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Where has the Time gone? is the hottest song that has moved thousands of Chinese. Chinese parents give their children endless love and ask nothing in return. However, sometimes, daughters and sons are too busy growing up and forget that their parents are getting older and older. What should we do? Let’s have a look at a letter of a father’s.
Dear son,
One day if you see me old and I am not myself, have patience and try to understand me. If I get dirty when eating…, if I cannot dress…, have patience. Remember the hours I spent teaching it to you.
If, when I speak to you, I say the same things one thousand and one times, do not stop me and listen to me. When you were small, I had to read to you one thousand and one times the same story until you get to sleep.
When I do not want to have a shower, neither shame(羞辱) me nor scold(责备) me. Remember when I had to chase you with a thousand excuses I invented, in order that you wanted to bath.
When you see me meet something new, give me the necessary time and don’t laugh at me. I taught you how to do so many things… to eat well, to dress well… to face life.
If I do not want to eat, do not force me. I know well when I need to and when not. When my legs do not allow me to walk, give me your hand the same way I did when you gave your first steps.
When sometimes I lose the memory during our conversation, let me have the necessary time to remember. And if I cannot do it, do not become nervous because the most important thing is not my conversation but to be with you and to have you listen to me.
【小题1】What do the Chinese parents often do?

A.They often get dirty when eating. 
B.They often read stories to their children at night. 
C.They give their children endless love and ask nothing in return. 
D.They often refuse to take a shower. 
【小题2】What would the father do, if he wanted his son to go to sleep?
A.He would read the same story many times to make his son sleep. 
B.He would invent many excuses. 
C.He would scold his son. 
D.He would teach his son to count sheep. 
【小题3】According the father, what should you do, when your old parents lose the memory during your conversation?
A.Go on talking with them. B.Leave them alone. 
C.Go for a walking with them. D.Be with them and listen to them. 
【小题4】Why does the writer write this passage?
A.To introduce the song, Where has the Time gone? 
B.To show what we should do when our parents are old. 
C.To show a father’s love to his son. 
D.To complain that we are too busy. 


【小题1】细节题:根据文章第一段的句子:. Chinese parents give their children endless love and ask nothing in return.可知中国的父母经常给孩子无尽的爱而不求回报,所以选C。
【小题2】细节题:根据信中的第二段的句子:When you were small, I had to read to you one thousand and one times the same story until you get to sleep.可知为了让儿子睡觉这个爸爸会一遍又一遍的读同样的故事,所以选A。
【小题3】细节题:根据信中的第二段的句子:If, when I speak to you, I say the same things one thousand and one times, do not stop me and listen to me.可知这个爸爸认为当年迈的父母在交谈的时候失去记忆了,你应该和他们在一起,听他们说话,所以选D。
【小题4】写作意图题:根据文章第一段的句子:. However, sometimes, daughters and sons are too busy growing up and forget that their parents are getting older and older. What should we do?可知作者写这篇文章是想告诉我们父母老了,我们应该怎么做,所以选B。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Winners Club
You choose to be a winner!
The Winners Club is a bank account specially designed for teenagers. It has been made to help you better manage your money. The Winners Club is a transaction account(交易账户)where you receive a key-card so you can get to your money 24/7—that’s 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!
It’s a club with impressive features for teenagers:
No account keeping fees!
You’re no millionaire so we don’t expect you to pay large fees. In fact, there are no account keeping or transacting fees!
Excellent interest rates!
You want your money to grow. The Winners Club has a good rate of interest which gets even better if you make at least two deposits(储蓄)without talking them out in a month.
Teenagers are busy—we get that. You may never need to come to a bank at all. With the Winners Club you can choose to use handy tellers and to bank from home using the phone and the Internet. You can have money directly deposited into your Winners Club account. This could be your pocket money or your pay from your part-time job!
Mega magazine included
Along with your regular report, you will receive a FREE magazine full of good ideas to make even more of your money. There are also fantastic offers and competitions only for Winners Club members.
The Winners Club is a great choice for teenagers. And it is so easy to join. Simply fill in an application form. You will have to get permission from your parent or guardian (so we can organize that cool key-card) but it is easy. We can’t wait to hear from you. It’s the best way to choose to be a winner!
【小题1】 The Winners Club is a bank account intended for _________.

