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There is a common ,usually round object that you can see every day and it appears in many expressions—buttons! Buttons, which are made of metal or plastic, are found on all sorts of clothing. They fasten or connect one piece of clothing to another to make sure your clothes don’t fall off.

To be cute as a button is an old saying, which means to be attractive or sweet, but in a small way. Babies are often described as cute as a button. Language experts don’t know why. But they do say the expression dates from the late 1860s.

Here is another expression associated with button: button-down. People often wear button-down shirts to the office. Button-down as an adjective means to be conservative. People described as button-down stay as close as possible to the normal way of dressing and behaving.

When buttoning a button, you slip it into a buttonhole. A buttonhole traps the button. So, to buttonhole someone means you have trapped him in a spoken conversation. Now, let’s say you find yourself buttonholed in a conversation at a party. Someone just keeps talking and talking and talking! Finally, you can’t stand it any longer. You tell him to button it! This is a direct, but a little rude way of saying “Stop talking!”Button your lip is another equally rude way to stop a person who talks too much.

Another kind of difficult person is someone who pushes one’s buttons. To push one’s buttons means to know how to get that person annoyed or upset. People who like to push other people’s buttons usually do it for selfish reasons.

1.What do you think of someone who wears a button-down shirt to the office?

A. Crazy. B. Traditional.

C. Funny. D. Fashionable.

2.What will you probably say to get rid of a long and boring talk?

A. Be cute as a button.

B. Push your button.

C. Button your lip.

D. Be button-down.

3.How does the fourth paragraph mainly develop?

A. By giving examples.

B. By making contrasts.

C. By listing figures.

D. By analyzing cause and effect.

4.What does the underlined phrase in paragraph mean?[

A. Shouts loudly.

B. Learns of one’s secret.

C. Gets someone to lose his temper.

D. Argues with someone.


科目:高中英语 来源:江西省2016-2017学年高二下学期第一次考试英语试卷 题型:七选五

How strong are you?

That is a hard question to answer, whether you are a man or a woman. But, really , I want to ask how do you define(给...下定义)your strength? How do you know your limits?1. When push comes, we often discover that we are much stronger than we think.

What is Strength?

Strength is not always about pure physical strength.2. It is about the ability to get things done. I know some people who are intellectually strong, but they get very little done in their jobs. And I know others who find work challenging, but they make it by strong drive and hard work. They possess inner strength.

Self-Imposed Limits

What I have observed is that most people set their own limits. They limit their output based on self-framed limits (自我设定的限制) of their abilities and strengths. Sometimes these boundaries are based on past experiences. Sometimes they are based on self-imagined abilities. 3.So, how do we

break through these limits? How do we get stronger?


If you want to be stronger, you have to push your boundaries. Pushing it is what it takes to increase your limits. In the gym, bodybuilders discovered this long ago. The same principle is true when it comes to inner strength.

Want to test your limits? Push yourself. Test your self-framed limits to see how accurate they are. Make sure your goals are slightly beyond what you think can be achieved.

You Are Stronger Than You Think

Most people underestimate(低估) their strength.5.Test your limits. Push yourself to find your true boundaries and define your strength.

When you discover how much you’ve really got, you may surprise even yourself.

A. Certainly, it is about willpower.

B. Sometimes these limits are based on nothing.

C. How do you know just how much you’ve got?

D. Pushing It

E. As you go through your day, challenge your ability.

F. How can we train our mind and make it stronger?

G. Strength is a combination of physical and mental ability.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017-2018学年高中英语(牛津译林版必修二江苏卷) 单元综合测评1 题型:单项填空

The man has so much ________that he can do the work of five ordinary people.

A. energy B. power

C. force D. strength


科目:高中英语 来源:黑龙江省肇东市2016-2017学年高一下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:完形填空

I wouldn't have picked up that dusty card without seeing those big words: DON'TFORGET.I was ________….

