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3.参考词汇:低头族Smartphone Addicts.

分析 高分句型:
They are called Smartphone Addicts,who are buried in ②using their smartphones or laptops without raising their heads①.
①本句为who引导的非限定性的定语从句,先行词Smartphone Addicts在从句中作主语.
②be buried in doing sth.意为:专心于,沉浸于做某事.
As a matter of fact①,they can take up reading②to kill the time during their trips.
①As a matter of fact:用以加强语气,意思是:事实上,实际上,其实.
②take up doing sth.意为:开始做某事,开始从事某事.

解答 It is a common sight to see many young people engaged in emailing,twittering or chatting using their smartphones.It might be the best choice to kill time when they are on dull journey.(陈述了年轻人将手机当成消磨时间的娱乐工具的这一现象.)
They are called Smartphone Addicts,who are buried in using their smartphones or laptops without raising their heads.【高分句型一】This is very harmful.On one hand,they keep away from their friends or family.On the other hand,being busy with their smartphones can cause accidents,which brings them more pains than pleasure.(从两个方面分析了"低头族"对手机产生依赖以及低头玩手机的危害.)
As a matter of fact,they can take up reading to kill the time during their trips.【高分句型二】Reading books or newspapers can also enrich their knowledge.The pleasure from reading is a pleasant experience they can't have from using smartphones.(发表自己的看法即:用阅读来代替玩手机将会获取更多的乐趣.)

