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5.It's a brand new world-a world built around brands.Hard charging,noise making,culture shaping brands are everywhere.They're on supermarket shelves,of course,but also in business plans for dotcom startups and in the names of sports complexes.Brands are infiltrating(渗透)people's everyday lives-by sticking their logos on clothes,in concert programs,on subway station walls,even in elementary school classrooms.
We live in an age in which CBS newscasters wear Nike jackets on the air,in which Burger King and McDonald's open newsstands in elementary-school lunchrooms,in which schools like Stanford University are endowed with a Yahoo!Founders Chair.But as brands reach (and then overreach)into every aspect of our lives,the companies behind them invite more questions,deeper examination-and an inevitable backlash (强烈反应) by consumers.
"Our intellectual lives and our public spaces are being taken over by marketing-and that has real implications for citizenship,"says author and activist Naomi Klein."It's important for any healthy culture to have public space-a place where people are treated as citizens instead of as consumers.We've completely lost that space."
Since the mid-1980s,as more and more companies have shiftedfrom being about products to being about ideas-Starbucks isn't selling coffee;it's selling community!-those companies have poured more and more resources into marketing campaigns.
To pay for those campaigns,those same companies figured out ways to cut costs else where-for example,by using contract labor at home and low-wage labor in developing countries.Contract laborers are hired on a temporary,per-assignment basis,and employers have no obligation to provide any benefits(such as health insurance)or long-term job security.This saves companies money but obviously puts workers in vulnerable situations.In the United States,contract labor has given rise to so-called McJobs,which employers and workers alike pretend are temporary-even though these jobs are usually held by adults who are trying to support families.
The massive expansionof marketing campaigns in the 1980s coincided with the reduction of government spending for schools and for museums.This made those institutions much too willing,even eager,to partner with private companies.But companies took advantage of the needs of those institutions,reaching too far,and overwhelming the civic space with their marketing agendas.

31.What does the passage intend to tell us?D
A.The problems with current corporate practices.
B.The nature of current marketing campaigns and strategies.
C.The importance of brands in American culture.
D.The excessive presence of brands and marketing in people's lives.
32.What is Naomi Klein's attitude towards the infiltration of brands into public spaces?A
33.The passage suggests that most contract laborers in the U.S.B.
A.pretend to be permanent workers
B.may have trouble supporting their families financially
C.have work conditions comparable to those of low-wage workers overseas
D.are likely to receive health benefits from their employers
34.We may infer from the last paragraph thatC.
A.inadequate federal funding facilitated the privatization of schools and museums
B.government reduced spending for schools and museums for their cooperation with companies
C.public institutions were only too anxious to accept corporate marketing as a source of funding
D.by the 1980s,very few public institutions were not being funded by corporations.

分析 本文是一篇现象解释型文章.文章开头先说明一种社会现象:充满商标的社会.第二、三进一步举例描述这一现象的普遍性及人们的反应.第四段举例介绍了这一现象出现的时间,紧接着第五段描述了这一现象带来的后果,最后一段解释了这一现象产生的原因及影响.

