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Zhao Wenxuan,a film star from Taiwan,has been fond of seeing films since his childhood. He would sometimes go to the cinema for the same film four or five times. He also enjoys literature and art. Before he took the film acting as his career,he had worked in an airline in Taipei, the capital of Taiwan Province. His change of job to acting was quite by chance.
One day,he came across in the paper an advertisement for a leading actor to appear in the film named “Wedding Feast.” Full of excitement,he answered the job ad by telephoning the director of the film — Mr. Li An. It was this telephone call that had changed all his life. At last the director decided him to be the very person for the role. That he could be chosen owed much to his good command of English,natural manners and low pay for his work in the film.
The film “Wedding Feast” proved to be a hit. It won the German Golden Bear Award and entered the competition for one of the Oscar Academy Awards. Also, it was the first Taiwan film that was permitted to be shown in the U. S. Thanks to the film,Zhao Wenxuan became popular in Taiwan, Hong Kong and southeast Asia.
In 1994,Mr. Zhao acted as a leading role in the Hong Kong film,“Red Rose and White Rose”,in which many film stars like Ms Chen Chong from U. S. and Ms Ye Yuqing from the local area participated. This film was named for 10 prizes of the Taiwan Golden Horse Prize and at last it was awarded five prizes for the best play,actress and music. Zhao has regarded the film as one of his favorite films since he stepped into the acting circle.
Since 1993,Mr. Zhao has taken part in the shootings of 13 films, most of which are thought highly of.
Mr. Zhao said the that Taiwan should think to cooperate much with the mainland in the film producing industry and it would benefit each other. In recent years he often came to the mainland for film shooting. He has just completed his performance in the film “Love Affairs” directed by Mr. LiXin,a director from Shanghai Film Studio.
小题1:Why could Zhao Wenxuan play the leading role in the movie “Wedding Feast”?
A.Because he liked to see films very much.
B.Because he was a famous actor at that time.
C.Because he could speak English very well,acted naturally and gave no thought to the pay for his work in the movie.
D.Because the director of the movie knew him very well.
小题2:The text suggests that _____.
A.“Wedding Feast” is just an ordinary film
B.the film “Wedding Feast” disappointed people greatly
C.Zhao Wenxuan became a famous movie star because of the film “Wedding Feast”
D.A lot of the Taiwan films are shown in the U. S. every year
小题3:Which of the following is the right order for Mr. Zhao Wenxuan‘s experience?
a. He joined in the film “Red Rose and White Rose” in Hong Kong.
b. He worked in an airline in Taipei.
c. He suggested Taiwan and the mainland should film more together.
d. When he was a boy,he often went to the cinema.
e. He has just finished the film “Love Affairs” in Shanghai.
f. He acted an important role in the film “Wedding Feast”.
小题4:From the text it can be inferred that _____.
A.one’s success is frequently (often) closely connected with a favorable chance
B.it is never too late to learn
C.know the enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of
D.there is no limit to knowledge

小题1:细节题。根据第二段第四行That he could be chosen owed much to his good command of English,natural manners and low pay for his work in the film.
小题2:推理题。根据文章第四段内容可知,Wedding Feast出名以后,他也随着出名。
小题4:推断题。根据第一段最后一句. His change of job to acting was quite by chance.可以推断出有些人的成功是与有利的机会联系在一起的。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Last night I was driving from Harrisburg to Lewisburg,distance of about eighty miles. It was late. Several times I got stuck behind a slow-moving truck on a narrow road with a solid white line on my left, and I became increasingly impatient.
At one point along an open road, I came to a crossing with a traffic light. I was alone on the road by now, but as I drove near the light, it turned red and I made a stop. I looked left, right and behind me. Nothing. Not a car, no suggestion of car lamps, but there I sat, waiting for the light to change, the only human being for at least a mile in any direction.
I started wondering why I refused to run the light I was not afraid of being caught, because there was clearly no policeman around, and there certainly would have been no danger in going through it.
Much later that night, the question of why I'd stopped for that light came back to me. I think I
stopped because it's part of a contract(契约)we all have with each other. It's not only the law, but it is an agreement we have, and we trust each other to honor it: we don't go through red lights.
Trust is our first inclination(倾向).Doubting others does not seem to be natural to us. The whole construction of our society depends on mutual(相互)trust, not distrust. We do what we say we'll do; we show up when we say we'll show up; and we pay when we say we'll pay. We trust each other in these matters, and we're angry or disappointed with the person or organization that breaks the trust we have in them.
