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To win an Oscar is an achievement at any age. To do so at 22, as Jennifer Lawrence has, is just amazing. Recently, the American star won Best Actress at this year's Academy Awards for her role in the film The Silver Linings Playbook. According to Time magazine's Richard Corliss, Lawrence is that rare young actress who "lends a mature intelligence to any role".
Though Lawrence has found great success through her big screen work, Lawrence wasn't sure what she really liked doing before the age of 14. She thought she'd go to college and maybe find a career as a doctor or a travel agent.     
Lawrence's two brothers were star athletes and one of them was a straight-A student. Unlike them, she suffered through school, never quite finding where she belonged. However, during a trip to New York, Lawrence suddenly realized that she wanted to be an actress. When she was enjoying the beautiful city, a model seeker asked if he could take her picture, and the next day he called her in for an audition (试镜).      
"I read the script and it was the first time I had that feeling like I understand this," Lawrence said. "Within 20 minutes, in the cab ride from the hotel room, I decided I didn't want to be a model. In fact, I wanted to be an actress." Having appreciated this young lady's performance, the agency was so impressed with her reading that they signed her on the spot. But she insisted on finishing high school so she could give her full attention to her acting career.        
Lawrence burst onto the Hollywood scene last year with The Hunger Games, which established her as the highest-grossing (票房最高的) female action hero of all time. Rolling Stone called her “the most talented young actress in America".
小题1:What can we know about Jennifer Lawrence from Paragraph 3?
A.Her parents were really strict with her.
B.She seemed not to fit in with her school days well.
C.Her school performance made her today's fame.
D.Her two brothers were doing well in all school subjects.
小题2: Lawrence made up her mind to be an actress because of ______.
A.a model interview
B.her brothers' examples
C.the taxi-ride to her hotel room
D.the beautiful scenery of New York
小题3:From the text we can know that Lawrence is an actress of great ______.
A.confidenceB.ambition C.independenceD.talent
小题4:What is the best title of the text? 
A.Choosing RightB.Acting Wisely
C.Winning YoungD.Following Dreams


试题分析:本文是一篇人物介绍。介绍了Jennifer Lawrence的成名经历。Jennifer Lawrence在22岁时才获得奥斯卡奖。她的学校生活很不顺利,但是一次偶然的试镜机会使她被一个模特公司选中。她决定中学毕业后从事演艺事业,并获得成功。
小题1:细节理解题。该段第二句的意思:不像她的哥哥们,她在学业方面很痛苦,不能找到她的归宿。故选B 。
小题2:细节理解题。根据第三段结尾处和第四段开头第二句的意思,她被一个模特公司看中,Within 20 minutes, in the cab ride from the hotel room, I decided I didn't want to be a model. In fact, I wanted to be an actress. 20分钟内,在从旅馆外乘坐出租车(去面试时),我决定我不想当模特。事实上我想当演员。由此判断选择A。
小题3:推理判断题。根据文章最后一句Rolling Stone called her “the most talented young actress in  America". (Rolling Stone 称她是美国最年轻的年轻女演员)推断D最佳。
小题4:标题归纳题。根据全文内容和最后一句话,判断Lawrence 是美国有天分的年轻女演员。由此判断C最佳。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

