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 I just sat still and didn't say anything while my husband and I were informed that two-year-old Kristi was retarded (智力迟顿的) .

  When Kristi was old enough to attend school,we enrolled her in our neighborhood school's kindergarten at age seven. However,positive things began to happen to Kristi in her school,and to her schoolmates,too. When boasting (自夸) of their own accomplishments,Kristi's classmates always praised her as well; "Kristi got all her spelling words right today." No one added that her spelling list was easier than anyone else's.

  Dunng Kristi's second year in school,there was a competition based on the year's music and physical education activities. Kristi was far behind in both music and motor coordination (运动协调) .My husband and I feared the day as well.

On the day of the program,Kristi pretended to be sick. Desperately I wanted to keep her home. But at last I pushed her onto the school bus.

  Just as I had forced my daughter to go to school, now I forced myself to go to the program. When it was time for Kristi' s group to perform, I knew why Kristi had been worried. Her class was divided into relay teams. With her limp and slow,clumsy reactions,she would surely hold up her team.

  The performance went surprisingly well,until it was time for the gunnysack (黄麻袋) race. Now each child had to climb into a sack from a standing position,jump to a goal line,return and climb out of the sack.

  Kristi stood near the end of her line of players,looking nervous.

  But as Kristi's turn to participate neared,a change took place in her team. The tallest boy in the line stepped behind Kristi and placed his hands on her waist. Two other boys stood a little ahead of her. The moment the player in front of Kristi stepped from the sack,those two boys grabbed the sack and held it open while the tall boy lifted Kristi and dropped her neatly into it. A girl in front of Kristi took her hand and supported her briefly until Kristi gained her balance. Then off she jumped,smiling and proud.

  In the cheers of teachers,schoolmates and parents,I secretly thanked God for the warm,understanding people in life who make it possible for my disabled daughter to be like her fellow human beings.

(   ) 5. In the gunnysack race the second player should first         .

   A. climb into a sack   B. wait for another player

   C. climb out of the sack   D. jump to a goal line

(   ) 6. Which of the following can best describe the writer's feeling when watching her daughter performing?

   A. Proud and grateful. B. Worried and nervous.

   C. Ashamed and worried. D. Nervous and disappointed.

(   ) 7. Which of the following is NOT true?

   A. Four children helped Kristi in the gunnysack race.

   B. Kristi went to kindergarten at the same age as other children.

   C. The other children and teachers treated Kristi as a normal child.

   D. Kristi was diagnosed to be retarded when she was two years old.

(   ) 8. We can learn from the passage that         .

   A. if people are handicapped,people always treat them differently

   B. you have to learn to live all by yourself if you are handicapped

   C. you mustn't look down upon yourself if you are handicapped

   D. treating the disabled as the normal is the biggest help for them

5. B因为是接力赛,所以第2个选手要等第1个选手回来把麻袋给他。

6. A"我"看到女儿能像其他孩子一样参加比赛,心里为她感到骄傲,同时也感谢那些帮助她、理解她的人。

7. B由第2段第1句得知。

8. D由文章末句得知。

题目来源:高考英语组合训练(完形填空 +阅读理解) > 组合训练1-10


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1. For convenience,we may         . (classify)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  The little girl spoke with difficulty. She asked the clown if he brought the moon. He said he would get it,but first he wanted to know how 1        she thought the moon was. Lenore answered , " It is as big as the nail on my finger. I know this is so,because when I put my small 2      ,in front of the moon,my fingernail covers it."The clown then asked her how far away she thought the moon was. She said that it was not as high as the 3        near the window. She knew this because sometimes the moon got 4        in the top of the tree. The clown had one more question, "What do you think the moon is made of?" The princess laughed and said, "Of course,it is made of 5       .”

  The clown left Lenore and went to see the king's 6       . He made a round moon of gold,a little smaller than the fingernail of the Princess. Then he put the moon on a gold 7        so that Lenore could wear it on her neck. The clown took it to Princess Lenore. She was so 8        that she quickly got well. The next day she got out of bed and played in the garden. The king was happy,but then he began to 9       . He knew the moon that night would be bright in the sky. If his daughter saw it,she would know that the moon on her neck was not 10        the moon.

  Again he quickly 11        for his clown. The clown said, "I think that Princess Lenore is 12        than your officials and knows more about the moon than they do. I will ask her to explain how the moon can be on her neck and in the sky." The clown went to Lenore's room. She was in bed but not 13       . The clown asked her,"How can the moon 14        in the sky when it is hanging around your neck?" She looked at him and laughed. She said, "That's a 15       question. When I loose a tooth,a new one grows in its 16      ,doesn't it? It is the same with the moon. And I think it is the same with everything." Her voice got17 . And the clown looked at her 18        and saw that she was asleep. He covered her 19        with the blankets and walked quietly out of her room on his 20       .

