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 Clean water and fresh air are essential for our daily life, _______ we can’t live.

A. by which                         B. without which           C. that                   D. on which



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:009


  I went fishing with my father on last Sunday. We


started at daybreak.Before long we come to a stream


with clean water, that we could see fish swimming. It


is a good place for fishing.


After the few minutes' preparation,we sat down


and began fishing. An hour passes, but I didn't get a


single fish. I felt very disappointing. I often lifted


the fishing rod, because I almost lost me patience


On the other side of the stream, my father had got


lots fish. I went up to him, and asked for some


advice. With his help, we got some fish, too.


How happy I was!



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届陕西西安长安区第一中学高三上期第一次模拟考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

根据短文内容, 从下框A~F选项中选出能概括每段主题的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。选项中有一项为多余项。


A. Control of respiration

B. Basic tips for preserving cut flowers

C. Role of respiration

D. Most important aspect of flower care

E. Need for clean water

F. Ways of stopping respiration



While everybody enjoys fresh cut flowers around his house, few people know how to keep them for as long as possible. This may be done by keeping in mind a few simple facts. The key to keeping fresh cut flower for a week or more without preservatives ( which contain biocides (杀虫剂) that kill bacterial and fungus) is to keep the water fresh and the stems free of air pockets so they can continue to draw up water.


  An important thing to remember about cut flowers is that they are sensitive to temperature. For example, studies have shown that cut carnations retain their freshness eight times longer when kept at 12℃ than when kept at 26℃. Keeping freshly harvested flowered at the right temperatures is probably the most important aspect of flower care.


  The process by which flowers consume oxygen and produce carbon dioxide, called respiration (呼吸), supplies the energy the flower needs to give the flower its shape and color. The making of seeds also depends on this energy. While all living things respire, flowers have a high level of respiration. A result of all this respiration is heat, and for flowers the level of heat relative to the mass of the flower is very high. Respiration also brings about the eventual death of the flower. Thus the greater the level of respiration, the sooner the flower dies.


  How, then, to control the speed at which flowers die? By controlling respiration. How is respiration controlled? By controlling temperature, we know that respiration produces heat, but the reverse ( 反面 ) is also true. Thus by keeping low temperatures, respiration is reduced and the cut flower will age more slowly.


  Another vital factor in keeping cut flowers is the quality of the water in which they are placed. Flowers find it difficult to “drink” water that is dirty or otherwise polluted. Even when water looks and smells clean, it almost certainly contains harmful substances that can endanger the flowers. To rid the water of these unwanted substances, chlorine bleach ( 含氯漂白剂 ) can be used in small quantities. It is recommended that 15 drops of chlorine bleach be added to each liter of water. The water and solution ( 溶液 )should also be replaced each day.



科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年江苏宿迁高二上期第一次月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Dear Mayor,

I would like to draw your attention to the depressing state of the environment in our city. Increased vehicles have made the air polluted. Citizens find it difficult to breathe. Dumping toxic chemicals into the river has polluted the drinking water and ground water.

All of us, as concerned citizens, have discussed these problems in various meetings. We have come up with the following proposals(提议).

The green roads are no longer green. Many trees and bushes have been cut. We propose restricting the movement of vehicles. Besides, we should make it compulsory(强制性的)to use anti-pollution devices on all vehicles. We should also plant more plants and trees along roads.

The Bada Nadi River has become a dumping ground of toxic chemicals from some factories. These toxic chemicals have killed nearly all the life in the river and polluted our drinking water and ground water. We propose that the Bada Nadi River be declared a protected water body. All the dumping should be banned and heavy fine should be imposed on the offenders(违法者). To tackle the problem of managing toxic waste, we propose setting up a water treatment plant so that only clean water is discharged into the river. Cleaning up the river and introducing various fishes and plants to the river will bring it back to life.

Lastly, the noise pollution caused by honking(鸣)horns and blaring loudspeakers has caused distress to one and all. Many people have suffered from noise-related illnesses. We propose a blanket ban on the use of loudspeakers. And“no horn zones”should also be declared in residential hospitals and school areas.

I would request you to seriously consider our proposals and act accordingly.

Thank you!

 Sincerely yours,

A kind-hearted citizen

1.The author wrote this letter in order to ______.

A. express his/her thanks to the mayor

B. complain about the environment

C. share his/her opinions about city life

D. make his/her suggestions on managing toxic waste

2.In order to protect the Bada Nadi River, the author suggests _______.

A. anti-pollution devices should be used on vehicles

B. planting more trees and bushes along roads

C. restricting the movement of vehicles

D. banning dumping dangerous chemicals into the river

3.The underlined word “tackle”in the fourth paragraph means“_______”.

