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【题目】We spent a day in the country and picked a lot of flowers. Our car was full of flowers inside! On the way home we had to stop at traffic lights, and there my wife saw the bookshelf.(书柜)

It stood outside a furniture(家具)shop. “Buy it,” she said at once. “We’ll carry it home on the roof-rack(车顶架). I’ve always wanted one like that.”

What could I do? Ten minutes later I was twenty dollars poorer, and the bookshelf was tied on to the roof rack. It was tall and narrow, quite heavy too.

As it was getting darker, I drove slowly. Other drivers seemed more polite than usual that evening. The police even stopped traffic to let us through. Carrying furniture was a good idea.

After a time my wife said, “There’s a long line of cars behind. Why don’t they overtake(超车)?”

Just at that time a police car did overtake. The two officers inside looked at us seriously when they went past. But then, with a kind smile they asked us to follow their car through the busy traffic. The police car stopped at our village church. One of the officers came to me.

“Right, sir,” he said. “Do you need any more help now?”

I didn’t quite understand. “Thanks, officer,” I said. “You’ve been very kind. I live just down the road.”

He was looking at our things: first at the flowers, then at the bookshelf. “Well, well,” he said and laughed. “It’s a bookshelf you’ve got there! We thought it was——er, something else.”

My wife began to laugh. Suddenly I understood why the police drove here. I smiled at the officer. “Yes, it’s a bookshelf, but thanks again.” I drove home as fast as I could.

【1From the story we know that .

A.the writer was poor and didn’t buy the bookshelf for his wife

B.the writer’s wife didn’t like the bookshelf at all

C.the writer was not very glad to buy the bookshelf for his wife

D.the writer was always glad to buy something for his wife

【2】What made the writer think that carrying furniture was “a good idea”?

A.Other drivers would let him go first.

B.He could drive slowly and it was safe.

C.His wife could use a new bookshelf.

D.He could save a lot of money and time.

【3】Why were the police and other drivers so kind to the writer?

A. Because they thought the writer liked studying very much and needed a bookshelf.

B. Because they didn’t think it was polite to overtake a car with a bookshelf on it.

C. Because they thought it was dangerous to carry a bookshelf on a car.

D. Because they thought somebody in the writer’s family had died and he needed help.

【4Why did the writer’s wife begin to laugh?

A.Because the police had helped them a lot.

B.Because at last the police had driven to the church.

C.Because the officer was always looking at the flowers and the bookshelf.

D.Because now she knew what mistake the police had made.

【5When did the officers begin to realize they had made a mistake?

A.After they arrived at the church.

B.Before they overtook the writer’s car.

C.Before they arrived at the church.

D.After the writer’s family left the church.









【1】C判断推理题。由文中What could I do? 可推理出作者并不非常愿意为他的妻子买这个书架,所以C符合题意。

【2】A细节理解题。由文中Other drivers seemed more polite than usual that evening. The police even stopped traffic to let us through. Carrying furniture was a good idea.可知其他人都很礼貌,甚至警察也停下来让我们先行。所以选A。

【3】D 推理判断题。由文中与警察的对话He was looking at our things: first at the flowers, then at the bookshelf. “Well, well,” he said and laughed. “It’s a bookshelf you’ve got there! We thought it was——er, something else.”可知警察们以为车上的是别的东西。警察们也以为我们是家里有人去世了,故选D。


【5】A细节理解题。由The police car stopped at our village church可知警察们停在了教堂之后来和我们交谈。故选A。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】I feel so nervous about the coming college entrance examination.

________. You have been studying very hard.

A. Its up to you B. Take it easy

C. You got it D. I couldn’t agree more


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】My wife Julie and I were out on the road that runs around where we live, when we saw an old worn-out dog stumbling (蹒跚) painfully up the road. We stopped, bent down, talked gently to the dog and patted it. I checked and there was a collar with a phone number. I called but no one answered.