(   ) 1. A. nice   B. bright   C. big   D. small

(   ) 2. A. finger   B. mirror   C. glass   D. box

(   ) 3. A. building   B. pole   C. tree   D. tower

(   ) 4. A. caught   B. lost   C. trapped   D. tied

(   ) 5. A. copper   B. silver   C. gold   D. cheese

(   ) 6. A. adviser   B. jeweler   C. mathematician   D. doctor

(   ) 7. A. pin   B. case   C. box   D. chain

(   ) 8. A. energetic   B. encouraged   C. surprised   D. happy

(   ) 9. A. worry   B. relieve   C. doubt   D. hesitate

(   ) 10. A. truly   B. really   C. practically   D. just

(   ) 11. A. searched   B. allowed   C. applied   D. called

(   ) 12. A. younger   B. weaker   C. wiser   D. stronger

(   ) 13. A. sleeping   B. playing   C. reading   D. singing

(   ) 14. A. smile   B. shine   C. swing   D. float

(   ) 15. A. difficult   B. confusing   C. foolish   D. different

(   ) 16. A. place   B. space   C. mouth   D. room

(   ) 17. A. louder   B. lower   C. softer   D. happier

(   ) 18. A. happily   B. strangely   C. closely   D. respectfully

(   ) 19. A. attentively   B. carelessly   C. quickly   D. gently

(   ) 20. A. toes   B. feet   C. hands   D. knees


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  As a high school coach,I did all I could to help my boys win their games. I rooted as hard for victory as they did.

  A dramatic incident,however,following a game in which I acted as a referee,changed my view on victories and defeats. I was refereeing a league championship basketball game in New Rochelle,New York,between New Rochelle and Yonkers High.

  New Rochelle was coached by Dan O'Brien,Yonkers by Les Beck. The gym was crowded to capacity,and the volume of noise made it impossible to hear. The game was well played and closely contested. Yonkers was leading by one point as T glanced at the clock and discovered there were but 30 seconds left to play.

  Yonkers,in possession of the ball,passed off―shot―missed. New Rochelle recovered―pushed the ball up court―shot. The ball rolled tantalizingly (令人着急地) around the edge of the basket and off. The fans screamed.

  New Rochelle,the home team,recovered the ball,and tapped it in for what looked like victory. The noise was deafening (震耳欲聋的) .I glanced at the clock and saw that the game was over. I hadn't heard the final buzzer (蜂鸣器) because of the noise. I checked with the other official,but he could not help me.

  Still seeking help in this confusion,I approached the timekeeper,a young man of 17 or so. He said, "Mr. Co vino,the buzzer went off as the ball rolled off the rim,before the final tapin was made."

  I was in the unenviable position of having to tell Coach O'Brien the sad news.    "Dan,”I said, "time ran out before the final basket was tapped in. Yonkers won the game."

  His face clouded over. The young timekeeper came up. He said, "I'm sorry,Dad. The time ran out before the final basket."

  Suddenly,like the sun coming out from behind a cloud,Coach O'Brien's face lit up. He said, "That's okay,Joe. You did what you had to do. I'm proud of you."

  Turning to me,he said, "Al,I want you to meet my son,Joe."

  The two of them then walked off the court together,the coach's arm around his son's shoulder.

(   ) 5. If the buzzer went off after the final basket,the result of the game would be that

   A. Yonkers won the game by one point

   B. Yonkers won the game by two points

   C. Yonkers and New Rochelle tied the game

   D. New Rochelle won the game by one point

(   ) 6. Which of the following happened first?

   A. The buzz went off.

   B. Yonkers was leading by one point.

   C. The timekeeper spoke to me.

   D. I checked with the other official.

(   ) 7. What does "I was in the unenviable position" mean?

   A. To be a referee is a tiring thing.

   B. I had to do something awkward.

   C. It was difficult to make a judgment.

   D. I made a mistake during the game.

(   ) 8. What seemed to be more important to Dan O'Brien is         .

   A. a close game   B. winning a game

   C. his friend Al   D. his son


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  The buildings there were tall,shiny and in strange shapes. The stores were filled with clothes and other 1        things I could not imagine buying or wearing. On my way home,I drove through 2        areas of Los Angeles. People sat in the street asking for money. The buildings were dirty and their windows had no 3        The area filled me with 4       . Which side of America would I end up in,the rich or the poor? I came to this country with nothing,but I believed I had a 5       here. In America,anyone could become rich,right?

  I was very 6       . I had left all my family behind in Nigeria. When I got 7        of staying inside the house,I took walks up some 8        near my house. I wanted to feel the sun,9 the warm earth and see the blue sky that was the same as the one at home. There were no huge trees with 10        spreading branches and heavy green leaves to protect me from the sun. The 11       was not darkbrown and rich,it was lightbrown and dry like sand. There were small stones everywhere and small brown bushes 12        the hillsides. Again,I had to face the fact that this was not 13        which was all I had known. Only the strong,steady shine of the sun was the same. That at least made me 14       . The sun was my first friend.

