精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
10.Imagination and fantasy can play an important role in achieving the things we fear.Children know this very well.Fred Epstein,in his book If I Make It to Five,tells a story he heard from one of friends about Tom,a four-year-old boy with a cancer in his back bone.He came through several operations and a lot of pain by mastering his imagination.
Tom loved to pretend,and he particularly loved to play superheroes.Dr.Epstein explained that it was actually a brilliant way for his young mind to handle the terrifying and painful life he led.
The day before his third trip to the operating room,Tom was terribly afraid."Maybe I could go as Superman,"he whispered to his mom.Hearing this,the mother hesitated for a while.She had avoided buying the expensive costume (戏装),but finally she agreed.
The next day Tom appeared as the powerful Superman,showing off through the hospital halls and coolly waving his hand to the people greeting him along the way.And Tom,with the strength of his fantasy,successfully made it through the operation.
The power of imagination need not be reserved for children only.we all have the power to use our fantasies to attempt things we never thought possible,to go through those things that seem impossible,and to achieve what we never believed we could.Just as Dr.Epstein puts it,"If you can dream it,you can do it."
It doesn't mean that you should dress as a superhero for your next job interview.But,next time you are tested in a way that seems impossible,imagine what it would take to overcome it.Become the person you need to become to win over your challenge and do it in your mind first.So,let your imagination run wild,and dare to dream.

26.What do we know about Tom?A
A.He was seriously ill                                              
B.He was a dishonest boy.
C.He was crazy about magic.
D.He was Dr.Epstein's patient.
27.What can be inferred about Tom's mother?D
A.She was a rich lady.
B.She refused Tom's request.
C.She wanted Tom to be a superhero.
D.She wanted to get Tom through the pain.
28.When Tom went for the third operation,heB
A.pretended to be painful                                                
B.acted like a superhero
C.appeared in poor spirits                                        
D.argued with his mother
29.In the last paragraph,you are advisedC
A.to go through some difficult tests                                 
B.to wake up from your wild dreams
C.to become a powerful person in your mind                    
D.to wear expensive clothes for job interviews
30.What is the purpose of the passage?D
A.To tell us an interesting story.
B.To help us make right decisions.
C.To advise us to care about children.
D.To encourage us to use our imagination.

分析 本文为记叙文,通过小男孩Tom通过想象自己为超级英雄的方式战胜病魔的故事,来告诉我们在我们面对害怕的事情或完成具有桃战性的工作中起着重要的作用,并鼓励我们想像力自由驰骋,敢于梦想.

解答 26.答案:A.细节理解题.由第一段最后一句"He came through several operations and a lot of pain"可知,他病得很严重,故选.选项B(他是一个不诚实的孩子)和选项C(他对魔术着了迷)都是无中生有;由第一段第三句"Fred Epstein,in his book If I Make It to Five,tells a story he heard from one of his friends about Tom"可知,有关Tom的事情是Dr.Epstein从他的一个朋友那里听来的,因此可排除选项D(他是Dr.Epstein的病人).
27.答案:D.推理判断题.由第三段第三四句"Hearing this,the mother hesitated for a while.She had avoided buying the expensive costume(戏装),finally she agreed."可知,她并不富有,但最终还是同意了Tom的请求,为他购买昂贵的戏装,由此推断,她是希望Tom能度过痛苦关.由"had avoided buying the expensive costume"可排除选项A;由finally she agreed可排除选项B;她同意为他购买昂贵的戏装其目的不是希望他真正成为超人,故排除选项C.
28.答案:B.细节理解题.由第四段第一句"Tom appeared as the powerful Superman,showing off through the hospital halls and coolly waving his hand to the people greeting him along the way."可知,他的行为就像是一个超人.
29.答案:C.细节理解题.由最后一段的第一句可排除选项D;选项A(经历一些困难的测试)和B(从不羁梦中醒来)含文中的一些字眼,其实是断章取义;由第三句"Become the person you need to become to win over your challenge and do it in your mind first."可知,选项C(要成为一个内心强大的人)正确.
30.答案:D.写作目的题.由文章首句"Imagination and fantasy can play an important role in achieving the things we fear."和最后一段的最后一句话"So,let your imagination run wild,and dare to dream."可知,作者写这篇文章的目的是鼓励我们运用我们的想象力.