Don't forget what? Under the words were three numbered items. l. Snow peas. 2. Shakespeare. 3. Sadira  Kirmani. What was my name doing on someone's list? Yesterday was my first day here. Since Mrs. Allison_______me, nobody except the boy with glasses spoke to me and asked if he could have my cake at lunch. I tried to  _______on the[ lessons, but my mind went _____.Snow peas, Shakespeare, and me?  "Sadira." I ____when Mrs. Allison called my name. "It's time to line up for_____.” As I moved through the line, I heard a girl with braces ask,  "What's that?",_______at a pan. "Snow peas," the lady answered. "I'll try some snow peas," the boy behind me______.

Snow peas!  Number. 1 on the list. After lunch, Mrs. Allison ______ hat it was "rhyme time." The boy who'd asked for snow peas stood up.  "OK, Wyatt." Mrs. Allison nodded. "To be or not to be…’”Wyatt began.

When he______,  Mrs. Allison added,  "Shakespeare wrote sonnets, a special kind of______.” Shakespeare? Number 2 on the list. I started to_______ , wondering what would happen next.

After school, I sat alone on the bus. It was quite a while before I  ______Wyatt. He smiled in a _____way, saying¨1 wanted to talk to you. I almost forgot."

“Forgot what'?"

“You're number 3 on my list."

So now I _______what was going on.  "My mom's ______ .I'm supposed to try three new things every day." continued Wyatt.

That night, I made my own ____.l.Try the spinach quiche.2.Offer my______to the boy with glasses.3.Say______to the girl with braces. Then I smiled before adding one more _____: Thank Wyatt.

1.A. Enthusiastic B. Grateful C. Curious D. optimistic

2.A. introduced B. encouraged C. recommended D. dismissed

3.A. Bring B. Carry C. rely   D. concentrate

4.A. weak B. blank C. excited D. pale

5.A. shouted B. laughed C. jumped D. greeted

6.A. class B. supper C. sports D. lunch

7.A. pointing B. glaring C. knocking D. coming

8.A. worked out B. checked out C. shouted out D. figured out

9.A. predicted B. announced C. responded D. reported

10.A. finished B. copied C. prepared D. returned

11.A. theatre B. novel C. article D. poetry

12.A. disappoint B. panic C. calm D. annoy

13.A. knew B. Remembered C. understood D. noticed

14.A. strict B. Friendly C. sad D. voluntary

15.A. pointed out B. referred to C. found out D. appealed to.

16.A. idea B. Invitation C. command D. preference

17.A. meal B. List C. rhyme D. cake

18.A. card B. Peas C. dessert D. homework

19.A. please B. Sorry C. goodbye D. hello

20.A. number    B. Entry C. person D. word


科目:高中英语 来源:辽宁省六校协作体2016-2017学年高二6月联考英语试卷 题型:短文改错





注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分 。

Last weekend, there was art festival in our school. Our headmaster plan to make it a feature of our school. I was so excited, for it was the first time for me to join in it.

Early in the morning, I saw such many people come to our school, made it so lively. The students gave a warm welcome to the guest. I walked around or appreciated the paintings. All of the works were from the students and I was very impressed by it. There were also some handcrafts, that were so creative. Though they were busy with their study most of the time, some students still managed to develop their hobbies. I should learn to them and develop a hobby as well as.


科目:高中英语 来源:山西省2017届高三下学期模拟热身英语试卷 题型:短文填空

Tins of cooling ointment (清凉油) have become a currency for Chinese traveling in Egypt.

1.(visit)the complex of ancient temples at Karnak, Chinese tourist Mr. Ye lost his way among the stone churches and pillars.

An Egyptian guide gave him directions. To show his 2.(appreciate), Mr. Ye handed him a small red tin the size of a large coin. Inside 3.(be) a cooling ointment that has the function of refreshing mind and preventing pain. Mr. Ye brought 50 tins with him on his six-day tour to hand out as tips.

"Before I came to Egypt, the tourism agency told me 4.(repeat) to bring cooling balm as a gift to make the trip 5.(easy)," said Mr. Ye, a 25-year-old 6.family sells Chinese medicine online. Egyptians, he said, are very nice to Chinese tourists, 7.they love this little gift."