  I decided to join a walking group that I had read in a local newspaper. I had been 15        enough to leave my home thousands of miles away. Surely I could meet new people and 16        myself to talk to them. One late Saturday,we gathered at the bottom of the Outdina Hills east of Los Angeles. It was slowly growing dark. Everyone was wearing blue jeans and T-shirts 17       me. It was as if someone had told them what to 18       . Instead,I wore a dress and walked alone behind family groups. The children spoke in high 19        voices. I kept waiting for them to speak normally,that is without in American accent. To me,normal 20      Nigerian. Would my voice become American like theirs?

(   ) 1. A. costly   B. beautiful   C. shining   D. strange

(   ) 2. A. living   B. another   C. poor   D. downtown

(   ) 3. A. handle   B. frame   C. lock   D. glass

(   ) 4. A. fear   B. sorrow   C. anger   D. sadness

(   ) 5. A. life   B. chance   C. future   D. friend

(   ) 6. A. excited   B. lonely   C. hopeful   D. depressed

(   ) 7. A. uneasy   B. doubted   C. used   D. tired

(   ) 8. A. hills   B. mountains   C. parks   D. streets

(   ) 9. A. praise   B. love   C. touch   D. understand

(   ) 10. A. light   B. thick   C. complex   D. mixed

(   ) 11. A. soil   B. earth   C. ground   D. field

(   ) 12. A. covered   B. sheltered   C. defended   D. guarded

(   ) 13. A. the hill   B. neighborhood   C. block   D. home

(   ) 14. A. safe   B. refreshed   C. homesick   D. happy

(   ) 15. A. brave   B. annoyed   C. upset   D. eager

(   ) 16. A. prevented   B. allowed   C. forced   D. persuaded

(   ) 17. A. including   B. besides   C. except   D. like

(   ) 18. A. take   B. wear   C. bring   D. do

(   ) 19. A. noisy   B. beautiful   C. American   D. childish

(   ) 20. A. conducted   B. adjusted   C. showed   D. meant


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  Farmers may not be able to prevent natural disasters,but they can at least try their best to reduce losses.

  For example,they can plant crops that are more likely to survive extreme weather. In northcentral Vietnam,people with small farms do not plant rice between September and December. Seasonal rains might destroy the rice. So instead,they plant lotus seeds on raised beds. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization says the lotus seeds bring a good price in local markets.

  Farmers in the Philippines are showing new interest in crops like winged beans,string beans,arrowroot and cassava. The Asian Disaster Preparedness Center says traditional crops like these can survive the fierce storms that often strike the islands.

  The United Nations says some African farmers grow bambara groundnuts during long dry periods. The seeds of this droughtresistant plant can be boiled for eating or for making flour.

  In some parts of the world,farmers grow vetiver grass. Researchers in Thailand wrote about vetiver in 2007 in the journal Science Asia. They noted that the grass can absorb and control the spread of harmful waste waters,like those from pig farms.

  Agricultural expert and author William Rivera says vetiver resists difficult conditions. It reduces damage from heavy rains. And vetiver planted on earthen dams may strengthen them against breaks and flooding.

  William Rivera also speaks approvingly of alfalfa. Its deep roots can find and take up groundwater. Those roots also help hold the soil against winds. And alfalfa can be a valuable food source for animals.

The deep and extensive roots of sunflowers make them another good candidate for resisting extreme conditions. The tall plants have brightly colored heads that provide seeds and oil.

  North Dakota grows more hectares of sunflowers than any other American state. But North Dakota is better known as a top wheat producing state.

Hans Kandel works at the North Dakota State University Extension Service in Fargo. He says farmers in some parts of North Dakota plant wheat that is ready to harvest in only about one hundred days. That way it can grow before the hot,dry months of July through September.

(   ) 1. The underlined part "bring a good price in local markets" in the 2nd paragraph implies that lotus seeds         .

   A. can bring the local farmers some profit

   B. will satisfy the needs of the local people

   C. are what the local farmers eat every day

   D. don't sell very well because of their high prices

(   ) 2. Vetiver grass is planted because it can         .

   A. be a valuable food source for animals

   B. survive the fierce storms in summer

   C. provide seeds and oil

   D. be useful in many aspects

(   ) 3. From the last paragraph we can see that the farmers in North Dakota         .

   A. are not hardworking so they are suffering from poverty

   B. are good at taking advantage of the weather conditions

   C. don't have enough knowledge of weather and farming

   D. plant more sunflowers than wheat

(   ) 4. From this passage we may safely conclude that         .

