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Born in America in 1898, William was an extraordinary boy, gifted with an amazing IQ between 250 and 300. The genius went to a grammar school when he was only 6 years old and graduated just within 7 months. At the age of 11, he became the youngest student of the Harvard University. He graduated with high scores at the age of 16 and entered Harvard Law School at 18.
Gifted with an amazing IQ between 220 and 230, Terence Tao makes it to this list of the people with the highest IQ in the world. Born in Adelaide, Australia in 1975, this genius first displayed his incredible intelligence at a mere age of 2, when he managed to solve basic arithmetic questions on his own. At the age of 16, he graduated with both Master's and Bachelor's degrees at the Flinders University. He has been considered as ''Mr. Fix it " by Charles Fefferman, who is a professor of Mathematics at Princeton University, and many other mathematicians want to interest him in their problems.
This 31-year-old Japanese-American astrophysicist lands him third in this list. At the age of 12, Christopher Hirata already worked on college-level courses, around the time most of us were just in the 7th grade. At the age of 13, this gifted kid became the youngest American to have ever won the gold medal in the International physics Olympiad.
At the age of 16, he was already working with NASA on its project to conquer planet Mars. After he was awarded the Ph.D. at Princeton University, he went back to California Institute of Technology.
The next person with very high IQ is Albert Einstein. With an IQ between 160 and 190, Albert Einstein is the genius behind the theory of relativity, which has had great impact on the world of science. He possessed such an amazing ability that after his death, researchers were eager to preserve and make research on his brain in search for clues to his exceptional brilliance, which to this day, has remained a mystery.
小题1:About William, which of the following is true?
A.His IQ reached between 220 and 230.
B.At the age of 16, he graduated from a grammar school.
C.At the age of 6, he graduated with both Master's and Bachelor's degrees.
D.At the age of 11, he became the youngest student at the Harvard University.
小题2:How many people with remarkable IQ are mentioned in the passage?
小题3:Who once worked on the project to conquer planet Mars?
A.WilliamB.Terence Tao C.Christopher HirataD.Albert Einstein
小题4: From the passage we can know that______.
A.when William graduated from the Harvard University, he got the highest scores
B.at the age of 2, Terence solved basic arithmetic questions on his own
C.Christopher Hirata is a Japanese
D.researchers have found out why Albert Einstein was so brilliant


