精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

        Not many were surprised when Dustin Sherrard was chosen, among a team of five, to  represent Ontario at WorldSkills Competition in Leipzig, Germany this year.

       The event, on ce known as the Skill Olympics, symbolizes the top of excellence in professional training where young skilled people from around the world compete in the skills of  their various jobs measured against demanding international standard,which is hard to reach.

       The 21-year-old, who grew up in Englehart, Ont, didn't get a medal but the experience did  wonders for his confidence. Sherrard had passion for carpentry(木工) and showed promise at a  very young age. "I first got interested in woodmaking when I was in Grade 10, " he says. "I had  taken wood shop before but it never became a hobby of mine until my school started to gethardwood into the shop classes. "

      "I realized how much fun woodworking was and took all the wood-shop classes I could andstarted spending time in the shop after school, " he says. " I got a summer job working with myuncle and used most of the money I made to buy woodworking tools and quickly turned mydad's little shop into my own woodworking shop. " His skills and knowledge were sharpened and tested in the woodworking program.

     All this went a long way in preparing him for full-time employment and taught him what to expect when he started working.

    " The biggest challenge to secure a good job with my training and skill set would be to keep up with all the different products and new designs, " he says. "I have only been in the industry for a few  years  but even  my  boss , who  has been  doing this  for  many  years , is  still  leaming  new things all the time. "

     Sherrard's passion for his skill has brought him this far but his thirst for leaming keeps pushing him further. He's already planning to go back to school to study engineering.

46. What can we know about WorldSkills Competition?

     A. It provides professional training.

     B. It is a top event for skilled youth.

     C. It is held in Germany every four years.

     D. It is a competition for skilled carpenters.

 47. The underlined word "demanding" in Paragraph 2 probably means_______.

     A. flexible           B. strict           C. basic      D. simple

 48. How well did Dustin Sherrard do i'n the competition?

     A. He stood out.                        B. He lost confidence.

     C. He failed to get a medal.               D. He got praised.

 49. What made Dustin Sherrard love woodworking?

     A. Fame.              B. Confidence.    C. Honour.   D. Interest.

 50. What might Dustin Sherrard do next?

     A. Retum to school to study.              B. Find a' better job.

     C. Take part in more competitions.         D. Work together with his uncle.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


W:Do you have any plans for your future?


W:That’s great! I’d like very much to go to Beijing.Maybe I’11 find a job there.

M:That’s not bad 

W:What? Are you kidding? It’s such a good chance to go abroad.

M:You know,  And if I go there, my mom will go there ,too. I have to live with them.

W:   But so many students envy your chance.

M:I see.    You have your own say on your future while I am sort of controlled by my parents.

W:Poor you! Anyway,I think what your parents do is all for your own good.

A.but I envy you.                 B.You mean you have no freedom?

C.What about you?                 D.But I may change my mind.

E.my father’s there.               F for the moment I plan to go to France for my MBA.

G gook luck for your future.


科目:高中英语 来源:江西省盟校2010届高三下学期第二次联考英语试卷 题型:其他题



第一节 对话填空。阅读下面对话,掌握其大意,并根据所给首字母的提示,在标有题号的右边横线上写出一个英语单词的完整、正确形式,使对话通顺。

W: What do you hope to do after graduating?

M: I’d like to go into management. I’ve (76)a_______ for several jobs

already. How about you?

W: After I finish (77)u_______, I have to do some more studies to pass

exams to become a lawyer. I think I’ve got a good chance of passing.

There’s a possibility of (78)g_______ a job with a firm in London,

provided that I do well.

M: We both have to (79)o_______ many difficulties if we are to achieve

our ambitions.

W: If life were easy, then we would achieve our ambition (80)q_______

and then get bored.

M: Unfortunately, some people are going to(81)w_______ hard yet not succeed.

W: You can’t achieve something that’s totally unrealistic.

That’s (82)w_______ ambition needs to be realistic.

M: As long as you plan carefully, most things are possible. It’s always

good to have a backup plan in (83)c       things go wrong.

W: I think it’s important to be successful in a field you are truly

(84)i_______ in, not something that other people force you to do.

M: My father wanted me to become a doctor, but I knew it would be

impossible for me.

