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When 1 was a boy we used to live across the road from a big hill with huge oak trees growing out of it.When winter arrived,thick,heavy snow would fall,and my two brothers would grab their sleds heading over to the hill for a day of fun.I remember watching them with envy because 1 was still too small to go sledding.Finally,one winter 1 was considered big enough and joined my brothers as they carried their sleds up the long hill and prepared to ride down it.

The first few trips I rode with one of my brothers and had the time of my life.It was so exhilarating when the wind whipped across my face as I flew down the hillside on the wooden sled.Near the end of the day 1 was overjoyed too when my oldest brother decided to let me try riding the sled all by myself.I climbed on it full of excitement and lay on my stomach.Then with one big push my brother sent me down the snowy hillside.1 was doing pretty well too until I hit an old stump hidden by the snow and went off course,straight towards one of those big oak trees.My heart pounded in my chest and I could hear myself screaming.At the last possible second I rolled off and the sled crashed into the tree.I could hear my brothers running down the hill yelling,“You have to steer(操控)!You have to steer!”

Sadly,that wasn’t the last time I failed to steer when some obstacle knocked me off course in my life.Many times problems,troubles,and my own failures have sent me crashing into the trees of anger, frustration, and despair.I am still learning that life isn’t always safe sledding.I am still learning that it is up to me to steer myself back to love, back to kindness, back to goodness, and back to God.

Life is a trip,but no one ever said it was a smooth ride.Steer well then.Steer straight.Steer your soul towards the light and the love we are all meant for.

1.What do we know about the author when he was very young?

A. He lived on a big hill with huge oak trees on it.

B. He was frightened to go sledding with his brothers.

C. He longed to go sledding with his brothers.

D. He carried his brothers’sleds as they went sledding.

2.Which of the following can replace the underlined word“exhilarating”in Paragraph 2?

A. delightful B. Terrifying

C. ordinary D. violent

3.Why did the author fall off his sled?

A. Because his sled crashed in an oak tree.

B. Because he lost control of his sled.

C. Because his brother pushed it so hard.

D. Because the hillside was snowy.

4.What does the author mean to tell us?

A. Losing control of a sled can be dangerous.

B. Courage and determination can change one’s life.

C. Life can be controlled by one himself

D. Life is a mystery full of coincidences.


科目:高中英语 来源:福建省三明市毕业班5月质量检查英语试卷 题型:短文填空

Here I'd like to share one of my survival experiences with you.Last winter,we went skiing at Rocky Mountains. We had fun and enjoyed1.(we) during the daytime.However,when evening came,I got lost in a2. (violence) snowstorm.Before I knew it,I wandered off the path and lost touch with my family3.(total).Thinking about all the survival tips I had learnt on TV shows,I tried not4.(panic).I decided to stop moving around aimlessly and find shelter from freezing wind and snow first.Otherwise,my body temperature would get very low,5.could quickly kill me.I built a snow cave,6.(use) my skis.I gathered7.huge mass of snow and dug out a hole in the middle. Then I piled8.(branch) on myself,like a blanket,to stay as warm as I could.I ate snow and slept in my cave.The next morning,I went out to look for help,but9.vain.I had to return to my snow cave by following my tracks.After being stuck in the snow for three days,I finally10.(rescue) by a group of volunteer searchers.


科目:高中英语 来源:新疆呼图壁县一中2016-2017学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:单项填空

They ______the plan because it was very practical

A. resisted B. agreed

C. refused D. adopted


科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省黄山市2016-2017学年高一下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:七选五

How to become the best version of yourself?

When we step outside, we'd prefer it if we were presenting the best version of ourselves to people. 1. If you are looking to get more out of your life, here are a few things you need to do in order to become the best.

Stop being negative.

2. If you tell yourself that you can't do something, your brain is going to immediately give up. If, however, you tell yourself that you can totally do this, your brain will wake up and rise to the challenge. 3. Instead of saying: "I can't"— say: "I can!" Don't worry about what others might think, Tell yourself that you're going to win today.


Even though none of us are perfect, some of us are still very good at presenting the best version of ourselves. How? By being okay with our shortcomings. Shortcomings are what make us human. Instead of trying to hide them, celebrate them.

Focus on your values.

Your values are important. Our values guide our thought, action and decision. A person who knows his values agree with everything he does. He is sure of himself. Write down your core values. This will give some way to ensuring that you are the best. 5.

A.You will become a person who makes decisions with confidence.

B.Put an end to past regrets.

C.It's time to set boundaries by looking after yourself for a change.

D.But when you return home, it's easy to fall back into your old habits.

E.Your brain tends to take what you say as truth.

F.Celebrate your shortcomings.

G.For this reason, it is important that you cut the negative talk.


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省惠州市2018届高三第一次调研测试英语试卷 题型:短文填空

Recent months have seen a return of bike across China. With an increasing number of people choosing cycling instead of 1.(drive) to schools, to workplaces or to do sightseeing. The introduction of bike-sharing programs has brought the trend to a new level.

