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When I decided to quit my job as a wedding photographer, I was in my late twenties, fresh from my divorce from Bob who had left me empty and confused. I decided to leave the US and travel. I had no savings, plus more than $5,000 in debt. What I did have were two sponsored tasks as a travel photographer- and with that along, I thought, it would be easy.
My first experience was a road trip from Toronto to Las Vegas, paid for by a car delivery service. Other trips followed and then I started a travel blog (博客). It was intended to be my calling card for assignment travel photography. Yet even with my blog and past experience, email after email I sent to publications, trying to get work, went unanswered. When they did get in touch, editors told me that I had no chance of making a career with travel photography. While I struggled to get on the path that I wanted, and as I expanded my blog to help get me there, I found myself wearing the hat of a full-time blogger.
Luckily, I got in at the right time. It was 2010,and the travel industry was just starting to turn its attention to bloggers. As I never could have predicted, my blogging-not my photography-did take me around the world successfully. At first,I thought it was for personal reasons, but I realized later that it was for free marketing for my blogging.
Within two years, I was being asked to speak at travel blogging conferences, which helped me to raise a network of friends around the world. Even more meaningful, however, was when I saw that my travels were also helping other people. My blog and social media followers saw that I chased my dreams and told me over and over again how they needed that kind of example, which was absent in their lives elsewhere.
小题1:After the author quit her job, she decided to ______.
A.divorce her husbandB.be a wedding photographer
C.pay off all her debtD.go travelling abroad
小题2: What can we learn about the author from the 2nd paragraph?
A.She paid money to a car delivery agency for a road trip.
B.She realised his dream of becoming a travel photographer.
C.She got a job as an editor in a publishing house.
D.She finally became a professional blogger unintentionally.
小题3:The author believed her success mainly resulted from ______.
A.her personal reasonsB.her photographing skills
C.free marketing for bloggingD.booming of travel industry
小题4: What did the author think of her two years' work?
A.Inspiring. B.Appealing. C.Interesting. D.Challenging.

【试题解析】细节题。根据文章第一段2,3行. I decided to leave the US and travel. I had no savings, plus more than $5,000 in debt. What I did have were two sponsored tasks as a travel photographer- and with that along, I thought, it would be easy.可知当我辞职以后我决定离开美国出去旅行,同时拍摄照片。故D正确。
【试题解析】推理题。根据文章最后3行When they did get in touch, editors told me that I had no chance of making a career with travel photography. While I struggled to get on the path that I wanted, and as I expanded my blog to help get me there, I found myself wearing the hat of a full-time blogger可知编辑故事我我已经不能再从事旅行摄影师的工作了 ,但是我一路上所拍摄的照片被我发到微博上以后,在无意中我成为了专业的博客。故D正确。
【试题解析】细节题。根据文章第三段最后一句At first,I thought it was for personal reasons, but I realized later that it was for free marketing for my blogging.可知C项free marketing for blogging符合上下文。
【试题解析】推理题。根据文章最后3行Even more meaningful, however, was when I saw that my travels were also helping other people. My blog and social media followers saw that I chased my dreams and told me over and over again how they needed that kind of example, which was absent in their lives elsewhere可知虽然我的工作很有意义,但是让我更开心的是我的经历告诉他人只要努力追赶自己的梦想,一切都可以实现。说明作者认为自己的工作是可以鼓舞他人的。故A正确。
When I decided to quit my job as a wedding photographer, I was in my late twenties, fresh from my divorce from Bob who had left me empty and confused.
【分析】本句中有一个定语从句who had left me empty and confused修饰先行词Bob,注意句中的时态,过去完成时表示该动作是在谓语动词之前就发生的。另外注意in one’s twenties表示在某人二十几岁的时候。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Phil Donahue,the former television talk show host,had something of a reputation for giving clergy(神职人员)a hard time,and he has said the reason he’s that way is that he has little respect for them.Most clergy will do anything for some media attention,he says.In his autobiography(自传),however, he tells about an encounter with a minister who was different.It happened while Donahue was a young television reporter in Ohio,and one day he was sent to West Virginia in the bitter cold winter to cover a mine disaster.He went by himself in a battered little car, carrying a mini camera to film the story.
It was so cold when he got there,however, the camera wouldn’t work.So he put it inside his coat to warm it up enough to run.In the meantime,the families of the trapped miners were gathered around.The),were just simple mining people—women,old men,and children.Several of the trapped men were fathers.
Then the local minister arrived.He was tall and thin,and he didn’t speak well at a11.But he gathered all the families around in a circle,and the held one another in their arms while he prayed for them.
As this was going on,Donahue was still trying to get his camera to work,and he was extremely disappointed because he couldn’t film the scene.Finally,after the prayer was over,Donahue managed to get his camera operating.So he told the minister he had his camera working now and asked if the minister would please do the prayer again so he could film it for the evening news.
This simple West Virginia preacher, however,told Donahue,“Young man,we don’t pray for the news.I’m sorry,but we’ve already prayed,and I will not pose.”
To this day,Donahue remembers that minister with respect.You don’t forget that kind of character,no matter who you are or what you believe.
小题1:We can learn from Paragraph 1 that Donahue _______________.
A.used to show much respect for clergy
B.thinks most clergy tend to attract media attention
C.used to have a hard time dealing with clergy
D.always misunderstands clergy
小题2:For what purpose did Donahue go to West Virginia one day?
A.To report on an accident.
B.To rescue the miners.
C.To film the praying of a minister.
D.To witness a disaster.
小题3:What do we know about Donahue’s camera?
A.It was advanced and hard to operate.
B.The low temperature prevented it working properly.
C.It was all right before the prayer started.
D.It needed to be repaired.
小题4:What did the minister refuse to do?
A.To pray for the accident.
B.To make up the news.
C.To cooperate with the reporter.
D.To pray for the trapped miners on TV
小题5:What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.The clergy are having a hard time.
B.Praying saved the trapped miners.
C.A minister who gains Donahue’s respect.
D.A mine disaster happened in Virginia.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

