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4. She said that she had benefited from lessons on personal finance,but        that she still had a lot to learn about money.

   A. consulted   B. spotted

   C. admitted   D. donated

4. C句意为:"她说她从个人理财的课程里获益很多,但同时承认关于钱财方面的知识她还有很多东西要学。"admit意为"承认",符合句意。

题目来源:高考英语组合训练多项选择+完成句子 > 组合训练1-2


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

 A water bearer in India had two large pots. One of the pots had a crack in it,and while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water at the end of the long walk,the cracked pot arrived only half full.

  For two years this went on daily,with the water bearer delivering one and a half pots full of water to his master's house. But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection. After two years of what it had considered to be bitter failure,it spoke one day to the water bearer by the stream.

  "I am ashamed of myself,and I want to apologize to you."

  "Why?" asked the bearer. "What are you ashamed of?"

  "Because this crack in my side I have been able for these last two years to deliver only half my load. Because of my faults,you do not get full value for your efforts," the pot explained.

  The water bearer felt sorry and said, "As we return to the master's house,I want you to notice the beautiful flowers along the path."Indeed,as they went up the hill,the cracked pot took notice of the beautiful wild flowers on the side of the path,and this cheered it some. But at the end of the path,it still felt bad because it had still leaked half of its load,and so again the pot apologized to the bearer for its failure. The bearer said to the pot, "Did you notice that there were flowers only on your side of the path,but not on the other pot's side? That is because I have always known about your weakness,and I took advantage of it. I planted flower seeds on your side of the path,and every day while we walk back from the stream,you have watered them. For two years I have been able to pick those beautiful flowers to decorate my master's table. Without you being just the way you are,he would not have this beauty."

  Each of us has our own unique weakness. We are all cracked pots. But if we will allow it,the Lord will use our weakness to grace His Father's table. In God's great economy,nothing goes to waste. Don't be ashamed of your weakness. Acknowledge them,and you too can be the cause of beauty. Know that in our weakness we find our strength.

(   ) 5. How did the cracked pot feel?

   A. Desperate. B. Proud. C. Guilty. D. Faulty.

(   ) 6. The bearer was a clever person because         .

   A. he made use of the weakness of the cracked pot

   B. he picked beautiful flowers for his master every day

   C. he felt sorry for the cracked pot and tried to comfort it

   D. he carried only one and a half pot of water every day

(   ) 7. Everyone has weakness. The proper attitude towards it is to        .

   A. accept it and let it be

   B. take advantage of it

   C. do all you can to cover it up

   D. feel shameful and discouraged

(   ) 8. The underlined sentence in the last paragraph means         .

   A. nobody should waste anything

   B. everyone was born to be helpful

   C. God is saving,he won't waste anything

   D. God won't send anything to the waste station


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  Most,if not all,Chinese are financially better off thanks to over 30 years of reform and opening up. But are we any happier?

  Various surveys and rankings attempt to answer this question.

  Though sociologists have presented varying percentages based on different criteria,their answers tend to find we are generally happier,and the number of optimists rises each year.

  But each survey reveals a worrisome fact that a sizable portion,10 percent at the lowest,of respondents were not content with their lives or not hopeful about the future.

  We cannot be content with the fact that at least 130 million of our countrymen are not happy.

  Although a sense of happiness remains a luxury for many of our compatriots because of poverty,we agree financial wellbeing is not the sole determinant of happiness.

  For most of us,except the extremely rich and naturally born optimists,there simply are too many variables that may kill the feeling of happiness.

  These include,but are not limited to,rising housing prices,tight and instable job market,backbreaking schooling expenses and medical bills. 

  The most common one,however,is a low sense of security.

  An eyecatching characteristic of our economy is its high savings rate,at 46 percent now.

  Explaining the rise in savings and drop in spending in their city,Beijing municipal statisticians pointed that in the low-and-middle-income group there was too much uncertainty regarding employment,income,housing,medical situations,and education.

  How can you feel happy when you always have to brace ( = prepare) yourself for the unexpected?

  It may be beyond the government's reach,to guarantee higher income for every citizen. But it does have a burden to create an environment where all citizens can feel a reasonable level of security.

  There was an inclusive '* safety network" when the government encouraged officials to leave public offices in 1980s in attempts to downsize public service. The idea was to offer officials secure pay and benefits so they would not have to worry about guarantees after their departure from positions of power.

  It is time the government displayed similar creativity and resolve to address a much larger sense of uncertainty.

(   ) 1. The underlined word "burden" in the passage means         .

   A. a heavy load

   B. a duty or responsibility

   C. the main theme of an article

   D. capacity

(   ) 2. According to the passage,the reason that most people involved in the surveys feel unhappy is that         .

   A. they are faced with financial problems

   B. they are not naturally born optimists

   C. they are lack of sense of security

   D. they are bothered by the rising prices

(   ) 3. From the passage,we know that the high savings rate shows that        .

   A. life for most Chinese is no longer a daily struggle for basic necessities

   B. the country's social security system is incomplete

   C. the public are too busy to spend

   D. it is not easy to change this traditional custom

(   ) 4. The writer offers the example of "safety network" is to show        .