小题1:细节题:从第一段的句子:At the age of 11, he became the youngest student of the Harvard University.可知William 在11岁的时候,成为哈佛大学最小的学生,选D。
小题2:细节题:文章1,2,3,5段分别讲述了一个智商非凡的人,分别是William ,Terence Tao , Christopher Hirata和 Albert Einstein,所以选B。
小题3:细节题:从倒数第二段的句子:At the age of 16, he was already working with NASA on its project to conquer planet Mars.Christopher Hirata 曾参与过战胜火星的项目,选C。
小题4:细节题:从第二段的句子:Born in Adelaide, Australia in 1975, this genius first displayed his incredible intelligence at a mere age of 2, when he managed to solve basic arithmetic questions on his own. 可知Terence在两岁的时候,自己解决了基础的算术问题,选B。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Like most Oregonians, Stephanie McRae was used to driving in bad weather. Although rain still beat the window of her car, the worst of the day’s storm seemed to have passed as she drove her 11-year-old daughter, Maggie, home from a church at 8:30 p.m. Two little children sat into their car seats in back.
When crossing over Fawcett Creek (小河), McRae found the road just ahead had been washed away. The storm had turned Fawcett Creek into a 100-feet-wide river. Water began to go into the car and the four of them had to climb onto the car’s roof. The car was floating about and was being swept toward the Tillamook River only a few miles ahead. Suddenly it stopped when hitting a logjam (浮木阻塞).The water swept over them, rising higher and higher. Stephanie screamed into the rainy night, almost crying.
“Mom, I have to go and get help,” her 11-year-old daughter Maggie cried.
Stephanie realized if she went by herself, Maggie couldn’t hold on to the other two babies. But Maggie was still recovering from foot surgery. How could she manage? Finally she shouted, “I’m proud of you. Be careful!”
As Maggie McRae struggled to reach the shore, she was all wet. The sixth grader started running to the nearest house. Inside, the neighbors immediately called 911 and were told that firefighters were making their way toward another trapped car. Maggie joined the neighbors, and helped the rescue team point out where her mother was. The firefighters saved McRae and her children by using a 35-foot-long ladder.
When Stephanie reached land in safety, Maggie raced into her mother’s arms. “She hugged me for five minutes,” Maggie remembers. Maggie accepted an award for her heroism, but she’s happier to get back to her sports team and her family. 
小题1:What can we infer from the passage?
A.Without the logjam, McRae’s car would have been swept into the Tillamook River.
B.The rain became heavier when McRae drove home.
C.McRae’s car was the only vehicle that was blocked in the Fawcett Creek that night.
D.Most of the time the weather in Oregon is quite good.
小题2:Stephanie McRae’s screaming on the car’s roof suggested that she felt ______.
小题3:According to the passage, we can infer that Maggie ______.
A.was strong enough to hold the two children in the water
B.tried to swim to the bank in order to get help
C.stopped her sports activities due to her foot injury
D.rescued her family using a ladder
小题4:Which of the following is in the correct order of events?
①Firefighters rescued McRae and her children from the river.
②Firefighters were sent to the broken road.
③The neighbors Maggie found called 911.
④The rescue team had got informed of the trouble at Fawcett Creek.
⑤Another trapped car was found in the river by the firefighters.
小题5:What is the passage mainly about?
A.A heavy storm that damaged a road and killed lots of drivers.
B.A brave young girl who helped save her family from flood.
C.Firefighters who rescued a family late at night from flood.
D.Great neighbors who saved people swept away into a river.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

One day an ant was drinking at a small stream and fell in. She made desperate efforts to reach the side, but made no progress at all. The poor ant almost exhausted was still bravely doing her best when a dove saw her.Moved with pity, the bird threw her a blade of grass, which supported her like a raft, and thus the ant reached the bank again. While she was resting and drying herself in the grass, she heard a man come near. He was walking along barefooted with a gun in his hand. As soon as he saw the dove, he wished to kill it. He would certainly have done so, but the ant bit him in the foot just as he raised his gun to fire. He stopped to see what had bit him, and the dove immediately flew away. It was an animal much weaker and smaller than herself that had saved her life.
小题1:The ant could not reach the side though _______.
A.she cried for help
B.she asked the dove to save her
C.she tried very hard
D.she could smell well
小题2:The dove saved the ant because _______.
A.she was the ant's friend
B.she took pity on the poor ant
C.the ant was almost exhausted
D.the ant had been struggled in the water for a long time
小题3:The ant succeeded in getting on the bank with the help of _______.
A.a leafB.a piece of woodC.a blade of grassD.a raft
小题4:Just as the man shot at the dove, _______.
A.the dove immediately flew away
B.the dove hid himself in the grass
C.the ant told the dove to leave at once
D.he felt something biting him in the foot
小题5:In writing the story, the writer wants to show _______.
A.how clever the ant was
B.how kind the dove was
C.how the ant and the dove helped each other
D.we often need help from others, therefore we should help others as much as