解答 31.D.主旨大意题.本题主要考查考生对文章大意的把握.文章开篇就点明主题:这是一个"world built around brands";第二段通过对各类事实的列举(新闻主播穿着耐克牌夹克、麦当劳的餐点进入学校等)说明一些公司过火的市场营销,之后各段围绕此问题展开讨论,总结全文可知应选D项.
32.A.观点态度题.本题就第三段内容Our intellectual lives and our public spaces are being taken over by marketing-and that has real implications for citizenship,"says author and activist Naomi Klein提问.作家及行动主义者Naomi Klein 认为我们的公共空间已被市场营销所取代,而公共空间对于一个健康的文化是很重要的,由此可看出,他对该问题很关注,即选项A正确.
33.B.推理判断题.答题关键在于理解第五段的最后一句In the United States,contract labor has given rise to so-called McJobs,which employers and workers alike pretend are temporary-even though these jobs are usually held by adults who are trying to support families.文章就破折号后的内容提问.破折号后的内容意思为"尽管打这类工的人都是要设法养家糊口的人",暗含的意思就是这些人养家糊口可能是有困难的,所以选项B正确.
34.C.推理判断题.首句It's a brand new world-a world built around brands.Hard charging,noise making,culture shaping brands are everywhere指出了在大规模营销活动扩大的同时,政府为学校和博物馆提供的资金减少了,后文接着提到这样导致了这些机构与私企的合作,而私人公司也利用了这一点,可见公共机构只是太急于接受企业的营销作为一个资金来源,故选C.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.It's that time of year when people need to lock their cars.It's not because there are a lot of criminals running around stealing cars.Rather,it's because of good-hearted neighbors who want to share their harvest.Especially with this year's large crop,leaving a car unlocked in my neighborhood is an invitation for someone to fill it with zucchini(西葫芦).
My sister,Sharon,recently had a good year for tomatoes.She and her family had eaten and canned so many that they had begun to feel their skin turn slightly red.That's when she decided it was time to share her blessings.She started calling everyone she knew.When that failed,she began asking everyone in the neighborhood,eventually finding a neighbor delighted to have the tomatoes."Feel free to take whatever you want,"Sharon told her.Later that day,Sharon found that her garden had indeed been harvested.She felt happy that she could help someone and that the food didn't go to waste.
A few days later,Sharon answered the door.There was the neighbor,holding a hot loaf of bread.The neighbor smiled pleasantly,"I wanted to thank you for all of the tomatoes,and I have to admit that I took a few other things and hoped you wouldn't mind."
Sharon couldn't think of anything else in her garden that had been worth harvesting and said so."Oh,but you did,"the neighbor said."You had some of the prettiest zucchini I've ever seen."
Sharon was confused.They hadn't even planted any zucchini.But her neighbor insisted that there really were bright-green zucchini in her garden.Sharon felt curious and decided to go to see where the zucchini had grown.The two of them walked together into the backyard.When the neighbor pointed at the long green vegetables,Sharon smiled."Well,actually,those are cucumbers that we never harvested,because they got too big,soft and bitter for eating."
The neighbor looked at Sharon,shock written all over her face.She gulped(哽住)a few times,and then,smiling,held out the bread,part of a batch she had shared all over the neighborhood."I brought you a nice loaf of cucumber bread.I hope you like it."
28.Why does the author warn people in the neighborhood to lock their cars?C
A.They might be stolen by thieves at night.
B.They might be moved away by the police.
C.Their neighbors might fill them with their harvest.
D.Their neighbors might throw cucumbers into them.
29.How did Sharon's friends react to the invitation to take her tomatoes?A
A.They did not accept her kind offer.
B.They were all delighted to have the tomatoes.
C.They said they would go when they were free.
D.They began to tell everyone they knew about it.
30.What did the neighbor do in Sharon's garden?B
A.She only harvested some tomatoes.
B.She took some cucumbers mistakenly.
C.She took something with Sharon's help.
D.She harvested a few zucchini by accident.
31.We can infer that the neighbor's bread would tasteC.
A.soft and sweet    
B.hard and sour     
C.funny and bitter     
D.fragrant and delicious.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.Driving to a friend's house on a recent evening,I was attracted by the sight of the full moon rising just above my friend's roof-tops.I stopped to watch it for a few moments,thinking about what a pity it was that most citizens,myself included,usually miss sights like this because we spend most of our lives indoors.
My friend had also seen it.He grew up living in a forest in Europe,and the moon meant a lot to him then.It had touched much of his life.
I know the feeling.Last December I took my seven-year-old daughter to the mountainous jungle of northern India with some friends.We stayed in a forest rest-house with no electricity or running hot water.Our group had campfires outside every night,and indoors when it was too cold outside.The moon grew to its fullest during our trip.Between me and the high mountains lay three or four valleys.Not a light shone in them and not a sound could be heard.It was one of the quietest places I have ever known,a bottomless well of silence.And above me was the full moon,which struck me deeply.
Today our lives are filled with glass,metal,plastic and fiber-glass.We have televisions,cellphones,pagers,electricity,heaters and ovens and air-conditioners,cars,computers.
Struggling through traffic that evening at the end of a tiring day,most of which was spent in doors,I thought that before long I would like to live in a small cottage.There I will grow vegetables and read books and walk in the mountains,and perhaps write,but not in anger.I may become an old man there,and wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled and measure out my life in coffee spoons.But I will be able to walk outside on a cold silent night and touch the moon.
1.The best title for the passage would beB.
A.The pleasures of modern life
B.Touched by the moon
C.A bottomless well of silence
D.Break away from modern life
2.What impressed the writer most in the mountainous jungle of northern India?C
A.No modern equipment
B.Complete silence.
C.The nice moonlight
D.The high mountains.
3.Modern things (Paragraph 4)are mentioned mainly toC.
A.show that the writer liker city life very much
B.tell us that people greatly benefit from modern life
C.explain that people have less chances to enjoy nature
D.show that we can also enjoy nature at home through them
4.The author wrote the passage toA.
A.express the feeling of returning to nature
B.show the love for the moonlight
C.advise modern people to learn to live
D.want to communicate longing for modern life.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

