





I took our foreign teacher Mr. Brown, he came to China for the first time, to the Great Wall in last weekend. Having told about the history of the Great Wall, he was amazing at this world wonder. He was struck by the beautiful of the Great Wall. So I took photo of him, which would be a good memory for him. At the top, Mr. Brown was very interested in the activity of protecting the environment that he was eager to join in and then sign his name. Both the Great Wall or the Chinese people deep impressed him. He decided to visit more places of interest when free.


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2015-2016ѧÄêºþÄϺâÑô°ËÖиßÒ»ÏÂѧÆÚÒ»´ÎÔ¿¼Ó¢ÓïÊÔ¾í£¨½âÎö°æ£© ÌâÐÍ£º¶ÌÎĸĴí







Everyone has a dream£®We are on the way to achieve it whether the way is smooth or toughly£®As Senior 3 student, I have the same dream as my classmates that I can be admitted to an ideal university£®In the past three years, I have done everything I can to equip myself with that I have learnt from my teachers£®Not only have I enjoyed the pleasure of study but also I have got closer to my dream£®Anxious and pressure did discourage from me at times£®Besides, with the encouragement of my teachers and classmates, I think I¡¯ll make it£®

I¡¯m sure that there has still a long way to go to achieve my dream£®No matter how challenged it is, I¡¯ll make it come true£®As the proverb said,¡± Where there¡¯s a will, there¡¯s a way£®¡±


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2015-2016ѧÄêÕã½­ºþÖÝÖÐѧ¸ßÒ»ÉÏѧÆÚÆÚÖп¼ÊÔÓ¢ÓïÊÔ¾í£¨½âÎö°æ£© ÌâÐÍ£ºµ¥ÏîÌî¿Õ

¡ª How do you find the book written by Mo Yan?


A. In the library B. Quite interesting

C. From a friend D. By surfing


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2016½ì¸£½¨¸£°²ÊиßÈý3ÔÂÔ¿¼Ó¢ÓïÊÔ¾í£¨½âÎö°æ£© ÌâÐÍ£ºÔĶÁÀí½â

I recently got pulled over for speeding not far from my new home in Virginia. I hadn¡¯t been paying attention, and I had driven a few miles an hour over the speed limit.

¡°Can I see your license and registration?¡± the police officer asked me. I pulled both out for him, and he saw my Pittsburgh address on my Pennsylvania driver¡¯s license.

¡°What are you doing here?¡± he asked. ¡°Are you with the army?¡±

¡°No, I¡¯m not.¡± I answered. I explained that I had just moved to Virginia, and I hadn¡¯t had time to re-register yet.

¡°So what brings you here?¡± He had asked a direct question. Without thinking very hard, I gave him a direct answer. ¡°Well, officer,¡± I said, ¡°since you¡¯ve asked, I have cancer. I have just months to live. We¡¯ve moved down here to be close to my wife¡¯s family.¡±

¡°So you¡¯ve got cancer,¡± he said flatly. He was trying to figure me out. Was I really dying? Was I lying? He took a long look at me. ¡°You know, for a guy who has only a few months to live, you sure look good.¡±

He was obviously thinking: ¡°Either this guy is pulling one big fat line on me, or he¡¯s telling the truth.¡± He was trying to question my honesty without directly calling me a liar. And so he had forced me to prove that I was being honest.

¡°Well, officer, I know that I look pretty healthy. I look great on the outside, but the tumors£¨Ö×Áö£©are on the inside.¡± And then, I don¡¯t know what possessed me, but I just did it. I pulled up my shirt, showing the operational scars.

He looked at my scars. He looked in my eyes. He now knew he was talking to a dying man. Well, he wasn¡¯t taking this any further. He handed me back my license. ¡°Do me a favor.¡± he said, ¡°Slow down from now on.¡±

The awful truth had set me free. As he went back to his police car, I had a realization. I had been one of those gorgeous blondes (½ð·¢ÃÀÅ®) who could bat her eyelashes and get out of tickets. I drove home under the speed limit, and I was smiling like a beauty queen.

1.The author was stopped by the police officer because ______.

A. he drove too fast B. he forgot to re-register

C. he was seriously ill D. he didn¡¯t have a license

2.The author moved to Virginia probably because ______.

A. he was homesick

B. Virginia had better hospitals

C. he could spend more time with families

D. he served in the army there

3.On hearing about the author¡¯s cancer, the police officer ______.

A. said it was an excuse

B. doubted his honesty

C. showed sympathy for him

D. asked him to show his scars

4.It can be inferred from the passage that the author was ______.