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

When I was two years old, something happened which I have never forgotten. It was early spring, and there was a light mist over the trees and fields. The other young fellows and I were feeding at the lower end of the field when we heard the distant cry of dogs.
The oldest among us lifted his head to listen. “There are the hounds(猎犬)”, he said, and immediately raced off. The rest of us followed him to the top of the field where we could see several fields beyond.
Soon the dogs were all racing down the field next to ours, making a loud “yoyoyoyo” sound. After then came men on horses, some in green coats. Suddenly, the dogs became silent and ran around with their noses to the ground.
“They’ve lost the smell of the hare.” said the old horse. “Perhaps it will escape.” But the dogs began their “yoyoyoyo” again and came at full speed towards our field. Just then a hare, wild with fear, ran towards the trees. The dogs jumped over the stream and ran across the field, followed by the huntsmen. Six or eight jumped their horses over the stream, close behind the dogs. Before the hare could get away, the dogs were upon her with wild cries. We heard a terrible scream, and that was the end of the hare. One of the men picked her up and held her by the leg. She was covered in blood, but all the huntsmen seemed pleased.
I was so greatly surprised that at first I did not see what was happening by the stream but when I did look, I saw a sad sight. Two fine horses were down, one in the stream struggling to stand up and the other on the grass with one of his legs broken. One rider, who seemed unhurt, was climbing out of the water, but the other lay quite still. “His neck is broken,” said my mother. “I can’t understand why men are so fond of this sport. They often hurt themselves and ruin good horses, all for one hare that they could get more easily in other ways. But we are only horses, and don’t know why men do these things.”
They carried the dead rider to our master’s house, and then came back to the black horse on the grass. The animal was in great pain and one of his legs was broken. Someone ran to our master’s house and came back to the horse with a gun. Soon after there was a loud bang and a terrible cry, and the black horse did not move any more.
小题1:What does “I” in the passage refer to?
A.A scared hare.B.Ayounghorse.
C.Afierce dog.D.A bravehunter.
小题2:Which word can be used to describe my true feeling at the scene of the hunting?
小题3:The men hunted the hare at the cost of the lives of____________.
小题4:The best title for the passage would be____________.
B.MyTerrible ChildhoodMemory
C.A Black Horse
小题5:The writer probably holds the view that ____________.
A.hunting is a nice outdoor activity
B.it is dangerous to hunt wild animals
C.hunting dogs are good helpers to huntsmen
D.human beings should treat animals well


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

It’s a sad and familiar voice that we often hear in big cities: “Can you spare some change?”
Usually, when faced with that particular         , I have feelings of guilt if I pass by          giving a coin or two.
I had that feeling       in Venice while on a tour of Italy’s famous sites in 2006. I had taken refuge from the          in a quiet café. Outside, there was an old woman kneeling on the hard, ancient paving stones,         .
Steady          of tourists were walking past her. A young backpacker stood away from the crowd,       drinking in the vistas(景观、景色), but I noticed the young traveler was also          the old woman.
A tourist group walked along the street,          the woman and walked on.          group of tourists arrived and walked past the old lady. The backpacker watched          everybody else went on their way, focused on the          around them. Then, I was preparing to leave when I caught sight of the backpacker stepping forward and          some money in the woman’s cup. He did this somewhat        just before the arrival of another tourist group. As I         , the leader of the group stopped and put some money in the cup. Having been shown the way, other tourists followed suit and          some more coins to the cup.
His work done, the young man walked over to the old beggar-woman, patted her on the shoulder and said, “I hope that          a little.”
I don’t know if the woman understood his English or          what had just happened, but I did.
I placed some money in the woman’s cup and continued my travels,          after witnessing such a          act of kindness.
A.many timesB.some times C.only onceD.once again
A.glanced atB.laughed atC.rushed atD.stared at


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

I did very badly at school. My headmaster thought I was       and when I was 14 he said, “You’re never going to be         but a failure.”
After five years of         jobs, I fell in love with a very nice middle-class girl. It was the best        that could have happened to me. I        I wanted to do something positive (积极地) with my life because I wanted to prove to       that what people said about me was       . Especially her mother, who had said to me, “Let’s         it, you’ve failed at everything you’ve ever done.” So I tried hard with my        and went to college. My first novel        while I was at college.
After college I taught during the         in high schools and attended evening classes at London University, where I got a         in history. I became a lecturer at a college and was thinking of        that job to write full time         I was offered a part-time job at Leeds University. I began to feel         of myself — here was a working-class boy who’d         school early, now teaching at the university.
My writing career (职业) took off when I discovered my own style. Now I’m rich and       , have been on TV, and met lots of film stars.         what does it mean? I         wish all the people that have put me down had       : “I believe in you. You’ll succeed.”
A.brightB.simple C.uselessD.hopeful
A.anythingB.somethingC.everything D.nothing
A.low B.poorC.good D.useful
A.support B.happinessC.surprise D.thing
A.agreedB.decidedC.planned D.told
A.me B.themC.herD.it
A.wrongB.right C.stupidD.faulty
A.came onB.came inC.came outD.came back
A.giving inB.giving backC.giving outD.giving up
A.whileB.if C.whenD.or
A.shyB.proud C.happyD.surprised