“All I could see was two sets of red eyes below me,” said Dave Gatty, an Australian farmer who spent seven days up a tree in remote bush land to escape crocodiles. Gatty, 52, said he was forced to take such drastic action after he accidentally went into a crocodile-infested area of Queensland. He only had two meat sandwiches to keep him going, as crocodiles moved beneath his tree each night until his rescue. Gatty said he decided it was safer to hold out for a rescue team than try to make a run for it. His problems began after he fell off his horse while out in the northern Australia outback. Dazed and bleeding, he climbed back on his horse and hoped it would lead him home. It was only when he regained his senses he realized that he had been taken into crocodile-infested area. “I had to get off the horse and I fell straight into a crocodile nest,” he told reporters. 
“That frightened me. I couldn’t go back, it was too far and too dangerous, so I headed to the nearest high ground and stayed there, hoping someone would come and find me before the crocs did.”
Gatty explained how each night two crocodiles would sit at the bottom of the tree staring at him. Although Gatty’s two sandwiches ran out after three days, he was able to get running water during the day and knew rescuers were looking for him as he could see helicopters in the air above his tree.
“If I hadn’t seen the crocs circling me, and if I hadn’t fallen into the croc nest, I would have made a push for it. But I knew the safest thing was for me to sit and wait,” he said. A chocolate bar, given to him by rescuers after being moved to safety by using a winch(卷扬机), “was like a gourmet (delicious)meal,” he said.
小题1:Gaddy felt _______ when he found himself trapped in the crocodile- infested area.
A.panicked but optimisticB.nervous and hopeless
C.upset and regretfulD.frightened but calm
小题2:Which of the following did not help Gatty survive the accident?
A.SandwichesB.Running water
C.ChocolatesD.Staying up in a tree
小题3:What’s the right order of the events related to the accident?
a. Gaddy climbed up onto his horse unconscious.
b. Gaddy climbed up a tree and stayed there.
c. Gaddy was moved by a winch to safety.
d. Gaddy fell off his horse accidentally.
e. Gaddy found himself in a crocodile-infested area.
A.a d e c bB. d a e b cC.a d e b cD.d e a b c
小题4:The article can be classified as _________.
A.a news storyB.a scientific fiction
C.a personal essayD.a literary report


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

I know it is wrong to envy your children. But when I see my son, Tonio and his younger brother Sam going down a slide together, one’s arm around the other, I know I have missed something wonderful.
Not only did I never have a brother, but also I had no friendships like theirs. My sister was old enough to help take care of me, so she was more a mother than a playmate, and I was more a pest than a friend. A brother would have been wonderful, but it was not in the family planning.
Now I finally live with brothers, my sons, Tonio and Sam. I am watching them build the kind of relationship that I once dreamed about. They go to bed together. When one comes into our bed after a nightmare, my wife and I know that before morning his brother will follow.
Sam manages the world with more ease than his elder brother, whose frustrations often bring him to tears. With a sincere “Smile, Tonio,” Sam is the one who comforts him. Tonio, on the other hand, has stopped playing with boys at his age who don’t like playing with Sam. They are always backing each other up.
I don’t know what kind of relationship they will have when they grow up. Parents always want their children to have what they never could. I want them to have each other. So I imagine them going to the same college, marrying sisters and living on the same block.
That’s why I was so worried the day Tonio started kindergarten. I felt that I would lose something too. As we headed for school that morning, both boys seemed relaxed, as if neither had any idea that the day was going to be different, that starting then, Tonio would be leaving behind his brother, his best friend, his right arm.
Tonio’s first day was chaotic, with hundreds of children outside looking for their teachers. Before any of us could say goodbye, Tonio disappeared with his new classmates. He turned to wave and then was gone. It was so sudden. Sam even didn’ t see him go. Although parents had been asked to ease the craziness of the first day by statying out of the school, I lifted Sam up and took him to Tonio’s classroom, looking for a glimpse of Tonio. Sam spotted him first.
My wife and I didn’t head back home immediately, stopping instead at a coffee shop to treat Sam to hot chocolate. We even let him eat ice-cream with his fingers. Sam was still quiet, so I asked him if he missed his brother already.
He didn’t answer. Instead he asked, “Daddy, is Tonio going to be gone forever?”
“No, Sammy,” I said, feeling happy about his sweet question. “Not forever, just until three o’clock.”
I sometimes think that the greatest thing I have ever done is to help create these brothers. And I didn’t stop with them. We had another child, and for the third time in a row, it was a boy. It wasn’t long before his brothers climbed into the crib(婴儿床) to play with him. I am surrounded by brothers.
小题1:What makes the author envy his sons?
A.He has no friends like Sam and Tonio.
B.He has only one brother in his family.
C.He doesn’t enjoy brotherhood as they do.
D.He doesn’t have a good relation with his sister.
小题2:What does the underlined word “pest” in paragraph 2 mean?
A.a bad personB.an annoying person
C.a good companionD.a lovely brother
小题3:What can we learn about the two little brothers?
A.Tonio often encouraged Sam when Sam burst into tears.
B.The two brothers went to the same kindergarten.
C.Neither of the brothers played with other children.
D.They supported each other in different ways.
小题4:The author was worried the day Tonio started his kindergarten, because__________.
A.Tonio might not spend so much time with Sam
B.Tonio might not do well with his study
C.he was afraid he would lose Tonio forever.
D.he wanted Tonio to have what he didn’t have
小题5:On the first day of the kindergarten, __________.
A.Tonio had a nice day playing with his new classmates
B.Sam was very sad because Tonio was gone forever
C.Sam was allowed to have ice-cream with fingers as usual
D.the father felt happy when he sensed Sam’s love to Tonio
小题6:What does the title “Surrounded by Brothers” suggest?
A.The author experienced brotherly affection by raising his sons.
B.The author often plays with his sons whenever he has time.
C.Parents want their children to stay at home and play together.
D.The youngest son is always surrounded by his elder brothers.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

