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[1]Although known as an extraordinarily successful businessman, Warren Buffet comes off as a pretty ordinary person.

[2]Looking back on his childhood, one can see how serious he was about making money. Buffet used to go door-to-door and sell soda pop. Later, he also worked at his grandfather’s grocery store. At the ripe age of 11, Buffet bought his first stock(股票). When his family moved to Washington D.C., Buffet became a paperboy for The Washington Post. While still in school, he was making $175 a month, a full-time wage for many young men.

[3]From the beginning, Buffet made his fortune from investing. He started with all the money that he had made from selling pop, delivering papers and so on. Between 1950 and l956, he grew his $9, 800 to $14, 000.From there, he organized investment partnerships with his family and friends, and then gradually drew in more people through very attractive terms.

[4]Buffet applied to Harvard Business School but , making it to be one of the worst admission decisions in Harvard history. The outcome ended up affecting Buffet’s life deeply, for he ended up attending Columbia Business School, where he studied under Benjamin Graham, the father of securities analysis who provided the foundation for Buffet’s grand success.

[5]Buffet is a person of habit—same house, same office, same city. He doesn’t collect houses or cars or works of art, and he hates companies that waste money on such goods. Instead, he has established the Buffet Foundation, with a detailed plan on how to invest his money more wisely to society.

1.What kind of person is Buffet according to Paragraph 1? (no more than 10 words)


2.What does the writer intend to tell us in Paragraph 2? (no more than 10 words)


3.According to Paragraph 3, how did Buffet start his investment? (no more than 10 words)


4.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 4 with proper words. (no more than 3 words)


5.Explain the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5.



1.He is an extraordinarily successful but pretty ordinary person.

2.From childhood, Buffet was serious /wise enough to make money.

或How Buffet made money even when he was young.

3.With all the money that he had made before

4.was turned down / was not admitted/was not successful /was refused / failed.

5.He dislikes change或 He doesn’t like change或 He was not willing to change.


试题分析:本文介绍了商业天才Warren Buffet的个人成长之路

1. 第一段说明他是一个事业上 很成功的商业天才,但是他也是从一个普通人慢慢成长起来的。

2. 第二段中描述了从很小的时候,他就开始自己挣钱,11岁就投资股票,送报纸等等。这些都说明他在努力挣钱。

3. 根据He started with all the money that he had made from selling pop, delivering papers and so on可知他把以前挣得钱都用来投资了。

4. 根据but可知表示转折,也就是他没有被哈佛录取,这也许哈佛历史上最糟糕的一场录取了

5. 根据下一句same house, same office, same city.可知他要住同一个房子,同样的办公室,都说明他是一个不愿意改变的人。



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届广东省广州市高三上学期第一次质量检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Stage fright or performance anxiety is the anxiety, or fear which may occur in an individual by the requirement to perform in front of an audience. It is most commonly seen in school situations, like stand-up projects and class speeches. It has numerous forms: heart beating fast, trembling hands and legs, sweaty hands, dry mouth etc.

In fact, most of the fear occurs before you step on stage. Once you’re up there, it usually goes away. Thus, it is a phenomenon that you must learn to control. Try to think of stage fright in a positive way. It heightens your energy, adds color to your cheeks. With these good side effects you will actually look healthier and more physically attractive.

Many of the top performers in the world get stage fright so you are in good company. Stage fright may come and go or decrease, but it usually does not disappear permanently. You must concentrate on getting the feeling out and present what you have prepared calmly.

Remember “Nobody” ever died from stage fright. But, according to surveys, many people would rather die than give a speech. If that applies to you, and you are an unlucky guy who is with stage fright the whole time, try out some of the strategies(策略) as follows to help get yourself under control. Realize that you may never overcome stage fright, but you can learn to control it, and use it to your advantage.

Strategies are as follows when the program begins:

1) If legs are trembling, lean on table or shift legs or move.

2) Don’t hold notes. The audience can see them shake. Use three-by-five cards instead.

3) Use eye contact. Look at the friendliest faces in the audience.

Remember nervousness doesn’t show one-tenth as much as it feels. Before each presentation, make a short list of the items you think will make you feel better. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different combinations. You never know which ones will work best until you try. Use these steps to control stage fright so it doesn’t control you. Once you are used to stage fright, you will find you on the road to a great speech-maker.