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

I remember my mother as a strong woman. She came to America when she was 12—old enough to remember her language, she achieved scores and grades high enough to be admitted to Duke University. With a degree in computer science, she finally became the manager of a company in New York. My mother could give fluent speeches, say “wolves” correctly.
It was my mother who always stressed the importance of language. From the time I was born, I was read to. I would fall asleep to the sounds of my parents’ voices, whether it was my dad’s softly accented, or my mother’s clear English. The flow of language was unbroken, and whether in Chinese or English, the stream of communication flowed through our house.
One October morning in sixth grade, after my mother had left to catch the train to the city, I left the house for the bus stop. I was surprised when I saw our car, the door hanging open. As I drew closer, I saw my mother lying on the ground.
In the hospital, it was hard to believe that the lady who lay before me was my mom. My mother could not remember my name. As the leaves changed colors, it became clear that the stroke had created a wall between my mother’s mind and mouth: her mind was not any less clear, but the words she spoke were not what she meant.
The battle my mother faced taught me the importance of language. Without it, identity does not exist; relationships cannot be formed; stories cannot be told; directions cannot be given, and knowing anything about anyone is impossible. Without language, communication cannot take place. Without language, one cannot express the beauty of a sunset or the kindness of a stranger. The world would pass us by in silence.
小题1: From where might the author’s mom come to America?
小题2:From the second paragraph, we can know ________.
A.the author was taught to read since she was born
B.the author’s father spoke English poorly
C.the author couldn’t fall asleep without being read to
D.the author’s parents taught her language by talking a lot
小题3:According to the last two paragraphs, the author’s mom was unable to _______.
A.think clearlyB.express herself well
C.speakD.open her mouth
小题4:The underlined word “stroke” in the 4th paragraph most probably refers to ______.
A.an accidentB.a hitC.an illnessD.a robbery
小题5:This passage is mainly about _________.
A.a strong mother
B.the importance of language
C.a family disaster
D.the significance of teaching language


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

My First Day
I was still shy in the presence of a crowd.And my first day at the new       made me a laughing stock of the classroom. I was sent to the blackboard to write my       .I knew my name, and knew how to write it, but standing at the blackboard with the ____   of so many pupils on my back made me       inside and I was unable to write a single letter.
"Write your name," the teacher called to me. I        the white chalk to the blackboard and, as I was about to write, my mind went blank; I could not remember my name,        the first letter.
Somebody laughed and I became         "Just forget us and write your name," the teacher called and walked to my side,       at me to give me confidence.
"What’ s your name?" she asked. "Richard," I ____  . "Then write it."
I turned to the blackboard and lifted my hand to write, but then I was        again. I tried to     ___  my senses but I could remember nothing.I realized how totally I was        and I grew weak and leaned my hot forehead        the cold blackboard. The room burst into a loud       and my muscles froze. I sat and        myself.Why did I always appear so dumb        I was called upon to perform in a crowd? I knew how to write as well as any other pupil in the classroom, and there was no         I could read better than any of them, and I could talk        when I was sure of myself. Then why did strange        make me freeze? I sat with my ears and neck    __, hearing the pupils around me whisper, hating myself.
A.address B.nameC.websiteD.hobby
A.pointing B.looking C.smiling D.waving
A.formB.collect C.make D.catch
A.correctly B.anxiouslyC.clearlyD.freely
A.faces B.teachers C.placesD.classrooms


