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For generations here in the deepest South, there had been a great taboo(禁忌): publicly crossing the color line for love. Less than 45 years ago, marriage between blacks and whites was illegal, and it has been forbidden for much of the time since.
So when a great job about an hour’s drive north of the Gulf Coast attracted him, Jeffrey Norwood, a black college basketball coach, had reservations. He was in a serious relationship with a woman who was white and Asian.
“You’re thinking about a life in South Mississippi?” his father said in a skeptical voice, recalling days when a black man could face mortal(致命的) danger just being seen with a woman of another race, regardless of intentions. "Are you sure?"
But on visits to Hattiesburg, the younger Mr. Norwood said he liked what he saw: growing diversity. So he moved, married, and, with his wife, had a baby girl, who was counted on the last census(人口普查) as black, white and Asian. Taylor Rae Norwood, three, is one of thousands of mixed-race children who have made this state home to one of the nation's most rapidly expanding multiracial populations, up 70 percent between 2000 and 2010, according to new data from the Census Bureau.
In the first comprehensive accounting of multiracial Americans since statistics were first collected about them in 2000, reporting from the 2010 census, made public in recent days, shows that the nation’s mixed-race population is growing far more quickly than many researchers had estimated, particularly in the South and parts of the Midwest. That conclusion is based on the bureau’s analysis of 42 states; the data from the remaining eight states will be released soon.
In North Carolina, the mixed-race population doubled. In Georgia, it grew by more than 80 percent, and by nearly as much in Kentucky and Tennessee. In Indiana, Iowa and South Dakota, the multiracial population increased by about 70percent.
Census officials estimated the national multiracial growth rate was about 35 percent since2000 according to the known result, when seven million people ----- 2.4 percent of the population chose more than one race.
【小题1】If a black man married a white woman 50years ago, the worst result was that _____.

A.he was sentenced to death B.he was considered to be immoral
C.he was criticized by the public D.he was treated as a lawbreaker
【小题2】The underlined word “serious” in Paragraph 2 can be replaced by “____”.
A.stable B.bad C.mixed D.dangerous
【小题3】What can we infer from Paragraph 4?
A.Jeffrey Norwood was born in Hattiesburg and grew up there.
B.Taylor Rae Norwood’s mother is a white-Asian.
C.70 percent of the people in Mississippi are multiracial.
D.Mississippi has the largest multiracial population in the US.
【小题4】Which of the following states had the fastest growth rate of mixed-race population?
A.Georgia. B.Tennessee. C.North Carolina. D.South Dakota.


【小题1】细节理解题。根据第二段的句子:a black man could face mortal(致命的) danger just being seen with a woman of another race,可知在50年前,如果一个黑人男子和白人女子结婚,最坏的结果是被判处死刑,故选A。
【小题2】细节理解题。根据第二段的句子:He was in a serious relationship with a woman who was white and Asian. “You’re thinking about a life in South Mississippi?” his father said in a skeptical voice, recalling days when a black man could face mortal(致命的) danger just being seen with a woman of another race, regardless of intentions. 可知“serious”是“稳定的”故选A。
【小题3】推理判断题。根据第四段的句子:So he moved, married, and, with his wife, had a baby girl, who was counted on the last census(人口普查) as black, white and Asian. 可知Taylor Rae Norwood的妈妈是一个白种亚裔人,故选B。
【小题4】细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的句子:In North Carolina, the mixed-race population doubled. 可知在North Carolina混合种族的人口发展最快,故选C。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

A car needs gas to run as your body needs food to work for you. Eating the right kinds of food is very important. A good eating habit can help your body grow strong if you take care of what you eat.
There are four main food groups altogether. The dairy group has food like milk, cheese and sour milk. The other three groups are the meat and fish group, the fruit and vegetable group, and the bread and rice group. Each meal should have at least one food from all four main groups. With all of these foods together, you will be given enough energy during the day.
It is easy to get into bad eating habits. You may eat your breakfast in a hurry to get to school on time or you may not have time for a good lunch. It may be easier to eat fish and chips for your supper all the time. But you will find yourself tired and you will not be able to think quickly.
Watching what you eat will help keep your body healthy and strong. It is also good to take some exercise. It will help you eat more if you take a walk or play games in the open air. Having good eating habits with some exercise is the key to your health.
【小题1】According to the passage, which of the following diets do you think is the best one?