1.Someone may be most likely to suffer from stage fright when he/she is ______.

A. attending an English class

B. standing in a classroom

C. watching a performance

D. talking in front of people

2.By thinking of stage fright in a positive way, one could ______.

A. learn to control stage fright

B. get rid of stage fright

C. calm down before stepping on stage

D. become more physically attractive

3.Which of the following is true?

A. Top performers usually suffer from stage fright.

B. Stage fright may stay with a person for a life time.

C. Nobody would rather die than give a speech.

D. No one can overcome or control stage fright.

4.The author advises people with stage fright to ______.

A. show one-tenth of their nervousness

B. experiment with different kinds of stage fright

C. refer to the strategies whenever they feel the need

D. use one of the strategies each time

5.The passage mainly talks about ______.

A. how to deal with stage fright

B. what stage fright is like

C. when stage fright occurs

D. why people have stage fright



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届山西省忻州市高三上学期第一次四校联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Have you ever heard of a great Chilean poet? He was once referred to as the Picasso of poetry. Beloved by Chileans of all classes, he is one of the most widely read and respected poets in history. And this year is the 110th birthday of Pablo Neruda (1904-1973).

Born with the name Neftali Ricardo Reyes Basolto, he was a tall, shy and lonely boy. He loved to read and started to write poetry when he was ten. The American poet Walt Whitman, whose framed picture Neruda later kept on his table, became a major influence on his work.

However, his father did not like the idea of having a poet for a son and tried to discourage him from writing. To cover up the publication of his first poem, he took the pen name Pablo Neruda.

In 1924 Neruda gained fame with his most widely read work “Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair’’. Yet his rich experience as a diplomat and exile made him go beyond the theme of love. His work also reflected the political struggle of the left and development of South America. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1971.

Neruda loved the sea which he saw as creative, destructive and forever moving. He found inspiration in the power and freedom of the waves and the seabirds on the coast. “I need the sea because it teaches me,” he wrote. “I move in the university of the waves.” He loved how the sea forever renewed itself, a renewal echoed (共鸣) in his work.

1.The underlined word “Picasso” can probably be replaced by “________”.

A. poem fan

B. most important person

C. famous person from Picasso

D. freedom fighter in Picasso

2. Neftali Ricardo Reyes Basolto took the pen name Pablo Neruda because ________.

A. he was greatly influenced by other poets

B. literary greats usually used the pen name

C. his father encouraged him to use the name

D. he wanted to prevent his father knowing the publication

3.Which of the following is not the theme of his works?

A. Social reform. B. Love.

C. Political struggle. D. Development of South America.

4.The last paragraph mainly tells us ________.

A. Neruda loved to write his poems near the sea

B. the sea gave Neruda vast writing inspiration

C. the beautiful scenery along the Chile coast

D. Neruda’s poems were widely read overseas



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届山西省高二下期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

If you want to stay young, sit down and have a good think. This is the research finding of a team of Japanese doctors, who say that most of our brains are not getting enough exercise—and as a result, we are aging unnecessarily soon.

Professor Taiju Matsuzawa wanted to find out why otherwise healthy farmers in northern Japan appeared to be losing their ability to think and reason at a relatively early age, and how the process of aging could be slowed down.

With a team of colleagues at Tokyo National University, he set about measuring brain volumes of a thousand people of different ages and varying occupations.

Computer technology enabled the researchers to obtain precise measurements of the volume of the front and side sections of the brain, which relate to intellect (智能) and emotion, and determine the human character. (The rear section of the brain, which controls functions like eating and breathing, does not contract with age, and one can continue living without intellectual or emotional faculties.)

Contraction of front and side parts—as cells die off—was observed in some subjects in their thirties, but it was still not evident in some sixty- and seventy-year-olds.

Matsuzawa concluded from his tests that there is a simple remedy to the contraction normally associated with age—using the head. The findings show in general terms that contraction of the brain begins sooner in people in the country than in the towns. Those least at risk, says Matsuzawa, are lawyers, followed by university professors and doctors. White collar workers doing routine work in government offices are, however, as likely to have shrinking brains as the farm worker, bus driver and shop assistant. Matsuzawa’s findings show that thinking can prevent the brain from shrinking. Blood must circulate properly in the head to supply the fresh oxygen the brain cells need. “The best way to maintain good blood circulation is through using the brain,” he says, “Think hard and engage in conversation. Don’t rely on pocket calculators.”