“Everything happens for the best,” my mother said whenever I faced disappointment. “If you can carry on, one day something good will happen. And you’ll   16  that it wouldn’t have happened if not for that previous   17 .”
Mother was right,   18  I discovered after   19  from college in 1932. I had decided to try for a job in radio, then work my way   20  sports announcer. I hitchhiked(搭便车) to Chicago and knocked on the door of   21   station—and got   22  every time. In one   23 , a kind lady told me that big stations couldn’t   24  hiring inexperienced persons. “Go out in the sticks and find a small station that’ll give you a   25 .” she said.
I thumbed home to Dixon, Illinois. While there was no radio-announcing jobs in Dixon, my father said Montgomery Ward had opened a store and wanted a local   26  to manage its sports department. Since Dixon was where I had played high school football, I   27 . The job sounded just right for me.   28  I wasn’t hired.
My disappointment must have shown. “Everything happens for the best,” Mom   29  me. Dad   30  me the car to job-hunt. I tried WOC Radio in Davenport, Iowa. The program director, a wonderful Scotsman named Peter MacArthur, told me they had   31  hired an announcer.
As I left his office, my   32  boiled over. I asked aloud, “How can a fellow get to be a sport announcer if he can’t get a job in a radio station?” I was waiting for the elevator   33  I heard MacArthur calling, “What was that you said about sports? Do you know anything about football?” Then he stood next to me before a microphone and asked me to broadcast an   34  game.
On my way home, as I have many times since, I thought of my mother’s words: “if you carry on, one day something good will happen. Something wouldn’t have happened if not for that previous disappointment”. I often   35  what direction my life might have taken if I’d gotten the job at Montgomery Ward.
A.up toB.out atC.up forD.down to
A.everyB.manyC.a fewD.some
A.taken downB.broken downC.turned downD.put down


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

I stopped at a grocery store the other day because I was about to go on a long drive and I wanted to buy my favorite beverage for the trip. It wasn’t the store I normally go to, just one I passed along the way.
As I walked up to the entrance, I noticed a man and a boy who was about 10 or 12 years old standing at the front of the store. Customers walked past, as the man handed them half-sheets of white paper. I walked up to them with curiosity, wondering what cause they were representing. As I got closer, I saw that they had two carts starting to fill with groceries.
I said hello and the man greeted me and handed me one of the pieces of paper, explaining that they were collecting donations for the local food pantry. On the paper was a simple list of food items: peanut butter, noodles, pasta sauce, canned fruits and vegetables. It also included a short story about the boy and his efforts to collect food donations since the age of 8. I was really touched that someone so young would be so interested in helping others. I told him it was an awesome idea and that he should be proud of himself. He smiled.
Then, I went inside to get my drink. Unfortunately, the store didn’t have it in stock. But, I wasn’t upset, because by then I felt I had another mission. I went through the store, picking things from the list, then brought them back out to the boy and put them in the cart. I also gave the man the white sheet of paper back to reuse for another customer. They thanked me and offered me a treat (candy, I think) but I said to pass it on to someone else.
As I walked back to my car, the boy’s well-intentioned spirit stuck with me. How inspiring to encounter a young boy with a resolve to do good deeds, and the courage to act on it. It made my day!
小题1:What do we know from the passage?
A.The author wasn’t a regular customer to the store.
B.The store was owned by the man and the boy.
C.The store didn’t deal in drinks.
D.The author refused their treat because he didn’t need it.
小题2:What does the author mainly want to tell readers in paragraph 4?
A.He didn’t get his drink
B.He carried out another mission.
C.He got thanks and was offered a treat
D.He wasn’t upset though not getting his drink.
小题3:What’s the best title for the passage?
A.A Day for a Boy.B.A Young Boy’s Determination.
C.An Inspiring Boy.D.A Young Boy’s Groceries.
小题4:We can infer from the description of the author that the boy is _______.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