点评 写提纲类的作文时,需要根据要点,按照逻辑顺序重新组织材料,力求行文连贯,链接自然,句型多样,语法结构准确无误,表达简明扼要等.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.High school in the United States starts too early.Given teenagers'sleep patterns,the ideal school start time could be as late as 11:30 a.m.-when many high school students have already finished half a school day and are eating lunch.
Researchers from Harvard and Oxford wrote about this new finding in a recent article in the journal Learning,Media,and Technology.In the article,Paul Kelley argued that,given when kids and teenagers are biologically conditioned to wake up,10-year-olds should start school at 8 a.m.,16-year-olds should start between 10 a.m.and 10:30 a.m.,and 18-year-olds should start between 11 a.m.and 11:30 a.m.
There's been lots of research done on sleep and performance in school-but this article argues that school should start even later than most proposals for a later start time call for.Teens aren't lazy-adults need to adjust.This isn't laziness-sleep patterns are a biological necessity.Reviewi ng evidence from studies around the world,the researchers argue that starting school later would help students learn more,perform better on tests,and even make teenagers less annoyed.When the Minneapolis Public Schools moved their start time from 7:15 a.m.to 8:40 a.m.,students liked the change and reported that"attendance,achievement,behavior,and mood improved."
Parents were positive,too.92 percent said they liked the change,and parents reported that their kids were easier to live with when they weren't getting up so early.At the US Air Force Academy,where students were randomly assigned(分配;指派)to classes with earlier and later start times,students who started earlier performed worse all day long on those days.
The researchers argue that this is partly cultural,and that getting up early is still seen as a virtue.That's wrong,They write:"A common belief is that adolescents are tired because they choose to stay up too late,or are difficult to wake in the morning because they are lazy.Educators tend to think that adolescents learn best in the morning and if they simply went to sleep earlier,it would improve their concentration.The truth is that adults need to be educated."
61.What does the passage mainly argue about?A
A.The time to start high school.
B.The performance of teenagers.
C.The sleep patterns of the teenagers.
D.The common belief of adolescents.
62.From Paul Kelley's research,pe ople can concludeB.
A.the earlier the children get up,the cleverer they will become
B.the elder the children are,the later they should start learning
C.the more time children spend learning,the better they will be
D.the later children wake up,the more knowledge they can get
63.Which is NOT the benefit of starting school later in Paragraph3?D
A.Gaining more knowledge.
B.Getting higher marks.
C.Making mood better.
D.Attending school later.
64.How did the parents think of starting late?C
A.The students are losing a virtue.
B.The adults need to be taught.
C.The students benefit from that.
D.The adults become lazier.
65.What should the students do to perform well in school,according to the educators?D
A.They should have the wonderful virtue.
B.They could develop the common belief.
C.They need to become lazier and lazier.
D.They must get habits of sleeping early.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.Are you at least 17years old?Do you weigh more than 110ponds?Do you consider yourself fairly healthy?
If you answered yes to all of these questions,you should be donating (捐赠) blood every two months.In my survey of my schoolmates,I found that only 50percent of them have ever donated blood and that only 1out of 13of them donate regularly.The lack (缺少) of blood donors is a serious problem that requires immediate action.
According to the American Red Cross Web pages,in the United States alone someone receives a blood transfusion (输血) once every three seconds.People who benefit frm donations include cancer patients as well as babies.The need for blood never takes a vacation and neither should donors.
Let me tell you about Brooke,a three-year-old girl with cancer.Brooke has spent about half of her life in the hospital receiving treatments.Her treatment will require about 500units of blood in total,of which only 250units have been replaced.She still needs the other half of the total amount to continue her treatment.If she does't receive this blood,she will not live to start kindergarten.
Examples like Brooke's ae becoming all too common these days,with only 1in 20Americans donating blood and this number keeps dropping each year.These facts are extremely worrying considering that nearly half of us here will need blood sometime in our lives.
You can now see the seriousness of the problem with the lack of blood donations.Fortunately,it isa problem that can be easily solved.Each and every one of you can be part of the solution.All you have to do is go to the nearest Red Cross and donate your blood.
1.How does the author explain the problem mentioned in Paragraph 2?C
A.By answering questions.
B.By making comparisons.
C.By presenting research findings.
D.By describing his own experiences.
2.What can we learn from the American Red Cross Web pages?B
A.The suffering of patients.
BThe strong need for blood.
C.The efforts of the Red Cross.
D.The benefits of taking vacations.
3.The three-year-old girl BrookeB.
A.doesn't get fair treatment in the hospital   
B.will need another 250units of blood
C.stays alive by receiving blood daily        
D.can't wait to start kindergarten
4.What is the purpose of the text?A
A.To persuade people to donate blood.
B.To present some new medical results.
C.To call on people to save a little girl.
D.To explain the risks of blood donation.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.A man came home from work and found his three children outside,still in their pajamas(睡衣) playing in the mud,with empty food boxes and wrappers thrown all around the front yard.
The door of his wife's car was open,as was the front door to the house and there was no sign of the dog.
Walking into the entry,he found an even bigger mess.A lamp had been knocked over.In the front room the TV was loudly blaring(大声播放)a cartoon channel,and the family room was thrown with toys and various items of clothing.
In the kitchen,dishes filled the sink,breakfast food was spilled on the counter,the fridge door was open wide,dog food was spilled on the floor,a broken glass lay under the table,and a small pile of sand was spread by the back door.
He quickly headed up the stairs,stepping over toys and more piles of clothes,looking for his wife.He was worried she might be ill,or that something serious had happened.He was met with a small drop of water as it made its way out the bathroom door.As he looked inside he found wet towels,soap and more toys thrown over the floor.Miles of toilet paper lay in a heap(堆) and toothpaste had been put over the mirror and walls.
As he rushed to the bedroom,he found his wife still sleeping in the bed in her pajamas,reading a novel.She looked up at him,smiled,and asked how his day went.He looked at her puzzled and asked,"What happened here today?"
She again smiled and answered,"You know every day when you come home from work and ask me what in the world I did today?"
"Yes,"was his reply.
She answered,"Well,today I didn't do it."
24.When the man got home from work,he foundB.
A.everything was in good order  
B.the house was in a great mess
C.his wife was seriously ill in bed  
D.his car and house were broken into
25.What can we know from the passage?C
A.The dog was opening the door of the car.
B.The children were playing in the room.
C.The TV set was on,broadcasting a children's program.
D.The fridge door was left open with dog food in it.
26.What did the man think might have happened?D
A.There must have been a thief.
B.He must have forgotten to lock the door.
C.An important guest must have come.
D.His wife must have fallen ill.
27.The wife didn't do the houseworkC.
A.because she hated it
B.because she was tired of it
C.to show the importance of her job
D.to show her anger with her husband.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.WHEN you get hungry,do you find yourself making poor decisions?Well,it turns out that this is because of a hormone called ghrelin (饥饿激素).
It is released when you are hungry and has a bad effect on impulses (冲动) and making decisions,according to a recent study at Sahlgrenska Academy,part of the University of Gothenburg in Sweden.
"For the first time,we have been able to show that increasing ghrelin to levels that are seen when hungry causes the brain to act impulsively and also affects the ability to make rational decisions,"Karolina Skibicka,a member of the teaching staff at Sahlgrenska Academy,told the Science Daily website.
Impulsivity is complex,according to the website,but impulsive choice basically means not being able to resist the temptation  to take a reward now instead of waiting until later.
You may sometimes eat a bag of chips even though you know that you're going to have dinner soon,for example.This type of problem was seen in the rats used in the study.
The rats were trained to be rewarded with sugar when they did something like pressing a lever (杠杆)-or instead,they could be rewarded only when they stopped themselves from pressing the lever ("no-go") when the right signal,like a flash of light or a buzzing sound,was given.
When rats could not stop themselves from pressing the lever when the"no-go"signal was given,it was seen as a sign of impulsivity.Researchers found that rats given ghrelin directly into the brain were more likely to press the lever instead of waiting,even though it caused them to lose their reward.
The ability to wait for a greater reward later measures impulsive choice.For example,you can overeat fattening foods to feel happy right now or choose to eat healthier.Researchers at Sahlgrenska Academy found that higher levels of ghrelin stopped the rats from being able to wait for the greater reward.
The study also showed that increased levels of ghrelin even caused long-term genetic changes in the brain parts that are connected to impulsivity and decision making.The same type of changes can be seen in brains with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (注意力缺陷多动障碍) and other psychiatric disorders (精神疾病),reported Science Daily.
"The ghrelin receptors in the brain can be a possible target for future treatment,"said Skibicka.
32.According to the article,in the study at Sahlgrenska Academy,C.
A.the rats could only get their reward when they pressed a lever
B.when ghrelin in the rats'brains increased,they could wait for the right signal
C.when ghrelin in the rats'brains increased,they were more likely press the lever
D.when ghrelin in the rats'brains increased,they were eager to get the sugar
33.According to the article,impulsivity is measured byA.
A.the ability to focus on now rather than later 
B.the number of risks taken
C.the amount of patience for waiting     
D.the ability to wait for a good or better reward
34.Which word is closest to the meaning of the underlined word"rational"?A
35.What's the article mainly about?B
A.Impulsivity and decision-making.
B.Ghrelin and impulsivity.
C.Ghrelin's increase when people are hungry.
D.The way in which increasing ghrelin causes genetic changes.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.Real friend,real meaning
We can make mistakes at any age.Some mistakes we make are about money.But most mistakes are about people."Did Jerry really care when I broke up with Helen?""When I got that great job,did Jim really feel good about it,as a friend?Or did he envy my luck?"When we look back,doubts like these can make us feel bad.But when we look back,it's too late.
Why do we go wrong about our friends or our enemies?Sometimes what people say hides their real meaning.And if we don't really listen,we miss the feeling behind the words.Suppose someone tells you,"You're a lucky dog."that's being friendly.But"lucky dog"?There's a bit of envy in those words.Maybe he doesn't see it himself.But bringing in the"dog"bit puts you down a little.What he may be saying is that he doesn't think you deserve your luck.
"Just think of all the things you have to be thankful for"is another noise that says one thing and means another.It could mean that the speaker is trying to get you to see your problem as part of your life as a whole.But is he?Wrapped up in this phrase is the thought that your problem isn't important.It's telling you to think of all the starving people in the world when you haven't got a date for Saturday night.
How can you tell the real meaning behind someone's words?One way is to take a good look at the person talking.Do his words fit the way he looks?Does what he says agree with the tone of voice?His posture(姿态)?The look in his eyes?Stop and think.The minute you spend thinking about the real meaning of what people say to you may save another mistake.