When I entered Berkeley,I hoped to earn a scholarship.Having been a Straight­A student,I believed I could ____tough subjects and really learn something.One such course was World Literature given by Professor Jayne.I was extremely interested in the ideas he ____in class.
When I took the first exam,I was ____ to find a 77,C­plus,on my test paper,____ English was my best subject.I went to Professor Jayne, who listened to my arguments but remained  ____.
I decided to try harder.Although I didn't know what that ____because school had always been easy for me.I read the books more carefully,but got another 77.Again,I ____with Professor Jayne.Again,he listened patiently but wouldn't change his ___.
One more test before the final exam.One more ____ to improve my grade.So I redoubled my efforts and,for the first time, ____the meaning of the word “thorough”.But my ___ did no good and everything ___ as before
The 1ast hurdle(障碍)was the final.No matter what ____ I got,it wouldn't cancel three C­pluses.I might as well kiss the ____ goodbye.
I stopped working hard.I felt I knew the course material as well as I ever would.The night before the final,I even ____ myself to a movie.The next day I decided for once I'd have ____ with a test.
A week later,I was surprised to find I got an A.I hurried into Professor Jayne's office.He  ______to be expecting me.“If I gave you the As you ____,you wouldn't continue to work as hard.”
I stared at him,____ that his analysis and strategy(策略)were correct.I had worked my head  ____,as I had never done before.
I was speechless when my course grade arrived:A­plus.It was the only A­plus given.The next year I received my scholarship.I've always remembered Professor Jayne's lesson:you alone must set your own standard of excellence.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Two men travelling through a forest together promised to help each other whatever danger threated them. They had not gone far ___小题1:___ a bear rushed at them from some bushes. One man was a good ___小题2:___(climb), and quickly climbed a nearby tree, but the other, ___小题3:____(see) that he had no chance alone against the bear, fell flat on his back and pretended to be dead.
The Bear came up to him, sniffed at him.The Bear thought the man was dead,so he went off into the wood again ___小题4:____ hurting him.When he had gone, the other traveler came down from his tree, and __小题5:____(smile) asked his companion what the Bear ___小题6:___(say) to him. "For I could see," he said, " that he put his mouth close to your ear."
"He told me to tell __小题7:____," replied the other, "that you were __小题8:____great coward(懦夫), and that in future I should not trust those ___小题9:__make fine promises, but will not stand by their friends in danger."
Don't trust fine promises __小题10:___ you are sure of the person who makes them.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A city child’s summer is spent in the street in front of his home, and all through the long summer vacations I sat on the edge of the street and watched enviously the other boys on the block play baseball. I was never asked to take part even when one team had a member missing—not out of special cruelty, but because they took it for granted I would be no good at it. They were right, of course.
I would never forget the wonderful evening when something changed. The baseball ended about eight or eight thirty when it grew dark. Then it was the custom of the boys to retire to a little stoop(门廊) that stuck out from the candy store on the corner and that somehow had become theirs. No grownup ever sat there or attempted to. There the boys would sit, mostly talking about the games played during the day and of the game to be played tomorrow. Then long silences would fall and the boys would wander off one by one. It was just after one of those long silences that my life as an outsider changed. I can no longer remember which boy it was that summer evening who broke the silence with a question: but whoever he was, I nod to him gratefully now. “What’s in those books you’re always reading?” he asked casually. “Stories,” I answered. “What kind?” asked somebody else without much interest.
Nor do I know what drove me to behave as I did,for usually I just sat there in silence, glad enough to be allowed to reain among them; but instead of answering his question, I told them for two hours the story I was reading at the moment. The book was Sister Carrie. They listened bug-eyed and breathless. I must have told it well, but I think there was another and deeper reason that made them to keep an audience. Listening to a tale being told in the dark is one of the most ancient of man’s entertainments, but I was offering them as well, without being aware of doing it, a new and exciting experience.
The books they themselves read were the Rover Boys or Tom Swift or G.A.Henty. I had read them too, but at thirteen I had long since left them behind. Since I was much alone I had become an enthusiastic reader and I had gone through the books-for-boys series. In those days there was no reading material between children’s and grownups’books or I could find none. I had gone right fromTome Swift and His Flying Machine to Theodore Dreiser and Sister Carrie. Dreiser had hit my young mind, and they listened to me tell the story with some of the wonder that I had had in reading it.
The next night and many nights thereafter, a kind of unspoken ritual (仪式) took place. As it grew dark, I would take my place in the center of the stoop and begin the evening’s tale. Some nights, in order to taste my victory more completely, I cheated. I would stop at the most exciting part of a story by Jack London or Bret Harte, and without warning tell them that that was as far as I had gone in the book and it would have to be continued the following evening. It was not true, of course; but I had to make certain of my new-found power and position. I enjoyed the long summer evenings until school began in the fall. Other words of mine have been listened to by larger and more fashionable audiences, but for that tough and athletic one that sat close on the stoop outside the candy store, I have an unreasoning love that will last forever.
小题1:Watching the boys playing baseball, the writer must have felt ________.
A.bitter and lonelyB.special and different
C.pleased and excitedD.disturbed and annoyed
小题2:The writer feels grateful even now to the boy who asked the question because the boy ________.
A.invited him to join in their game
B.liked the book that he was reading
C.broke the long silence of that summer evening
D.offered him an opportunity that changed his life
小题3:According to Paragraph 3, story-telling was popular among the boys basically because ________.
A.the story was from a children’s book
B.listening to tales was an age-old practice
C.the boys had few entertainments after dark
D.the boys didn’t read books by themselves
小题4:The boys were attracted to Sister Carrie because ________.
A.it was written by Theodore Dreiser
B.it was specifically targeted at boys
C.it gave them a deeper feeling of pleasure
D.it talked about the wonders of the world
小题5:Sometimes the writer stopped at the most exciting part of a story to _______.
A.play a mean trick on the boys
B.experience more joy of achievement
C.add his own imagination to the story
D.help the boys understand the story better
小题6:What is the message conveyed in the story?
A.One can find his position in life in his own way.
B.Friendship is built upon respect for each other.
C.Reading is more important than playing games.
D.Adult habits are developed from childhood.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Arriving in Sydney on his own from India, my husband ,Rashid, stayed in a hotel for a short time while looking for a house for me and our children.
During the first week of his stay, he went out one day to do some shopping. He came back in the late afternoon to discover that his suitcase was gone. He was extremely worried as the suitcase had all his important papers, including his passport.
He reported the case to the police and then sat there,lost and lonely in strange city, thinking of the terrible troubles of getting all the paperwork organized again from a distant country while trying to settle down in a new one.
Late in the evening, the phone rang. It was a stranger. He was trying to pronounce my husband’s name and was asking him a lot of questions. Then he said they had found a pile of papers in their trash can(垃圾桶)that had been left out on the footpath.
My husband rushed to their home to find a kind family holding all his papers and documents. Their young daughter had gone to the trash can and found a pile of unfamiliar papers. Her parents had carefully sorted them out, although they had found mainly foreign addresses on most of the documents. At last they had seen a half-written letter in the pile in which my husband had given his new telephone number to a friend.
That family not only restored the important documents to us that day but also restoredour faith and trust in people.We still remember their kindness and often send a warm wish their way.
小题1:What did Rashid plan to do after his arrival in Sydney?
A.Go shopping
B.Find a house
C.Join his family
D.Take his family
小题2:The girl’s parents got Rashid’s phone number from_______.
A.a friend of his family
B.a Sydney policeman
C.a letter in his papes
D.a stranger in Sydney
小题3:What does the underlined word“restored”in the last paragraph mean?
B.Sent out
D.Gave back
小题4:Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.From India to Australia.
B.Living in a a New Country.
C.Turning Trash to Treasure.
D.In Search of New Friends.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

