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(2014·福建省普通高中质量检查)The doctor advised her to eat more bean products________meat which might be harmful to her heart.

A.for lack of B.by means of

C.in place of D.in favour of



【解析】考查介词短语辨析。句意为:医生建议她多吃豆类食品来代替可能对她的心脏有害的肉类。in place of代替,顶替,符合句意。for lack of缺乏,短缺;by means of借助……手段,依靠……方法;in favour of支持,赞同。

答案: C



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江西省高考人教版一轮课时作业必修3Unit2英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

(2014·天津和平区一模)The medicine should usually be kept out of the________of children at home.

A.distance B.reach

C.limit D.arrival



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江西省高考人教版一轮课时作业必修2Unit3英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Global Positioning Systems (全球定位系统) are now a part of everyday driving in many countries.These satellite?based systems provide turn?by?turn directions to help people get to where they want to go.However,they can also cause a lot of problems,send you to the wrong place or leave you completely lost.Many times,the driver is to blame.Sometimes a GPS error is responsible.Most often,says Barry Brown,it is a combination of the two.

Barry Brown is with the Mobile Life Centre in Stockholm,Sweden.He told us about an incident involving a friend who had flown to an airport in the eastern United States.There he borrowed a GPS?equipped car to use during his stay.Mr Brown says,“They just plugged in an address and then set off to their destination.And,then it wasn’t until they were driving for thirty minutes that they realized they actually put in a destination back on the West Coast where they lived.They actually put their home address in.So again,the GPS is kind of ‘garbage in garbage out’.”

Mr Brown says this is a common human error,but what makes the problem worse has to do with some of the shortcomings,or failures,of GPS equipment.He says,“One problem with a lot of the GPS units is they have a very small screen and they just tell you the next turn.Because they just give you the next turn,sometimes that means that it is not really giving you the overview that you would need to know that it’s going to the wrong place.”

Mr Brown says,“One of the things that struck us,perhaps the most important thing was that you have to know what you’re doing when you use a GPS.There are these new skills that people have developed.There are these new competencies (资格) that you need to have to be able to use a GPS because they sometimes go wrong.This goes against a common belief that GPS systems are for passive drivers who lack navigational skills.”

Barry Brown says to make GPS systems better we need a better understanding of how drivers,passengers and GPS systems work together.

1.According to Barry Brow,in most cases,________are blame for the problems.

A.human errors

B.GPS errors

C.errors caused by both drivers and GPS

D.errors caused by putting in a wrong address

2.The example of Barry Brown’s friend is used to show that________.

A.GPS is nothing but garbage

B.GPS is still not accurate enough

C.it is difficult for drivers to use GPS equipment

D.sometimes drivers are responsible for the problem

3.It can be inferred from the second paragraph that________.

A.it’s impossible to drive from the east to the west in the US

B.Barry Brown’s friend went to Stockholm,Sweden by plane

C.given wrong instructions,the GPS will produce wrong results

D.GPS systems are for passive drivers who lack navigational skills

4.Which of the followings is one of the shortcomings of GPS equipment?

A.It just tells the driver to turn once at a time.

B.It gives the driver the overview.

C.Its screen is too small to be seen clearly.

D.It is only suitable for passive drivers.

5.What’s the main idea of the text?

A.GPS systems are helpful for drivers.

B.Driving with GPS can be difficult to navigate (导航).

C.Drivers should understand how GPS systems work.

D.Drivers should learn to use GPS systems correctly.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江西省高考人教版一轮课时作业必修2Unit2英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Elderly adults who regularly drink green tea may stay more agile (敏捷的) and independent than their peers over time, according to a Japanese study that covered thousands of people.

Green tea contains antioxidant chemicals (抗氧化化学物质) that may help stop the cell damage that can lead to disease.Researchers have been studying green tea’s effect on everything from cholesterol (胆固醇) to the risk of certain cancers,with mixed results so far.

They found those who drank the most green tea were the least likely to develop “functional disability”,or problems with daily activities or basic needs,such as dressing or bathing.

Specifically,almost 13 percent of adults who drank less than a cup of green tea per day became functionally disabled,compared with just over 7 percent of people who drank at least five cups a day.

The study did not prove that green tea alone kept people agile as they grew older.Green tea lovers generally had healthier diets,including more fish,vegetables and fruit,as well as more education,lower smoking rates,fewer heart attacks and strokes,and greater mental sharpness.They also tended to be more socially active and have more friends and family to rely on.But even with those factors accounted for,green tea itself was tied to a tower disability risk,the researchers said.

People who drank at least five cups a day were one?third less likely to develop disabilities than those who had less than a cup per day.Those people who averaged three or four cups a day had a 25 percent lower risk.