A.Eggs, tomatoes and chicken. B.Milk, bread, cabbages and beef.
C.Corn, fish, ice cream and pork. D.Rice, beancurd, fish and chicken.
【小题2】In this passage the writer mainly tells us that ______.
A.every person needs food to grow well
B.taking exercise can keep your body strong
C.the right kind of food with exercise will keep you healthy
D.enough energy helps people think more quickly


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Most people agree that honesty is a good thing. But does Mother Nature agree? Animals can't talk, but can they lie in other ways? Can they lie with their bodies and behavior? Animal experts may not call it lying, but they do agree that many animals, from birds to chimpanzees, behave dishonestly to fool other animals. Why? Dishonesty often helps them survive.

Many kinds of birds are very successful at fooling other animals. For example, a bird called the plover sometimes pretends to be hurt in order to protect its young. When a predator(猎食动物)gets close to its nest, the plover leads the predator away from the nest. How? It pretends to have a broken wing. The predator follows the "hurt" adult, leaving the baby birds safe in the nest.    
Another kind of bird, the scrub jay, buries its food so it always has something to eat. Scrub jays are also thieves. They watch where others bury their food and steal it. But clever scrub jays seem to know when a thief is watching them. So they go back later, unbury the food, and bury it again somewhere else.
Birds called cuckoos have found a way to have babies without doing much work. How? They don't make nests. Instead, they get into other birds' nests secretly. Then they lay their eggs and fly away. When the baby birds come out, their adoptive parents feed them.
Chimpanzees, or chimps, can also be sneaky. After a fight, the losing chimp will give its hand to the other. When the winning chimp puts out its hand, too, the chimps are friendly again. But an animal expert once saw a losing chimp take the winner's hand and start fighting again.
Chimps are sneaky in other ways, too. When chimps find food that they love, such as bananas, it is natural for them to cry out. Then other chimps come running. But some clever chimps learn to cry very softly when they find food. That way, other chimps don't hear them,  and they don't need to share their food.
As children, many of us learn the saying "You can't fool Mother Nature." But maybe you can't trust her, either.
【小题1】A plover protects its young from a predator by______.

A.getting closer to its young
B.driving away the adult predator
C.leaving its young in another nest
D.pretending to be injured
【小题2】By "Chimpanzees, or chimps, can also be sneaky" (paragraph 5), the author means______.
A.chimps are ready to attack others
B.chimps are sometimes dishonest
C.chimps are jealous of the winners
D.chimps can be selfish too
【小题3】Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.Some chimps lower their cry to keep food away from others.
B.The losing chimp won the fight by taking the winner's hand.
C.Cuckoos fool their adoptive parents by making no nests.
D.Some clever scrub jays often steal their food back.
【小题4】Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?
A.Do animals lie?
B.Does Mother Nature fool animals?
C.How do animals learn to lie?
D.How does honesty help animals survive?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

“You are going abroad and will live there? Oh, wonderful! You are so lucky.”
Perhaps your family and friends said similar things to you when you left home. But is it true all the time? Is your life in the new country always wonderful and exciting?
Specialists say that it isn’t that easy to get used to life in a new culture. “Culture shock” (冲击) is the term specialists use when talking about the feelings that people have in a new environment. “There are three stages of culture shock,” say the specialists. In the first stage, the newcomers like their new environment. Then, when the fresh experience dies, they begin to hate the city, the country, the people, and everything else. In the last stage, the newcomers adapt to their surroundings and finally enjoy their life there.
Culture shock arises from many obvious factors. The weather may be unpleasant. The customs may be different. The public service systems such as the telephone, post office, or transportation may be difficult to work out. Even the simplest things become headaches. Still worse, the language may be difficult.
Who feels culture shock? Everyone does in this way or that. But culture shock surprises most people. Very often the people having the worst culture shock are those who never had any difficulties in their home countries and were successful in their community. Coming to a new country, these people find they do not have the same established positions. They find themselves without a role, almost without an identity. They have to build a new self­image.
Culture shock leads to a feeling of disorientation (迷惘). This feeling may be homesickness. When homesick, people feel like staying inside all the time. They want to protect themselves from the strange environment, and create and escape inside their room for a sense of security. This escape does solve the problem of culture shock for the short term, but it does nothing to make the person familiar with the culture. Getting to know the new environment and gaining experience are the long term solutions to the problem of culture shock.
【小题1】When people move to a new country, they ________.