   A. weather conditions are always decisive factors in agriculture

   B. some crops can help farmers to fight against disasters

   C. the species of the world are changing quickly

   D. agriculture is developing fast in the world


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Women are now as likely to use the Internet as men―about twothirds of both genders yet a new study shows that gaps remain in what each sex does online.

  American men who go online are more likely than women to check the weather,the news,sports,political and financial information,the Pew Internet and American Life Project reported Wednesday. They are also more likely to use the Internet to download music and software and to take a class.

  Online women,meanwhile,are bigger users of email,and they are also more likely to go online for religious information and support for health or personal problems.

  "For men,it's just, ' Give me the facts, , " said Deborah Fallows,who wrote the report based on six years of Pew surveys. "For women,it's ' Let's talk about this. Are you worried about this problem?' It's keeping in touch and connecting with people in a richer way."  

  The surveys find that for many activities,such as getting travel information or looking up a phone number,men and women are equally likely to use the Internet.

  A survey from March,for instance,found that 54 percent of online men use the Internet for jobrelated research,compared with 48 percent of female Internet users. A September survey found 94 percent of online women sending email,compared with 88 percent of men.

  Women also were more likely to use email to write friends and relatives about news,worries,advice and planning. They were also more likely to credit email for improving relationships with friends,family and colleagues. Men,on the other hand,were more likely to participate in interest groups,such as fan clubs.

(   ) 1. What is the passage mainly about?

   A. To tell us why men and women use the Web slightly differently.

   B. To show us some facts how men and women use the Web.

   C. To show how women use the Web.

   D. To show the trends of the Web.

(   ) 2. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

   A. More women like to download music and send email from the Web.

   B. More men like to find jobs,talk and check information online.

   C. In general,the differences between men and women to use the Internet are big.

   D. The differences of using the Web between men and women don't exist at every aspect.

(   ) 3. From the last paragraph,we can infer that         .

   A. women like to send email to improve relationships

   B. men seldom use the Web to write letters

   C. the purpose for men and women to send email is different

   D. writing email is becoming more and more popular in current society


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  Do you know what Down Syndrome is? It's a disease in which an extra chromosome (染色体) causes a( n) 1       disability that makes it harder for one to learn things. When my mom first told me I had Down Syndrome,I was 2        that people would think I wasn't as smart as they were,or that I talked or looked 3        I just want to be like everyone else,so sometimes I wish I could 4        the extra chromosome.

  Having Down Syndrome,however,doesn't make me feel too different. I am 5        of who I am. I am a hard worker,a good person,and I 6        about my friends. My 7       is also a lot like yours. I read books and watch TV,and I think about the 8       ,like who I'll marry. I get along well with my sisters 9       when they take my CDs without asking!

  Sometimes it's hard being with 10        kids. For instance,I don't drive,but a lot of kids in my school do. I try not to let things like that 11        me and just think of all the good things in my life,such as the fact that I've published two 12        and right now someone else is 13        my songs.

  It's true that I don't learn things as 14        as others,but that won't stop me from 15      . I just know that if I work really hard and be myself,I can do almost 16       .

  I can't change the 17        that I have Down Syndrome,but one thing I would like to change is how people think of me. I'd tell them: 18       me as a whole person,not just the person you see. Treat me with 19       ,and accept me for who I am. Most importantly,just be my friend. 20      ,I would do the same for you.

(   ) 1. A. physical   B. intellectual   C. spiritual   D. actual

(   ) 2. A. excited   B. surprised   C. annoyed   D. worried

(   ) 3. A. different   B. simple   C. low   D. ugly

(   ) 4. A. call on   B. ask for   C. pick up   D. give back

(   ) 5. A. fond   B. tired   C. proud   D. afraid

(   ) 6. A. talk   B. care   C. dream   D. worry

(   ) 7. A. study   B. interest   C. life   D. condition

(   ) 8. A. future   B. marriage   C. dream   D. profession

(   ) 9. A. including   B. providing   C. despite   D. except

(   ) 10. A. disabled   B. typical   C. special   D. unusual

(   ) 11. A. upset   B. attract   C. control   D. prevent

(   ) 12. A. articles   B. poems   C. novels   D. songs

(   ) 13. A. considering   B. singing   C. criticizing   D. buying

(   ) 14. A. hard   B. soon   C. far   D. fast

(   ) 15. A. struggling   B. exploring   C. trying   D. experimenting

(   ) 16. A. something   B. nothing   C. anything   D. none

(   ) 17. A. fact   B. idea   C. dream   D. trouble

(   ) 18. A. Help   B. Judge   C. Love   D. Forgive

(   ) 19. A. pity   B. surprise   C. respect   D. satisfaction

(   ) 20. A. In fact   B. In all   C. Above all   D. After all


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

7. The author believes that it is the test system,         the teachers,that is to blame for the heavy burden of middle school students.

   A. other than   B. or rather

   C. rather than   D. more than