Egyptians sometimes demand the balm by running a thumb across their foreheads. Li Xiaodong, an Egyptologist at China's Northeast Normal University, believes Chinese travelers initially brought cooling balm for 8.(person) use because it's very hot in Egypt, then 9.(discover) Egyptians liked it.

Some Chinese tourists said giving gifts feels better than handing over money. "If you give essential balm, 10.is more like you're giving it to friends," said one Chinese tourist.


科目:高中英语 来源:湖北省2017届高三5月第三次模拟考试英语试卷 题型:书面表达






Dear Chris,



Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源:江西省2016-2017学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Political activists from South Korea gathered signatures of people on Saturday to prevent the push to deploy(部署) a U.S. missile shield - Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD萨德) in their country.

At the Gwanghwamun square in central Seoul (首尔), where the people ever lit candles to force former President Park Geun-hye out of office, the campaign was carried out to urge lawmakers to stop the hurried push for THAAD deployment.

On March 6, some equipment of the THAAD was flown to a U.S. military(军事的) base south of Seoul. One THAAD battery consists of complicated fire and control units and some other equipment. Local broadcasting station KBS reported that the AN/TPY-2 radar(雷达)was supposed to be delivered to South Korea on March 16, but it was not confirmed as the U.S. Forces Korea (USFK) refused to tell the arrival of other THAAD equipment.

The hurry deployment "is illegal and against the law," said a person who refused to tell his name. She said their advice would be presented next week to the leaders of major political parties. The campaign started online a week ago, and it had already collected around 5,000 signatures. They are targeting 10,000 signatures to be gathered. The organizing groups would call on the government to stop all deployment procedures. The Seoul-Washington agreement to put one THAAD battery was announced in July last year without any parliamentary(国会的)approval and public consensus.

"Lawmakers must stop telling. They must act," said the activist. They claimed the THAAD plan lacked the people's agreement and is against people's rights to peaceful, healthy life and environmental protection, which are guaranteed by the law. The Gwanghwamun square was packed with people holding cards that read "Opposition to THAAD." Residents made their way to the capital city and chanted the famous slogan "THAAD Out, Peace In." Some put a flag with anti-THAAD slogan over their shoulders, while children held a blue, rubber balloon that was stamped with anti-THAAD slogan.

In addition to opposition at home, China and Russia have strongly opposed THAAD in South Korea as it can spy on their countries, thus damaging security of the two countries.

Under the Seoul-Washington agreement, THAAD in South Korea will be operated by the USFK. Seoul has claimed the X-band radar is only aimed at the Democratic People's Republic of Korea's (DPRK) threats, but South Korea's military has no right to be engaged in the operation.

1.On Saturday, people from South Korean gathered signatures at the Gwanghwamun square in central Seoul to .

A. force former President Park Geun-hye out of office

B. welcome the arrival of other THAAD equipment

C. prevent the deployment of THAAD in South Korea

D. gather 10,000 signatures only

2.Which of the following statements is NOT false?

A. The deployment of THAAD was opposed by the people from South Korea but not by other countries.

B. THAAD will be operated by the USFK but not the South Korea's military.

C. The activists think the lawmakers act as much as they tell.

D. The campaign was started online and 10,000 signatures had been gathered.

3.What does the underlined word “consensus”(Line 6, Para4 ) mean?

A. opposition B. awareness

C. agreement D. security


科目:高中英语 来源:云南省昆明市2016-2017学年高一下学期第二次月考英语试卷 题型:短文改错







Dear Lucy,

I was delighting to receive your letter. Thank you for the English dictionary you bought it for me. I received it this morning. There is no doubt that it is of great helpful to me. I’m deeply grateful for your advice what I should pay more attention to practice my spoken English. I’ve made up my mind to speak English both in and out of class. Next month I’ll take trip to Australia, which is organizing by my school. I hope I can practise my spoken English there as many as possible. By the way, I am sending you a set of stamp with this letter, and I’ll send you more if I got any. I do hope you will have a good holiday.