“Now,” Mrs. Virginia DeView said, smiling, “we are going to discover our professions.” The class seemed to be greatly surprised. Our professions? We were only 13 and 14 years old! The teacher must be        36  . “Yes, you will all be searching for your future  37 . Each of you will have to  38  someone in your field, and give an oral (口头的) report.”
Each day in her class, Virginia DeView reminded us about this. Finally, I  39  print journalism. This meant I had to go to interview a newspaper reporter. I was extremely nervous. I sat down in front of him 40  able to speak. He looked at me and said, “Did you bring a pencil or pen?” I shook my head. “How about some  41 ?” I shook my head again.


    Finally, I thought he realized I was too 42 , and I got my first big tip as a  43 . “Never, never go anywhere without a pen or paper. You never know what you’ll  44  into.” After a few days, I gave my oral report totally from memory in class. I got an A on the entire project.

    Years later, I was in college looking around for a new career, but with no success. Then I  45 Virginia DeView and my desire at 13 to be a journalist. And I called my parents. They didn't  46  me. They just reminded me how  47  the field was and how I had run away from competition all my life. This was true. But journalism did something to me; it was in my  48 . And it gave me the freedom to go up to total strangers and ask what was  49 .
For the past fifty years, I’ve had the most satisfying reporting career,  50  stories from murders to airplane  51  and finally choosing my strongest area. When I went to pick up my phone one day, an incredible wave of memories  52  me and I realized that had it not been  53  Virginia DeView, I would not be sitting at that desk.
I get  54  all the time : “How did you pick journalism?”
“Well, you see, there was this teacher…” I always start out. I just wish I could 55  her.
A.cautiousB.mad C.optimisticD.enthusiastic
A.hardlyB.nearlyC.naturally D.eagerly
A.reliableB.grateful C.tenseD.amazed
A.student B.journalistC.candidateD.writer
A.lookB.turn C.breakD.run
A.called B.rememberedC.recognized D.evaluated
A.answer B.urge C.stopD.persuade
A.coming inB.coming outC.going upD.going on
A.forB.with C.of D.to
A.hurtB.realized C.adjustedD.asked


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Not too long ago, a story that happened at Walt Disney touched me greatly. A guest  46 out of our Polynesian Village resort(度假胜地) at Walt Disney was asked how she  47 her visit. She told the front-desk clerk she had had a(n)  48 vacation, but was heartbroken about  49 several rolls of Kodak color film(胶卷) she had not yet  50 . At that moment she was particularly  51 over the loss of the pictures she had shot at our Polynesian Luau,  52 this was a memory she especially treasured.
Now, please understand that we have no written service rules  53 lost photos in the park.  54 , the clerk at the front desk  55 Disney’s idea of caring for our  56 . She asked the woman to leave her a couple rolls of  57 film, promising she would take care of the rest of our show at Polynesian Luau.
Two weeks later the guest received a  58 at her home. In it were photos of all the actors of our show,  59 signed by each performer. There were also  60 of the public procession(游行队伍) and fireworks in the park, taken by the front-desk clerk in her own
  61 after work. I happened to know this  62 because this guest wrote us a letter. She said that  63 in her life had she received such good service from any business.
Excellent  64 does not come from policy(政策性的) handbooks. It comes from people who  65 —and from a culture that encourages and shapes that attitude.
A.expected B.realizedC.paid D.enjoyed
A.takingB.dropping C.losingD.breaking
A.sillyB.nervousC.calm D.sad
A.when B.whereC.asD.which
A.covering B.findingC.makingD.keeping
A.understoodB.reminded C.createdD.discovered
A.workersB.guestsC.managers D.clerks
A.printed B.shot C.unusedD.recorded
A.filmB.card C.cameraD.packet
A.rulesB.pictures C.handbooksD.performances
A.caseB.work C.time D.position
A.careB.explainC.like D.know