A. put off                              B. deal with

C. set up                               D. turn down



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届湖南凤凰县华鑫中学高一12月月考英语试题 题型:其他题

Directions: Read the following passage, Answer the questions according to the

information given in the passage.

March 22nd every year has been the World Water Day since 1993. Everyone knows that over 70% of our planet is covered with water, but do you know that only 3% of the water is fresh and less than 1% of this fresh water is available for human use?

Water shortage

The World Bank reports that 80 countries now have water shortages, while 40% of the more than 2 billion people, have no access to clean water. Fresh water is such a life-or-death issue(问题) in many parts of the world that every eight seconds a child dies from drinking dirty water.

How to save water

Turn off the tap while you brush you teeth in the morning and before bedtime, and you can save up to 8 gallons of water! That adds up to more than 200 gallons a month, enough to fill a huge fish tank that holds 6 small sharks!

 Keep your shower under 5 minutes long. In fact, a 5-minute shower uses more water than a person living in poverty in a developing country uses in an entire day.

 Fix the leak. If your toilet has a leak, you could be wasting about 200 gallons of water every day. That would be like flushing your toilet more than 50 times for no reason!

    We each share responsibility for the sustainable management of our water resources, which means using less water at home, in the workplace, at school, on holidays, on the farm,… everyone, everywhere, every time.

1.  When did the first World Water Day take place? (no more than 5 words) 


2.  How many suggestions does the writer give us to save water? (1 word)


3.  What example does the writer give us to show fresh water is a life-or-death issue? (no more than 10 words)


4.  What’s the purpose of writing this passage? (no more than 12 words)




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Water, which covers about 74 percent of the earth’s surface, is man’s most precious resource. Without it we cannot live. Clean water keeps us alive; polluted water means disease and death.Keeping our water pure is by no means an easy task but it is something that must be done.
Hong Kong once prided herself on being the “Fragrant Harbour”. However, these days, it is not certain if Hong Kong’s harbour could still be called “fragrant”. For, like many other places, Hong Kong has not been spared water pollution. A visit to Tolo and Victoria Harbour, or any of the beaches in Hong Kong is enough to make one aware of the ugly truth that Hong Kong waters are indeed polluted.
The great threat to our water is bacteria pollution. Another great source of water pollution is poisonous chemicals. These substances, which are found in industrial waste and agricultural pesticides, make up unseen dangers that enter biological food chains.
Pollution control is a continuing problem for the government. It is believed that the most effective form of control is legislation(立法). Most importantly, the present laws on pollution should be given more force. On the other hand, no amount of legislation can effectively control pollution unless those concerned are properly educated about the danger posed by pollution.
While a great majority of Hong Kong citizens and residents seem to be greatly concerned about ways to control water pollution, it is discouraging to note that there are, in our midst, some people who remain apathetic(无动于衷)about the problem. In a recent radio programme conducted on what people in the streets thought about the water pollution problem, one apparently unconcerned person said, “What do I care about water pollution? I don’t drink polluted water. As long as the water I drink is not polluted, I’m not bothered. Water pollution is too big a problem and let’s leave it to the government.”
If all residents in Hong Kong will take such an indifferent attitude, all the government’s attempts to control pollution, let alone the anti-pollution legislation, will prove useless. The best form of pollution control each citizen can employ is to be aware of his surroundings. We hope that someday, the problem of water pollution in Hong Kong will cease to alarm us.

  1. 1.

    By the underlined sentences, the writer wants to show that ______.

    1. A.
      we should not use polluted water
    2. B.
      it is our responsibility to keep our water clean and safe
    3. C.
      clean water is vitally important to the survival of human beings
    4. D.
      water is abundant but very expensive
  2. 2.

    What can you infer from the second paragraph?

    1. A.
      Hong Kong indeed deserves the name.
    2. B.
      Hong Kong never deserves such a name.
    3. C.
      Hong Kong can’t avoid the damage of pollution.
    4. D.
      Hong Kong has failed to live up to such reputation.
  3. 3.

    The writer quotes the words in the programme to show us that a block to the solution of the problem is _________.

    1. A.
      people’s lack of education
    2. B.
      people’s I-don’t-care attitude
    3. C.
      people’s wait-and-see attitude
    4. D.
      people’s over-dependence on the government
  4. 4.

    In the final analysis, the best approach to the problem of water pollution is ________.

    1. A.
    2. B.
      rapid development of modern science
    3. C.
      mass education
    4. D.
      everybody taking care of his own surroundings

