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【题目】 【1】 . But I feel strongly that education is always worth the cost. Here are a few words of my wisdom that I hope will help others come to that conclusion as well:

Think long term. Sure the present job market sucks, and the earning potential of a college graduate is not what it used to be, but that's just the way things are right now. I believe that eventually the economy will cycle back 2 . When it does, a degree will give you a leg up on the competition.

Don't let the dollar be your guide. For some degrees the potential earnings from related jobs simply aren't enough to justify the high cost of tuition. That may be true if you're looking at hard numbers, but there's more than just money—for one, what about happiness? If you choose your major based on how much money it might earn you, 3 .

Be creative. There are the obvious jobs that relate to your degree, 4 . A down market forces people to think outside the box when it comes to their job search. If you have a degree in English, you've likely already considered the obvious option of teaching or writing, but publishing, proofreading or speech-writing might not have crossed your mind.

Make it count. Take advantage of the time by networking and interning. 5 . That's one reason it's hard to get hired straight out of college today. Another advantage? When a position does open up, you're already there.

A. Employers hire peoplewho already have skills and experience.

B. you may be happy about it.

C. and the job market will follow.

D. It's no secret that the cost of higher education is climbing.

E. The tuition of college is dropping recently.

F. and then there are the not-so-obvious.

G. you could end up miserable.









【1】D推理分析题。根据后句But I feel strongly that education is always worth the cost我强烈感觉教育值得巨大花费,可知前句应表述的是当前教育花费越来越大这一趋势,故选D

【2】C推理分析题。根据前文Sure the present job market sucks可知该段主要围绕的是就业市场,另空前eventually the economy will cycle back最终经济会复苏,就业市场也会复苏,故选C

【3】G推理分析题。根据前文If you choose your major based on how much money it might earn you这句话是说如果你根据赚的钱来选择专业,该段的标题是不要让金钱成为你的向导,可知如果你根据赚的钱来选择专业结局应该很糟糕,故选G

【4】F推理分析题。根据前句There are the obvious jobs that relate to your degree有一些工作明显同你的专业相关,可知后句应是也有一些不那么明显,故选F

【5】A推理分析题。根据后文That's one reason it's hard to get hired straight out of college today.那是难以雇用直接从大学出来的人的原因之一,可知前文应是雇主倾向于雇用已有技术或经验的人,故选A


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Butterflies(蝴蝶) are some of the most fascinating (迷人的) and beautiful insects in the world. Adult butterflies will live about two to four weeks. They use their senses of sight, touch, hearing, smell and taste to survive in the world, find food and mates, lay eggs in a proper place, migrate (迁移) and avoid hungry enemies.

Butterflies have large compound eyes (复眼), which allow them to see in all directions without turning their heads. Like most insects, butterflies are very near-sighted, so they are more attracted to many flowers. Butterflies do not “see” colors such as red, green and yellow, but they can sense sunlight, which shows the direction in which the sun is shining, as well as ultraviolet light (紫外线), which is present on many flowers and guides butterflies to find honey sources.

Butterflies have a very well-developed sense of smell, but it is not in their nose, since they don’t have one. Sense receptors (感受器) are in their antennae (触角), feet and many other parts of the body. They can help butterflies find their favorite flower honey, food and mates.

Butterflies’ feet have sense organs that can taste the sugar in flower honey, letting the butterflies know if something is good to eat or not. Some females also carefully choose host plants by tasting to find proper places to lay their eggs. Adult butterflies feed their babies using a long tube. Butterflies force blood into the tube to straighten it out, allowing them to feed. Butterflies get all their food from this tube.

Butterflies don’t have ears. Instead they “hear” sounds through their wings by sensing changes in sound vibrations (振动).

Butterflies may possess senses we haven’t known about till today, because their body structure (结构) is very different and difficult to understand, when observed through our own human senses. (325 words)

【1】What can we learn from the second paragraph?

A. Butterflies have good eyesight.

B. Butterflies can see in all directions and don’t need to turn heads.

C. Butterflies are sensitive (敏感的)to bright colors including red and yellow.

D. Butterflies cannot sense the ultraviolet light.

【2】How do butterflies hear sounds?

A. Using their feet to sense the vibration of things

B. Using their ears to listen directly

C. Using their wings to sense the sound vibrations

D. Using their antennae to judge the sound

【3】Why do female adult butterflies carefully choose the host plants?

A. To find high-qualified honey.

B. To have a good place for living.

C. To make it easier for them to hide from the enemies.

D. To find a proper place for their eggs.

【4】What does the last paragraph imply?

A. There’s a long way to understand butterflies well

B. Butterflies give great help to human beings

C. Butterflies are the most beautiful insects in the world

D. Butterflies possess more senses than humans

【5】The text mainly focuses on __________.

A. butterflies’ living habits

B. butterflies’ beauty

C. butterflies’ daily activities

D. butterflies’ senses


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Nuclear ______ be really dangerous at times even though it’s a nice energy in general.

A. shall B. should C. can D. Must


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







Dear Sir,

I am Li Hua from Grade Third, Class One of Xinghua Middle School. I’d like be a volunteer for the National Games to be hold in our city.

