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Take the note as a reminder_________ you forget to buy some sweets for the kids while shopping there.

A. so that B. even if C. in case D . as if




试题分析:考查连词辨析A. so that因此;B. even if即使;C. in case以防万一;D . as if好像;句意:做便条做为提醒以防购物时忘记给孩子买糖。Take sth as 把。。作为。根据文中提到while shopping there可知怕忘记,故选C项。

考点 : 考查连词辨析



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届吉林省长春市高二下期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

China is now sending more college students to study in the United States than any other country. A new report shows a 23 percent increase in the number of Chinese students coming to the U.S.

The latest edition of the annual Institute of International Education (IIE) and another US institute found a 5 percent rise in the number of international university students in the US compared to one year ago. There are now over 157, 000 Chinese students at U.S. colleges and universities.

Asia accounted for four of the top five countries and regions to take advantage of the US higher education system. “Increased numbers of students from China, particularly at the undergraduate level, largely accounts for the growth this past year,” the report stated. “They really enroll in a full range of US higher education,” said Peggy Blumenthal, senior counselor to the president of IIE, the group that made the report. “20 years ago, students from China only knew of a handful of US institutions, but now, they are enrolling in our community colleges, in our small liberal arts institutions, in the research universities. Really spread across the country,” she said.

Chinese mainland was in the number one spot, while India was the number two country of origin. South Korea was the third and Canada was number four. China’s Taiwan held the number five spot. Saudi Arabia was in sixth with a 44-percent increase, while Japan was seventh, down 14 percent.

Blumenthal associates the increase in the number of Chinese students heading to US colleges to limited university places in China, as well as a feeling from students and their parents than they want a “unique” educational experience. China’s family planning policy, says Blumenthal, has also meant that families can concentrate resources on a single child.

The University of California at Los Angeles has one of the largest Asian student populations of any college in the United States.

1. Which ranked the third place sharing US higher education?

A. Saudi ArabiaB. South Korea

C. Canada D. India

2.Why is the number of Chinese students going to the US increasing?

A. The US colleges are better than those in China.

B. Each family in China has only one child.

C. China lacks enough educational resources.

D. Chinese students can enter varieties of US colleges.

3.Which of the following is right according to Peggy Blumenthal?

A. The number of Chinese students going to the US has increased by 23%.

B. The University of California has contributed to Asian education greatly.

C. Chinese student populations in the US mainly consist of undergraduates.

D. Chinese students know more about US higher education than before.

4. The best title for the passage can be ________.

A. Chinese College Students Rush to US Schools

B. The Large Number of Chinese Students in the US

C. Chinese Students Make Up Largely Foreign Students in the US

D. Asian Middle School Students in the US Universities



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届北京市高二下期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

My father was an ill-humored man. I knew he loved me and his love was deep. He just didn’t know how to it.

One evening we went out for a night on the town.We were sitting in an elegant restaurant that had a small but lively .When it played a familiar waltz tune I decided to my father for a dance. “Dad, you know I’ve never with you before. I begged you but you wanted to. How about right now?” I waited for the refusal.But instead, he considered thoughtfully and then said, “Let’s hit the floor and I’ll you just what kind of moves an old guy like me can still make.” My father took me in his and I felt overcome by emotion. As we danced I looked up at my father carefully but he my eyes. “Dad,” I finally , tears in my eyes, “Why is it so hard for you to look at me?” At last his eyes dropped to my face.“ I love you so much.” he whispered back.I was struck dumb by his .It wasn’t what I had thought.But it was of course exactly what I needed to .I had always known that he loved me. I just hadn’t understood that his vast emotion had him and made him silent.“I love you too, Dad!” I whispered back softly.He stumbled (结结巴巴地说) over the next few words: “I’m sorry that I’m not open. It’s for me, but just remember how much I love you.” When the dance ended I excused myself to the ladies’ room and during my absence changed.When I came back, Dad sat in his chair his body leaning forward, very pale.Everything was really too late.He was .

That night all I saw was his leaning body and pale face.But it’s a totally different scene that I now.I remember his saying “I love you” and my saying it back.The three words on forever long after we are gone.