24.When we listen to a person talking,the most important thing for us is toD.
A.notice his body language when the person is talking
B.look at his face and notice his expression
C.pay attention to his tone and his posture
D.judge the real meaning from his speech and behavior
25.According to the author,the reason why we go wrong about our friends is thatD.
A.we fail to listen carefully when they talk
B.we sometimes don't believe what our friends say
C.we are tired of what they say
D.people usually state one thing but mean another
26.Which of the following sentences is TRUE according to the passage?A
A.Perhaps he wishes himself to have the same situation as you when he says"you are a lucky dog".
B.Most mistakes we usually make are about money.
C.There is only one way to tell the real meaning behind someone's words.
D.It's not worth spending time in getting someone's real meaning.
27.This passage is mainly aboutB.
A.what to do when you listen to others
B.how to avoid mistakes when you communicate with people.
C.which kind of mistake you can make when you are talking to others
D.why we go wrong with people.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.Welcome to our new Days Out by Bus brochure.We have brought together an exciting collection of Days Out routes for you to enjoy.
Bath's hot spring,Roman Baths,splendid Churches and Georgian stone crescent have attracted visitors for centuries.Set in the countryside,it is a beautiful and unforgettable place to visit.You will be dropped in the center of Bath,at the Bus Park,allowing you plenty of free time to wander around the historic city.Schedule:Arrive at Bath 11:30am,leave Bath 4:30pm,return to Brighton 8:30pm.
Price:Adult£19,Child£15 (Child4-15)
Dickens World
Dickens World in Chatham is about the life,books and times of Britain's best loved author.It will take you on a fascinating journey back to the early 19th century England.Here you can meet colorful nice Dickens characters!There will be plenty of time to enjoy the experience and purchase lunch at the restaurant or coffee shop.Bus ticket includes admission.
Schedule:Arrive at Dickens World 11:30am,leave there 4:00pm,return to Brighton 6:30pm.
Price:Adult£30,Child£25(Child 5-15)
Mystery Tour
It's an old fashioned tour,so you can sit back and let the driver take you away.Board on the bus for mysterious ride out and around the Sussex countryside,where there is time for two coffee stops.Each trip will have a different destination; the route may be North,East or West.
Schedule:Time of Mystery Tour 6hours,return to Brighton at 5:00pm.
Price:Adult£15,Child£12(Child 4-15)
Make sure you take advantage of our Early Booking discount.If you book at least one month earlier,you can save up to£2per person.