A.find their new life always wonderful and exciting.
B.dislike the new surroundings from the beginning.
C.quickly get accustomed to the new culture there.
D.will get used to the new life with certain difficulty.
【小题2】Based on the passage, which of the following results from culture shock?
A.weather conditions and customs
B.public service and transportation
C.feeling homesick and disoriented
D.language communication issues
【小题3】According to the passage, the more successful you are at home, ________.
A.the fewer difficulties you will meet with abroad
B.the more problems you may have to face abroad
C.the greater success you are likely to make abroad
D.the less homesick you will eventually feel abroad
【小题4】Which of the following statements is correct according to the passage?
A.Cultural shock affects and surprises those who live in a new culture.
B.A new culture makes everything difficult except the simplest things.
C.Since culture shock is painful, we can never get over it completely.
D.Escaping by staying inside does solve the problem of culture shock.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

How do you design a pay plan that motivates people to do their best work? A new study by three Harvard researchers suggests a novel answer: Shortly after you hire new workers, give them a raise.
"Previous research has shown that paying people more than they expect may elicit reciprocity(相互作用) in the form of greater productivity," notes Deepak Malhotra, a Harvard business-administration professor who worked on the study. What he and his colleagues found, however, was that the connection between more pay and extra effort depends on presenting the increase "as a gift—that is, as something you've chosen to do purely as a nice gesture, with no strings attached."
Malhotra and his team studied 267 people hired by oDesk, a global online network of freelancers, to do a one-time data-entry project for four hours. All of the new hires were people in developing countries, for whom hourly wages of $3 and $4 were higher than what they had been making in previous jobs.
The researchers split the group up into three equal parts. One group was told they would earn $3 an hour. A second group was initially hired at $3 an hour but, before they started working, they got a surprise: The budget for the project had expanded unexpectedly, they were told, and they would now be paid $4 an hour. The third group was offered $4 an hour from the start and given no increase.
Even though the second and third groups were eventually paid the same amount, the second group worked harder and produced more—about 20% more—than either of the other two. People in the second group also showed the most stamina, maintaining their focus all the way through the assigned task and performing especially well toward the end of the four hours. Interestingly, the more experienced employees in the high-performing group were the most productive of all, apparently because their previous work experience led them to appreciate the rarity of an unexpected raise.
Contrary to conventional wisdom, Malhotra points out that higher pay, in and of itself, didn't promote productivity: People who made $4 an hour from the beginning worked no harder than those who were hired at $3 and were then paid $3.
To get the most impact from their pay plans, he adds, companies might consider not only what to pay new hires, but when to pay it.
"The key thing is how you present [the reason for an increase]," he says. Doling out extra money could promote productivity most "if you make it clear that the pay raise is something you're choosing to do just because you can. Our theory is that people will reciprocate. If you do something nice, they'll do something nice back."   
【小题1】What does the underlined word “stamina” most probably mean?