点评 此类文章的特点是以时间的先后或事件的发展为主线,空间或逻辑线索贯穿文章始终,脉络清楚,可读性较强.做题时要弄清楚人物传记类文章的特征和写作手法,抓住题干关键词,采用寻读的方法查找细节并进行推理判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

5.我不认为我今天所说的话能改变别人对我的看法.(attitude)I don't think what I have said today can(will) change others'attitude(s)towards me..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.____?You look so excited!
--Peter told me that I've been chosen to attend the national competition on behalf of our
school.(  )
A.What's coning upB.So what
C.How are things goingD.How come


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.Some young people these days,especially the homebodies,just __________ go out of their homes to experience the real world.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.Papa,as a son of a dirt-poor farmer,left school early and went to work in a factory,for education was for the rich then.So,the world became his school.With great interest,he read everything he could lay his hands on,listened to the town elders and learned about the world beyond his tiny hometown."There's so much to learn,"he'd say."Though we're born stupid,only the stupid remain that way."He was determined that none of his children would be denied (拒绝) an education.
Thus,Papa insisted that we learn at least one new thing each day.Though,as children,we thought this was crazy,it would never have occurred to us to deny Papa a request.And dinner time seemed perfect for sharing what we had learned.We would talk about the news of the day; no matter how insignificant,it was never taken lightly.Papa would listen carefully and was ready with some comment,always to the point.
Then came the moment-the time to share the day's new learning.
Papa,at the head of the table,would push back his chair and pour a glass of red wine,ready to listen.
"Felice,"he'd say,"tell me what you learned today."
"I learned that the population of Nepal is…"
Papa was thinking about what was said,as if the salvation(拯救) of the world would depend upon it."The population of Nepal.Hmm.Well…"he'd say."Get the map; let's see where Nepal is."And the whole family went on a search for Nepal.
This same experience was repeated until each family member had a turn.Dinner ended only after we had a clear understanding of at least half a dozen such facts.
As children,we thought very little about these educational wonders.Our family,however,was growing together,sharing experiences and participating in one another's education.And by looking at us,listening to us,respecting our input,affirming(肯定) our value,giving us a sense of dignity,Papa was unquestionably our most influential teacher.
Later during my training as a future teacher/1studied with some of the most famous educators.They were imparting(传授) what Papa had known all along-the value of continual learning.His technique has served me well all my life.Not a single day has been wasted,though I can never tell when knowing the population of Nepal might prove useful.

60.What do we know from the first paragraph?D
A.The author's father was born in a worker's family.
B.Those born stupid could not change their life.
C.The town elders wanted to learn about the world.
D.The poor could hardly afford school education.
61.The underlined word"it"in the second paragraph refers to"C".
A.one new thing
B.a request
C.the news
D.some comment
62.It can be learned from the passage that the authorD.
A.enjoyed talking about news
B.knew very well about Nepal
C.felt regret about those wasted days
D.appreciated his father's educational technique
63.What is the greatest value of"dinner time"to the author?A
A.Continual learning.
B.Showing talents.
C.Family get-together.
D.Winning Papa's approval.
64.The author's father can be best described asB.
A.an educator expert at training future teachers
B.a parent insistent on his children's education
C.a participant willing to share his knowledge
D.a teacher strict about everything his students did.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.Parents who help their children with homework may actually be bringing down their school grades.Other forms of prenatal involvement,including volunteering at school and observing a child's class,also fail to help,according to the most recent study on the topic.
The findings challenge a key principle of modern parenting(养育子女) where schools except them to act as partners in their children's education.Previous generations concentrated on getting children to school on time,fed,dressed and ready to learn.
Kaith Robinson,the author of the study,said,"I really don't know if the public is ready for this but there are some ways parents can be involved in their kids'education that leads to declines in their academic performance.One of the things that was consistently negative was parents'help with homework."Robinson suggested that may be because parents themselves struggle to understand the task."They may either not remember the material their kids are studying now,or in some cases never learnt it themselves,but they're still offering advice."
Robinson assessed parental involvement performance and found one of the most damaging things a parent could do was to punish their children for poor marks.In general,about 20% of parental involvement was positive,about 45% negative and the rest statistically insignificant.
Common sense suggests it was a good thing for parents to get involved because"children with good academic success do have involved parents",admitted Robinson.But he argued that this did not prove parental involvement was the root cause of that success."A big surprise was that Asian-American parents whose kids are doing so well in school hardly involved.They took a more reasonable approach,conveying to their children how success at school could improve their lives."