The dog was painfully thin. So Julie ran home to get some of our dog’s food while I tried to encourage the dog. After Julie came back, we sat down on the sidewalk while our new friend made short work of the food. Eventually we got her home.

After trying for many times we got a response from the number. A lady came around with a bunch of flowers for us. She explained that Tara had been her father’s dog. She was very old and got lost that morning. So, Tara was safely returned home.

Here is the truth of the story:

Actually Julie and I were out that morning because I was leaving. She was trying to persuade me to come back, but I wasn’t hearing anything that made that sound likely.

I was about to turn and go when an old black dog walked between us and almost fell down. Suddenly we had something more important than our problem to worry about. There was a creature in need right before us and we had to work together to help it.

We did help it. And here I am writing the story in my own home, in my own family.

In the song “Love Is Not a Fight” Warren Barfield talks about marriage. At one point he sings, “And if we try to leave, may God send angels to guard the door.”

Sometimes angels come disguised (伪装) as dogs.

【1】How was the dog when found?

A. Too weak to walk.

B. Thin and worn out.

C. Unable to eat food.

D. Homeless but gentle.

【2】From paragraph 2, we know that_______________________.

A. the dog didn’t go with the writer

B. the writer had his own pet dog

C. the dog belonged to one of the couple’s friend

D. the dog didn’t eat any of the food

【3】The underlined part our problem in the passage refers to the fact that .

A. the writer didn’t want to take Julie’s advice

B. an old black dog appeared in front of them

C. Julie disagreed with the writer’s travel on business

D. the couple had some trouble with their marriage

【4】 We can infer from the passage that ___________________.

A. the couple finally took the dog home

B. the dog was abandoned by its owner

C. the couple also solved their own problem after helping the dog

D. it is God that send the dog to help the couple

【5】Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A. An Angel Dog

B. A Helpful Couple

C. Saving the Dog

D. A Famous Song


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Friendship with oneself is all important, because without it one cannot be friends with anyone else in the world.

We often focus on building relationships with others that we forget the essential first step: being friends of ourselves. That is the crucial first step if we are to have good relationships with others. How can we have good relationships with others if we don’t even have good relationship with ourselves?

Here are some tips:

1. Forgive yourself

You may have made those mistakes in the past, but is there anything you can do about them? I don’t think so, except learning from them. It’s true that you are not perfect, but neither is everybody else. It’s normal to make mistakes, so do yourself a favor by giving yourself forgiveness.

2. Focus on your strengths

Instead of focusing on your weaknesses, focus on your strengths. You always have some strengths which give you a unique combination nobody else have. Recognize your strengths and build your life around them.

3. Stop comparing yourself with others

You are unique. You can never be like other people, and neither can other people be like you. The way you measure your success is not determined by other people and what they achieve. Instead, it is determined by your own life purpose. You have everything you need to achieve your life purpose, so it’s useless to compare yourself with others.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Once a schedule is made, only by strictly ________ it, can we avoid putting off till tomorrow what should be done.

A. arranging B. presenting

C. measuring D. observing


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】下面文章中有4个段落需要添加小标题,文章需要添加总标题。请从以下选项(A、B、C、 D、E和F)中选出符合意思的标题,并在答题纸上将相应选项的标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多余选项。


Whatever you focus on, you tend to get more of. Many people spend time thinking about what they don’t want, but horrible stuff keeps showing up in their lives. If you pay attention to what you do want instead, you’ll end up becoming more aware of avenues to getting it.


Luck doesn’t just happen upon us--it comes to us when we’re open. Trying something new is a great way of getting more opportunities. Learning a new skill, visiting a new place, or trying a new hobby are all great ways of expanding your opportunities and your mindset.


Some people are already lucky, and they just don’t know it. Instead of focusing on what’s lacking, look at how lucky you already are. You no doubt have some wonderful friends, family, a roof over your head and food on the table. By acknowledging these things regularly, you can instantly feel more lucky.