I was so proud of myself for stopping for the red light that night.
小题1:Why did the author get impatient while driving?
A.He was lonely on the road.
B.He was slowed down by a truck.
C.He got tired of driving too long.
D.He came across too many traffic lights.
小题2:What was the author's immediate action when the traffic light turned red?
A.Stopping still.
B.Driving through it.
C.Looking around for other cars.
D.Checking out for traffic police.
小题3:The event made the author strongly believe that __________.       
A.traffic rules may be unnecessary
B.doubting others is human nature
C.patience is important to drivers
D.a society needs mutual trust
小题4:Why was the author proud of himself?
A.He kept his promise.
B.He held back his anger.
C.He followed his inclination.
D.He made a right decision.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Mark Twain left school when he was twelve. He had little school education. In spite of this, he became the most famous writer of his time. He made millions of dollars by writing. His real name was Samuel Langhorne Clemens, but he is better known all over the world as Mark Twain, his penname.
Mark Twain was born in 1835 and he was not a healthy baby. In fact, he was not expected to live through the first winter. But with his mother’s care, he managed to survive. As a boy, he caused much trouble for his parents. He used to play jokes on all his friends and neighbors. He didn’t like to go to school, and he often ran away from home. He always went in the direction of the nearby Mississippi(密西西比河). He was nearly drowned nine times.
After his father’s death, Mark Twain began to work for a printer, who only provided him with food and clothing. Then, he worked as a printer, a river-boat pilot and later joined the army. But shortly after that he became a miner. During this period, he started to write short stories. Afterwards he became a full time writer.
In 1870, Mark Twain got married. In the years that followed he wrote many books including Tom Sawyer in 1876, and Huckleberry Finn in 1884, which made him famous, and brought him great fortune.
Unfortunately, Mark Twain got into debts in bad investments(投资) and he had to write large numbers of stories to pay these debts. In 1904, his wife died, and then three of his children passed away.
At the age of 70, his hair was completely white. He bought many white suits and neckties. He wore nothing but white from head to foot until his death on April 21, 1910.
小题1:In his childhood, Mark Twain, ________.
A.learned a lot at school
B.he often went swimming with other boys
C.his mother often worried about his safety
D.he often played games with other boys
小题2:Which of the following shows the right order about Mark Twain?
a. He became a miner.           b. He worked as a printer.
c. He got into debts.           d. His father died.
e. He became a full-time writer.    F. He joined the army.
小题3:In order to make a living, Mark Twain _______.
A.first worked as a printerB.did many kinds of work
C.wrote stories in the beginningD.joined the army after he worked in a mine
小题4:From the passage we can see that Mark Twain _______.
A.had a happy childhood
B.was a good boy and always did what he was asked
C.was very naughty when he was young
D.lived a pleasant life
小题5:Before his death, Mark Twain _______.
A.became a white manB.was in low spirits
C.liked to buy all kinds of clothesD.had nothing on


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Ammie was only 18 months old when she had an accident that scarred her for life. While her mother was away for a moment , the curious baby reached up to a hot kettle in the kitchen and poured boiling water all over her body.
An ambulance was called and rushed the baby to nearby hospital . About 20 percent of Ammie’s body had been burned and all of her burns were third degree. The doctors could tell immediately that Ammie’s best chance of survival was specialized burns unit some miles away at Glasgow Royal hospital.
There , using tissue taken from unburned areas of Ammie’s body, surgeons performed complex skin grafts(植皮手术)to close her wounds and control her injuries , an operation that took about six hours. Over the next 16 years, Ammie underwent(经历)12 more operations to repair her body.
When she started school at the age of 4 , other pupils made cruel comments or simply wouldn’t play with her . “I was the only burned child in the street , the class and the school,” she recalls, “Some children refused to become friends with me because of that.”
Today , age 17 , Ammie can only ever remember being a burned person with scars ; pain is a permanent part of her life, she is still awaiting two further operations. Yet she is a confident, outgoing teenager who offers inspiration and hope to other young burnt victims.
Ammie’s parents have been a great support to her. “They told me of people had a problem with my burns, the problem with my burns, the problem was theirs not mine,” says Ammie. “They taught me to cope with other people’s reactions and constantly reminded me I was valued and loved.” Ammie’s positive attitude to life means she is often contacted by burns charities(慈善机构), helping younger patients build their self-respect to live with permanent scars.
Now she is a member the Scottish Burned Children’s Club. “Ammie provides so much encouragement for the younger ones. She is optimistic and outgoing and a perfect role model for them , ” say Donald Todd, chairman of the club.