Although it’s not clear how green tea might offer a buffer (缓冲) against disabilities,lead researcher Yasutake Tomata did note that one recent study found green tea extracts (提取物) seem to increase leg muscle strength in older women.

While green tea and its extracts are considered safe in small amounts,they do contain caffeine and small amounts of vitamin K,which means it could affect drugs that prevent blood clotting (凝固).

1.What does the underlined word “peers” mean in the first paragraph?



C.People of the same age.

D.People living in the same neighborhood.

2.What can be learned from the passage?

A.Antioxidant chemicals can lead to disease.

B.Those who often drink green tea can’t develop “functional disability”.

C.“Functional disability” is related to problems with daily activities or basic needs.

D.People who drink at least five cups a day are not likely to become functionally disabled.

3.What does the fifth paragraph mainly tell us?

A.How the study was proved.

B.Why green tea lovers can keep agile.

C.What healthier diets include.

D.How to lower the disability risk.

4.What has the researcher Yasutake Tomata discovered?

A.Those who drank green tea can’t develop “functional disability”.

B.Green tea alone kept people agile as they grew older.

C.How green tea might offer a buffer against disabilities.

D.Green tea extracts seem to increase leg muscle strength in older women.

5.From the passage we can infer that________.

A.vitamin K is contained in caffeine

B.vitamin K is good for our blood

C.vitamin K is bad for our health

D.vitamin K has influence on some drugs



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江西省高考人教版一轮课时作业必修2Unit2英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

(2014·山东省实验中学一模)—Have you graduated from Shandong University?

—Yes.I________there for 4 years.

A.studied B.have studied

C.had studied D.have been studying



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江西省高考人教版一轮课时作业必修2Unit1英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

There are many older people in the world and there will be many more.A lime?known fact is that over 60 percent of the older people live in developing countries.According to the World Health Organization,by 2020 there will be 1 billion,with over 700 million living in developing countries.

It is a surprising fact that the population ageing is particularly rapid in developing countries.For example,it took France 115 years for the proportion of older people to double from 7 percent to 14 percent.It is estimated to take China a mere 27 years to achieve this same increase.

What are the implications of these increased numbers of older folk?One of the biggest worries for governments is that the longer people live,the more likelihood there is for diseases and for disability.Attention is being paid to the need to keep people as healthy as possible,including during old age,to lessen the financial burden on the state.

Another significant problem is the need for the younger generations to understand and value the older people in their society.In some African countries,certainly in Asia,older people are respected and regarded as the ones with special knowledge.Yet traditions are fading away daily,which does not ensure the continued high regard of older people.As society changes,attitudes will change.

Much needs to be done to get rid of age discrimination (歧视) in employment.Life?long learning programs need to be provided to enable older people to be active members in a country’s development.

Social security policies need to be established to provide adequate income protection for older people.Both public and private schemes are vital in order to build a suitable safety net.

To achieve equality in such matters will take considerable time and effort.One thing is sure:there is no time to be lost.

1.The proportion of older people________.

A.is bigger in developed countries than in developing countries

B.is one?seventh of the population in developing countries

C.will increase much faster in China than in France

D.will be sixty percent in developing countries by 2020

2.According to the passage,which of the following are governments most worried about?

A.The diseases and disability of older people.

B.The longer life and good health of people.

C.The loss of taxes on older people.

D.The increasing respect for older people.

3.It is stated directly in the passage that older people should________.

A.be treated differently in different cultures

B.enjoy a similar lifestyle

C.be ignored as society changes

D.be valued by the younger generations

4.Which of the following measures is NOT mentioned to solve the population ageing problem?

A.Getting rid of age discrimination in employment.

B.Ensuring adequate income protection for older people.

C.Providing free health care for sick older people.

D.Supplying life?long learning programs to older people.

5.The author concludes in the last paragraph that________.

A.governments have spent lots of time in solving the ageing problem

B.population ageing is a hard problem,but it needs to be solved urgently

C.people are too busy to solve the population ageing problem

D.much time and effort will be lost in solving the ageing problem



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江西省高考人教版一轮课时作业必修2Unit1英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

(2014·福州市高中毕业班质量检查)Across all media,people are debating about________we need to keep track of every school bus on China’s road.

A.how  B.whether

C.which D.where



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江西省高考人教版一轮课时作业必修1Unit4英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The space suits can be adjusted so that the team can reproduce different levels of gravity as if they________in space.

A.are B.has been

C.were D.had been



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江西省高考人教版一轮课时作业必修1Unit2英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

(2014·江西六校高三联考)The decision about which college to go to cannot be made by any one of us________yourself.

A.more than B.other than

C.rather than D.better than