People who view the future as threatening, dangerous or uncertain are unlikely to draw any luck to them. Having a negative view of what is to come makes you likely to be mentally and emotionally withdrawn into a place where you won’t even see any lucky opportunities. Be positive and excited about what the future may hold, and you should find many lucky opportunities on the horizon.


You’ll never create any luck if you sit there waiting for it to fall into your lap. Take steps towards your goals and dreams and greet every challenge with a positive mindset. You will find you create more luck in everyday life.

A. focus on what you really want

B. pay attention to what you have

C. try something new

D. take action

E. luck is not difficult to get

F. be positive about the future


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Exercise seems to be good for the human brain, with many recent studies suggesting that regular exercise improves memory and thinking skills. But an interesting new study asks whether the apparent cognitive benefits from exercise are real or just a placebo effect — that is, if we think we will be “smarter” after exercise, do our brains respond accordingly? The answer has significant implications for any of us hoping to use exercise to keep our minds sharp throughout our lives.

While many studies suggest that exercise may have cognitive benefits, recently some scientists have begun to question whether the apparently beneficial effects of exercise on thinking might be a placebo effect. So researchers at Florida State University in Tallahassee and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign decided to focus on expectations, on what people anticipate that exercise will do for thinking. If people’s expectations jibe (吻合) closely with the actual benefits, then at least some of those improvements are probably a result of the placebo effect and not of exercise.

For the new study, which was published last month in PLOS One, the researchers recruited 171 people through an online survey system, they asked half of these volunteers to estimate by how much a stretching and toning regimens (拉伸运动) performed three times a week might improve various measures of thinking. The other volunteers were asked the same questions, but about a regular walking program.

In actual experiments, stretching and toning program generally have little if any impact on people’s cognitive skills. Walking, on the other hand, seems to substantially improve thinking ability.

But the survey respondents believed the opposite, estimating that the stretching and toning program would be more beneficial for the mind than walking. The estimates of benefits from walking were lower.

These data, while they do not involve any actual exercise, are good news for people who do exercise. “The results from our study suggest that the benefits of aerobic exercise are not a placebo effect,” said Cary Stothart, a graduate student in cognitive psychology at Florida State University, who led the study.

If expectations had been driving the improvements in cognition seen in studies after exercise, Mr. Stothart said, then people should have expected walking to be more beneficial for thinking than stretching. They didn’t, implying that the changes in the brain and thinking after exercise are physiologically genuine.

The findings are strong enough to suggest that exercise really does change the brain and may, in the process, improve thinking, Mr. Stothart said. That conclusion should encourage scientists to look even more closely into how, at a molecular level, exercise remodels the human brain, he said. It also should encourage the rest of us to move, since the benefits are, it seems, not imaginary, even if they are in our head.

1Which of the following about the placebo effect is TRUE according to the passage?

A. It occurs during exercise. B. It has cognitive benefits.

C. It is just a mental reaction. D. It is a physiological response.

2Why did the researchers at the two universities conduct the research?

A. To discover the placebo effect in the exercise.

B. To prove the previous studies have a big drawback.

C. To test whether exercise can really improve cognition.

D. To encourage more scientists to get involved in the research.

3What can we know about the research Cary Stothart and his team carried out?

A. They employed 171 people to take part in the actual exercise.

B. The result of the research removed the recent doubt of some scientists.

C. The participants thought walking had a greater impact on thinking ability.

D. Their conclusion drives scientists to do research on the placebo effect.

4What might be the best title for the passage?

A. Is it necessary for us to take exercise? B. How should people exercise properly?

C. What makes us smarter during exercise? D. Does exercise really make us smarter?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 --- The film we saw last week is very romantic.

--- ___ I did not think it romantic at all.

A. With all due respect B. I beg to differ

C. As predicted D. I can’t agree with you more


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 There are so many tall trees in the forest, ______ .

A. some of them measures 50 metres

B. some of which measuring 50 metres

C. some of them measuring 50 metres

D. some of which measures 50 metres