A.The quality of being intelligent or clever.
B.The quality of doing something difficult or dangerous.
C.The physical or mental energy needed to do a tiring activity for a long time.
D.A particular method of doing an activity, usually involving practical skills.
【小题2】Why did the second group produce more than the other two groups?
A.Because they thought they were better paid than the other groups.
B.Because they were experienced employees from developing countries.
C.Because an unexpected raise reminded them of their previous work.
D.Because they felt they were nicely treated and tried best to repay it.
【小题3】What can we infer from this passage?
A.No pains, no gains.
B.It matters not what we give but how.
C.Honesty is the best policy.
D.Actions speak louder than words.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Does Fame Drive You Crazy?
Although being famous might sound like a dream come true, today’s star, feeling like zoo animals, face pressures that few of us can imagine. They are at the center of much of the world’s attention. Paparazzi (狗仔队) camp outside their homes, cameras ready. Tabloids (小报) publish thrilling stories about their personal lives. Just imagine not being able to do anything without being photographed or interrupted for a signature.
According to psychologist Christina Villareal, celebrities — famous people — worry constantly about their public appearance. Eventually, they start to lose track of who they really are, seeing themselves the way their fans imagine them, not as the people they were before everyone knew their names. “Over time,” Villareal says, “they feel separated and alone.”
The phenomenon of tracking celebrities has been around for ages. In the 4th century B.C., painters followed Alexander the Great into battle, hoping to picture his victories for his admirers. When Charles Dickens visited America in the 19th century, his sold-out readings attracted thousands of fans, leading him to complain about his lack of privacy. Tabloids of the 1920s and 1930s ran articles about film-stars in much the same way that modern tabloids and websites do.
Being a public figure today, however, is a lot more difficult than it used to be. Superstars cannot move about without worrying about photographers with modern cameras. When they say something silly or do something ridiculous, there is always the Internet to spread the news in minutes and keep their “story” alive forever.
If fame is so troublesome, why aren’t all celebrities running away from it? The answer is there are still ways to deal with it. Some stars stay calm by surrounding themselves with trusted friends and family or by escaping to remote places away from big cities. They focus not on how famous they are but on what they love to do or whatever made them famous in the first place.
Sometimes a few celebrities can get a little justice. Still, even stars who enjoy full justice often complain about how hard their lives are. They are tired of being famous already.
【小题1】It can be learned from the passage that stars today   .

A.are often misunderstood by the public
B.can no longer have their privacy protected
C.spend too much on their public appearance
D.care little about how they have come into fame
【小题2】What is the main idea of Paragraph 3?
A.Great heroes of the past were generally admired.
B.The problem faced by celebrities has a long history.
C.Well-known actors are usually targets of tabloids.
D.Works of popular writers often have a lot of readers.
【小题3】What makes it much harder to be a celebrity today?
A.Availability of modern media.
B.Inadequate social recognition.
C.Lack of favorable chances.
D.Huge population of fans.
【小题4】What is the author’s attitude toward modern celebrity?
A.Sincere. B.Skeptical. C.Disapproving. D.Sympathetic.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

“Find a job you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life.” Do you agree with this old saying? Joanne Gordon does. She is the author of Be Happy at work and other books about careers(职业). Gordon believes that about 30% of employees in North America do not like their jobs, and she thinks that is terrible. She wants to help people who do not feel satisfied with their jobs find work that is good for them. Joanne says, “There are no happy jobs, only happy workers.” She believes that happy workers share three main characteristics(特点).
First, happy workers enjoy the daily activities of their jobs, and they look forward to the workday. Take Tony Hawk, for example. At age 14, he became a professional skateboarder. Now he is a businessman working on projects related to skateboarding—films and video games, but he still skates every day. He once said, “My youngest son’s pre-school was recently asked what their dads do for work. My son said, ‘I’ve never seen my dad do work.’” Tony agrees that his job doesn’t look like work. He has found a way to spend each day doing a job he enjoys.
Second, happy workers like the people they work with. Sally Ayote says, “I work with the coolest people in the world.” She and her group cook for almost 1,200 people in Antarctica. Most of these people are scientists who are doing research. Sally loves to sit and talk with them. She says, “There is no television here, no radio, so I get to know the scientists and what they’re studying.” Sally thinks she has a great job, and the best part about it is the people.
Third, happy workers know that their work helps others. Caroline Baron’s work helps people who have had to leave their home countries because of war or other dangers. She is a filmmaker who started an organization called FilmAid, which shows movies in refugee(难民) camps around the world. Caroline believes that movies can be very helpful in these camps. For one thing, entertaining movies let refugees forget their troubles for a little while. Movies can also teach important subjects like health and safety. For example, in one camp, thousands of refugees saw a movie about how to get clean water. Caroline knows that is helping other people, and this makes her feel proud and happy about her work.
Tony Hawk, Sally Ayote, and Caroline Baron all get great satisfaction from their work. Tony Hawk says, “Find the thing you love. If you are doing what you love, there is much more happiness there than being rich or famous.” Joanne Gordon would agree. She encourages people to find something they enjoy doing, find people they like to work with, and find ways to help others. Then they can be proud of what they do, and they will probably be happy at work.
【小题1】Who is the book, Be Happy at Work, written for?

