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19.She was in adilemma(进退两难) whether to stay at school or get a job..

分析 她是进退两难,是留在学校还是找工作.

解答 dilemma 考查名词.句意:她是进退两难,是留在学校还是找工作.in a dilemma 冠词a后跟名词,dilemma是名词"进退两难".

点评 本题考查名词的词义.名词词义题一直都是高考考查的一个热点,它注重考查考生结合语境准确选用词语的能力.由于英语词汇丰富,且用法多变,考生掌握起来有较大难度,因此在平时应注意词汇的积累,理解词语的含义及其常见的习惯搭配,再联系句子所表述的意义和语境,选出正确的答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.Aging brings wrinkles,sagging bodies and frustrating forgetfulness.But getting older is not all bad for many people.Mounting evidence suggests aging may be a key to happiness.There is conflicting research on the subject,however,and experts say it may all boil down to this:Attitude is everything.
Older adults tend to be more optimistic and have a more positive outlook on life than their younger and stressed opposites.The big question is why seniors are happier.A recent study suggests one reason:Older adults remember the past through happy memories.Aging can bring more cheer as people become more comfortable with themselves and their roles in society.The older adults said they were enjoying more time with their family,spending more time on hobbies and having greater financial security and did not have to work.
But others are doubtful about the link between happiness and growing older.
"The notion that those in old age are happiest is misleading,"said Richard Easterlin,a professor of economics at the University of Southern California."It is based on comparing people of different ages who are the same in terms of income,health,family life."Easterlin added,"When you take account of the fact that older people have lower income than younger,are less healthy,and more likely to be living alone,then you will find it hard to accept that they are happier.
In fact,scientists have found that as people age,their health declines and social networks disappear as their friends die,which can make the elderly less happy.
Even if one does give in to age's dark side,health and happiness don't always go hand-in-hand.It's all about attitude.Research by the University of Chicago's Yang suggests that attitude about life and happiness,is partly shaped by the era in which a person was born.It turns out that individuals who adapt the best to changes also have the highest expected levels of happiness.
Despite the conflicting findings about aging and happiness,the good news is that there doesn't appear to be a limit to how much happiness one can achieve in one's life."Most people desire happiness,"Easterlin said."To my knowledge,no one has identified a limit to attainable happiness."

32.What does the last paragraph mainly tell us?C
A.The key factor to older adults'happiness
B.There is a conflict between aging and happiness
C.No one can define the limit to happiness.
D.The relationship between health and happiness.
33.Why are some seniors happier according to some experts?A
A.They focus on what makes them feel good.
B.They have their own circle of friends.
C.They can enjoy social welfare services.
D.They have better income after retirement.
34.What can we learn from the passage?B
A.People of the same age have the same sense of happiness.
B.Attitude may play a very important role in happiness.
C.People who adapt the best to changes are more likely to be unhappy.
D.Older adults who have more valuable life experience are more optimistic.
35.What's the topic discussed in the passage?A
A.Whether aging or attitude brings happiness.
B.Why seniors adapt the best to changes in society.
C.What the limit to an elder person's happiness is.
D.How older people feel compared with younger people.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:词汇应用

10.It was estimated that athletes from more than 200 countries participated(参加)in the Olympic Games held in London in 2012.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

Dear Mr.Smith,
I am writing to tell you an important changeabout my summer vocation schedule which I have been longing for for a long time.I am really so sorry but I have to abandon this opportunity due to some unexpected arrangement from my college.
The reason why I have to change my summer schedule is that my college has arranged for a group of students to help some poor students in a remote village.Unfortunately,I am one of them.I hope my summer schedule change won't bring you much disturbance.Will this winter vocation be appropriate for me to carry on my American culture tour?So excited I am when I imagine that I can experience a different Spring Festival from my home town!
Again,sorry for the schedule change and inconvenience.I am looking forward to your reply soon.
Your sincerely,
Li Hua.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

