiating an agreement.

C. They generally appear more resourceful.

D. They are more likely to get over hardship.

3.What finding of the study might prove somewhat out of our expectation?

A. Easy-going people can also live a relatively long life.

B. Personality characteristics that prove advantageous actually vary with times.

C. Such personality characteristics as self-discipline have no effect on longevity.

D. Readiness to accept new ideas helps one enjoy longevity.

4.What does the recent study of Norwegian mothers show?

A. Children’s personality characteristics are invariably determined by their mothers.

B. People with unhealthy eating habits are likely to die sooner.

C. Mothers’ influence on children may last longer than fathers.

D. Mothers’ negative personality characteristics may affect their children’s life spans.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017年高考英语母题题源系列17 语法填空(说明文) 题型:语法填空


Chinese brush calligraphy or “shufa” in Chinese is one of ___ 1.____ most important art forms in China. Many Asian cultures have originated their own calligraphy styles, but China’s is unequaled because of ___ 2.____ (it) beauty, grace (优雅), and history.

The ___ 3.____ (origin) of Chinese brush calligraphy are unknown, but local tales say it goes back over 4,000 years to the time of the legendary (传说的) Yellow Emperor (2698-2598 B.C.). At that time characters were carved on animal bones or tortoise shells. Only after Emperor Qin Shi Huang united China under his rule ___ 4.____ one country did it really gain popularity as a common art form.

He simplified Chinese characters and regular rules were set, ___ 5.____ (make) it easier for people to learn and master. This Chinese art form continued to progress and during the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD) a new type of cursive script (草书) was formed and standardized. It is written __ 6.____ (free), but it’s not as easy to read.

Today Chinese calligraphy is once again a subject in schools and an art form highly ___ 7.___(appreciate) across the world. Anyone can practice it and ___ 8.____ is required is a simple set including: brush, ink, and paper. It’s fun for amateurs to try, but to become good at it, not only years of practice but natural talent ___ 9.____ (need). Practising this art consistently can develop personal character and is of ___ 10.____ (benefit) to health.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017年高考英语母题题源系列14 阅读填空(记叙文) 题型:填空题

【2017广州一模】第二节(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

We’ve all experienced peer pressure (同伴压力). It happens to everybody. However, people have different reactions. Confident people refuse to do things they don’t want to do, but shy and anxious people often give in. It may be because they want to be liked. It may be because they worry that their friends will make fun of them, or perhaps they’re just curious about trying something new. _________1._________

It’s hard being the only one who says no and the question is: how do you do it? _____2._____ If you think that missing maths, or smoking, or going somewhere you know your parents wouldn’t like is a bad idea then the answer is simple: don’t do it. It’s your decision, nobody else’s. You don’t need to be aggressive. You don’t need to shout and scream, but you must be confident and you must be firm. You need to say, “No thanks. I don’t want to do that.”

Being on your own against everybody else is very hard, so it can really help to have at least one other peer, or friend, who will say no too. _____3._____ You want friends who will support you when you’re in trouble. You don’t want people who will always agree with the majority. Remember, the most popular people aren’t always the most trustworthy.

______4.______ — You can learn a lot from people your own age. They can teach you great football skills or the best way to do your maths homework. They can recommend music and advise you on fashion. And don’t forget you can tell them things too, and that always feels great. So, find friends who have similar interests. And remember, friendship isn’t about feeling depressed and guilty. ________5.________

A. Choose your friends carefully.

B. Firstly, you must decide what you believe in.

C. It’s about sharing experiences and having fun.

D. Of course, peer pressure isn’t completely bad.

E. It may be because they were all born to be stubborn.

F. Depression and guilt will surely give you peer pressure.

G. Whatever the reason, some people end up doing things they really don’t want to.


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省牛津译林版英语Module 5 Unit 1 test2 题型:单项填空

I made ________ acquaintance of his sister at the party and then I fell in ________ love with her.

A. an;a B. the;a

C. the;/ D. an;a


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省牛津译林版英语Module 5 Unit 1 test2 题型:单项填空

Generally,________ to a university in the USA, foreign students need to prove their strong ability in using English.

A. admitting B. admitted

C. to be admitted D. being admitted


科目:高中英语 来源:山西省2016-2017学年高一下学期第三次(5月)月考英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

The private automobile (私家车)has long played an important role in the United States. In fact, it has become a necessary and important part of the American way of life. In 1986, sixty-nine percent of American families owned at least one car, and thirty-eight percent had more than one. By giving workers rapid transportation, the automobile has freed them from having to live near their place of work. This has encouraged the growth of the cities, but it has also led to traffic problems.

For farm families the automobile is very helpful. It has made it possible for them to travel to town very often for business and for pleasure, and also to transport their children to distant schools.

Family life has been affected(影响)in various ways. The car helps to keep families together when it is used for picnics, outings, and other shared experiences. However, when teenage children have the use of the car, their parents can’t keep an eye on them. There is a great danger if the driver has been drinking alcohol or taking drugs, or showing off by speeding or breaking down traffic laws. Mothers of victims(受害者)of such accidents have formed an organization called MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving). These women want to prevent further tragedies (悲剧). They have worked to encourage the government to limit the youngest drinking age. Students have formed a similar organization, SADD (Students Against Drunk Driving) and are spreading the same message among their friends.

For many Americans the automobile is a necessity. But for some, it is also a mark of social position and for young people, a sign of becoming an adult. Altogether, cars mean very much to Americans.

1.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the text?

A. Cars have encouraged the growth of the cities.

B. Cars can bring families together when they go for picnics.

C. Cars have enabled people to live far from their place of work.

D. Cars help city families to transport their children to faraway schools.

2.What has been done to deal with the problem of drunk driving?

A. Parents have paid more attention to their children.

B. Some organizations have been set up against drunk driving.

C. Mothers have tried to persuade their children not to drink alcohol.

D. University students have asked the government to solve the problem.

3.We can infer from the text that in America.

A. it will be more difficult for people to get new cars

B. parents will not allow their children to have their own cars

C. the government will encourage people to use public transportation

D. cars will still be popular though they have caused many problems


科目:高中英语 来源:贵州省兴义市2016-2017学年高一下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:短文改错







Dear Mr. and Mrs. Johnson,

I’m writing to you from my home in China. I returned at home safe and sound. When I think of the wonderful two weeks I spend in Australia, I just can’t help think of both of you. It was so kind for you to have provided everything to make my stay here pleasant. It was a happy and luck experience. Not only has my English improved and I’ve also learned so much about your culture. And I enjoyed all the funs we shred together. Thank you very much. I’ll always remember your kind as well as this trip.

I’ll keep touch with you and write to you later. Please take care!


Li Ming