【小题2】 Which of the following is TRUE about the Winners Club?
A.Special gifts are ready for parents.
B.The bank opens only on work days.
C.Services are convenient for its members.
D.Fees are necessary for the account keeping.
【小题3】If you want to be a member of the Club, you must _________.
A.be an Internet userB.be permitted by your parent
C.has a big sum of moneyD.be in your twenties
【小题4】What is the purpose of this text?
A.To set up a club.B.To provide part-time jobs.
C.To organize key-cards.D.To introduce a new banking service.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Life on-line can be a much richer experience when you aren’t restricted to just written words and still pictures. Even if you’re new to the Net, you’ve probably heard about multimedia on-line—listening to audio, watching animations and videos, even playing in three-dimensional space. 样一个道理在新西兰留学, tears.Sound and movement make information come alive.
To experience it, you’ll need special pieces of software called plug-ins. The term “plug-in” refers to a small, add-on piece of software which extends the capabilities of your web browser, like Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Explorer, turning your computer into a radio or TV.
When you arrive at a web page which contains a file requiring a plug-in which you don’t have,you will usually receive a message asking if you want to get it by downloading it and installing it into your computer. Most of the time, the installation will be automatic.
Occasionally, you’ll run into a downloaded file which needs to be decompressed or un-zipped before installation. Once installed, plug-ins run automatically, without you having to do anything.
Many multimedia controls still need to be obtained from the developer but are installed automatically.
Shockwave is a good example of this. All you need to do is go to the Macromedia site and click on the link to install the ActiveX control. The rest happens automatically. The next time you go to a “Shocked” website, the Shockwave control loads and plays the movie.
Most plug-ins and controls can be downloaded for free on the Internet, although not all will work with every system. Some of them, for instance, only work with Windows 95.
【小题1】Plug-ins can help us to do all of the following except _________.

A.listening to music
B.watching animations and videos
C.playing three-dimensioned games
D.searching for information on the net
【小题2】The correct explanation about “plug-in” is _________.
A.a radio or TV connected with a computer
B.a small,add-on piece of hardware which improves your web browser
C.a small,add-on piece of software which can turn your computer into a radio or TV
D.a small,add-on piece of software like Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Explorer
【小题3】When we go to a “shocked” website a second time,_________.
A.we should go to the Macromedia site and click on the link to install the Active X control
B.the shockwave control loads itself and plays the movie for us
C.we will be asked whether to download the shockwave control or not
D.we have to buy the shockwave control and load it
【小题4】Most of the time,how can we get a plug-in before automatic installation?
A.We have to buy it from the developer.
B.We have to borrow it from the developer.
C.We have to rent it from the developer.
D.We can obtain from the developer without paying.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Cheating can happen in a lot of different ways. When people cheat, it’s not fair to other people, like the kids who studied for the test or who the true winners of a game were.
Many people like the action of cheating. It makes difficult things seem easy, like getting all the right answers on the test. But it doesn’t solve the problem of not knowing the material and it won’t help on the next test---unless the person cheats again.
People lose respect for cheaters and think less of them. The cheaters themselves may feel bad because they know they are not really earning that good grade. And, if they get caught cheating, they will be in trouble at school, and may be at home, too.
Some kids cheat because they’re busy or lazy and they want to get good grades without spending time studying. Other kids might feel like they can’t pass the test without cheating, even when there seems to be a good reason for cheating, cheating isn’t a good idea.
If you were sick or upset about something the night before the day and couldn’t study, it would be better to talk with the teacher about this. And if you don’t have enough time to study for a test because of swim practice, you need to talk with you parents about how to balance swimming and school.
A kid who thinks cheating is the only way to pass a test needs to talk with the teacher and his or her parents so they can find some solutions(解决办法) together. Talking about these problems and working them out will feel better than cheating.
【小题1】The author thinks that when kids cheat in class, ______.