W: I hope my (85)p_______ don’t try to interfere in my choice of career.


(76) ___________

(77) ___________

(78) ___________

(79) ___________

(80) ___________

(81) ___________

(82) ___________

(83) ___________

(84) ___________

(85) ___________




科目:高中英语 来源:0114 月考题 题型:情景交际

M: Uh, Professor Douglas, I saw a notice on the bulletin board about your ski cabin rental. Is it still
     (1) a___________?
W: Yes. Which days are you interested in?
M: We'd like to go this Friday and Saturday, if (2) p___________. If not, the following (3) w___________
      is fine too.
W: Let me see, one couple is there now, but they're going to be (4) l___________ on Thursday of this
     week, so it (5) s___________ be fine on Friday and Saturday.
M: We have six people in all. Is that OK? Do you have room for that many?
W: Sure. There are two bedrooms and a pull-out bed in the (6) l___________ room, so it can sleep six.
M: Thank you very much. By the way, how much should we pay?
W: It's 100 dollars for the weekend.
M: You mean 100 dollars for six of us for two (7) n___________? That sounds great.
W: Good. The price is (8) l___________ because we expect you to clean up the cabin before you leave.
     Can you come by my office tomorrow for the key and (9) i___________? My office hours are two to
     three p.m.
M: All right. By the way, Professor Douglas, could you also show me how to get up to the cabin? I'm bring
     a (10) m___________ with me tomorrow.
W: Of course. Actually I've already drawn a map that I'll give you when I give you the key and instructions.
M: Great. Thank you very much. I'll see you tomorrow.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



第一节  对话填空。阅读下面对话,掌握其大意,并根据所给首字母的提示,在标有题号的右边横线上写出一个英语单词的完整、正确形式,使对话通顺。

W: What do you hope to do after graduating?

M: I’d like to go into management. I’ve (76)a_______ for several jobs

already. How about you?

W: After I finish (77)u_______, I have to do some more studies to pass

exams to become a lawyer. I think I’ve got a good chance of passing.

There’s a possibility of (78)g_______ a job with a firm in London,

provided that I do well.

M: We both have to (79)o_______ many difficulties if we are to achieve

our ambitions.

W: If life were easy, then we would achieve our ambition (80)q_______

and then get bored.

M: Unfortunately, some people are going to(81)w_______ hard yet not succeed.

W: You can’t achieve something that’s totally unrealistic.

That’s (82)w_______ ambition needs to be realistic.

M: As long as you plan carefully, most things are possible. It’s always

good to have a backup plan in (83)c        things go wrong.

W: I think it’s important to be successful in a field you are truly

(84)i_______ in, not something that other people force you to do.

M: My father wanted me to become a doctor, but I knew it would be

impossible for me.

W: I hope my (85)p_______ don’t try to interfere in my choice of career.

(76) ___________

(77) ___________

(78) ___________

(79) ___________

(80) ___________

(81) ___________

(82) ___________

(83) ___________

(84) ___________

(85) ___________


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

M:Uh, Professor Douglas, I saw a notice on the bulletin board about your ski cabin rental. Is it still (1) a___________?

W:Yes. Which days are you interested in?

M:We’d like to go this Friday and Saturday, if (2) p___________. If not, the following (3) w___________ is fine too.

W:Let me see , one couple is there now, but they’re going to be (4) l___________ on Thursday of this week, so it (5) s___________ be fine on Friday and Saturday.

M:We have six people in all. Is that OK? Do you have room for that many?

W:Sure. There are two bedrooms and a pull-out bed in the (6) l___________ room, so it can sleep six.

M:Thank you very much. By the way, how much should we pay?

W:It’s 100 dollars for the weekend.

M:You mean 100 dollars for six of us for two (7) n___________?That sounds great.

W:Good. The price is (8) l___________ because we expect you to clean up the cabin before you leave. Can you come by my office tomorrow for the key and (9) i___________? My office hours are two to three p.m.

M:All right. By the way, Professor Douglas, could you also show me how to get up to the cabin? I’m bring a (10) m___________ with me tomorrow.

W:Of course. Actually I’ve already drawn a map that I’ll give you when I give you the key and instructions.

M:Great. Thank you very much. I’ll see you tomorrow.