1.The team of doctors wanted to find out ________.

why certain people age sooner than others

B. how to make people live longer

C. the size of certain people’s brains

D. which people are most intelligent

2.On what are their research findings based?

A survey of farmers in northern Japan.

B. Tests performed on a thousand old people.

C. The study of brain volumes of different people

D. The latest development of computer technology.

3.The word “subjects” in Paragraph 5 means ________.

something to be considered

B. branches of knowledge studied

C. persons chosen to be studied in an experiment

D. any member of a state except the supreme ruler.

4.According to the passage, which people seem to age slower than the others?

A. Lawyers. B. Farmers.

C. Clerks. D. Shop assistants.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届山西省高二5月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Space is where our future is — trips to the Moon, Mars and beyond. Most people would think that aside from comets(彗星) and stars, there is little else out there. But, since our space journey started we have left so much trash(垃圾) there that scientists are now concerned that if we don't clean it up, we may all be in mortal (致命的)danger.

The first piece of space junk was created in 1964, when the American satellite Vanguard I stopped operating and lost its connection with the ground center. However, since it kept orbiting around the Earth without any consequences, scientists became increasingly comfortable abandoning things that no longer served any useful purpose in space.

It is estimated that there are now over 500,000 pieces of man-made trash orbiting the Earth at speeds of up to 17,500 miles per hour. The junk varies from tiny pieces of paint chipped off rockets to cameras, huge fuel tanks, and even odd items like the million-dollar tool kit that astronaut Heidemarie Stefanyshyn Piper lost during a spacewalk.

The major problem with the space trash is that it may hit working satellites and damage traveling spacecraft(飞船). Moreover, pieces of junk may collide(碰撞) with each other and break into pieces which fall back to the Earth. To avoid this, scientists have invented several ways for clearing the sky. Ground stations have been built to monitor larger pieces of space trash to prevent them from crashing into working satellites or space shuttles. Future plans include a cooperative effort among many nations to stop littering in space and to clean up the trash already there.

1.What was the first piece of man-made space trash­?

A. A camera.B. A tool kit.

C. A fuel tank. D. A broken satellite.

2.Why were scientists NOT concerned about space trash in the beginning?

A. It no longer served any useful purpose.

B. It was millions of miles away from the Earth.

C. It did not cause any problems.

D. It was regarded as similar to comets and stars.

3.Which of the following statements is true about space junk?­

A. It is huge, heavy machines.

B. It never changes position.

C. It floats slowly around the Earth.

D. It may cause problems for space shuttles.

4.What has been done about the space trash problem­?

A. Scientists have cleaned up most of the trash.

B. Large pieces of space trash are being closely watched.

C. Many nations have worked together to stop polluting space.

D. Ground stations are built to help store the trash properly in space.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届山东高三上学期月考(1)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

An Israeli law banning too skinny models went into effect with the start of 2013. The law, approved last March in Israel, requires models to prove they have maintained a Body Mass Index (BMI) of at least 18.5 for three months before a fashion show. That means a woman who is 5'8''tall can weigh no less than 119 pounds.

“This law is another step in the war against eating disorders,” said physician Adatto. “Underweight models,” he explained, “can no longer serve as role models for innocent young people who copy their false image of being skinny.”

But some critics in this country say it is misguided, focusing on weight instead of health. They also say the Israeli ban is bound to fail because of the strong power of the fashion industry. “I think it’s an approach that isn’t going to work.” Said eating disorder expert Susan Ice, who worked with an organization which creates a healthy working environment for models.

But Adatto told the reporter that he began to concern the issue after meeting an ambitious model who looked like she needed to be hospitalized. He said. “I realized that only legislation can change the situation. There was no time to waste, so many girls were dieting to death.”

However, the efforts to regulate models’ weight in Spain and Italy have not resulted in significant changes in part because of difficulties in determining reliable methods of measuring weight and health.