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

It was a cold winter. The day my husband fell to his death, it started to snow, just  1 any November day. His   2 , when I found it, was lightly covered with snow. It snowed almost every day for the next four months, while I sat on the couch and watched it   3 . One morning, I walked slowly   4  and was surprised to see a snow remover clearing my driveway and the bent back of a woman clearing my walk. I dropped to my knees and crawled back upstairs,  5 those good people would not see me. I was   6 . My first thought was, how would I ever  7 them? I didn’t have the  8 to brush my hair,   9 clear someone’s walk.
Before Jon’s death, I felt proud that I   10 asked for favors. I identified myself by my competence and  11 . So who was I if I was no longer capable? How could I   12 myself if I just sat on the couch every day and watched the snow fall?
Learning to receive the love and   13 from others wasn’t easy. Friends cooked for me and I cried. Finally, my friend Kathy said, “Mary, cooking for you isn’t a   14 for me; it makes me feel good to be able to do something for you.”
Over and over, I heard   15 words from the people who supported me during those  16 days. One wise man told me, “You aren’t doing nothing because being fully open to your  17 may be the hardest work you will ever do.”
I am not the person I   18 was, but in many ways I have changed for the   19 . I’ve been surprised to learn that there is incredible freedom coming form  20 one’s worst fear and walking away whole. I believe there is strength, for sure, in accepting a dark period of our life.
A.onB.inC.like D.for
A.bodyB.soul C.shoe D.footprint
A.sweep upB.drop off C.fall downD.pile up
A.pay B.awardC.rewardD.treat
A.courage B.strength C.spiritD.power
A.stand aloneB.leave aloneC.sit aloneD.let alone
A.frequently B.graduallyC.hardlyD.uncertainly
A.supply B.supportC.contributionD.similar
A.burden B.jobC.businessD.sorrow
A.stillB.once C.evenD.never
A.worseB.less C.moreD.better
A.facing B.noticing C.managingD.expressing


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

When 19-year-old Sophia Giorgi said she was thinking of volunteering to help the Make-A-Wish Foundation (基金会),nobody understood what she was talking about. But Sophia knew just how important Make – A –Wish could be because this special organization had helped to make a dream come true for one her best friends. We were interested in finding out more, so we went along to meet Sophia listen to what she had to say.
Sophia told us that Make – A –Wish is a worldwide organization that started in the United States in 1980. ” It’s a charity(慈善机构)that helps children who have got very serious illnesses. Make – A –Wish help children feel happy even though they are sick, by making their wishes and dreams come true, ” Sophia explained.
We asked Sophia how Make – A –Wish had first started. She said it had all begun with a very sick young boy called Chris, who had been dreaming for a long time of becoming a policeman. Sophia said lots of people had wanted to find a way to make Chris’s dream come true ----so, with everybody’s help, Chris, only seven years old at the time, had been a “policeman” for a day. ” when people saw how delighted Chris was when his dream came true, they decided to try and help other sick children too , and that was the beginning of Make – A –Wish, ” explained Sophia.
Sophia also told us the Foundation tries to give children and their families a special, happy time. A Make-A-Wish volunteer visits the families and asks the children what they would wish for if they could have anything in the world. Sophia said the volunteers were important because they were the ones who helped to make the wishes come true. They do this either by providing things that are necessary, or by raising money or helping out in whatever way they can.
小题1:Sophia found out about Make-A-Wish because her best friend had  .
A.benefited from itB.volunteered to help it
C.dreamed about itD.told the author about it
小题2:According to Sophia, Make-A-Wish       .
A.is an international charity
B.was understood by nobody at first
C.raises money for very poor families
D.started by drawing the interest of the public
小题3:What is said about Chris in Paragraph3?
A.He has been a policeman since he was seven.
B.He gave people the idea of starting Make-A-Wish
C.He wanted people to help make his dream come true.
D.He was the first child Make-A-Wish helped after it had been set up.
小题4:Which of the following is true about Make-A-Wish volunteers?
A.They are important for making wishes come true.
B.They try to help children get over their illnesses.
C.They visit sick children to make them feel special.
D.They provide what is necessary to make Make-A-Wish popular.