1.A.answer B.express C.mention D.understand

2.A.band B.hall C.sofa D.bar

3.A.invite B.teach C.help D.show

4.A.chatted B.sang C.danced D.stayed

5.A.still B.even C.also D.never

6.A.final B.normal C.rough D.usual

7.A.tell B.show C.ask D.explain

8.A.arms B.hands C.heart D.mind

9.A.noticed B.ignored C.avoided D.greeted

10.A.complained B.whispered C.explained D.shouted

11.A.Because B.Though C.If D.While

12.A.response B.advise C.promise D.excuse

13.A.find B.know C.hear D.think

14.A.surprised B.pleased C.inspired D.frightened

15.A.clear B.important C.impossible D.hard

16.A.everything B.something C.nothing D.anything

17.A.for B.with C.on D.from

18.A.moved B.tired C.lost D.gone

19.A.discover B.remember C.remind D.consider

20.A.depend B.carry C.live D.take



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届北京市高二下期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

When the man came in, gun in hand, we all stood there, ________.

A. astonished B. astonishing

C. being astonished D. having astonished



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届北京市高二下学期期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Everywhere I look outside my home I see people busy on their high-tech devices, while driving, walking, shopping, even sitting in toilets. When connected electronically, they are away from physical reality.

People have been influenced to become technology addicted. One survey reported that “addicted” was the word most commonly used by people to describe their relationship to iPad and similar devices. One study found that people had a harder time resisting the allure of social media than they did for sleep, cigarettes and alcohol.

The main goal of technology companies is to get people to spend more money and time on their products, not to actually improve our quality of life. They have successfully created a cultural disease. Consumers willingly give up their freedom, money and time to catch up on the latest information, to keep pace with their peers or to appear modern.

I see people trapped in a pathological(病态的)relationship with time-sucking technology, where they serve technology more than technology serves them. I call this technology servitude. I am referring to a loss of personal freedom and independence because of uncontrolled consumption of many kinds of devices that eat up time and money. 

What is a healthy use of technology devices? That is the vital question. Who is really in charge of my life? That is what people need to ask themselves if we are to have any chance of breaking up false beliefs about their use of technology. When we can live happily without using so much technology for a day or a week, then we can regain control and personal freedom, become the master of technology and discover what there is to enjoy in life free of technology. Mae West is famous for proclaiming the wisdom that “too much of a good thing is wonderful.”  But it’s time to discover that it does not work for technology.

Richard Fernandez, an executive coach at Google acknowledged that “we can be swept away by our technologies.” To break the grand digital connection people must consider how life long ago could be fantastic without today’s overused technology.

1.The underlined word “allure” in Paragraph 2 probably means ______.

A. advantage B. attraction C.adaption D. attempt

2.From the passage, technology companies aim to ______.

A. attract people to buy their products

B. provide the latest information

C. improve people’s quality of life

D. deal with cultural diseases

3.It can be inferred from this passage that people ______.

A. consider too much technology wonderful

B. have realized the harm of high-tech devices

C. can regain freedom without high-tech devices

D. may enjoy life better without overused technology

4.What’s the author’s attitude towards the overusing of high-tech devices?

A. Neutral.( 中立的) B. Doubtful

C. Disapproving.(不赞成) D. Sympathetic.(同情的)



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届北京市高二下学期期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

_____ time, the teacher had us do half of the exercises in class and complete the other half for our homework.

A. To saveB. SaveC. SavingD. Having saved



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届北京市高二下学期期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I know little about the accident because not much_________ about it up to now

A. has said B. has been said C. had said D. had been said



科目:高中英语 来源:2014高考英语疯狂冲刺倒计时:完形填空+阅读理解(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

No one knows for sure when advertising first started. It is possible that it grew out of the discovery that some people did certain kinds of work better than others did them. That led to the concept of specialization, which means that people would specialize, or focus, on doing one specific job.

Let's take a man we'll call Mr. Fielder, for example. He did everything connected with farming. He planted seeds, tended the fields, and harvested and sold his crops. At the same time, he did many other jobs on the farm. However, he didn't make the bricks for his house, cut his trees into boards, make the plows(犁), or any of the other hundreds of things a farm needs. Instead, he got them from people who specialized in doing each of those things.

Suppose there was another man we shall call Mr. Plowright. Using what he knew about farming and working with iron, Mr. Plowright invented a plow that made farming easier. Mr. Plowright did not really like farming himself and wanted to specialize in making really good plows. Perhaps, he thought, other farmers will trade what they grow for one of my plows.

How did Mr. Plowright let people know what he was doing? Why, he advertised, of course. First he opened a shop and then he put up a sign outside the shop to attract customers. That sign may have been no more than a plow carved into a piece of wood and a simple arrow pointing to the shop door. It was probably all the information people needed to find Mr. Plowright and his really good plows.