61.In Bath,you canC.
A.meet characters in books           B.enjoy an old fashioned tour
C.visit Georgian stone crescent      D.wander around for six hours
62.If you want to return to Brighton before 6:00pm,you can chooseB.
A.Bath        B.Mystery Tour      C.Dickens World  D.Bus Park
63.How much should a family of three with a10-year-old child pay for Dickens World?D
A.£42.  B.£53.  C.£79.  D.£85.
64.Possibly people fromA will be interested in this passage.
A.Brighton     B.Rome        C.Sussex      D.London
65.What's the purpose of the passage?B
A.To design a brochure.
B.To advertise some routes for a holiday.
C.To advertise a kind of bus.
D.To provide information about booking tickets.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

生词:低碳生活--Low Carbon Living.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.The Chinese saying goes:Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.This is what the Seattle-based FareStart does.Not only does the charity(慈善机构) provide meals for the homeless but it also teaches them cooking skills that prepare them for jobs in food service.
In Seattle,13.2% of people live below the poverty line.Since its beginning in 1999,FareStart has grown steadily,graduating 110people from its adult cooking training program in 2013,90% of whom went on to well-paid employment(职业)within 90days of graduation.88% of those employees still held their positions six months later.
At FareStart,students begin their training with simple tasks like reading recipes(菜谱) and planning menus.Many also receive housing.In return,they are required to work.Starting with assisting in the kitchen preparing meals for people in shelters,the trainees move their way up the ranks,ending up in the kitchen of the FareStart restaurant in downtown Seattle.
The practical skill-training and other support services allow successful graduates like Jayna,a former nurse who lost her license due to drug and alcohol abuse,to get on in life.Since graduating from FareStart,she has worked in a small house at Yellowstone National Park."I could not have put myself back together again,"she said."FareStart did that for me."
Kevin,who graduated from FareStart in April 2012,is another success story.Previously homeless,he found that having to show up at the same place every day kept him on track.Upon leaving FareStart,Kevin began setting goals for his future and seeing them through-including holding down his current job for almost a year.
Going forward,FareStart plans to shift more focus to women,particularly women with children,who sadly make up an increasing percentage of the local homeless population.The organization also aims to double its student intake when it makes a gradual move to a bigger space in Seattle's Pacific Tower.

24.The author uses figures in Paragraph 2to showB.
A.cooking is becoming popular in Seattle
B.FareStart is helpful in creating employment
C.the growing population of Seattle
D.the rapid growth of unemployment
25.Both Jayna and KevinC.
A.worked at Yellowstone National Park
B.became homeless due to alcohol abuse
C.must be grateful to FareStart
D.lost their jobs for a year
26.We can learn from the text that FareStart willC.
A.help people in Seattle get out of poverty within 5years
B.make its restaurant the biggest one in Seattle
C.give more attention to homeless women
D.add more courses to meet the need of its students
27.What would be the best title for the text?A
A.A better way to feed the hungry
B.A new land found for housing
C.Success stories in Seattle
D.Poverty programs in Seattle.