This month , Ammie will join some younger children on a summer camp. “I’ll show them how to shrug off  unkind stares from others , ” she says. Ammie loves wearing fashionable sleeveless tops(无袖上衣), and she plans to show the children at the summer camp that they can too. “I don’t go to great lengths to hide my scars , ” she says . “I gave up wondering how other people would react years ago.”
小题1:Ammie was taken to Glasgow Royal hospital because      .
A.it was the nearest hospital to her home
B.it was the only hospital curing her burns
C.surgeons there were skilled at performing skin grafts
D.it was a local hospital excellent at treating burns
小题2:How many operations will Ammie have to receive altogether ?
小题3:The underlined phrase “shrug off” in the last paragraph is closet in meaning to      .
小题4:Which of the following best describes Ammie ?
A.Shy, pessimistic and discouraged.
B.Strong-minded , optimistic and helpful.
C.Fashionable , sensitive and easygoing.
D.Careful , confident and intelligent.
小题5:What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Ammie had an accidents and had to do many operations.
B.Ammie was a brave gire after the accident.
C.Ammie helped many younger patients.
D.Ammie has a positive life through many operations.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A woman whose sports car was stolen with her dog in it put up notices all over the area that made it clear getting back her pet was more important than her car.
“Whoever did this can keep my car. Please let Benjerman come home,” the notice said.
It is not known whether the thief showed any pity, but almost 30 hours after the 1 pm theft Friday, Kimberly Atkins of Dover and Benjerman, a 12-year-old black retriever (猎犬), were reunited after police located them in Barrington.
“He’s hungry, he’s dirty, but he’s very happy to be home,” Atkins said.
The car was found at about 5 pm Saturday off Route 125 in a swampy (沼泽地) area frequented by off-the-road cars and dirt bikes. However, the police couldn’t control Benjerman, and they had to call Atkins to come and get him.
Atkins said the thief cared for Benjerman a little by providing him with some dry cat food. She believed Benjerman ended up drinking some muddy water in the area. She said they have been together for nearly 11 years after she took him back from a society shelter in Dallas, Texas.
Before Benjelman was found, Atkins and several friends put up notices all over the city and in Somersworth. They also contacted animal shelters,throughout southern New Hampshire and Massachusetts.
The notice stated there was a reward, and also that the dog needed medication. Any caller could remain anonymous (匿名的).
Atkins had parked the car outside a hardware store with the keys inside and gone in to rent a carpet cleaner. “It was l0 minutes and I came out and my car was gone along with Benjerman in broad daylight,” Atkins said. The car thief threw Atkins’ wallet and other personal items out of the car before escaping from the scene.
小题1:What would be the best title for the passage?
A.A car with a dog was stolen
B.Lucky dog was returned to his owner
C.Stealing cars: a most important social problem
D.Woman wants dog back more than stolen car
小题2:Which of the following shows the correct order of what happened?
a. Notices were put up saying there was a reward.
b. Atkins saw Benjerman again.
c. Police found Atkins’ car.
d. Atkins took Benjerman back from a society shelter.
e. Atkins hired a carpet cleaner in a hardware store.
A.d, e, a, b, cB.d, e, a, c, bC.e, a, d, b, c D.e, a, c, d, b
小题3:We can infer from the passage _________.
A.the dog was treated extremely badly by the thief
B.car stolen accidents happen frequently nowadays
C.the dog was found because of the reward
D.the thief stole the car easily
小题4:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Benjerman was sent back immediately after Atkins put up the notices.
B.Atkins and her friends made a great effort to look for Benierman.
C.The thief gave the dog back but kept the sports car.
D.The dog was back at 1 pm on a Friday.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

One evening in February 2007, a student named Paula Ceely brought her car to a stop on a remote road in Wales. She got out to open a metal gate that blocked her path. That's when she heard the whistle sounded by the driver of a train. Her Renault Clio was parked across a railway line. Seconds later, she watched the train drag her car almost a kilometre down the railway tracks.
Ceely's near miss made the news because she blamed it on her GPS (导航仪). She had never driven the route before. It was dark and raining heavily. Ceely was relying on her GPS, but it made no mention of the crossing. "I put my complete trust in the device and it led me right into the path of a speeding train." she told the BBC.
Who is to blame here? Rick Stevenson, who tells Ceely's story in his book When Machines Fail Us, points the finger at the limitations of technology. We put our faith in digital devices, he says, but our digital helpers are too often not up to the job. They are filled with small problems. And it's not just GPS devices: Stevenson takes us on a tour of digital disasters involving everything from mobile phones to wireless keyboards.