Many historians believe that the first outdoor signs were used about five thousand years ago. Even before most people could read, they understood such signs. Shopkeepers would carve into stone, clay, or wood symbols for the products they had for sale.

A medium, in advertising talk, is the way you communicate your message. You might say that the first medium used in advertising was signs with symbols. The second medium was audio, or sound, although that term is not used exactly in the way we use it today. Originally, just the human voice and maybe some kind of simple instrument, such as a bell, were used to get people's attention.

A crier, in the historical sense, is not someone who weeps easily. It is someone, probably a man, with a voice loud enough to be heard over the other noises of a city. In ancient Egypt, shopkeepers might hire such a person to spread the news about their products. Often this earliest form of advertising involved a newly arrived ship loaded with goods. Perhaps the crier described the goods, explained where they came from, and praised their quality. His job was, in other words, not too different from a TV or radio commercial in today's world.

1.What probably led to the start of advertising?

A.The discovery of iron.

B. The specialization of labor.

C.The appearance of new jobs.

D.The development of farming techniques.

2.To advertise his plows, Mr. Plowright ________.

A.praised his plows in public

B.placed a sign outside the shop

C.hung an arrow pointing to the shop

D.showed his products to the customers

3.The writer makes up the two stories of Mr. Fielder and Mr. Plowright in order to ________.

A.explain the origin of advertising

B.predict the future of advertising

C.expose problems in advertising

D.provide suggestions for advertising

4.In ancient Egypt, a crier was probably someone who ________.

A.owned a ship

B.had the loudest voice

C.ran a shop selling goods to farmers

D.functioned like today's TV or radio commercial

5.The last two paragraphs are mainly about ________.

A.the history of advertising

B.the benefits of advertising

C.the early forms of advertising

D.the basic design of advertising



科目:高中英语 来源:2014高考英语疯狂冲刺倒计时:单项填空+完形填空+阅读理解1(解析版) 题型:完型填空

One day, our teacher, Mr. Sims, announced that the destination of the seventh?grade field trip would be the amusement park. The classroom buzzed with ____ as the girls discussed what they would wear and what they should bring with them. I sat back and listened, ____ that my parents did not have the money to send me. It made me ____ to feel so left?out. But not Danny. He ____ told everyone that he wouldn't be going. When Mr. Sims asked him why, Danny stood up and ____, “It's too much money for me right now. My dad hurt his back and has been out of ___ for a while. I can't ask my parents for money.”

Sitting back down in his seat, Danny held his head up proudly, even though ____ had begun. I could only shrink in my ____, and surely those whispers must be about me if they found out I would not be going either.

“Danny, I'm very proud of you for understanding the ____ that your parents are in. Not every student of your ____ has that ability,” Mr. Sims replied.

___ not everyone accepted Danny after that day, he won ____the respect of many of us. I was especially ____ by how he didn't back down under peer pressure. For so long, I could never ____ to my friends that I couldn't afford to go there. ___, in order to continue to ___ in, I lied about why I couldn't do things and ____ with excuse after excuse.

By standing up and admitting he was poor, Danny changed my life. His self?confidence made it ____ for all of us to understand that what his parents had or didn't have did not ____ who he was. After that, I no longer felt I had to lie about my family's situation. And Danny, ____ because of his courage and honesty than his great looks, is someone I will never forget.

1.A.amazement B.excitement

C.disappointment D.encouragement

2.A.sensing B.knowing C.finding D.saying

3.A.depressed B.worried C.unsatisfied D.scared

4.A.gladly B.shyly C.simply D.rudely

5.A.shouted B.complained C.lied D.stated

6.A.work B.duty C.order D.control

7.A.teaching B.debating C.whispering D.understanding

8.A.shadow B.coat C.desk D.seat

9.A.situation B.pain C.danger D.trouble

10.A.class B.age C.grade D.group

11.A.Since B.As C.Unless D.Although

12.A.up B.out C.over D.back

13.A.shocked B.persuaded C.impressed D.confused

14.A.announce B.admit C.apologize D.prove

15.A.However B.Otherwise C.Instead D.Also

16.A.join B.take C.give D.fit

17.A.came up B.broke up C.put up D.got up

18.A.harder B.easier C.clearer D.better

19.A.conclude B.show C.determine D.cause

20.A.rather B.other C.better D.more