A.Joanne Gordon herself.
B.Tony Hawk, Sally Ayote, and Caroline Baron.
C.People who do not feel satisfied(满意的)with their jobs.
D.The workers who agree with the author’s ideas.
【小题2】Why did Tony Hawk’s son say, “I’ve never seen my dad do work.”?
A.Because Tony Hawk’s job doesn’t look like work.
B.Because Tony Hawk always finds something enjoyable in his job.
C.Because Tony helps people forget their troubles while skating.
D.Because the best part about his job is to spend each day skating.
【小题3】Tony Hawk, Sally Ayote, and Caroline Baron are good examples that show us __________.
A.how to be a successful businessman
B.how to help people in difficulties
C.how to get along with the coolest people
D.how to become a happy worker
【小题4】Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Some people believe that only a few kinds of jobs can really make people feel happy.
B.The writer of the passage tells us that many different kinds of work can be enjoyable.
C.The author of Be Happy at Work thinks that happiness at work is really important.
D.Joanne Gordon believes that people will probably be happy at work when they are proud of what they do.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

From the health point of view we are living in a marvelous age. We are immunized from birth against many of the most dangerous diseases. A large number of once fatal illnesses can now be cured by modern drugs and surgery. It is almost certain that one day remedies will be found for the most stubborn remaining diseases. The expectation of life has increased enormously. But though the possibility of living a long and happy life is greater than ever before, every day we witness the incredible slaughter of men, women and children on the roads. Man versus the motor-car ! It is a never-ending battle which man is losing. Thousands of people the world over are killed or horribly killed each year and we are quietly sitting back and letting it happen.
It has been rightly said that when a man is sitting behind a steering wheel, his car becomes the extension of his personality. There is no doubt that the motor-car often brings out a man’s very worst qualities. People who are normally quiet and pleasant may become unrecognizable when they are behind a steering-wheel. They swear, they are ill-mannered and aggressive, willful as two-years-olds and utterly selfish. All their hidden frustrations, disappointments and jealousies seem to be brought to the surface by the act of driving.
The surprising thing is that society smiles so benignly on the motorist and seems to condone his behaviour. Everything is done for his convenience. Cities are allowed to become almost uninhabitable because of heavy tragic; towns are made ugly by huge car parks; the countryside is desecrated by road networks; and the mass annual slaughter becomes nothing more than a statistic, to be conveniently forgotten.
It is high time a world code were created to reduce this senseless waste of human life. With regard to driving, the laws of some countries are notoriously lax and even the strictest are not strict enough. A code which was universally accepted could only have a dramatically beneficial effect on the accident rate. Here are a few examples of some the things that might be done. The driving test should be standardized and made far more difficult than it is; all the drivers should be made to take a test every three years or so; the age at which young people are allowed to drive any vehicle should be raised to at least 21; all vehicles should be put through stringent annual tests for safety. Even the smallest amount of alcohol in the blood can impair a person’s driving ability. Present drinking and driving laws (where they exist) should be mad much stricter. Maximum and minimum speed limits should be imposed on all roads. Governments should lay down safety specifications for manufacturers, as has been done in the USA. All advertising stressing power and performance should be banned. These measures may sound inordinately harsh. But surely nothing should be considered as to severe if tit results in reducing the annual toll of human life. After all, the world is for human beings, not motor-cars.
【小题1】The main idea of this passage is
[A] Traffic accidents are mainly caused by motorists.
Thousands of people the world over are killed each year.
[C] The laws of some countries about driving are too lax.
[D] Only stricter traffic laws can prevent accidents.
【小题2】What does the author think of society toward motorists?
[A] Society smiles on the motorists.
Huge car parks are built in the cities and towns.
[C] Victims of accidents are nothing.
[D] Society condones their rude driving.
【小题3】Why does the author say:’ his car becomes the extension of his personality?’
[A] Driving can show his real self.
Driving can show the other part of his personality.
[C] Driving can bring out his character.
[D] His car embodies his temper.
【小题4】.Which of the followings is NOT mentioned as a way against traffic accidents?
[A] Build more highways.
Stricter driving tests.
[C] Test drivers every three years.
[D] raise age limit and lay down safety specifications.
【小题5】.The attitude of the author is
[A] ironical
[C] appealing
[D] militant
1.immunise             使免疫,使免除
2.expectation of life =" life" expectancy    平均寿命
3.versus =" against"             对顶,反对
4.mutilate             伤害
5.wilful             任性的,固执的
6.benign             宽厚的,仁慈的
7.condone             宽容
8.desecrate          亵渎,玷污
9.code             法规,规定,惯例
10.stringent          严格的,紧急的,迫切的
11.performance                   演出,成品,这里是指
car’ s behavior such as speed,
function etc.可译成行为,