A. romantic B. adventurous

C. dishonest D. optimistic


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2016½ìɽ¶«Îä³ÇµÚ¶þÖÐѧ¸ßÈýÏÂѧÆÚµÚÒ»´ÎÔ¿¼Ó¢ÓïÊÔ¾í£¨½âÎö°æ£© ÌâÐÍ£ºÔĶÁÀí½â

Frank Lloyd Wright is often called the father of American modern architecture£®He designed buildings and homes across the United States for more than 70 years£®He created most of his works from 1900 through the 1950s£¬but his open-living spaces and imaginative designs still appear very modern today£®

Last week£¬the United States nominated(ÌáÃû)10 of his buildings for the UN Educational£¬Scientific£¬and Cultural Organization¡ªor UNESCO¡ªthe World Heritage List£®The World Heritage List recognizes the most£¬important cultural and natural sites worldwide£®

The 10 buildings£¬titled£®¡°Key Works of Modern Architecture by Frank Lloyd Wright£¬¡±were built between 1906 and 1969£®They include several of his personal homes and studios£¬churches£¬government buildings£¬private residences£¬and one very famous museum¡ªNew York City¡¯s Guggenheim Museum£®

The Solomon R£®Guggenheim Museum is one of the most visited sites in New York City£®About one million people visit it every year£®Frank Lloyd Wright worked on it from 1943 to 1959£®It was designed to create a new type of space for new types of art£®The museum remains an international symbol of modern architecture that represents Wright¡¯s unique design£®

Many of Mr£®Wright¡¯s modern buildings and homes in the U£®S£®Midwest have also become symbols of modern American architecture£®Richard Longstreth is the president of the Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy£®He calls Mr£®Wrisht¡°the father of modern architecture£¬fundamentally redefining the nature of form and space during the early 20th century that would have enduring impacts of modern architecture worldwide£®¡±

The UNESCO World Heritage Committee will announce its decision in mid-2016£®If Frank Lloyd Wright¡¯s 10 buildings were chosen for the list£¬they would be the first World Heritage listings for modem U£®S£®architecture£®The World Heritage List already includes 22 other American sites£¬including the Grand Canyon£¬Yellowstone National Park and the Statue of Liberty£®

1.We can learn from the passage that_____£®

A£®Mr£®Wright¡¯s designs are out of style today

B£®Mr£®Wright¡¯s designs have been widely recognized

C£®Mr£®Wright¡¯s designs on modern buildings and homes are a failure

D£®Mr£®Wright is the owner of ten buildings

2.Which of the following statements about Guggenheim Museum is true?

A£® It is a masterpiece showing Mr. Wright¡¯s unique design.

B£®It is a good example of traditional design£®

C£®It is the most famous site in New York City.

D£®It is the symbol of New York City£®

3.In which section of the newspaper can you probably find this article?

A£®News B£®Science

C£®Biography D£®Economy

4.What¡¯s the best title of the passage?

A£®Frank Lloyd Wright¡ªthe Father of American Modern Architecture

B£®The World Heritage List¡ªCultural Collection Worldwide

C£®Guggenheim Museum¡ªInternational Symbol of modern Architecture

D£®Frank Lloyd Wright¡¯Buildings¡ªOn the way to World Heritage List


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2015-2016ѧÄêºþÄÏÔÀÑôÏصÚÒ»ÖÐѧ¸ßÒ»3ÔÂÔ¿¼Ó¢ÓïÊÔ¾í£¨½âÎö°æ£© ÌâÐÍ£ºÔĶÁÀí½â

Some people think that as more and more people have televisions in their homes, fewer and fewer people will buy books and newspapers. Why read an article in the newspaper, when the TV news can bring you the information in a few minutes and with pictures? Why read the life story of a famous man,when a short television program can tell you all that you want to know?

Television has not killed reading, however. Today, newspapers sell in very large numbers. And books of every kind are sold more than ever before. Books are still a cheap way to get information and enjoyment. Although some books with hard covers are expensive, many books are printed today as paperbacks (ƽװ±¾), which are quite cheap. A paperback collection of short stories, for example, is always cheaper than an evening at the cinema or the theater, and you can keep a book for ever and read it many times.

Books are a wonderful provider of knowledge and pleasure and some types of books should be in every home. Every home should have a good dictionary. A good encyclopedia (°Ù¿ÆÈ«Êé), though expensive, is useful, too, because you can find information on any subject. Besides, you can have such books as history books, science textbook, cookbooks, and collections of stories and poems. Then from time to time you can take a book of poems off your shelves and read the thoughts and feelings of your favorite poets.

1.It can be inferred from the passage that ________.

A. TV programs are a chief provider of knowledge

B. cinemas are the best choice in getting information

C. reading is a cheap way of learning and having fun

D. newspapers are an expensive way to enjoy oneself

2.What does the sentences "Television has not killed reading, however " underlined in

the second paragraph suggest?

A. People only need reading, though.

B. Reading is still necessary today.

C. Reading is more fun than television.

D. Watching television doesn't help reading.

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A. Fewer and fewer people will buy books.

B. A good dictionary should be kept in every home.

C. Books with hard covers sell better than paper books.

D. More people like TV programs about famous men.


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2015-2016ѧÄê¸ÊËàÌìË®ÊиßÒ»ÏÂѧÆÚµÚÒ»´Î½×¶Î²âÓ¢ÓïÊÔ¾í£¨½âÎö°æ£© ÌâÐÍ£ºÔĶÁÀí½â

Children of America are getting fatter every time. 13% of the children at the age of 6 to 11 are overweight(too fat).