A.it is unfair to other people. B.it does harm to their health.
C.teachers should punish them. D.teachers shouldn’t stop them at once.
【小题2】 Some students like cheating mainly because______.
A.the material in the test is very difficult.
B.they want to do better than the others.
C.cheating can make hard things seem very easy.
D.they have little time to study their lessons.
【小题3】The fourth paragraph mainly tells us______.
A.some kids can’t pass the test without cheating
B.why kids cheat in the test.
C.cheating isn’t a good idea.
D.some kids don’t spend the time studying.
【小题4】We can learn from the passage _______.
A.cheaters are often thought highly of
B.people show no respect for those who cheat.
C.parents whose kids cheat are often in trouble.
D.kids cheat in the test because of swim practice.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Perhaps you think you could easily add to your happiness with more money. Strange as it may seem, if you're unsatisfied, the issue is not a lack of means to meet your desires but a lack of desires—not that you cannot satisfy your tastes but that you don't have enough tastes.
Real riches consist of well-developed and hearty capacities (能力)  to enjoy life.  Most people are already swamped(淹没) with things. They eat, wear, go and talk too much. They live in too big a house with too many rooms, yet their house of life is a hut.
Your house of life ought to be a mansion (豪宅) , a royal palace.  Every new taste, every additional interest, every fresh enthusiasm adds a room.  Here are several rooms your house of life should have.
Art should be a desire for you to develop simply because the world is full of beautiful things. If you only understood how to enjoy them and feed your spirit on them, they would make you as happy as to find plenty of ham and eggs when you're hungry.
Literature, classic literature, is a beautiful, richly furnished room where you might find many an hour of rest and refreshment. To gain that love would go toward making you a rich person, for a rich person is not someone who has a library but who likes a library.
Music like Mozart's and Bach's shouldn't be absent. Real riches are of the spirit. And when you've brought that spirit up to where classical music feeds it and makes you a little drunk, you have increased your thrills and bettered them. And life is a matter of thrills.
Sports, without which you remain poor, mean a lot in life. No matter who you are, you would be more human, and your house of life would be better supported against the had days, if you could, and did, play a bit.
Whatever rooms you might add to your house of life, the secret of enjoying life is to keep adding.
【小题1】The author intends to tell us that____________.

A.true happiness lies in achieving wealth by fair means
B.big houses are people's most valued possessions
C.big houses can in a sense bring richness of life
D.true happiness comes from spiritual riches
【小题2】The underlined sentence in the second paragraph probably implies that__________.
A.however materially rich, they never seem to be satisfied
B.however materially rich, they remain spiritually poor
C.though their house is big, they prefer a simple life
D.though their house is big, it seems to be a cage
【小题3】It can be learned from the passage that __________.
A.more money brings more happiness
B.art is needed to make your house beautiful
C.literature can enrich your spiritual life
D.sports contribute mainly to your physical fitness
【小题4】What would be the best title for the passage?
A.House of Life B.Secret of Wealth
C.Rest and Refreshment D.Interest and Enthusiasm


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Sharing Beauty
It was in October. I was aimlessly wandering down the street, heading into a most gloriously beautiful sunset. I had an urge to speak to someone on the street to share that beauty, but it seemed everyone was in a hurry.
I took the next-best action. Quickly I ducked into a department store and asked the lady behind the counter if she could come outside for just a minute. She looked at me as though I were from some other planet. She hesitated, and then seemingly against her better judgment, she moved toward the door.
When she got outside I said to her, “Just look at that sunset! Nobody out here was looking at it and I just had to share it with someone.”
For a few seconds we just looked. Then I said, “God is in his heaven and all is right with the world.” I thanked her for coming out to see it; she went back inside and I left. It felt good to share the beauty.
Four years later my situation changed greatly. I came to the end of a twenty-year marriage. I was alone and on my own for the first time in my life. I lived in a trailer park which, at the time, I considered a real come-down, and I had to do my wash in the community laundry room.
One day, while my clothes were going around, I picked up a magazine and read an article about a woman who had been in similar circumstances. She had come to the end of a marriage, moved to a strange community, and the only job she could find was one she disliked: clothing sales in a department store.
Then something that happened to her changed everything. She said a woman came into her department store and asked her to step outside to look at a sunset. The stranger had said, “God is in his heaven and all is right with the world,” and she had realized the truth in that statement. From that moment on, she turned her life around.
【小题1】The author asked the woman to go outside to ______.

A.admire the sunset B.cheer her up C.offer some help D.have a chat
【小题2】Four years later, the author ______.
A.found her dream job
B.put an end to her marriage
C.worked in a laundry room
D.lived in the same community
【小题3】After reading the article in the magazine, the author was probably______.
A.disappointed B.puzzled C.inspired D.overjoyed


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

When something goes wrong, it can be very satisfying to say, “Well, it’s so-and-so’s fault.” or “I know I’m late,but it’s not my fault; the car broke down.” It is probably not your fault, but once you form the habit of blaming somebody or something else for a bad situation, you are a loser. You have no power and could do nothing that helps change the situation. However, you can have great power over what happens to you if you stop focusing on whom to blame and start focusing on how to remedy the situation. This is the winner’s key to success.
Winners are great at overcoming problems. For example, if you were late because your car broke down, maybe you need to have your car examined more regularly. Or, you might start to carry along with you the useful phone numbers, so you could call for help when in need. For another example, if your colleague causes you problems on the job for lack of responsibility or ability, find ways of dealing with his irresponsibility or inability rather than simply blame the person. Ask to work with a different person, or don’t rely on this person. You should accept that the person is not reliable and find creative ways to work successfully regardless of how your colleague fails to do his job well.
This is what being a winner is all about—creatively using your skills and talents so that you are successful no matter what happens. Winners don’t have fewer problems in their lives; they have just as many difficult situations to face as anybody else. They are just better at seeing those problems as challenges and opportunities to develop their own talents. So, stop focusing on “whose fault it is.” Once you are confident about your power over bad situations, problems are just stepping stones for success.
【小题1】According to the passage, winners       .