The problem with his argument in the book is that it's not clear why he only focuses on digital technology, while there may be a number of other possible causes. A map-maker might have left the crossing off a paper map. Maybe we should blame Ceely for not paying attention. Perhaps the railway authorities are at fault for poor signalling system. Or maybe someone has studied the relative dangers and worked out that there really is something specific wrong with the GPS equipment. But Stevenson doesn't say.
It's a problem that runs through the book. In a section on cars, Stevenson gives an account of the advanced techniques that criminals use to defeat computer-based locking systems for cars. He offers two independent sets of figures on car theft; both show a small rise in some parts of the country. He says that once again not all new locks have proved reliable. Perhaps, but maybe it's also due to the shortage of policemen on the streets. Or changing social circumstances. Or some combination of these factors.
The game between humans and their smart devices is amusing and complex. It is shaped by economics and psychology and the cultures we live in. Somewhere in the mix of those forces there may be a way for a wiser use of technology.
If there is such a way, it should involve more than just an awareness of the shortcomings of our machines. After all, we have lived with them for thousands of years. They have probably been fooling us for just as long.
小题1:What did Paula Ceely think was the cause of her accident?
A.She was not familiar with the road.
B.It was dark and raining heavily then.
C.The railway workers failed to give the signal.
D.Her GPS device didn't tell her about the crossing.
小题2: The phrase "near miss" (Paragraph 2) can best be replaced by ________.
A.close hitB.heavy loss
C.narrow escapeD.big mistake
小题3:Which of the following would Rick Stevenson most probably agree with?
A.Modern technology is what we can't live without.
B.Digital technology often falls short of our expectation.
C.Digital devices are more reliable than they used to be.
D.GPS error is not the only cause for Ceely's accident.
小题4:In the writer's opinion, Stevenson's argument is ________.
小题5:What is the real concern of the writer of this article?
A.The major causes of traffic accidents and car thefts.
B.The relationship between human and technology.
C.The shortcomings of digital devices we use.
D.The human unawareness of technical problems.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

If I were writing a history of my family, some of the darkest moments recorded would be those surrounding Christmas trees. One would certainly think otherwise; selecting and putting up our trees have always been filled with risk.
For example, one afternoon dangerously close to Christmas Eve my mother bought what she thought to be a bargain, a glorious tree that was so full and tall that we could hardly get it into the house. Once we did, my father immediately realized that we would have to hire a carpenter to build a stand for it.
Another December, perhaps the very next one, we bought a tree earlier than we ever had before. We were happy with its shape and delighted that its size was manageable. We easily placed it in a stand, decorated it from top to bottom, and then self-satisfiedly sat back by the fire in its soft light.
Two or three days passed and the truth could not be hidden; we had bought a tree cut so long ago that its needles were coming off. There was nothing to do but undecorated it, take it down, and begin tree shopping again.
Our most recent Christmas tree offered still another difficult task. When we brought it home, once again it seemed larger than it was in the great outdoors. To complicate matters, we had bought a new stand, one whose nuts(螺帽)and bolts(闩子)worked more mysteriously than those of our old stands. I persuaded two young neighbors to stop playing basketball and to help us get the tree into the house and set it correctly in the stand. Unfortunately, no one noticed the mud on our helpers’ shoes, so only after removing several reddish brown sports from the carpet were we able to discuss the question of where the lights and ornaments(装饰)were stored. Perhaps those who cut their own trees have tales more painful than these. I don’t care to hear them, as my family’s experiences are enough to cause me to make the following suggestion: “Let’s forget the tree next Christmas. Let’s simply hang some flowers on the front door and over the mirror in the hall.”
小题1:The darkest moments in the writer’s family were with the fact that        .
A.the family bought big Christmas trees
B.they had problems decorating their Christmas trees
C.they had problems picking suitable Christmas trees
D.they had problems finding carpenters for putting up Christmas trees
小题2:We can learn from the passage that the writer would like to        .
A.forget about Christmas stories
B.get the neighbors to put up their trees
C.buy a better tree to celebrate Christmas
D.make other decorations rather than Christmas trees
小题3:When the writer said “my mother bought what she thought to be a bargain”, he means      .
A.she bought the tree at a cheap price B.she didn’t really want to buy it
C.she had to bargain hard with the salesmanD.she couldn’t afford a more expensive one
小题4:Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
A.How to Select a Christmas TreeB.No More Christmas Tree for Us
C.Dark Moments of LifeD.Christmas Without Trees


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Henry Loomis served as director of the Voice of America for seven years starting in 1958.Mr Loomis played an important role in creating the Special English service .
