精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

Once upon a time there was a little boy who became very ill.He had to spend all day in bed, unable to ____.Because other children weren't allowed to come near him, he ____ greatly, and spent his days feeling sad and ____.

There wasn't much he could do ____ look out of the window.Time passed, and his feeling of ____ just grew.Until one day he saw a strange ____ in the window.It was a penguin ____ a sausage sandwich.The penguin squeezed in ____ the open window, said “good afternoon” to the boy, ____ around, and left.

Of course, the boy was very ____.He was still trying to ____ what had happened, and as more crazy?looking characters appeared out the window, he burst out ____ and found it hard to stop.

The little boy didn't tell anyone about this because who would have ____ him? Even so, those strange characters ended up putting ____ back in his heart, and in his body.Before long, his ____ had improved so much that he was able to go back to school again.

There he got to talk to his ____, and tell them all the ____ things he had seen.While he was talking to his best friend he saw something ____ out of his friend's school bag.The boy asked his friend what it was, and he was so ____ that finally his friend had to show him what was in the bag:

There, inside, were all the fancy?dress suits and disguises(假扮的东西) that his friends had been using to try to ____ the little boy up!

And from that day on, the little boy always did his best to make sure that no one felt sad and alone.

1.A.move B.speak C.walk D.leave

2.A.shouted B.suffered C.sighed D. prayed

3.A.red B.yellow C.green D.blue

4.A.until B.than C.except D.because

5.A.despair B.fear C.anxiety D.curiosity

6.A.voice B.sign C.shape D.frame

7.A.taking B.getting C.eating D.spitting

8.A.by B.over C.along D.through

9.A.turned B.looked C.got D.hung

10.A.surprised B.disappointed

C.frightened D.crazy

11.A.pick out B.check out C.work out D.help out

12.A.talking B.laughing C.crying D.jumping

13.A.believed B.invited

C.remembered D.welcomed

14.A.sorrow B.joy C.memory D.honor

15.A.score B.recovery C.effort D.health

16.A.friends B.relatives C.teachers D.parents

17.A.fierce B.strange

C.useful D.interesting

18.A.running B.bringing C.sticking D.standing

19.A.special B.violent C.insistent D.emotional

20.A.force B.pull C.lift D.cheer
























1.A 考查动词辨析。根据上文的spend all day in bed“整天躺在床上”可知他不能动。

2.2】B 考查动词辨析。句意:因为其他孩子不被允许接近他,因此他非常痛苦,故此处用suffer“遭受”最合适。

3.3】D 考查形容词辨析。blue常用来指代人的心情,在此处指“沮丧的,忧郁的”。

4.4】C 考查连词辨析。每天除了向窗外看他什么也不能做,except“除了”符合语境。

5.5】A 考查名词辨析。由于没有人来看望,他只能整天躺在病床上,所以“失望”的情绪逐渐增加。despair“绝望,丧失信心”,符合语境。

6.6】C 考查名词辨析。从病床上向窗外望,看到了一个奇怪的“形状”,其他三项不符合语境。

7.7】C 考查动词辨析。他看到一只企鹅正在“吃”一个香肠三明治。

8.8】D 考查介词辨析。这只企鹅的身体穿过开着的窗户向小男孩问好,through“穿过”。

9.9】A 考查动词辨析。说完“下午好”之后就转身离开了,turn around“转身”符合语境。

10.0】A 考查形容词辨析。根据语境可知企鹅的出现出乎这个小男孩的意料,他很“吃惊”,故选A项。

11.1】C 考查动词短语辨析。本句指的是小男孩想弄清楚怎么回事,work out“弄懂”。而pick out“挑出”;check out“结账离开”;help out“帮助解决问题”,均不符合题意。

12.2】B 考查动词辨析。根据情境more crazy?looking characters appeared out of the window“更多奇形怪状的人物角色出现在窗外”使他感觉很有意思,应该是突然大笑起来并且很难停下来,用laughing来说明当时小男孩非常兴奋。

13.3】A 考查动词辨析。句意:这个小男孩没有告诉任何人这种奇怪的事,因为有谁会相信他呢?故选A项。

14.4】B 考查名词辨析。根据情境可知这些人物给小男孩的身心带来了“快乐”。

15.5】D 考查名词辨析。根据上文的“in his body”和下文“he was able to go back to school again”可推知此处应填health。

16.6】A 考查名词辨析。根据情境,回到学校应该是遇到了他的“朋友们”。同时下文的While he was talking to his best friend也有提示。

17.7】B 考查形容词辨析。根据上文的those strange characters可知是“奇怪的”事情。

18.8】C 考查动词辨析。他看到有些东西从朋友的书包里“伸出来”,stick out“伸出”,符合语境。

19.9】C 考查形容词辨析。小男孩一直“坚持”要看,朋友最后让他看了书包里的东西。19insistent“坚持的”,符合语境。

20.20】D 考查动词辨析。此处指包里面全是小男孩的朋友为了使小男孩振作而用来假扮成各种人物角色的道具。cheer sb.up“使某人振作精神,高兴起来”。


squeeze vt./vi.挤,压榨

squeeze the juice out of an orange榨橙汁


There,inside,were all the fancy?dress suits and disguises that his friends had been using to try to cheer the little boy up!

句意:包里全是小男孩的朋友为了使小男孩振作而用来假扮成各种人物角色的道具。这个句中有there be结构,inside将其隔开。that his friends had been using为定语从句,修饰suits and disguises。to try to cheer the little boy up为目的状语。


科目:高中英语 来源:2014高考英语疯狂冲刺倒计时:单项填空(非谓语动词)完形填空阅读理解(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—I regret ________ you that your application has not been successful.

—Not successful? I performed pretty well in my interview!

A.informing B.to inform

C.having informed D.to have informed



科目:高中英语 来源:2014高考英语疯狂冲刺倒计时:单项填空(特殊结构)完形填空阅读理解(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I have been living in the United States for 20 years, but seldom ________ so lonely as now.

A.have I felt B.I had felt

C.I have felt D.had I felt



科目:高中英语 来源:2014高考英语疯狂冲刺倒计时:单项填空(情景交际)完形填空阅读理解(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—Is this Mr White's office, Mary?

—Yes, ________.

A.all right B.it doesn't matter

C.after you D.help yourself



科目:高中英语 来源:2014高考英语疯狂冲刺倒计时:单项填空(情景交际)完形填空阅读理解(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—I've got something weighing on my mind. Could you give me some advice?

—________. Tell me all about it and I'll do what I can.

A.Don't mention it B.No way

C.No problem D.Forget it



科目:高中英语 来源:2014高考英语疯狂冲刺倒计时:单项填空(形容词副词)完形填空阅读理解(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Smiling doesn't ________ mean you're happy.Sometimes, it just means that you're strong enough to face problems.

A.fortunately B.eventually

C.deliberately D.necessarily



科目:高中英语 来源:2014高考英语疯狂冲刺倒计时:单项填空(形容词副词)完形填空阅读理解(解析版) 题型:单项填空

To tell the truth, what you said was too ________ for us to understand.

A.complex B.comfortable

C.concrete D.common



科目:高中英语 来源:2014高考英语疯狂冲刺倒计时:单项填空(定语从句)+阅读理解(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Nowadays people are more concerned about the environment ________ they live.

A.what B.which

C.when D.where



科目:高中英语 来源:2014高考英语疯狂冲刺倒计时:单项填空(句子大舞台)阅读理解书面表达(解析版) 题型:单项填空

________ was known to them that the boss had broken his promise ________ he would give them a rise.

A.What; what B.It; which

C.It; that D.As; that