The bikes 2.(equip) with GPS and can be left anywhere in public for the next user. They’re popular among many Chinese people as they provide 3. effective solution in places 4. it’s difficult to change from one kind of transport to another. Bike-sharing is a 5.(green) method of transportation and 6.(provide) a more friendly experience

However, the programs have also led to problems such as 7.(legal) parking, deliberate (蓄意的) damaging and theft. To deal with these problems, the company came up with the idea of encouraging people

8.(return) the bikes to stations 9. rewarding free time for their next rides. Now, Chinese service operators are also trying to address these problems,too. For example, Mobike sets a 100-point credit score for each user, with 10.(point) taken in the case of bad behavior. Once a score drops below 80, bike rental is increased to 100 yuan per 30 minutes, up from 0.5-1 yuan.


科目:高中英语 来源:新疆石河子第二中学2016-2017学年高一下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:完形填空

When we moved from California to Colorado, 1,200 miles away from our parents, my husband and I decided that we did not want to travel a long way with our four______for Christmas. However, one late October day, I had a phone conversation with my mother-in-law.

“When are you ____?” she asked.

I did not know how to ______,and changed the subject. When she asked again later in the ____一 “ When are you coming?” 一I knew that we would ____our plan and not stay in our own home for Christmas.

The thought of not being in our own home caused me to be____. What would Christmas away from home look like? Would we be ____ the magic of Christmas by not being in our own home? It would be the first time our children would spend __ away from our own home. “How would you like to give ___the best Christmas present ever? We can do that____giving them the gift of our presence,” we told our kids. They all agreed we should go and so the trip to California was __.

My husband's large family always kept Christmas very ___. They only attached great importance____the special meal together. My in-laws' faces____with joy when our family arrived. Christmas Eve was filled with ____, as played games and sang our favorite songs.

Sadly, my mother-in-law's dementia(老年痴呆)became worse. I was ___that we had made an excepton and ___that Christmas together. I didn’t know it at that time,____it was the last Christmas with my mother-in-law.

The gift of being ___with her that year was the best gift I have ever ___and received.

1.A. friends B. children C. neighbors D. relatives

2.A. coming B. driving C. planning D. phoning

3.A. begin B. stop C. respond D. repeat

4.A. apartment B. letter C. conversation D. situation

5.A. swap B. change C. rescue D. show

6.A. anxious B. excited C. tired D. sensitive

7.A. giving up B. setting up C. picking up D. turning up

8.A. Thanks-giving B. Mother’s Day C. New Year D. Christmas

9.A. uncles B. grandparents C. cousins D. parents

10.A. after B. before C. by D. with

11.A. finished B. removed C. appreciated D. set

12.A. grateful B. official C. simple D. legal

13.A. on B. in C. to D. for

14.A. watched over B. lit up C. burst out D. gave in

15.A. power B. noise C. laughter D. merry

16.A. amazed B. mean C. frightened D. glad

17.A. spent B. missed C. packed D. ignored

18.A. but B. because C. unless D. so

19.A. calm B. present C. generous D. honest

20.A. got B. seen C. given D. heard


科目:高中英语 来源:湖南省张家界市2015-2016学年高一下学期期末联考(A)英语试卷 题型:短文改错





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


Sandy arrived at the museum at last. She was so tired that she has to find a chair to sit on. If she sat down, she noticed nice painting on the wall. She stared with it for a long time--- such long, that she fell asleep.

Suddenly, she felt a tap on his shoulder. She looked up and saw a man on a horse wear a metal suit. He was only a sculpture a moment ago, but by now he was alive and talking to Sandy! She was so frightening that she ran down the hall.

From around the corner she could hear someone singing. She went to see what it was but there was nobody in sight.


科目:高中英语 来源:山西省晋城市2016-2017学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:书面表达








Dear Anna,

I’m glad to learn that you are looking for a student to be captain of the winter camp.








Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省池州市2016-2017学年高一下学期期末测试英语试卷 题型:七选五

Net Smartz advises using the following "Internet Safety Pledge(誓言)"to make sure of kids' safety on the Internet.Here is the safety pledge for middle and high school students...

I will set up some rules of going online with my parents,including the time of the day I may be online,the length of time I may be online and whom I may communicate with.1.

I will keep my identity secret from people online.I will never give away personal information such as my full name,my mailing address,my telephone number,the name of my school,or may other information that could help someone know my actual identity.2.

If I come across some information that is rude or makes me feel frightened,uncomfortable,or confused,I won't react to it.3.He or she can decide if it is necessary to contact the online service or other authorities.

Since the biggest danger to my safety is getting together with someone I have "met" online,I won't meet in person with anyone unless my parents agree.4.And the meeting will be in a public place.

5.I will always treat others the way I would like to be treated and I will respect copyright(著作权)laws.I will not do anything that hurts others' feelings or anything that goes against the law.

A.There are many possible dangers for the children to go online by themselves.

B.If they agree,I will ask them to go with me.

C.I will respect others' rights while I am online.

D.I won't believe in anyone that I meet on the Internet.

E.And I will show the message to a trusted adult for help right away.

F.I will not do anything against the rules.

G.I won't give away an personal information about my friends or family,either.