Henry Loomis was born in 1919 Tuxedo Park , New York. His father was Alfred Lee Loomis , a rich New York City businessman .In 1940, Henry Loomis dropped out of Harvard University to join the United States Navy .He was able to put to good use his knowledge of radar technology that he had learned about because of his father’s work .After graduating at the top in his naval(海军的) training class, Henry Loomis became a teacher at the Navy's radar training school in Hawaii. By the end of World War Two, Henry Loomis had received many honors for his service, including a Bronze Star and an Air Medal. He left the Navy in 1946 to begin graduate(研究生)studies.
Henry Loomis later moved to Washington, D.C. to begin another part of his career in public service. He held positions in the Department of Defense and other agencies: In 1958, he became director of the Voice of America.
During his travels around the world, Mr. Loomis saw that English was becoming an
important international language. He believed that it was important to make English easier to
understand by listeners of VOA broadcasts whose native language was not English. So Mr. Loomis asked VOA program manager Barry Zorthian to develop a way to broadcast to listeners
with a limited knowledge of English:
The result of this effort was Special English: The first Voice of America broadcast in Special English took place on October 19th, 1959. Those against his ideas at the time said the Special English method of broadcasting at a slower rate with a limited vocabulary would never work, it was not practical. American embassies(大使馆) demanded that the program be called off. But Mr. Loomis supported the program.
Soon, VOA began to receive hundreds of letters from listeners praising the program. Special English programs became some of the most popular on VOA. We are pleased to say that our programs still are.
小题1:We can know from the passage that Henry Loomis______.
A.was born in a poor family
B.did well in his naval training class
C.stayed in the Navy for nearly 8 years
D.joined the army immediately after graduating from university
小题2:What is the second paragraph mainly about?
A.Henry Loomis's childhood.
B.Henry Loomis's whole business.
C.Henry Loomis's background.
D.Henry Loomis's army life.
小题3:What led to Henry Loomis's idea of Special English programs?
A. His experience in the Navy.
B. His experience in the Department of Defense.(国防部)
C. His early dream of promoting the influence of VOA.
D. His finding VOA programs are too difficult for non-native listeners.
小题4:Those who were against his ideas of Special English programs said______
A.Special English programs were not practical
B.it would cost too much to make Special English programs
C.it was unnecessary to broadcast Special English programs
D.Special English programs wouldn't help listeners in improving their English


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

In February 2006, Lydia Angyiou and her two sons were walking through their village in northern Canada. The sound of children shouting made her turn around. To her horror, Lydia saw a 700-pound polar bear behind her eyeing her seven-year-old son. Getting between the bear and her child, Lydia yelled at the children to run away. She then began hitting and kicking the animal as hard as she could. A neighbor who heard all the noise came and shot the bear. But everyone agreed it was Lydia who had saved her children’s lives. A local policeman described it this way: “… I guess when your back is up against the wall, … we come up with super-human strength.”
Where does this “super-human strength”, courage and quick thinking come from? Experts say it comes from stress! In stressful situations, the body releases chemicals that prepare it to take action. These chemicals give people the speed and strength they need to fight danger or run away from it.
When we think of stress, we usually think of its negative effects. Studies, though, show that moderate levels of stress are actually helpful. In fact, the way we perform is usually affected by the amount of stress we feel.
Stress causes the brain to release adrenaline(肾上腺素) which in turn increases our energy and excitement. The chemical gives us clearer minds and helps us to do more. This is why some people say they work better under a deadline.
Adrenaline that is not released for long periods of time can cause us to increase and strengthen our abilities instead of weakening them. We sometimes turn out our very best work when we push ourselves to the limit. Stress can also make us more confident. Handling small amounts of stress now prepares us for handling serious situations in the future. Who knows? Today’s stress may even prepare for the next polar bear that comes along!
小题1:In the first paragraph, the case of Lydia Angyiou is mentioned to______.
A.introduce the topic to be followed
B.remind us of the unexpected danger of life
C.praise Lydia Angyiou for her bravery
D.show the importance of super-human strength
小题2:What does the policeman probably mean by saying “your back is up against the wall”?
A.You are helped.B.You are inspired.
C. You are confident.D.You are cornered.
小题3:What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Brave MotherB.The Cause of Stress
C.The Benefit of StressD.Super-human Strength