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

I was puzzled! Why was this old woman making such a fuss about an old copse(矮林) which was of no use to anybody? She had written letters to the local paper, even to a national, protesting about a projected by-pass to her village, and, looking at a map, the route was nowhere near where she lived and it wasn’t as if the area was attractive. I was more than puzzled, I was curious.
The enquiry into the route of the new by-pass to the village was due to take place shortly, and I wanted to know what it was that motivated her. So it was that I found myself knocking on a cottage door, being received by Mary Smith and then being taken for a walk to the woods. “I’ve always loved this place,” she said, “it has a lot of memories for me, and for others. We all used it. They called it ‘Lovers lane’. It’s not much of a lane, and it doesn’t go anywhere important, but that’s why we all came here. To be away from people, to be by ourselves. ” she added.
It was indeed pleasant that day and the songs of many birds could be heard. Squirrels watched from the branches, quite bold in their movements, obviously few people passed this way and they had nothing to fear. I could imagine the noise of vehicles passing through these peaceful woods when the by-pass was built, so I felt that she probably had something there but as I hold strong opinions about the needs of the community over-riding the opinions of private individuals, I said nothing. The village was quite a dangerous place because of the traffic especially for old people and children, their safety was more important to me than an old woman’s strange ideas.
“Take this tree,” she said pausing after a short while. “To you it is just that, a tree. Not unlike many others here.” She gently touched the bark, “Look here, under this branch, what can you see?”
“It looks as if someone has done a bit of carving with a knife.” I said after a cursory inspection.
“Yes, that’s what it is!” she said softly.
She went on, “He had a penknife with a spike for getting stones from a horse's hoof, and I helped him to carve them. We were very much in love, but he was going away, and could not tell me what he was involved in the army. I had guessed of course. It was the last evening we ever spent together, because he went away the next day, back to his Unit.”
Mary Smith was quiet for a while, then she sobbed. “His mother showed me the telegram. ‘Sergeant R Holmes …Killed in action in the invasion of France.’…”
“I had hoped that you and Robin would one day get married.” she said, “He was my only child, and I would have loved to be a Granny, they would have been such lovely babies’- she was like that! ”
“Two years later she too was dead. ‘Pneumonia (肺炎), following a chill on the chest’ was what the doctor said, but I think it was an old fashioned broken heart. A child would have helped both of us.”
There was a further pause. Mary Smith gently caressed the wounded tree, just as she would have caressed him. “And now they want to take our tree away from me.” Another quiet sob, then she turned to me. “I was young and pretty then, I could have had anybody, I wasn’t always the old woman you see here now. I had everything I wanted in life, a lovely man, health and a future to look forward to.”
She paused again and looked around. The breeze gently moved through the leaves with a sighing sound. “There were others, of course, but no one can match my Robin!” she said strongly. “And now I have nothing - except the memories this tree holds. If only I could get my hands on that awful man who writes in the paper about the value of the road they are going to build where we are standing now, I would tell him. Has he never loved, has he never lived, does he not know anything about memories? We were not the only ones, you know, I still meet some who came here as Robin and I did. Yes, I would tell him!”
I turned away, sick at heart.
小题1:The main purpose of this passage is to ________.
A.draw attention to the damage that wars cause
B.persuade people to give up private interest
C.arouse the awareness of being environmentally friendly
D.introduce a touching but sad love story
小题2:Which of the following words can best describe Mary Smith?
小题3:The underlined sentence “I felt that she probably had something there” means ________.
A.I thought there might be something hidden in the woods by Mary Smith
B.I guessed there might be a story related with Mary Smith
C.I thought there might be some reason for Mary Smith’s protest
D.I guessed there might be a secret purpose of Mary Smith.
小题4:What was probably the carving on the wounded tree?
A.The date when Robin Holmes would leave for army.
B.Their wish that this place and tree would last long.
C.Their names and a heart with a sign of arrow through it.
D.Their protest against the war which tore them apart.
小题5:In Mary’s opinion, which of the following might have caused Robin’s mother’s death?
A.PneumoniaB.A chill on the chestC.A heart attackD.Severe sorrow
小题6:The “tree” probably stands for ________.
A.her romance .B.her determinationC.her sadnessD.her dream