58.The underlined expression"parental involvement"in Paragraph 1probably meansB.
A.parents'expectation on children's health
B.parents'participation in children's education
C.parents'control over children's life
D.parents'plan for children's future
59.What is the major finding of Robinson's study?C
A.Modern parents raise children in a more scientific way.
B.Punishing kids for bad marks is mentally damaging.
C.Parental involvement is not so beneficial as expected.
D.Parents are not able to help with children's homework.
60.The example of Asian-American parents implies that parents shouldA.
A.help children realize the importance of schooling
B.set a specific life goal for their children
C.spend more time improving their own lives
D.take a more active part in school management.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.The baby monkey is much more developed at birth than the human baby.Almost from the moment it is born,the baby monkey can move around and hold tightly to its mother.During the first few days of its life the baby will approach and hold onto almost any large,warm,and soft object in its environment,particularly if that object also gives it milk.After a week or so,however,the baby monkey begins to avoid newcomers and focuses its attentions on"mother"-the real mother or the mother-substitute (母亲替代物).
During the first two weeks of its life warmth is perhaps the most important psychological thing that a monkey mother has to give to its baby.The Harlows,a couple who are both psychologists,discovered this fact by offering baby monkeys a choice of two types of mother-substitutes-one covered with cloth and one made of bare wire.If the two artificial mothers were both the same temperature,the little monkeys always preferred the cloth mother.However,if the wire model was heated,while the cloth model was cool,for the first two weeks after birth the baby monkeys picked the warm wire mother-substitutes as their favorites.Thereafter they switched and spent most of their time on the more comfortable cloth mother.
Why is cloth preferable to bare wire?Something that the Harlows called contact (接触) comfort seems to be the answer,and a most powerful influence it is.Baby monkeys spend much of their time rubbing against their mothers'skins,putting themselves in as close contact with the parent as they can.Whenever the young animal is frightened,disturbed,or annoyed,it typically rushes to its mother and rubs itself against her body.Wire doesn't"rub"as well as does soft wire cloth.Prolonged (长时间的)"contact comfort"with a cloth mother appears to give the babies confidence and is much more rewarding to them than is either warmth or milk.
According to the Harlows,the basic quality of a baby's love for its mother is trust.If the baby is put into an unfamiliar playroom without its mother,the baby ignores the toys no matter how interesting they might be.It screams in terror and curls up into a furry little ball.If its cloth mother is now introduced into the playroom,the baby rushes to it and holds onto it for dear life.After a few minutes of contact comfort,it obviously begins to feel more secure.It then climbs down from the mother-substitute and begins to explore the toys,but often rushes back for a deep embrace (拥抱) as if to make sure that its mother is still there and that all is well.Bit by bit its fears of the new environment are gone and it spends more and more time playing with the toys and less and less time holding on to its"mother."

50.Psychologically,what does the baby monkey desire most during the first two weeks of its life?A
51.After the first two weeks of their life,baby moneys prefer the cloth mother to the wire mother because the former isD.
A.larger in size   
B.closer to them
C.less frightening and less disturbing 
D.more comfortable to rub against
52.What does the baby monkey probably gain from prolonged"contact comfort"?C
53.It can be inferred that when the baby monkey feels secure,D.
A.it frequently rushes back for a deep embrace when exploring the toys
B.it spends more time screaming to get rewards
C.it is less attracted to the toys though they are interesting
D.it cares less about whether its mother is still around
54.The main purpose of the passage is toB.
A.give the reasons for the experiment  
B.present the findings of the experiment
C.introduce the method of the experiment  
D.describe the process of the experiment.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.The memory is still fresh in my mind _____ I was considered the apple of my former boyfriend's eyes during our stay in Aegean Sea.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.Arriving in Sydney on his own from India,my husband,Rashid,stayed in a hotel for a short time while looking for a short time while looking for a house for me and our children.
During the first week of his stay,he went out one day to do some shopping.He came back in the late afternoon to discover that his suitcase was gone.He was extremely worried as the suitcase had all his important papers,including his passport.
He reported the case to the police and then sat there,lost and lonely in strange city,thinking of the terrible troubles of getting all the paperwork organized again from a distant country while trying to settle down in a new one.
Late in the evening,the phone rang.It was a stranger.He was trying to pronounce my husband's name and was asking him a lot of questions.Then he said they had found a pile of papers in their trash can(垃圾桶)that had been left out on the footpath.
My husband rushed to their home to find a kind family holding all his papers and documents.Their young daughter had gone to the trash can and found a pile of unfamiliar papers.Her parents had carefully sorted them out,although they had found mainly foreign addresses on most of the documents.At last they had seen a half-written letter in the pile in which my husband had given his new telephone number to a friend.
That family not only restored the important documents to us that day but also restored our faith and trust in people.We still remember their kindness and often send a warm wish their way.

21.What did Rashid plan to do after his arrival in Sydney?B
A.Go shopping
B.Find a house
C.Join his family
D.Take his family
22.The girl's parents got Rashid's phone number fromC.
A.a friend of his family
B.a Sydney policeman
C.a letter in his papers
D.a stranger in Sydney
23.What does the underlined word"restored"in the last paragraph mean?D
B.Sent out
D.Gave back
24.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?C
A.From India to Australia.
B.Living in a a New Country.
C.Turning Trash to Treasure.
D.In Search of New Friends.