The Fitting-in of Suzy Khan
The first time I saw Suzy Khan, I knew I had to help her. She was really small for her age of 12. The boy in my class often          about her and laughed their heads off. She would open a book, pretending to read, with tears dropping on the open page.
All I knew was that she was an orphan (孤儿) from Africa. She had just been adopted by a family in town who           that the best way for her to learn American ways of life was to be with american kids. I looked down at this           girl and promised myself that somehow I would help her.
But how could I help her            in with us? There had to be a           .
One day, when I went into the classroom, I saw that Suzy had            her geography book to a picture of a train, and in her notebook, she had made a(n)           copy.
I was surprised and thought that she could do something in the coming          show. So, I took her to see the art teacher, Miss Parker, and showed her what Suzy had          . “why, it’s wonderful,” said Miss Parker, who then showed us a poster she had painted          the talent show. “I need more of these, but I just don’t have enough          . Could you help me, Suzy?”
On the day of the talent show, Suzy’s             were everywhere ---- all over the hall and all over the school, each one different.
“And finally,” said Mr Brown, the schoolmaster, at the end of the show, “we have a (n) award. I’m sure you’ve all noticed the wonderful posters.” Everyone nodded. “One of our own students            them.”
I could hear everyone whispering. “Who in our school could draw          well?”
Mr. Brown waited a while before saying, “           this student worked so hard on the posters, she deserves a             ,too. Our mystery(神秘) artist is our new student ---- Suzy Khan!”
Mr. Brown thanked her for all the wonderful posters and gave her a professional artist’s set. “Thank you,” she cried.
I            , at that time when I was looking at her excited face, she’d probably never          anything in her whole life.
Everyone started to            their hands. Suzy Khan gave them a shy smile and the applause was defening. I knew then Suzy was going to ne all right.
A.richB.proudC.tiny D.popular
A.comeB.fall C.fitD.tie
A.colored B.writtenC.carvedD.drawn
A.specialB.academic C.nationalD.rayal
A.repliedB.realized C.rememberedD.regretted