   A. the officials in China can enjoy better social welfare

   B. the advantages of a policy

   C. a way to solve the problem mentioned above

   D. it is not necessary for most people to worry about their future


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  In high school I knew a guy who wanted to become a doctor. From the seventh grade on,that was all he wanted to be. After 1       he went straight into a medical school,and 2       doctor by age 25.        I 3        such people. They know 4        where they want to go in life.

  I don't think most people have such a 5       picture of where they are going. I,for one,feel I've been 6        all my life. The only thing Fve ever had a strong 7        to do is to dance,and I've spent 8        of my life trying to do that.

  Anyway,when I was 22       ,I 9       a crisis that forced me to stop dancing. I had to take a new 10       ,and I was at a loss to what it should be. Then one morning,I started to paint. My first piece,to my 11,sold for $4,000. And over the next few years I 12       16 more paintings,most of which also sold.

  13      ,though,as I approached the 60th year of my life,that 14       of being lost in life returned. I could 15        make myself paint,and once again,I was plagued (被.... 烦忧) with 16        about whether this was really what I was 17        to be doing with my life. Perhaps my life had become dull and I was to reach into the 18        and look for a fresh direction?

  I 19       everything I owned in storage,bought a tent and a bicycle and 20        out of town. I started a journey that day―a journey around the whole country.

(   ) 1. A. school   B. graduation   C. work   D. church

(   ) 2. A. became   B. turned   C. made   D. grew

(   ) 3. A. challenge   B. like   C. love   D. envy

(   ) 4. A. really   B. exactly   C. luckily   D. specially

(   ) 5. A. clear   B. beautiful   C. complete   D. colorful

(   ) 6. A. missing   B. left   C. lost   D. remaining

(   ) 7. A. devotion   B. urge   C. sense   D. pressure

(   ) 8. A. part   B. some   C. most   D. little

(   ) 9. A. went over   B. went against   C. went up   D. went through

(   ) 10. A. way   B. road   C. direction   D. route

(   ) 11. A. surprise   B. happiness   C. excitement   D. joy

(   ) 12. A. finished   B. completed   C. collected   D. created

(   ) 13. A. Unfortunately   B. Naturally   

       C. Strangely   D. Disappointedly

(   ) 14. A. picture   B. view   C. sense   D. idea

(   ) 15. A. nearly   B. never   C. almost   D. barely

(   ) 16. A. doubts   B. questions   C. worry   D. trouble

(   ) 17. A. suggested   B. supposed   C. required   D. advised

(   ) 18. A. darkness   B. brightness   C. heaven   D. unknown

(   ) 19. A. lifted   B. put   C. took   D. carried

(   ) 20. A. rode   B. drove   C. ran   D. walked


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

 Personal finance is an increasingly complex world. There are more ways to invest money,more ways to save it,and more ways to lose it. Yet many people are more strangers to this world than they might like to admit.

  Starting young to teach financial literacy.

  In the United States,there are growing calls to do more to help young people learn skills in financial literacy. Some efforts begin in high school. But more and more information is available on the Internet,not only for young people but also for adults. The goal is to teach about budgeting,saving,investing and using money.

  The United States Financial Literacy and Education Commission was established in two thousand three. This government group supervises financial education efforts through nineteen federal agencies.

  Information on financial literacy and education can be found at its Web site. The address is My Money,gov. It includes links to agencies that deal with banking,buying a home,investing and other areas.

  The National Council on Economic Education has found that seventeen states now require high school students to take a class in economics. This number has grown from thirteen in nineteen ninetyeight.

  As of three years ago,half of all states required students to take a class in personal finance. Yet that number has fallen from twentyfive to twentytwo.

The National Council on Economic Education sells textbooks for grades four through twelve. It also offers free materials for teachers. The information is available at ncee.net.

  Teachers say parents also need to play a larger part in educating their children about money. A recent study found that seventy percent of college students said they received financial advice mainly from their parents.

Investment companies also offer information. Charles Schwab,for example,has a Web site to help parents teach their kids about money and investing.   The address is SchwabMoneyWise. com.

  One of the first tastes of financial independence that many young people get is through summer jobs. Junior Achievement is an organization that teaches young people about finance and business. It says almost threefourths of young people questioned said they planned to have a summer job.

(   ) 1. What's the goal of teaching young people financial literacy?

   A. To teach them budgeting.

   B. To teach them saving.

   C. To teach them investing and using money.

   D. All of the above.

(   ) 2. Which web site or organization can help parents teach their kids about money and investing?

   A. My Money.gov   B. ncee.net

   C. SchwabMoneyWise.com   D. Junior Achievement

(   ) 3. Which of the following is NOT true?

   A. The US Financial Literacy and Education Commission was set up in 2003.

   B. 13 states in the US required high school students to take a class in economics in 1998.

   C. 3 years ago,half of all states in the US required students to take a class in personal finance.

   D. Through summer jobs,young people can try to become independent in finance.

(   ) 4. What's the best title of the passage?

   A. Information on Financial Literacy and Education

   B. How to Get Financial Independence

   C. Starting Young to Teach Financial Literacy

   D. The Way of Earning and Saving Money


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

9. The company had to        dozens of its employees because of the sharp drop in sales.

   A. lay off   B. lay down

   C. lay out   D. lay aside


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

6. Because the shop is closing down,all the T-shirts         . (price)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3.         ,yet there was never enough money to pay the bills (as)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. Peter went to school,with        to work much harder than before (mind) Peter去上学了,他决定要比以前更加努力。