14.A.estimate   B.recognition   C.tricked  D.accurate  E.volume   F.engaged
G.separate    H.stimulating     I.function   J.measuring    
Time seems to pass faster or slower depending on the language you speak,new research has revealed,because of the way your native tongue speaks about time.A team from the University of Lancaster say their work also shows how bilingualism(双语) may affect pur perceptions of time,(35)Gthe brain to think in new ways.
In one experiment,40 Spanish speakers and 40 Swedish speakers were (36)F in seeing a computer animation(动画) of a slowly line.All the animations lasted 3 seconds,but the line didn't always grow to the same length.The researchers expected that because Swedes talk about time in terms of distance,they would find it harder to (37)A how much time had passed,and they were right.Meanwhile the Spanish speakers,who refer to time in terms of (38)I(as in a"small"break rather than a"short"break),were much better at realizing that the same 3 seconds had fled,no matter how far the line grew."The Swedish speakers tend to think that the line that grows longer takes longer,"one of the researchers explained."Spanish speakers aren't (39)C by that.They seem to think that it doesn't matter how much the line grows in distance,it still takes the same time for it to grow."
In another experiment,participants were shown animations of a jug(水壶) slowly being filled up:the length of the animation was fixed,but the jug filled up by (40)J amounts.Sure enough,this time it was the Spanish speakers who had more trouble(41)Hthe passage of time.
Interestingly,when the spoken instructions in a particular language were taken away,the volunteers were much better at judging time,as if being asked out loud how much time had passed triggered something in the brain.To gain (42)Dinsight into what was happening,74 bilingual speakers of both Spanish and Swedish were also recruited,and shown similar animations.The end results were the same:when instructed in Swedish,the volunteers were more easily fooled by the line animations,and when instructed in Spanish,it was the jug animations that interfered with their(43)Bof time.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4."Everybody is a genius.But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree,it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."
---Albert EinsteinIf you have a kid with special needs in the school system,it's then possible that you've come across that saying hanging on a classroom wall.My five-year-old daughter Syona has cerebral palsy (a medical condition affecting someone's control over their movement) and it means,combined with her communication challenges and sight problems,the standard assessments aren't always an accurate measure of her abilities.
By now you've probably heard about Chris Ulmer,the 26-year-old teacher in Jacksonville,Florida,who starts his special education class by callig up each student individually to give them much admiration and a high-five (a gesture of greeting or congratulation).I couldn't help but be reminded of Syona's teacher and how she supports each kid in a very similar way.Ulmer recently shared a video of his teaching experience."I have seen their confidence and self-value increase rapidly,"he said.All I could think was:How lucky these students are to have such inspirational teachers.
Syona's teacher has an attitude that can best be described in one word:brilliant.Her teacher doesn't focus on what can't be done-she focuses on what can be done.Over the past several months,Syona's confidence has seen to increase ten times.She uses words she wouldn't have thought of using before.She recently told me about her classmate's trip to Ecuador and was in extreme delight when I understood her on the frst try.
I actually wonder what the influence would be if we did something similar to what Ulmer does with his students in our home.We've recently started our day by reminding each other of the good qualities we all have.In fact,Ulmer teaches all of us to take a moment and truly appreciate the strengths of an important person in our lives.

41.What does the author think of Einstein's quote?C
42.What can we learn about Chris Ulmer?B
A.He is Syona's favorite teacher.
B.He praises his students one by one.
C.He uses videos to teach his students.
D.He asks his students to help each other.
43.What can we infer about Syona's teacher?A
A.She tries to encourage her students.
B.She teaches her students lots of new words.
C.She wants to be different from other teachers.
D.She has influenced parents to do similar thins.
44.Syona felt very pleased becauseB.
A.she has developed a cool attitude
B.her mother knew what she expressed
C.her progress was appreciated by her parents
D.she had been to Ecuador with her classmates
45.What change has taken place in the author's family?A
A.They give each other praise every day.
B.They visit Ulmer's classroom regularly.
C.They feel grateful to people in their lives.
D.They invite Ulmer's students to their home.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.Trump is an        father who impressed on his children the importance of independence and hard work when they were young.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Pick Your Own
Fancy some fresh fruit and vegetables?At Parkside Farm we grow a wide variety of delicious summer fruits and high-quality vegetables for you to come and pick your own.Why not pay us a visit?
About us
Our family has been farming at Parkside Farm since 1938.Although we no longer keep fields of wheat and other crops.We started growing strawberries for Pick Your Own back in 1979.Since then,we have made the Pick Your Own area larger and we now grow about 20different crops.
Opening times
The season starts in late June,but opening hours are variable the first week.Please ring our message line to check.From July onwards,we are open Tuesdays to Saturdays from 9am to 5:30pm (last entry 5pm).Opening hours are variable on Sundays.Mondays CLOSED.
Crop calendar
Some crops may be in limited supply at certain times,so always ring the message line for daily updates before setting out.
Strawberries:early June to mid-October                Blackcurrants:early July to mid-August
Raspberries:mid-June to mid-August                   Redcurrants:mid-July to mid-August
Blackberries:mid-July to mid-October                  Plums:mid-July to early September
There is a minimum charge of£3for each adult or child who enters the Pick Your Own area.This means that every person has to spend at least£3on Pick-Your-Own fruits or they will charged this amount when they leave.
Strawberries:£4.49/kg         Blackcurrants:£4.79/kg     Raspberries:£6.39/kg
Redcurrants:£4.79/kg          Blackberries:£5.39/kg     Plums:£2.99/kg
Find us
Parkside Farm is in the Enfield of London,north of the city centre.
For more information,please call our message line on 020 8367 2035or check our website:HYPERLINK"http://www.parksidefarmpyo.co.uk."www.parksidefarmpyo.co.uk.

21.What do we learn about Parkside Farm from the text?B
A.It sells fruit and vegetables online.
B.It doesn't open on Mondays.
C.It's situated in the south of London.
D.It has a small Pick Your Own area.
22.If a family of three buy 1kg of strawberries and 1kg of plums on the farm,they should payC.
A.£6         B.£7.48       C.£9         D.£16.48
23.What is the main purpose of the text?D
A.To instruct people how to grow crops.
B.To tell readers how to pick fruits.
C.To advise people to grow crops
D.To attract visitors to pick fruits.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:词汇应用

9.In 1938,Hitler declared war against Poland,which led to the Second World War.