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

My sister and I were flying from our home in Kansas to a summer camp in Minnesota. Our plane had a two-hour       at the airport in Omaha, where I saw a toy airplane that I really       . I had $10 and I had no idea what I needed to       at camp, but I spent $8 on the airplane anyway.
When we reached the camp, I discovered that there were no showers!       , we bathed in a lake every night. I needed to buy       soap. Because the regular soap I brought had chemicals that could        the fish. The special soap cost $4 at the camp store. After buying the plane, I had $2 left, so I couldn’t buy the soap.
After a few days, I was a       . Sally, our camp teacher, asked me if I needed some soap. When I       her that I had spent my soap money on a toy airplane, she laughed and said, “You need to budget.” She then explained that a budget was a(n)       for spending money to help make sure you save enough for things you       — like soap — before you buy fun things — like       . Sally gave me her extra soap, which I       took.
When I returned home from       , I decided to make my       budget. Every week I spent time writing down everything I bought, and some weeks, I would have more in my “Money In” account        I did odd jobs (零活) around the house.
Budgeting was       , especially when my friends bought soda at the store after school and I couldn’t because I had spent all my “Want to Spend” money. But I       with it, and by the next summer, I had       enough money to buy a Paula Pilot doll at Omaha Airport, as well as       at the camp store to       Sally!
A.apologize forB.call onC.care forD.pay back


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

My mother and I started our morning by rushing into the local grocery store. I waited in line at the Starbucks counter while she        around to pick up a few things. 
As I was        there I noticed an elderly woman, wearing layers (层)        layers of old torn clothing, moving behind me in line.
She had a few toiletries(化妆品)and seemed to want the Starbucks cashier to       since our queue was shorter than the grocery store queues were. 
At some point I became       of her moving closer behind me –it was         than I was comfortable with! I instinctively (本能地)      a hand over my purse and drew it closer to me. My fear and imagination raced creating wild         about this homeless woman who might try to          from me.
Then it was my         to order. As the cashier rang up my total I discovered I was 37 cents        . I called to my mother but she is hard of hearing. She asked me to         what I said but she still couldn't          me out.
At that point, a long grey arm, with         in its sleeves,          over from behind me. She laid 37 cents out on the counter, saying, "Here, We all need some        sometimes."
I was         ! Here was a woman who clearly had very little to         and in great need herself. I had judged her         and she had reached out, voluntarily, to help me! 
What an amazing gift and lesson this woman gave me about         others. Thank You, God!!
A.ring upB.make upC.put upD.take up