I have always been wanted to be a volunteer for this event before our city became the host city. I know I will be the helpful volunteer. First, I like sports and I’m the captain of your school basketball team. Second, I’m outgoing and I get long well with another. Third, I’m always ready to lend a helping hand. I guarantee what I will offer my very best service during the Games.

I’m really looking forward to your reply.

Yours faithfully,

Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Like every language, American English is full of special expressions, phrases that come from the day-to-day life of the people and develop in their own way. Our expression today is “to face the music.”

When someone says, “Well, I guess I’ll have to face the music,” it does not mean he’s planning to go to the concert. It is something far less pleasant, like being called in by your boss to explain why you did this and did that, and why you didn’t do this or that. Sour music indeed, but it has to be faced. At sometime or another, every one of us has had to face the music, especially as children. We can all remember father’s angry voice, “I want to talk to you!” and only because we did not obey him. What an unpleasant business it was!

The phrase “to face the music” is familiar to every American, young and old. It is at least 100 years old. And where did this expression come from? The first explanation comes from the American novelist, James Fenimore Looper. He said, in 1851, that the expression was first used by actors while waiting in the wings to go on the stage. When they got their cue (提示) to go on, they often said, “Well, it’s time to face the music.” And that is exactly what they did---facing the orchestra which was just below them. And an actor might be frightened or nervous as he moved on to the stage in front of an audience that might be friendly or perhaps hostile, especially if he forgot his lines (台词). But he had to go out. If he did not, there would be no play. So the expression “to face the music” came to mean “having to go through something, no matter how unpleasant the experience might be, because you knew you had no choice.”

Other explanations about the expression go back to the army. When the men faced inspection by their leader, the soldiers would be worried about how well they looked. Was their equipment clean, shinny enough to pass inspection? Still the men had to go out and face the music of the band as well as the inspection. What else could they do?

Another army explanation is more closely related to the idea of facing the results and accepting the responsibility for something that should not have been done. As for example, when a man is forced out of the army because he did something terrible, he is dishonored. The band does not play. Only the drums tap a sad, slow beat. The soldier is forced to leave, facing such music as it is and facing the back of his horse.

【1How many explanations are mentioned about the phrase “to face the music” in the passage?

A.1. B.2. C.3. D.4.

【2What does the phrase “to face the music” really mean?

A.To face the stage.

B.To face the back of the horse.

C.To face one’s leader or father.

D.To face something far less pleasant.

【3Which of the following occasions is the one we may have to face the music?

p>A.When we are playing basketball in the playground.

B.When we are making a speech before a lot of people.

C.When we are having a party at ease with our teachers.

D.When we are talking with somebody in secret.

【4The underlined word “hostile” in the third paragraph means ______.

A.unfriendly B.dislike

C.unkind D.Unnecessary


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】In my opinion, a true friend is the one who always ______ when you are depressed.

A. puts you up B. gives you up

C. picks you up D. cheers you up


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 --- You look so young. Haven’t you graduated from your university?

--- Yes, I _______ in the English Department of Zhejiang Normal University for four years.

A. was studying B. study

C. had studied D. studied


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】As living conditions in China are getting better, parents who want their children to have a bright future invest large sums of money to send their children to study abroad. However, there are countless difficulties that students have to face and solve when they study abroad. Therefore, it is necessary for Chinese overseas students to be aware of certain things to which they must pay attention.

【1】_________ Safety issues before and after studying abroad have been one of the focuses of parents. However, all experts consider psychological preparation as the most important thing for students studying abroad to consider. They believe that students must have a clear picture of their position and know that they are going abroad to study and receive training and not for leisure. And they should not have the opinion that everything abroad is good and all things from China are bad. Students should prepare themselves for the differences.

2_________ Chinese students have got accustomed to the domestic exam-oriented education style that is completely different from the more open foreign education mode. They will face changes in the educational system while studying abroad. So students should learn about the differences between the domestic and foreign education styles and try to find more solutions to adjusting to the open education in order to be well prepared for their overseas studies both mentally and practically.

3__________ Students should ask related teachers to help make plans consistent with their practical condition. There should be both macro and detailed learning plans. Macro learning plans require students to hold on to the primary direction of their overseas studies and detailed learning plans require them to arrange learning content for each course and semester(学期). After the plan is made, they should strictly keep to them. Otherwise, the plan will have no effect.

4_________ As Chinese students are not familiar with the place and people, and have to relatives by their sides, the first feeling they will feel is loneliness, which makes it especially important to learn to develop relationships with people around them. They may meet all kinds of fascinating people abroad. They should go out of their way to be friendly and strike up conversations. The most important thing is to pluck up enough courage to open your mouth and talk with others. Foreigners really like children of this kind and are willing to help them.

5__________ Foreign children are used to learning by themselves in or after class, but Chinese children are used to teacher-centered education. Guided and supervised by parents and teachers, Chinese students don’t have much learning space. They may score high in exams, but they may lack independent learning skills and tend to be in a state of passive learning. So the most basic thing that children need to know is that studying abroad requires that they should adapt to overseas studies as soon as possible and try their best to learn actively and independently.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 --- I hear that Jason is planning to buy a new car.

--- I know. By next month, he ________ enough for a used one

A. has saved B. saves

C. will be saving D. will have saved