A.meet with fewer difficulties in their lives
B.have responsible and able colleagues
C.deal with problems rather than blame others
D.blame themselves rather than others
【小题2】The underlined word remedy in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ______.
【小题3】When problems occur, winners take them as ______.
A.chances for self-developmentB.barriers to greater power
C.challenges to their colleaguesD.excuses for their failures
【小题4】Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A.A Winner’s ProblemB.A Winner’s Secret
C.A Winner’s opportunityD.A Winner’s Achievement


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Dear David,
I’m glad you would like to share your feelings with me.It’s hardly surprising that your feelings of not being “grown up” have come on strongly at this point in your life, just before you’re about to become a father.You are asking: Will I make a good father? How will I cope? I think nearly every man must have the occasional feelings of self-doubt and inadequacy before the birth.
It’s difficult, honestly, to feel grown-up unless you have something less grown-up to relate to.The boss with a hen-pecking wife may feel like a seven-year-old when he’s at home.But as he walks through the office door, and knows he’s going to be surrounded by staff for advice, he grows into a fully mature man.And I think it’s a mistake to imagine that we all feel, as we age, a kind of progress of states, from the baby to the adult.Most people feel, on Tuesday, about three years old, and on a Wednesday, around 80.
There’s a common remark that“all men are little boys”, but it’s not true.It’s more true that men often behave like little boys.But nearly all people, at some moments in their lives, are able to be greatly mature..Once your baby arrives, you’ll soon feel less childlike.When your child tries to put its fingers into the electric plug, the adult in you will rise up to prevent it.
Comfort yourself, David, with two truths.One is that your friends laugh when they talk about this subject because they, like you, feel frightened.And remember that people who haven’t grown up don’t go around talking about the fact.
Good luck to you and your little one.
Sincerely Yours,
Miss Advice
【小题1】According to the passage, Miss Advice thinks David’s self-doubt ________.

A.valuable B.unusual C.natural D.bearable
【小题2】From Paragraph 2, we can learn that people’s sense of maturity ________.
A.will increase with age
B.is obviously seen at home
C.changes with different situations
D.becomes stronger with familiar people
【小题3】Miss Advice holds that ________.
A.all men behave like little boys
B.people tend to laugh at the subject
C.men with a baby feel more grown-up
D.people enjoy talking about their immaturity
【小题4】Miss Advice wrote the letter to ________.
A.offer suggestions to a future father
B.teach people how to grow up
C.encourage people to be responsible
D.solve problems of the less grown-up D


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The other day I heard a few local musicians talking:
“I hate all the terrible pianos in this town. I hate that rubbish they play on the radio. They can’t even understand a bit of music.”
“I’m never playing in that club again. Too many drunks and nobody listens to us.”
But, one younger musician said, “There are a few clubs that book my band a few nights a month, and I’m trying to find other places to play. I’m also looking to book a few summer festivals this year.”
I’ve heard that you are the average of the five people whom you spend the most time with, or to put it another way, you are who your friends are.
Attitudes are important. Whether they’re positive or negative, they’re rubbing off on you. If you’re around people who complain about lack of work and about other musicians, or blame others, and you play the role of victim , chances are you will start to as well. So it’s time to take a look at the people you call “friends”.
This is an easy exercise: Make a list of the people who you hang out with, and simply stop spending time with the negative people on your list. Set a new standard for yourself and don’t become friends with people who fall below that standard.
Keep successful people around you and your own chances for success will be much better. Ask them how they do it. Ask if they will help you get the work you’re looking for, or maybe give you some advice to help you on your career path.
【小题1】Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?

A.A friend in need is a friend indeed
B.How to make friendship last forever
C.You are who your friends are
D.Friends are the most important in one’s success
【小题2】The underlined sentence “they’re rubbing off on you” in Paragraph 6 means ______.
A.they’ll push you ahead
B.they’ll influence you
C.they’ll cover your shortcomings
D.they’ll help you achieve your goal
【小题3】By taking the exercise mentioned in Paragraph 7, you can ______.
A.improve a lot in making more friends
B.come to the right way of making friends
C.develop a better relationship with your friends
D.arrange the time with your friends properly
【小题4】The passage is mainly written for ______.
C.negative people
D.people wanting to succeed