When we look at the children's lives today in the USA, we can see the root(origin)of the problem----sports and foods. Young children like sports but they don't have enough around the start of high school. That's especially true for girls. Meanwhile, to make matters worse, schools are becoming much more interested in sports teams. So children are not able to get enough exercise just when they need it the most. There is also the food problem. Children get most of their calories at restaurants or parties or somewhere else away from home. They often drink too many Cokes. Parents have a lot of fears about telling a child he needs to lose weight-- they are afraid it will push a child into an eating disorder. Some parents fear that pushing children to lose weight means their children will think they're not good enough, or not loved because of their weight. Parents need to come to terms with the fact that the family is very important to the children. The most useful program for children is called "family weight control". This is good news. Mom and Dad, even if they don't have weight problems, have to go through the same program as their children and learn how to get some exercise and how to eat healthily.

1.Why are American children getting fatter? The writer thinks

A. parents also have weight problem as their children

B. children drink too many Cokes

C. schools are more interested in sports teams

D. children have less exercise and eat unhealthily

2.The writer wants to tell parents that

A. overweight children are not loved by people

B. children are afraid to lose weight when they have to

C. family members can help overweight children a lot

D. girls don't like to exercise

3.The writer thinks if mother or father is on the same program as their children, _______.

A. "family weight control" will be successful

B. it will make the children eat much more

C. their children will not eat better

D. parents will feel sorry about themselves

4.Which of the following is NOT the root of overweight problem?

A. Higher-calorie B. Less sports

C. Family weight control D. higher-fat foods.

5.What does ¡°come to terms with¡± probably mean in the passage?

A. ignore B. give in to

C. get away with D. do research into


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2015-2016ѧÄê¸ÊËàÌìË®ÊиßÒ»ÏÂѧÆÚµÚÒ»´Î½×¶Î²âÓ¢ÓïÊÔ¾í£¨½âÎö°æ£© ÌâÐÍ£ºµ¥ÏîÌî¿Õ

Different festivals are ________ in different parts and countries every year.

A. taken place B. happening

C. held D. celebrating


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2016½ì¸ÊËàÊ¡¸ßÈýµÚÒ»´ÎÕï¶Ï¿¼ÊÔ3ÔÂÓ¢ÓïÊÔ¾í£¨½âÎö°æ£© ÌâÐÍ£ºÔĶÁÀí½â

I was driving from Harrisburg to Lewisburg last night, a distance of about eighty miles. It was late. Several times I got stuck behind a slow-moving truck on a narrow road with a solid white line on my left, and I was clinching (½ôÎÕ) my fists with impatience.

At one point along an open highway, I came to a crossroads with the traffic light. I was alone on the road by now, but as I approached the light, it turned red and I braked to stop. I looked left, right and behind me. Nothing. Not a car, no suggestion of headlights, but there I sat, waiting for' the light to change, the only human being for at least a mile in any direction.

I started wondering why I refused to run the light. I was not afraid of being arrested, because there were obviously no police around, and there certainly would have been no danger in going through it.

Much later that night, the question of why I'd stopped for that light came back to me. I think I stopped because it's part of an agreement we all have with each other. It's not only the law, but it's an agreement we have, and we trust each other to honor it: we don't go through red lights.

It's amazing that we ever trust each other to do the right thing, isn't it? And we do, too. Trust is our first tendency. We have to make a deliberate decision to mistrust someone or to be suspicious or skeptical. Those attitudes don't come naturally to us.

It's a very good thing too, because the whole structure of our society depends on mutual trust, not distrust. This whole thing around us would fall apart if we didn't trust each other most of the time. We do what we say we'll do; we show up when we say we'll show up; we deliver when we say we'll deliver; and we pay when we say we'll pay. We trust each other in these matters, and when we don't do what we've promised, it's far from the normal. It happens often that we don't act in good faith and in a trustworthy manner, but we still consider it unusual, and we're angry or disappointed with those badly-behaved people. Anyway I was so proud of myself for stopping for the red light that night.

1.Why did the author feel impatient while driving?

A. Because he had already driven for a long time.

B. Because it was too far away from his destination.

C. Because something urgent happened in his family.

D. Because he could not overpass a truck on a narrow road.

2.The author stopped at the traffic light because .

A. there were passers-by crossing the road

B. some policemen were on duty just at that point

C. the trust between people influenced the author

D. there was potential danger

3.What would happen if people didn't trust each other in most cases?

A. A11 the things would run normally.

B. The social system would be thrown into disorder.

C. The social traditions would be abandoned.

D. Strict rules and laws would be made.

4.What is the theme of the passage?

A. Mutual Trust is the best policy.

B. A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.

C. Actions speak louder than words.

D. Among the blind the one-eyed is the king.