Dear editor,
I'm a Senior Three student.I'm unhappy these days.Last Tuesday,I was doing my homework with my favorite MP3on in Self-Study Class.Suddenly my head teacher took my MP3away from behind and the next day he scolded (批评) me before the whole class.I reasoned (理论)with him,only to make things worse.Is there anything wrong enjoying music?What can I do?
4.老师的意图; 5.和老师沟通.
Dear LiHua,
I am sorry thatyou have trouble with your head teacher.From your letter I know you are a music fan.So am I.As everyone knows,music can be a good companion,which can bring you happiness,helping forget worries at school.One can't live happily without music.No wonder you have a great passion for music.If you enjoy music in a proper time as well as in a proper way,you can keep on studying in a better state.I think you should understand your teacher's intention.He just cared too much about you.You'd better have a heart-to-heart talk with him so that you can understand each other much better.I'm sure music is the bridge to the soul.
Good luck!
Yours sincerely,
Liu Weri.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.The unusual ability of blind people to"sense"unseen objects has been demonstrated for the first time in sighted volunteers whose vision was blanked out by scientists.
The findings suggest"blindsight",which has been observed in blind people whose eyes function normally but who have suffered damage to the brain's Visual centre,is a real and not imagined phenomenon.
In the tests,the blind have been able to distinguish basic shapes of objects they cannot see,as well as their orientation(定向)and direction of motion.On other occasions a blind person has reported experiencing a"feeling"that an object is present,while not being able to see it.
A number of theories have been proposed to explain"blindsight".Generally,it is suggested that other parts of the brain besides the primary visual cortex respond to nerve messages from the eyes at an unconscious level.
Scientists from the University of Houston in Texas temporarily blinded a group of 12volunteers by using an electromagnetic field to shut down the primary visual cortex.Images were then flashed in front of them on a screen.
In one experiment,volunteers were shown either a horizontal(水平的)or vertical bar.In another,a red or green dot appeared.
Most of the time,the volunteers were unaware of the images with which they were presented.But they guessed either the orientation of the bar or the colour of the dot correctly more often than would have been expected by the law of averages.
The researchers said the findings suggested that a visual pathway bypassing the primary visual cortex must be responsible for"blindsight".

32.What do we know about the primary visual cortex in the brain?D
A.It can be replaced by other parts of the brain.
B.It works by sending messages to the eyes.
C.It is the only part to react to messages from the eyes.
D.It is not the only part to react to messages from the eyes.
33.Why was the primary visual cortex shut down in the experiment?A
A.So that the volunteers couldn't see.
B.So that images could flash on a screen.
C.In order to test the volunteers'eyes.
D.In order to get messages from the eyes.
34.Which of the following can replace the underlined word"bypassing"in the last paragraph?B
A.Leading to.B.Going around.C.Existing in.D.Coming from.
35.In this text,the author explains.B
A.why"blindsight"is needed
B.how"blindsight"possibly occurs
C.how the primary visual cortex works
D.why the primary visual cortex is important.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.Life is a continual learning process for those who seek knowledge ______ they cross it over.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

14.In the USA the high school graduation ceremony is very important.12th-grade students,or seniors,who are about 17or 18years old,look forward(61)tothis event.The graduation ceremony itself takes place at the end of May or (62)beginning(begin) of June.The ceremony usually includes music,awards,and a guest speaker.After the speeches,students walk to the front of the room(63)to receive(receive) their diplomas from the headmaster.Students start preparing for graduation a long time(64)beforeit happens.They order things,designed(65)especially(especial) for their class.
Another tradition is to have their photographs taken.These photographs are used for the class yearbook,which is a(66)printed(print) book about all the students in the school,but with most of the pages about the seniors.Students have special cards,called announcements,printed to send to friends and relatives to tell(67)them(they) about their graduation.The cards often include an(68)invitation(invite) to the ceremony.If you receive(69)anannouncement,you should send a present or money to the graduate.After the ceremony,families usually have graduation parties for friends and relatives.It is a day and a night(70)that/whichhigh school seniors remember for a long time.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

提示词:世界园艺博览会World Horticultural exposition
Dear Sir or Madam,
I've read the news on the Internet that the World Horticultural Exposition will be held in Tangshan from May to October in 2016.
Li hua.