Still, folks including Ice say there’s no denying that images from Hollywood and the fashion industry can be difficult for young women to deal with. “Certainly I don't believe the modeling industry has caused the rise in eating disorders, but it makes it harder,” she says. “It’s a difficult recovery environment, worshiping thinness as the beauty ideal.”

1.What does BMI in the first paragraph refer to?

A. A measure of body health based on height and weight.

B. A worldwide prize for the healthiest model.

C. A new show held by those skinny models.

D. A kind of medicine to cure eating disorders.

2.One benefit the new Israeli law may bring is ________.

A. to change the working conditions of models

B. to lower the chance of skinny models’ death

C. to prevent models from suffering from eating disorders

D. to provide guidance for women worshiping thinness

3.In the opinion of the critics, the law won’t succeed because .

A. it misleads young women to form a bad eating habit

B. the fashion industry is much too influential

C. it doesn’t provide a proper approach that can work well

D. it doesn’t create a healthy working environment for models

4.What caused Adatto to think that a law was needed to change the situation?

A. Establishing his fashion model agent.

B. Meeting an ambitious but too skinny model.

C. Being interviewed by a reporter.

D. Seeing a model die from eating disorders.

5.According to the passage, the new Israeli law banning skinny models is .

A.practical B.acceptable

C. reasonable D.Controversial



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届山东高三上学期月考(1)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Tom felt ______ when he had the interview because he was not well prepared for it.

A. energetic B. nervous

C. enthusiastic D. cautious



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届山东省德州市高二下学期期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

When I was about 10, I was walking down the street with my mother. She stopped to speak to Mr. Lee. I knew I could see Mr. Lee anytime around the neighborhood, so I just stood there. After we passed him, my mother stopped and said something unforgettable, "You let that be the last time you ever walk by somebody you know without opening your mouth to speak, because even a dog can wag its tail when it passes you on the street. "That sentence sounds simple but it made me become who I am.

At work, I used to say hello to the president of the company and ask him how our business was doing. But I also spoke to the people in the cafe and people who cleaned the buildings, and asked them how their children were doing, for every single person deserves to be accepted, no matter how humble(低微的)they are. I remember that after a few years of passing by the president, I had the courage to ask him for a chat. We had a great talk. At some point, when I asked him how far he thought I could go in his company, he said that if I wanted to, I could get all the way to his seat.

I've become vice-president, but that hasn't changed how I treat people. I speak to people wherever I am. Speaking to people creates a pathway into their world, and it lets them come into mine, too.

The day you speak to someone who has his head down and then see him lift it up and smile, you will realize how powerful it is just to open your mouth and say hello.

1.What is the best title for this passage?

A. The power of being talkative

B. My mother's influence on me

C. The power of saying hello

D. My way to become vice-president

2. It is implied in the first paragraph that .

A. the writer didn't like Mr. Lee

B. the writer didn't say hello to Mr. Lee on that occasion

C. the writer didn't get along well with his mother

D. the writer's mother stopped to say hello to everyone she met

3. What can we learn from the second paragraph?

A. The writer didn't say hello to everyone in the company.

B. The writer made a very good impression on the president of the company.

C. The president of the company thought the writer was much better than him.

D. The president of the company actually didn't like the writer at all.

4.For the writer, saying hello to others .

A. is a way to get what he wants

B. has become a habit and a way of life

C. is a way to show respect for his mother

D. is important in making him remembered

5.According to Paragraph 3, in the writer’s opinion, speaking to others can .

A. make our world much better

B. make people much happier every day

C. help people understand each other better

D. help people work much better



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届安徽铜陵第五中学高二下学期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达

从南京“彭宇案”开始,社会就陷入“助人恐惧”中,最近,你们班就“是否应该帮助陌生人”展开了讨论,同学们就这一话题意见不一,你的看法如何?你认为怎样才能让爱心回归社会,建立人与人之间的信任?请根据讨论结果,以“Should We Help Strangers?” 为题写一篇短文












注意: 1.词数120左右; 2.开头已写好,不计入总词数;3.覆盖所有要点,适当发挥;

参考词汇: 美德 virtue

Should We Help Strangers?

We used to appreciate those who like to help strangers. But nowadays people tend to be very cautious of helping strangers. Recently our class had a discussion about whether we should help strangers._______________