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The kindly“Chinese Fortune Grandpa”wearing  Han Chineseclothing and holding a fortune bag debuted (亮相) at the Imperial Ancestral Shrine in Beijing on the day after Christmas.The final imageof the Chinese gift-giver was selected through a global design competitionagainst“Santa Claus”,according to a report by Guangming Daily.

Many Chinese cities have been filled with Christmas neon lights,Christmas songs,Christmas trees,and the images of“Santa Claus”in recent days.As a matter of fact,foreign festivals are becoming more popular than certain traditional Chinese festivals among the Chinese people,particularly the youth.“Certain traditional festivals have died out because people have forgotten their spiritual meanings,”said noted writer Feng Jicai.More and more Chinese people are beginning to exchange gifts on Valentine's Day and Christmas.However,many of them know nothing about Chinese New Year pictures or sugarcoated figurines(小糖人),and have never heard suona music.Certain folk customs on the Dragon Boat Festival,Tomb Sweeping Day,and other traditional festivals have gradually disappeared.Under such circum-stances,even the“Chinese Fortune Grandpa”is unlikely to defeat“Santa Claus”.
However,it is not a bad thing to some extent.It constantly reminds people to restore the“true
face”of traditional festivals.China has listed traditional Tomb Sweeping Day,Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival as legal holidays,which brings more paid leaves to the public,and helps to awake the public awareness of traditional festivals.
In modern society,festival is a carrier of culture and its meaning largelydepends on their understandings and usages by people.Compared with foreign festivals,traditional Chinese festivals are not inferior (次于) in cultural meanings,but lack of fashion sought by modern people.If people do not appreciate the historical culture contained by traditional festivals,and only take pleasure-seeking as the most important,the significance of traditional festivals will fade away and the inheritance (继承) of fine traditional culture will be cut off.
【小题1】The second paragraph implies that______________________.

A.traditional festivals should co-exist with foreign festivals
B.all the Chinese festivals are disappearing in the near future
C.western festivals are constantly impacting on our festivals
D.the Chinese people have the public awareness of traditional festivals
【小题2】We can learn from the passage that______________.
A.an image designed by the Chinese people will be displayed
B.many foreigners know nothing about Chinese festivals
C.the Chinese gift-giver was intended to symbolize traditional culture
D.the Chinese are beginning to exchange gifts on the Mid-Autumn Festival
【小题3】Many Chinese youth dislike traditional festivals because they think______________.
A.traditional festivals are out of fashion now
B.the historical culture is more difficult to understand
C.western festivals contain more cultural meanings
D.the inheritance will cut off their contact with western festivals
【小题4】What would be the best title of the passage?
A.Gone are Chinese Traditional Festivals
B.True Face of Chinese Traditional Culture
C.Foreign Festivals Popular with Chinese
D.Chinese Fortune Grandpa VS.Santa Claus

